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I might redo Part 3 because im ashamed of my TC of 3-1. I blame shinon. Also, isnt the 5 turn of the desert super rig-needy? >.> I tried it and was surprised at how unreliable everything was. But that could be due to bio. Is rhys in good bio in that map? Also, miccy doesnt ORKO some enemies in the desert >.>. Probably the same with rhys.

Edited by PKL
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Rhys does ORKO everything because he doesn't have loltier 2 caps like Miccy. His defense is also pretty decent, like 17 or so. Miccy's stuck at like 30 mag and 25 speed, lol so she misses KOs by like 4 HP or so.

Also, don't restart. If we tie, then we both get the same amount of points, I think. I don't think I can get lower than 198 either.

Edited by CR-S01
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Lol with those plans i think u beat me by 2 turns. I will forever draft elincia from now on xD. That penalty hurts.

... God what kind of sorcery is this... 193 turns and he keeps saying it can go lower ;_; I have no hope now...

We should ban pkl he's the haar of drafters

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I don't care if PKL beats me at this point, I just want to finish.

4-P - 2 turns

I did the aforementioned Rhys drop in the middle, Sigrun cantoing out of range, and Sigrun mopped up stragglers. Miccy killed everything else. Volug's also on mop-up duty.

4-1 - 5 turns

I sent Ike, Boyd, and Calill here. They're all ORKO machines. Ike goes down and torches, and everything else dies.

4-2 - 6 turns

With Fiona, Astrid, and Nealuchi, a 6 turn is pretty unreliable. Reyson helped quite a bit and I had to put him in danger several times but he dodges and usually doesn't get doubled, and Astrid takes one side to herself with +mt card forged javelins and Fiona and Neal team up because Fiona sucks. I had a huge amount of BEXP dump just for this chapter, which paid off on Astrid. It made Fiona better, she can double everything, but her strength is sort of lagging. Nealuchi heads back for the reinforcement warriors. Celerity!Astrid made this possible. Lots of sols.

4-3 - 5 turns

Not as hard as I thought it would be. Rhys is a huge powerhouse here and I didn't really have to reset for dodges with his resolve. Micaiah goes right as always and gets Stefan, Sigrun lols at the sand. Volug also lols at the sand and dat SS strike :B): Leanne helps as always.

4-4 - 7 turns

Calilllllll. She's better here than she was in the desert. She meteors two of the doors up top and she also opens the bottom one. Boyd kills everything as always and Ike thankfully dodged the sleep staffer because he's really res blessed. Like 18 or something. Then the sleep staff bishop goes for Boyd once he's in range :dry:

4-5 - 3 turns

Fiona and Astrid go up to clear the laguz in the way, Fiona got beastfoe for this, and Nealuchi is vigored by Reyson so he can go up further. Neal kills a laguz blocking Izuka and cantos back, celerity!Reyson vigors him. Neal kills Izuka. I thought I had to sacrifice Reyson for this but I guess not. He had to stay out of range of the laguz though.

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Yeah, iirc.

4-E-1 - 3 turns

4-E-2 - 1 turn hammer

4-E-3 - 1 turn ena

4-E-4 - 1 turn shove

4-E-5 - 3 turns

There you go. 199 turns, if I counted correctly

Edited by CR-S01
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I had the potential to beat you, CR. But im not gonna restart just to beat you. Its a dick move. We tied, if I completed the final chapter in 3 turns, which is really likely haha. I wish i knew the 2 turn of 4-P. But hey, at least I 2 turned 4-E-1 thanks to makalulz and sanaki, yes sanaki! Details and TCs when i finish...someday.

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For 4-P, Micaiah goes east and does everything there. Volug/Rhys clear the enemies up top that block the bridge, then Sigrun rescues Rhys and cantos to get vigored by Leanne. Then Sigrun drops Rhys in enemy range so everything suicides into him then she cantos out of range.

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4-P 3 turns. Tanith up with forges, adept and vantage. Miccy in the middle. Sanaki southeast to the bow pallies. Easy. 4-1 4 turns. Boots ike with torch and paragon goes down, one turn better than usual thanks to the boots making him able to keep the first priest revealed in turn 2. Soren took east. Zihark took west and finished the chapter by killing all the reinforcements there with tempest blade in EP. 4-2 6 turns. Celerity makalulz with hand axe forges and pass neph with help from reyson. Leo helped a bit at the start but the stayed back for reinforcements. 4-3 6 turns. Bahaha i suck and couldnt figure out the 5 turn. Tanith flies and kills stuf. Miccy recruited stefan for vague katti and sanaki did most of the work. sothe helped a bit. 4-4 6 turns. See: meteor and blizzard shenanigans. Tormod is amazing. Soren helped ike up there. Zihark took the doors mostly, after my mages did their thang with blizzard/meteor. Rafiel kept helping zihark get to where he needed to and helped tormod a bit at some parts. Vika traded tormod's meteor for another tome so he could counter a crucial thunder mage at some point but her canto kept her from being attacked. 4-5 2 turns. Easy as hell. Leo and Neph form a 2 person wall near the trees so reyson can move in between them and use a stone. Makalulz distracted enemies. Eli recruited volke. tibarn and all 3 of them hid. Next turn, makalulz comes back to neph and leo and hand axes a cat in the way. Leo then moves and lughnasadhs a cat. Neph then shoves him. Reyson vigors both of them and moves left. Neph then smites leo and he kills izuka. 4-E-1 2 turns. Pass sanaki passes through the generals to the right. Makalulz ike neph and zihark take center. Rafiel vigoring them. Pass ike kills hetzel. Mak kills the sleep bishop after neph and zihark did their thing. Soren opens the way so Leo can kill the double bow guy from the right and send the silencer to convoy to equip double bow. Sothe with stilness rescues rafiel. Tanith killed blizzard sage. geo and miccy stay out of range of enemies. A lot of generals SD on EP to adept zihark and adept neph and sanaki. Most mages SD to Ike. Tanith also killed a lot of mages. Tanith then killed a pacifist bishop in the center. Zihark killed a general next to hetzel so makalulz could hammer kill lekain and canto towards his generals. Ike passes and equips hammer for hetzel's generals. Tormod meteors a sniper to the right so sanaki could pass and take its place and kill the physic bishop there. Geoffrey grabs rafiel from sothe. And sothe kills the bolting sage with peshkatz. Neph impales the last gen in the middle. Miccy uses purge on a general to the left to weaken him for leo. Soren kills the left brave! using general. Leo 3 ranges the priest with double bow. On EP, the general SDs to leo. Sanaki kills the 2 generals to the right. Makalulz hammered lekains generals. GG 4-E-2 1 turn. Soren ORKOs levail with blizzard. Tormod stands in a cover tile in the center and kills a halberdier, rafiel vigors gim and he equips bolganone, tanith rescues raf and cantos. Tormod got to SS fire on EP and ike finished BK. Sucess. 4-E-3 1 turn. Wyrmslayer tanith did 30 dmg and cantos. Ike does 40 damage after trading it. Makalulz trades it and zihark finishes him. Required rafiel and some shoves on him. 4-E-4 1 turn. Soren gets to rescue rank with arms scrolls in chapter prep. Soren rescues stuff t shove/kill spirits. Parity wishblade tanith severly wounded lehran, leaving him with 12 HP. Leo could only do 11 damage normally but thank God I had a plan since the beginning. That zihark and leo support that didnt make sense? It made leo do 13 dmg instead. Gwahahah. I also couldve just bexp'd leo's str but this was way cooler. I might have some free time later today to finish this :). Keyword: might

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;_; why did my wii stop working... I could be procrastinating by doing something useful instead of you know, thinking on doing my homework but not doing it...

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Finished! 4-E-5 3 turns.

Gareth survived ashera in a wardwood tile with 7 hp. Zihark with parity VK is amazing as are the mages at taking off cover auras. The rest were done in by leo neph tanith and makalulz. Ashera got wtfpwned by ike.

MVPs: 1-P- Micaiah, 1-1 Leonardo, 1-2 Leo, 1-3 Sothe, 1-4 Sothe, 1-5 Sothe, 1-6 Sothe, 1-7 Zihark, 1-8 Sothe, 1-9 Micaiah, 1-E Micaiah, 2-P nealuchi, 2-1 Neph, 2-2 nealuchi, 2-3 geoffrey, 2-E nephenee, 3-P Soren, 3-1 Soren, 3-2 Neph, 3-3 Neph, 3-4 Ike, 3-5 Soren, 3-6 Sothe, 3-7 Neph, 3-8 Soren, 3-9 Geoffrey, 3-10 Neph, 3-11 Tanith, 3-12 Zihark, 3-13 Leonardo, 3-E Soren, 4-P tanith, 4-1 Ike, 4-2 Makalov, 4-3 Sanaki, 4-4 Ike, 4-5 Leonardo, 4-E-1 Ike, 4-E-2 Tormod, 4-E-3 Leonardo, 4-E-4 Nephenee.

TC confirmation with epilogue:

5 4 5 6 7 6 6 5 4 4 5= 57 part 1.

9 5 4 5 1 = 24 +4 elincia penalty = 28 -1 defend map = 27 part 2.

Total = 84.

8 7 3 8 7 1 7 13 4 4 5 4 3 2 4 = 80 -1 defend map = 79 for part 3. total= 163.

3 4 6 6 6 2 2 1 1 1 3 = 35 part 4.

Final TC = 198. Woot!


Gareth 0 W hahaha gareth is so bad,

Lehran 0 W thanks lehran for that ashera staff,

Geoffrey 16 W great performance in his maps and then he was useful as a "takebot" for rafiel in endgame map 1 and blessed a much unneeded brave lance,

Tormod 40 W useful for all his existence,

Sanaki 46 W Mini calill is amazing, also extremely underrated,

Leonardo 58 W pure utility unit, 2 turned the crap outta ike,

Makalov 60 W underrated as hell, once hes promoted, he laughs at this game with axe forges and 9 move hammer,

Tanith 75 W flier awesomeness her bio is amazing,

Micaiah 80 W invaluable for part 1 meh for part 4 though.

5th Zihark 117 B 95 W this guy is awesome when early promoted in 3-6, he only capped spd str and skl but who cares?, 4th Sothe 138 B 116 W lol always in my MVPs thanks brothe,

3rd Soren 197 B 142 W This guy is soooo underrated in drafts. His meteor shenanigans are way too good to pass up,

2nd Ike 197 B 142 W lol ike at least he didnt steal the spotlight as usual and.....

.....1st Nephenee 192 B 148 W. Best character EVER! Couldnt have done it without her!

Edited by PKL
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