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More bunnies=better bunnies

Cats/dogs/hamsters/etc work too I guess


And for the love of God don't look through my PB. It will most likely cause you to experience Vehement Rage due to the lack of manly artwork and junk. Probably.

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One day I will have more to link. Probably in a week or so.

In fact pretty much anything Lumi has drawn in the last half a year qualifies, but these three have particular value.

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In fact pretty much anything Lumi has drawn in the last half a year qualifies, but these three have particular value.

Obviously, the most important thing in the second image are those two bunnies in the background. TOTALLY

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Well, of course. I mean, they're what makes the picture, man. What seperates it from normal things. And stuff.

This is why Lumi is objectively better than Van Gogh; more goddamn rabbits.

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