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Pokemon BlazeBlack / VoltWhite


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BB & VW are two Pokemon B/W hacks (more like edits, actually) made by Drayano. Basically, he's changed the base stats and movesets of a lot of Pokemon and has made them much more useful (ex: Farfetch'd, Corsola, Glalie, etc...). He's also changed which items you can find in certain areas and what TM's you'll get from whomever, and he's made every single Pokemon available, spreading them out into certain routes and areas. It's really fun and much better than the regular B/W in my opinion. Have any of you played it? If you haven't, then you're missing out!

(If you want to know more just google the names of the two hacks.)

Right now I'm doing a Bug-types Only playthrough on VoltWhite and I'd say I'm doing pretty well on it so far~

Here's my team:

Beedrill lv. 24

Beautifly lv. 25

Parasect lv. 24

Wormadam (Trash Forme) lv. 24

I'm thinking of getting either Mothim, Vespiquen, Ledian, Swadloon, or Ariados as my last two team members, though I'm not really sure... D:

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You forgot to mention that it's significantly harder than any regular Pokemon game, as are all his hacks. Thought Lenora was hard in the regular game? Try beating her with a team of six, including a Bouffalant. And did I mention it's a Double Battle now? Enjoy your double Retaliates.

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You forgot to mention that it's significantly harder than any regular Pokemon game, as are all his hacks. Thought Lenora was hard in the regular game? Try beating her with a team of six, including a Bouffalant. And did I mention it's a Double Battle now? Enjoy your double Retaliates.

And the Striaton trio are now Rotation Battles as well! Pretty hard if you ask me.

And holy shit don't even get me started on Burgh. His Bug-types are actually pretty deadly, especially his Masquerain.

Edited by Esme
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I'm currently doing a video playthrough of Volt White, and it is indeed harder than the regular games. Nuzlocke players have it even worse.

@Esme: The Straiton Trio are rotation battles. The Skyla battle is triple. Edited by BLS
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Think Lenora's bad? Just wait until you face Burgh. Starts off with an Intimidate Vespiquen with Acrobatics, and a Bug/Water Masquerain with Scald and Silver/Icy Wind. If that isn't bad enough, then Scolipede is even faster than usual and can Rock Slide you. Heracross (with Flame Orb Guts) and Yanmega help wreck things too, and it's really something when Leavanny is the least of your problems. Hope you have a Flying type, a Fire type and a Rock type!

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Hope you have a Flying type, a Fire type and a Rock type!

Even with those types there's still a chance he can kick your ass! Especially with that Masquerain. Ugh, that thing was scary.

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I tried it but couldn't get it to patch right, but it seemed really interesting so this post has made me contemplate trying to get it to work again.

Patching it should be really easy: stick the ROM in the same folder, then double-click the .bat file that fits your version. At least, that's how easy it was for me...

And for what it's worth, I had to get a Gyarados for Burgh. Yes, you will probably die horribly without one.

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@Venasaur yeah I know I use a similar patching style for the FE12 Translation, I figured I just had a bad ROM (which seemed to be the case) but I guess I was too lazy back then to look into getting a good one. Thanks to this post I got a good one, patched it, and am going to stick it onto my DS to play during school (then show my friends who will be like WHAT?! WHEN DID POKEMON GET SO HARD?!!!!)

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I'm getting a message that says "the save data could not be accessed. Please turn the power off and reinsert the game card".

Any idea what I did wrong or how to fix it?

If I recall correctly, in the Documentation folder there should be some Action Replay codes that can fix that. If that doesn't work then you should probably just google it

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Got it to work, and I'm enjoying it so far. I can't seem to get the code to get the "special" encounters, like the shaking grass, to work though. Anyone have a suggestion on how to get that to work?

EDIT: Nevermind, got it.

Edited by frat_tastic
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Is there any areas where I can find an Eevee?

Look at the Pokemon Locations in your documentations folder. Eevee should be there.

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