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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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I knew Damon was a sweetie. In his own way, anyway. And do I see Princess x Damon at the end there? XD

I plan on developing on Damon's character. As well as the relationship between Princess and Masu. Nothing brings two people closer together than something that tears them apart. XD

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Nice chapter. It's still kind of odd for me to think of Damon as an ally, ah well. I'll give it some time.

he was never a bad guy. He was just trying to get Lyle back in TQFTHH.

.................that is all.

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he was never a bad guy. He was just trying to get Lyle back in TQFTHH.

.................that is all.

It's not that I thought he was bad. I just didn't expect him to join, is all. I actually suspected him to be the reason Lyle left.

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BTW, Serene, I haven't forgotten that you're in it. I just know how I'm going to put you back in, but I'm no where near that point right now.

You know I wouldn't have minded it anyways

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New Episode: Please....Call me Zeek

*The troupe sits on the boat. The water splashing on the side as it rocks in the waves. Luckily the sky is blue. Everyone is fine as of right now, except for Masu, who Nightmare knocked out after one too many ‘I told you so’s.*

Raven: So Idus, how do you know Lyle?

Idus: I’m a member of The Demonclaw syndicate. Well, former member anyway. But I traveled with him for a while.

Nightmare: That explains your skill with the blade. And your unique feature.

Idus: I try not to rely to heavily on my wings. They’re fragile.

Raven: Wait, if you’re a member of the Demonclaw syndicate, can’t you use that thingy *As he says this he motions the same way that Damon or Lyle tap the air to open a portal.* that can send us to a different plane so we can get off this boat?

Idus: Er....well it’s a device that we use.

Raven: And?

Idus: And I lost it....

Raven: ._______.

Cymbeline: Well, we’re happy that your on our side!

Desdemona: Yeah! Otherwise we’d be toast!

Nightmare: (Must you shout?)

Fox: Well it’s not like we’re in the best situation here anyway....there’s no sign of life for miles. Cept for fish.

Raven: Well we’d be in an even worse position if we stayed on that ship.

Fox: True.


Idus lands in the boat.*

Cymbeline: Idus! Are you okay?!

Idus: I’m fine. They didn’t touch me.

Masu: Showoff.....

Idus: It wasn’t about showing off Masu...

Nightmare: Still, what happens if they try to go after us? We won’t survive well against cannons in this tiny little lifeboat.

Fox: Me and Masu can use magic if necessary. And Idus can do hit and runs.

*Behind them the boat explodes. Several screams from the crew are heard as their bodies are sent flying through the air.*

Raven: It doesn’t look like that’ll be necessary....

Desdemona: Idus...did you do that?

Idus: No....it must’ve been them....

Masu: Why would they blow themselves up?

Nightmare: They wouldn’t. They would however blow the ship up and crew if they could escape to another plane.

Idus: Exactly....Cornelius and Arcturus left the ship and took out any witnesses. Except us.

Raven: Why?

Idus: Something about the jewel.

*End Flashback.*

Raven: What do you think they’re after? That seemed a lot to go through for a jewel. And why did they want to kill us?

Idus: Something about the planes. They want to kill you guys because you know about them, as well as me.

Nightmare: We’ll see them again then?

Idus: Probably. Still. Arcturus and Cornelius aren’t the leaders of the group.

Fox: You think there’s more?

Idus: Des. Cym. Remember that lady I told you about? The one I was protecting?

Cym: Yeah

Des: Uh-huh.

Idus: I think she’s the leader.

Raven: What was her name?

Idus: Celestire.

*A different plane. Arcturus and Cornelius walk down a long hall mad of marble.*

Arcturus: Was it really necessary to kill my crew?

Cornelius: We have no clue who else might have known about the planes. It was essential to kill them all off. We have the jewel. That’s what’s important.

Arcturus: I suppose.

*They enter a larger room that’s completely empty with the exception of themselves.*

Arcturus: .....Is she here?

Cornelius: Have patience. She’ll show up.

???: *A woman appears in the middle of the room. She is clearly of high class, and radiates beauty and authority.* Hello you two. I trust things went well.

Arcturus: There were a few kinks in our plan Lady Celestire, but nothing that can’t be resolved easily.

Celestire: Good. Now, if you would hand me the jewel?

Cornelius: Of course. *He hands her a round object wrapped in leather cloth. She opens it up to reveal the jewel.*

Celestire: Well done you two. I’ll give this to our guest right away.

???: Please allow me. *A disheveled looking man wearing tatters of clothes walks into the room, in his hands he’s twirling a pitchfork. After a particularly fast spin, he drops the pitchfork which impales his foot.* Oh. Oops. *He pulls the pitchfork out, clearly unfazed by the sudden mutilation of his body.*

Arcturus: *The three of them look tired of this newcomer as soon as he walks in.* Er...Hello Zeek.

Zeek: Please, call me Frederick.

Arcturus: Why? Your name is Zeek.

Zeek: I prefer Frederick right now.

Cornelius: Why should we let you take the jewel?

Zeek: Well, I’m always looking for ways to help. You know that Cornelius.

Cornelius: *Clearly impatient for this man, he places a hand on his sword.* Rrrr....

Celestire: Cornelius, No. Very well.....Frederick.. Here is the jewel. *She hands it to him.*

Zeek: Please, call me Tim. *He takes the jewel and tosses it in the air and catches it.*

Arcturus: Er...Please be careful with that. It wasn’t easy to obtain....

Zeek: No problem. *He does it again as he leaves.*

Arcturus: o_______O

Cornelius: That man....tell me again why we put up with him?

Celestire: He’s the best at what he does, Cornelius. Now. You know what you need to do. Get on it.

Arcturus and Cornelius: Yes mam! *They warp out of the plane.*

*Zeek knocks twice on a wall. The wall then opens. Zeek walks in to be greeted by a spear to his throat.*

Zeek: Hello.

Man: What are you doing here Zeek?

Zeek: How many times do I have to tell you people? Please, call me Thaxadillius.

Man: *Glares at Zeek.* I’m not letting you in Zeek.

Zeek: Oh please Despuidad, you know you can’t kill me. *He grabs the spear’s blade and removes it from his throat.*

Despuidad: *Lifts another spear to Zeek’s throat. And takes the other one to his chest.* I’m not letting you pass.

Zeek: Here. *He shows Despuidad the jewel.* I was asked by Celestire to bring the newest jewel to our favorite prisoner.

Despuidad: Fine. But you’ll leave your weapon here. *He motions to the pitchfork.*

Zeek: That’s fine and dandy, but I could kill her without it. *Despuidad glares at him.* ...If I wanted to of course. *He starts walking. At the end of the room there is a woman in a white dress who is encaged in some sort of contraption.* Hello pretty lady.

Woman: Ngh? Who are you?

Zeek: Well, my name is Zeek, but please, call me Richard.

Woman: What do you want?

Zeek: Well, I’m here to replace the jewel that keeps you here in this device. Of course for a brief second you’ll be able to escape, but please don’t try to. I wouldn’t want to go hunting you down through the planes. It could be troublesome for all of us. Plus there’s no guarantee that Celestire would let you live after that.

Woman: There’s no guarantee that she’ll let me live anyway....

Zeek: True. But it would be a shame if they killed off someone as pretty as you sooner than needed. If at all. *He starts working on the machine. After he finishes he starts talking to her again.* Well, I gotta thank you for sticking by while I did that. I’ll tell ya what? I’ll craft this old jewel into some earnings for ya. That’ll be nice. The blue hue will go with your eyes.

Woman: Don’t thank me. I’m too weak to teleport anyway.

Despuidad: Let’s go Zeek. If your finished with the machine we want to keep her as isolated as possible.

Zeek: Oh calm down Nancy-boy. I’m just chatting with her. *He turns back to the woman.* Say, what’s your name sweetheart?

Woman: What’s it to you?

Despuidad: Zeek. *He starts walking over.*

Zeek: Well, it’s more polite when I’m talking to you if I know your name.

Despuidad: Zeek! *He readies his spears.*

Zeek: Plus, we’re your hosts we should at least know your name.

Despuidad: ZEEK!!! *He’s a few feet behind Zeek when Zeek turns and has his pitchfork to Despuidad’s throat.* !!! When did you?! *He looks over to see that the pitchfork he confiscated is gone.*

Zeek: I’m just full of mysteries aren’t I? What’s your name cutie?

Woman: .....Viki...

Zeek: See? Was that so hard Despuidad? *He lowers his pitchfork.* Well, I’ll see you both around. *He walks away whistling and twirling his pitchfork. He drops it once more and scrambles after it. Then he walks away again as if nothing happened.*

Viki: Boy...what a creepy guy.

Despuidad: Shut-up you.

Viki: .....

Next episode: From the desert to the forest.

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With the exception of Songbird, (and maybe Branded.) These weren't very inspiring comments.....I'm starting to think that maybe people aren't likeing this so much.

Except Songbird.

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With the exception of Songbird, (and maybe Branded.) These weren't very inspiring comments.....I'm starting to think that maybe people aren't likeing this so much.

Except Songbird.

Songbird's impartial she's agree with anything you'd say. Hell I'd bet you she'd eat a shovelfilled with dirt if you told her it tasted like chocolate (sorry song I just wanted to use the first name that came to my head)

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