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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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A cameo? :mellow:

A short glimpse of the character. Like how Stan Lee appears in all the marvel movies. Or Alfred Hitchcock in his movies. Short little glimpses of the character.

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Well he's kinda.....dead....and I mean....I don't really think I can put you in the same place.

I can think of one way...but I don't think you guys would like it.

Anyway good chapter. Kinda creepy at the end, makes me wanna read more. Rauz is starting to freak me out, too.

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So he can get totaled by Damon?


I can think of one way...but I don't think you guys would like it.

Anyway good chapter. Kinda creepy at the end, makes me wanna read more. Rauz is starting to freak me out, too.


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I'm sorry I haven't updated this for a while. It's difficult to find time with Serenes Emblem and RL stuff. So I might have to put this on hold for a while. I'll still try to update this as much as I can.

Again, I'm sorry. Don't hold it against me.

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Just caught up:

-Lol, Nightmare accidently killed Vor. Though he comes back.

-Awww, byebye L! ;___;

-Wtf, Damon kills Sasori? D:


EDIT: And don't worry about it, Lyle. Take as much time as you'd like. Besides, the game seems as if it's going to be very time-consuming. =/

Edited by Songbird
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New Episode: Aura.

Arc: *Jumps back and pants.* You know....for an illusion....this feels and looks pretty real....*A perfect visage of himself walks in front of him the only difference is that there seems to be a look of madness in his eye.*

Illusion Arc: Come on Arc. Let the madness take you. If not. *He holds up a sword.* Then I’ll have to kill you. *He swings down.*

Arc: *Dodges.* Ugh. It may not be real, but it certainly feels real.

Illusion Arc: Real or not, the fact that I’m here proves your insecurities about yourself.

Arc: Hm?

Illusion Arc: GIVE INTO THE MADNESS!!! *He charges for Arc again.*

Arc: (Damn. He caught me off guard and almost got me. Calm down......think......Vor said...that we need to overpower the illusion with our auras.......How the hell do I do that!?) *He dodges another blow from his duplicate.*

Illusion Arc: Keep running! That’s all you ever do!

Arc: Shut-up you! I know you’re not real! Just annoying!

Illusion Arc: Not real am I? Think about it. This may be an illusion, but am I really not so real?

Arc: .....

Illusion Arc: I am a concrete form of your deepest fear. I am what you will become. You can’t avoid the madness within you. You will lose yourself to it. Then. You will kill everyone you care about.

Arc: ......

Illusion Arc: And the best part is......You’ll be having fun while doing it. *He laughs manically.*

Arc: .....You’re right.

Illusion Arc: Hm?

Arc: You may be an illusion....but you’re right. I have to give into the madness.....I shouldn’t hide who I am.

Illusion Arc: Perfect! KILL THEM ALL!!!

Arc: *He strings an arrow.* In order for me to destroy my madness, I SHALL BECOME A MADMAN!!!!

Illusion Arc: !!!!

*Bianchi is curled into a ball. She is weeping.*

Bianchi: ....Please....stop....

???: *A shadowy figure appears behind her. The creature appears to have no real mass and seems to be just a shadow.* What’s wrong Bianchi? The longer you wait, more people will die.

Bianchi: Please.......Lyle.....help.....

???: *The figure places his hands on her shoulders.* Lyle cannot help you here. He’s off saving the woman he truly cares about.

Bianchi: *Winces.* No.....he...loves me to....he told me.....

???: He lies....Now watch as more people die in front of you. *In front of Bianchi, the image of people dying flashes before her constantly.* The choice is yours Bianchi. Offer yourself, and they shall stop dying. Decide to live. And more shall die because of you.

Bianchi: I’m not doing anything to them! You’re the one that’s killing them!!

???: Only because of you. And you can stop me fairly easily. All you need to do is die....

Bianchi: I....I don’t want to.....I want to live....

???: Then they shall continue to die....

Bianchi: NO!!! STOP IT!!!!

???: There’s only one way out!!! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU MUST DO!!

Bianchi: ....Lyle.....I want to live....to be with you....but I can’t watch these people suffer in front of me....

???: Lyle and you shall never be together. He loves another. Sacrifice yourself to save the rest.

Bianchi: I won’t let them die anymore.....

???: *The figure grins.* Then your life is at an end....

Bianchi: I SHALL LIVE AS WELL!!!! *Her body illuminates and the creature is engulfed in light.*

*Kiryn pants. She has been running.*

Kiryn: Damn....does she ever stop?

Evil Kiryn: *Her clone pops up behind her.* Why do you keep running? *She slashes Kiryn with a sword.*

Kiryn: RGH!! *She stumbles.*

Evil Kiryn: You can’t win. You were always the weaker one.

Kiryn: Maybe. But I’m the smarter one.

Evil Kiryn: Hah! Then why is it that I’m where I am, and you are where you are?

Kiryn: ....Temporary set-back...

Evil Kiryn: Indeed. *She sheathes her sword and takes out her bow.* I’ll give you to the count of three. One. Two.

Kiryn: Three! *She shoots an arrow at her clone’s head.*

Evil kiryn: *Dodges.* Ooo. Close one.

Kiryn: (There’s no way she could dodge that! ...Right...this is all an illusion....let’s see...) Tell me something.

Evil Kiryn: What?

Kiryn: Um....(Think of something that would piss her off Kiryn.) Er.....How does it feel to be a slut?!?!

Evil Kiryn: What?

Kiryn: (So much for being smart...<_<) Er. Yeah! Look at you! You’re dressed like a tramp! And you’re tall too! Too tall for a woman!

Evil Kiryn: We’re clones idiot! Shut-up and die. *She fires another arrow.*

Kiryn: *The arrow hits her shoulder.* Gah! (Damn....I think....I’ve lost....)

Evil Kiryn: Now....*She towers over Kiryn. Then raises her sword.* Prepare to die.

Kiryn: (This is an illusion right? I’m not actually going to die......right? Then again, this will hurt more than dying....) *She raises her arms and blocks the blades. She winces as the blades cut her arm.*

Evil Kiryn: Hm?

Kiryn: You....are an illusion.....You are a clone.....I won’t be done in by a fake me!! *She takes out her own sword and slashes at her clone.*

Damon: *Laughs as his foot is on Princess’ back and he’s pulling on her wings.* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Princess Kilvas: PLEASE!!! STOP!!!

Damon: Come on Princess! These things ruined your life! Think about it! If Soren never abandoned you, you wouldn’t have been dumped by captain, had Masu hate you, and have me to tear these wings off! HAHAHA!!!!

Princess Kivlas: It hurts!!! Damon!! Please!!!

Damon: *Whispers into her ear.* If you want.....I can end it all for you now....

Princess Kilvas: *Through her tears.* Wh-what?

Damon: Think about it....I’m trying to kill you...Masu hates you....What do you have to live for? You can rest in peace and never have to come to this world again Princess.

Princess Kilvas: .......

Damon: You don’t want to admit it....but that’s what you want right now isn’t it? Let me grant you your wish. *He holds his claws to her neck. Without warning the illusion begins to fade.*

Princess Kilvas: Wh-what’s going on?!

Damon: TIME TO DIE —

Vor: *The Vor clone appears in the illusion and dispels it before Damon can harm the Princess. Arc, Kiryn and Bianchi watch severely concerned about the Princess.* Are you alright?!

Princess Kilvas: What happened? Where did Damon go?

Vor: .....Are you alright?

Princess Kilvas: *She breaks down into tears and falls into Vor’s arms. He comforts.*

Vor: .....I can’t say how sorry I am to put you through that. *He looks to the others and motions to them to take a break.*

Princess Kilvas: *Sobs in his arms.*

Vor: It’s over now......I’m so sorry.......

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Elemental

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Oooohh...I liked that chapter! Awesome! =D

I'm surprised you mentioned Captain though

*Makes a note.*

Princess.....likes to be.....traumatized. Okay! Got it.

Anyway, should I not have? Sorry I did if you didn't want me to.

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You can write more than that you know. <_<

post farmer Masu


For once this time.........I cannot even think of other words to post................

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