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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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Lol. Well, don't worry. I have an idea that will more than make up for any ownage you might recive.

And good. I hope that everyone gets it. I put a lot of thought into it. (It's what happens when you don't have a girlfriend and your friends all do and are haning out with them. You start thinking up funky shit.)

It's okay. I don't care so much about the ownage. In fact I find it funny.

And I've had those same kind of thoughts, Lyle.

Edited by Branded_Blade
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Good chapter.

Training. And now comes the tiring part. I hope nobody gets seriously injured. XD

Actually, I think I've screwed myself here, cause I've made it so there's going to be a lot of training sequences....

Well, it might help so I can focus on other plot-lines.

I.E. Damon, or Branded Blade, or Lyle and Rauz, or The Bad Guys, or new character that I fit in somehow in some crazy way.

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LOL, I'm all by myself.


LOL, I'm smarter than everyone else.

LOL, I'm not really smarter than everyone else.

LOL, I have a greater power in my soul.

LOL, I'm stuck with the real Vor. Wait. I'm not sure if I want to lol over that or not. .__.

LOL, This chapter was awesome.

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LOL, I'm all by myself.


LOL, I'm smarter than everyone else.

LOL, I'm not really smarter than everyone else.

LOL, I have a greater power in my soul.

LOL, I'm stuck with the real Vor. Wait. I'm not sure if I want to lol over that or not. .__.

LOL, This chapter was awesome.

LOL. Thanks for the compliments.

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*Hugs Freohr Datia for reading through this whole big thing.*

Here's more while you're at it:

New Episode: I am L.

*The pair have been walking for hours now in what seemed like an endless place.*

Damon: ......Are we there yet?

Serene: For the last fucking time, I’ll tell you when we’re there.

Damon: <_< ..................How can you even tell where we’re going? This place all looks the same.

Serene: I can tell. You get used to it after a while.

Damon: I see......Didn’t you say this place was filled with dudes? We haven’t seen anybody since that Kageromaru dude.

Serene: This place is big. And considering the consequences of death and how many people here are bloodthirsty, can you really blame people for wanting to hide?

Damon: I guess.....

*They continue to walk in silence.*

???: Ah Serene. Who’s this? *A giant beast pops out of the sand. He looks similar to a scorpion but is wrapped in a black cloak with red clouds on it.*

Serene: This is Damon Feath Settrock. He was with the Demonclaw syndicate.

Damon: Nice ta meetcha. What’s with the outfit big-guy?

???: It’s a puppet suit. It gives me extra protection and deadly prowess.

Damon: Huh? I meant the cloak.

???: Ah. Well it’s what I had on me when I died.

Damon: Huh.

Serene: Damon, this is Sasori of the Red Sands. He’s part of the group that we have.

Damon: Uh-huh. So what’s the deal with the club? You guys just trying to survive.

Serene: More than that.

Damon: Huh?

Sasori: We’re not interested in waiting here for an eternity till we find peace and can proceed to heaven, but we’re not interested in staying here to get torn to shreds by some random creature.

Damon: So what? There’s not much else you can do.

Serene: Not according to our leader.

Damon: Who’s that?

??? I am.

Damon: *Looks behind him to see a disheveled looking man.* Who’re you? This is your leader? Looks like a train wreck. What exactly does he do?

???: You talk a lot. But you don’t actually say anything. I am L Lawliet. You may call me L.

Serene: His physical abilities are laughable at best. But he’s got the thinking ability of God.

L: Please. I’ve had enough people yelling things about God to last me an eternity.

Damon: So what? You think you’ve figured out how to get back to life?

L: Yes. It’s quite simple. When people die, their body stays behind. Correct? However their Soul and Aura are gone.

Damon: So?

Sasori: So we develop a way to amplify the strength of our physical and elemental prowess. Thus, we shall regain our full functioning life.

Damon: But wouldn’t that just leave us here but alive?

Serene: That’s where you come in. You still have your portal creator for the syndicate?

Damon: Huh? *He reaches into his pocket and pulls it out.* I guess so....

Sasori: Everything that was on you when you died is transported here with you.

Damon: Okay. So how do we amplify our body and elements?

L: We make a machine.

Damon: .___. Using what? Rocks?

L: No. Using Sasori’s puppet.

Sasori: *The back of his puppet opens up and a normal looking man step out.* There. Use what you need to.

Damon: What the hell do you get out of a puppet?

L: More than enough.

Serene: Our job is to protect L till he’s done.

Damon: Sounds pretty simple considering that nothing ever happens around here.

L: I wouldn’t be so sure about that. The fact that we’re making a machine that brings people back to life is certain to draw people to it. Like this one.

Damon: Huh?

???: So. We meet again Damon.

Damon: Geeze, what’s with all these people showing up? GAH!!! YOU!!! BUT YOU’RE DEAD!!!!!

Serene: Damon-

Damon: I KNOW!!! WE’RE ALL DEAD!!! I GET IT!!!

Serene: Well then stop saying stupid stuff.

Damon: <_<

???: *Grips his blade and points it at Damon.* Good to see you haven’t forgotten me. Now, if you’d like, we can continue our battle from the last time.

Serene: *Readies his scythe.*

Damon: Nah. I got this one Serene. He’s had it out for me for a while now. Let me take him alone. If I fail, you and Sasori can take him.

Serene: ....Fine.

Damon: *Tosses him the portal device.* Now, shall we get started again Sephiroth? I can make sure you stay dead.

Sephiroth: You won’t have anyone to save you this time.

Damon: I won’t have anyone to occupy me either. Let’s move somewhere a little less clustered. Shall we?

Sephiroth: Fine. *He takes flight. Damon grows wings and follows after him.*

Sasori: Say L, how long will this take?

L: Dunno. Could be a while.

*A plane.*

Arcturus: *Walks into the room.* How are you feeling today?

Cornelius: Better. I’ll be back to full power in no time.

Arcturus: Good. Then we can get back to business.

???: You can take your time getting better.

Arcturus: ?!?!

Cornelius: Hello Zeek. I’m surprised you’re still alive.

Zeek: I’m like a cockroach. And Please, call me Pedro. Still, you can take all the time you want. Celestire has a plan to keep our enemies occupied. She revived Thaxadillius.

Cornelius: Hm. That’s one....

Arcturus: What? How did she revive a dragon that’s been dead for that long?

Zeek: Some liquid zombie crap or something. I wasn’t really listening.

Cornelius: I wonder who the other will be.....

Arcturus: What are you talking about?

Cornelius: She told me about the vials. She has enough to revive two corpses. I wonder who she will revive?

Zeek: Well, doesn’t matter to me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I feel the need to take a shower. I’ve still got dead skin from the fire. Hope you don’t mind. *He leaves.*

Arcturus: That guy gives me the creeps.

Cornelius: There’s something odd about him, that’s for sure. But we have bigger things to worry about.

*Separate plane.*

Thaxadillius: So this woman told me to merely cause chaos till someone arrived to stop me. Sounds pretty simple. I’m a little tired though. This can wait another day. *Smriks.*

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Training Day Pt 2

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New Episode: Training Day Pt 2

*Raven, Nightmare, Fireman, and Knife hit the ground in various positions. The Vor clone lands on his feet.*

Vor: So. You just gonna lay there? Or shall we get started?

The four: .___.

Vor: Alright, for your first training exercise, you will have to run a mile in under 15 minutes.

Fireman: Huh.

Knife: Sounds easy! We can do that with no problem!

Vor: Is that so?

Nightmare: Knife, you idiot.

Vor: *Snaps his fingers. Each of them now has large rocks attached to their wrists and ankles. The four of them slump down from the weight of them.* There. How’s that for easy?

Raven: What the hell?! These things must weight a ton!

Vor: Precisely. Each of you has an extra full ton of weight on them. If you fail the exercise the first time, you’ll continue till you win. *Smiles.* Enjoy. You start now. *He snaps his fingers and the room lights up revealing a track.* Oh, and while you’re still here, whomever doesn’t win the first race in less than 15 minutes, will have to run the course again till they are in first place. The last person will have to go against me. And I run fast kids.

Everyone: ._____.

*Group 2. A similar situation with the entrance.*

Princess Kilvas: Ow....

Vor: No time for a nap kiddies. We’ve got work to do.

Arc: Do we have time for a chiropractor?

Vor: *Blatantly ignores him.* Now, I’m going to be completely honest. Aura is my weakest subject. As you can tell, I have great physical and Elemental strength. However Mental and Physical are opposites, as is Aura and Elemental. While one area may be easy for people to pick up, the opposing area will be more difficult.

Kiryn: Wouldn’t that mean you have weak mental prowess?

Vor: It would. Except that good warriors work on their weakest area first. This isn’t to say that my Aura is bad, much better than yours, but I do not have the potential that you all have at this point.

Bianchi: So what do we have to do?

Vor: A person’s aura is most powerful when they are placed in a crisis. This room that we are in now, will automatically pick up on the most terrifying thing you can imagine. It will of course be only an illusion, it will fool your five senses enough to make you know it is real.

Princess Kilvas: ......

Vor: The moment you can dispel the illusion is the moment you pass the test. This is the hardest of the training exercises. I’m sorry if you come under any pain.

Princess Kilvas: *The darkness surrounds her as the vision of Vor and the others disappear.* What?! Where did you all go?

???: Ehehehehehe.

Princess Kilvas: Huh!? *She spins around to see Damon.* Damon!! *She gasps.*

Damon: Whassa matter? You aren’t happy to see me?

Princess Kilvas: Wh-wh-what did you do?!?!!

Damon: Huh? Oh. You mean this? *He holds up Masu’s head.* I just made it so you wouldn’t be bothered by him anymore Princess. *Damon looks more beast-like than usual. The whites of his eyes are black, his body is covered in strange black marks. And his hands are talons.*

Princess Kilvas: *Crying.* Wh-why!? WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!?!?

Damon: BECAUSE I WANTED TO!!!! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!! *He appears directly behind her.*

Princess Kilvas: !!! *She winces as Damon grabs her wings.*

Damon: You’ve always hated these right? They were the things that got ‘master Soren’ to hate you weren’t they?

Princess Kilvas: Wha? But how do you-? GAHH!!!!!*Damon pulls on them.*

Damon: What’s say we get rid of them? Shall we? *He grins evilly.*

Princess Kilvas: !!!

*Outside of the ‘training sessions’ of the aura group. Vor watches mournfully.*

Vor: I’m sorry. All of you. *The darkness envelops him.* It’s only fair that I go through this as well.*

???: Hello father.

Vor: Hello Kikyo.

*Group 3. Somehow Fox manages to land perfectly. The others aren’t so lucky.*

Vor: hm. Good job Fox. You’re the only one that landed properly.

Fox: It was all luck.

Vor: I’m sure.

Masu: Ow...

Vor: *Distracted.* ......

Desdemona: Um...sir?

Vor: .....I apologize. I was just....remembering something. Now! We’re gonna get things started. First, tell me what elements you specialize in?

Fox: Fire.

Masu: Fire.

Desdemona: Umm....

Cymbeline: I don’t have one.....Wind I guess.

Vor: .____. Well. We’re gonna change that. Ideally a person with elemental affinity can use any elements perfectly. Of course that is near impossible. There are 6 major elements. Fire, water, thunder, wind, earth, and ice. There are other elements but those are the important ones. As you can gather, there are opposites to certain elements. Fire and ice, water and thunder, and wind and earth. I plan on making you experts in at least three of those elements. Masu and Fox will specialize in Fire, Thunder, and Earth. While Desdemona and Cymbeline will specialize in Wind, Water and Ice. However before we get into the specific elements, we need to be able to call upon them at will.

Masu: How do we do that?

Vor: In order to learn about the elements around you, you must learn about the environment around you. *The lights go on and the area is a large tropical oasis.*

Cymbeline: It’s so pretty....

Vor: Yes. Well. We’re going to play hide and seek.

Masu: You serious?

Vor: Well, more like man-hunt. You can use any aspect of the environment against me. But if I find you and tag you, you’re dead. Oh. I can also use the environment to my advantage. I’m going to turn around and count to 50. You all better be hidden by then. Or I’ll kill you.

Everyone: O_o *They start running.*

Vor: (Idiots.)

*Group 4.*

Vor: Come with me Miss Songbird.

Songbird: Um.....Okay.....

Vor: Now. Let’s set a goal. The hardest thing and most useful thing about Mental prowess is precision. *He plucks a blade of grass out of the ground and sets it on a table. He grabs a pebble and it molds around the base of the grass.* The minute where you can cut this blade down the middle, is when you have become a master of precision. And thus, a master of Mental abilities.

Songbird: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that...

Vor: *He grabs Idus’ sword.*

Idus: Hey!

Vor: *He hands it hilt first to Songbird.* Try it.

Songbird: ...Um...okay.....*She grabs the blade and holds it over the grass. Her hands are shaking slightly as she tries to get a good shot on it. She swings the blade up then down and misses the grass about an inch to the right.* Aw....

Vor: That’s fine. No one gets it on their first try.

Idus: .....(What are you doing Vor?)

Vor: Now. In order to gain precision. You must first learn to calm yourself in the harshest of situations. Now, I wouldn’t risk your life, but I have the best thing other than a life-threatening situation over there. *He points to a waterfall.* If you can sit under that waterfall for over three hours without moving, you can try again if you fail to do so.

Songbird: Um... I don’t want my clothes to get wet though.....

Vor: Well. Take them off.

Idus: O_O

Songbird: HUH?!?!

Vor: Here. *He pulls out a robe.* Put this on. You can change in that building over there.

Songbird: Oh. Erm. Thanks. *She takes it and walks over to the building.*

Idus: *Blushing.* What the hell is wrong with you Vor!??!

Vor: Sorry. She reminds me of my daughter.

Idus: ....Oh. Sorry.

Vor: It’s fine. I hope they all can withstand this.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Dragon and Killer vs The Demonclaw Syndicate.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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LOL! "You bitches better hide or you're dead!" I could see us all scattering like idiots in my head!

@Princess' part:..........ITS JUST AN ILLUSION ITS JUST AN ILLUSION!!!!*wants to beat Damon*

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LOL! "You bitches better hide or you're dead!" I could see us all scattering like idiots in my head!

@Princess' part:..........ITS JUST AN ILLUSION ITS JUST AN ILLUSION!!!!*wants to beat Damon*

Yeah. I really think I'm gonna go overboard with the Aura training. I feel really bad. It's gonna be a whole psychological and physical attack.

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Yeah. I really think I'm gonna go overboard with the Aura training. I feel really bad. It's gonna be a whole psychological and physical attack.

But my poor head! D: I had a feeling her thing would be something about me dying............*thinking to himself*.......so is seeing me die gonna make her want me back? *gets hopes up XD*

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HAY, IT'S SASORI AND L! Long time no see! I guess Sakura and Light couldn't keep you guys dead for long. And ugh. Sephiroth. WHY WON'T YOU GO AWAY. Also, yay at Damon!

And I was going to say Vor is a perv, but then it just turns out that I remind him of his daughter Kikyo. (From Inuyasha?) Which is ironic, because I actually resemble Kikyo more in real life than I do the girl in my avatar. (Which most people picture me as.) XD

Anyway, bbl. I'm gonna go sit under a waterfall for 3 hours without moving. WISH ME LUCK GUYS! =D

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HAY, IT'S SASORI AND L! Long time no see! I guess Sakura and Light couldn't keep you guys dead for long. And ugh. Sephiroth. WHY WON'T YOU GO AWAY. Also, yay at Damon!

And I was going to say Vor is a perv, but then it just turns out that I remind him of his daughter Kikyo. (From Inuyasha?) Which is ironic, because I actually resemble Kikyo more in real life than I do the girl in my avatar. (Which most people picture me as.) XD

Anyway, bbl. I'm gonna go sit under a waterfall for 3 hours without moving. WISH ME LUCK GUYS! =D

Well, I've said before, the only stories that I really screw with are Inuyasha and Bleach. So sorry about destroying them if you're upset about that.

Anyway, consider this Song, at least you don't have to face your fears.

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Well, I've said before, the only stories that I really screw with are Inuyasha and Bleach. So sorry about destroying them if you're upset about that.

Anyway, consider this Song, at least you don't have to face your fears.

I wasn't upset over anything. =o You don't destroy them at all!

And believe me, I know. I think I have the easiest training out of all of the groups. XD

Edited by Songbird
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I wasn't upset over anything. =o You don't destroy them at all!

And believe me, I know. I think I have the easiest training out of all of the groups. XD

<_< You were always the spoiled one...............

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I wasn't upset over anything. =o You don't destroy them at all!

And believe me, I know. I think I have the easiest training out of all of the groups. XD

Well, you haven't really seen how bad I screwed with Inuyasha, but you probably never will also.

And none of the training sessions are easy.

<_< You were always the spoiled one...............


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