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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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New Episode: Blizzard.

*Branded, Lyle, and Rauz walk on a pathway. Branded looks at the two of them, both of them seem to know where they’re going, yet at the same time, don’t know at all.*

Branded: ........Um....

Rauz: What?

Branded: Where are we going?

Rauz: No where in particular. Just looking for clues.

Branded: ......Why here?

Lyle: Why not?

Branded: Well shouldn’t the investigations of the planes be somewhere there is a little bit of activity. I mean we seem to just be arbitrarily picking random planes to search for something we don’t even know about?

Lyle: ......

Rauz: ......

Branded: Anyone?

Rauz: *Turns around and looks Branded in the eye and grabs him by the scruff of his shirt.* Listen. Remember that dragon? Want to see him again?

Branded: O_o

Lyle: Er. Rauz calm down.

Rauz: *Let’s go of Branded.* We’re camping here tonight. I’ll get firewood. Lyle set up the place with Branded. *He walks off.*

Branded: O_o ......That guy is scary...

Lyle: You have no clue. He’s a good guy when it comes down to it though. He’s just really concerned about his sister.

Branded: That Viki girl right? The one you dated till she dumped you?

Lyle: .....Yeah....her. Thanks for bringing it up.....Wait a minute how do you know that?

Branded: Ikkaku told me about her. He said that you were ready to marry her and that she dumped you at the last minute.


Branded: Something wrong?

Lyle: Nope. Nothing. *Gets up.* I’m gonna go kill some woodland creature.

Branded: For food right?

Lyle: I guess. *Walks off.*

Branded: O_o And I thought Kenpachi was cold....*Looks around.* Dum de dum.....Well I better get started. *Starts pitching the tent. He hears a rustling in the bushes behind him.* ....Someone there?

???: Nope.

Branded: .____. Who’s there?

???: No one. Don’t worry.

Branded: <_< Just come out.

???: Damn. *Serene walks out of the bushes.* I was hoping to follow you guys without you noticing....

Branded: Who are you anyway?

Serene: I’m called Serene. I’m from the same plane you are.

Branded: Then how did you get here?

Serene: I died. Then came back to life and have been following you guys for the past two planes.

Branded: Oh.....Why?

Serene: Cause I have information to give Lyle.

Branded: Then why all the secrecy?

Serene: Well....

Serene: I”M GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!

Serene: Let’s just say we didn’t leave off on the best of terms....

Branded: Kay.....How did you come back to life?

Serene: Long story....

Rauz: *Comes back with Firewood.* Who’s this?

Serene: My name is Serene. I have some information for you and Lyle.

Rauz; I see. Where’s Lyle?

Branded: He went to go vent some anger.

Rauz: Ah. Getting food huh? Well we can tell him later. What is it you need to tell me?

Serene: You’re pretty trusting.

Rauz: Not really. At any second I’m ready to have your limbs shoot off in several directions each. But I follow an innocent until proven guilty policy. Plus I’m a ‘to the point’ kind of guy. Get talking.

Serene: Okay...first....you might not believe this, but I was dead and came back to life.

Rauz: Okay.

Serene: .....You believe me?

Rauz: Stranger shit has happened. Plus, you aren’t the first. *Points to Branded.* He came back from non-existence with Sephiroth. *Punches Branded.* Do you realize how much work I went through to put him there?

Branded: Ow!

Serene: *Ignores it.* Well, I was dead. And I met Damon.

Rauz: I can believe that. Is that it?

Serene: Not really. The four of us, me, Damon, L-

Rauz: I don’t need to know who else.

Serene: Ah. Well the four of us tried to come back to life. I was the only one able to.

Rauz: ....And what was so important about that?

Serene: As I was leaving the realm of those who are not at peace, I felt Damon’s aura fluxuate. He seemed to grow stronger and more agitated.

Rauz: ....I see. Someone screwed with his mind.

Branded: How do you gather that?

Rauz: How else? Our enemies have the ability to alter the mind it seems.

Branded: But what does it matter?

Rauz: If they can alter Damon’s mind to sympathize with their plight, and they can bring a dragon back from the dead, they can do it for a demon.

Branded: So we might have to fight Damon?

Rauz: I’d be surprised if we didn’t. Thanks for this info.

Lyle: *Comes back with a few dead fish in his hands.* Huh? *He realizes who it is.* YOU?!? You’re not dead?!?!

Serene: Er.....I knew this would be awkward.

Rauz: You know each other?

Lyle: He tried to kill me!!!

Serene: Only under Damon’s orders. And cause I got bored. We’re cool in my book now.

Lyle: o________O You tried to kill me!! You nearly did!!

Serene: You guys did kill me! I should be mad at you!

Rauz: Can we stop this arguing? We’ve got company.

Lyle: Huh?

Arcturus: *Comes out from hiding.* No point in hiding if you know we’re here. Right Despuidad?

Despuidad: I suppose.

Branded: Idiots, we’ve got them out-numbered.

Rauz: Not really. A few minutes ago we were all split up. Instead of targeting us one by one they’ve decided to take us all on at once. They must have something they believe will give them the edge.

Lyle: Looks like you’re about to earn our trust Serene. We may need you in this.

Serene: That’s fine by me.

Arcturus: You guys won’t win.

Rauz: Branded, Serene, leave this to me and Lyle for now. Only attack them if they attack you. Lyle, you take them head on and I’ll fire spells off.

Lyle: Sounds good.

Serene: Don’t screw this up.

Despuidad: Let’s go.

*In some bushes behind the battle, two red eyes watch the battle that is about to commence.*

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Number 6

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And LOL at my training. I throw such a tantrum. Reminds me of myself whenever someone dies and I have to restart a chapter I was almost finished because I wasn't smart enough to battle save. XD


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*goes to request royalties for Serene*

Hey I got it, from now on you bunch of idiots who want to use me in a story must get my permission.

But anyways good story

I remember you requesting you be in my story....

In fact, I remember you being pissed off that it took me so long to finally write you in....

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You know, I was just looking at word document I have this whole thing saved on, and it's like 93 pages. When I saw that I was like: "Holy Shit! I gotta start winding this down!" I mean, at the rate this is going, I could probably figure out a plotline for another 90 pages, but, it would make me crazy, and probably you guys as well.

I was originally thinking that it was too early in the story to start winding things down, but after seeing that it was 90 pages, I think I'm gonna.

It's probably a good thing to. Cause I was sitting there thinking how I'm gonna get to the end. (I already know what I want to happen for the end. I mean, I've known that since I came up with the idea of the main villians.) I just didn't know how I was gonna make the path to that interesting. Of course, now I know I can cut out some of the pointless crappy stuff and get things going down to the end.

The point of this post being; This is gonna start winding down soon. I just need to get over the current writers block I have.

I'd like to work on a new story after this, (I already have another idea.) but with all the large amounts of stories in the forum, I think it'd be better if I lay off for a while. Plus I'll be working on Serenes Emblem and school and such.

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You know, I was just looking at word document I have this whole thing saved on, and it's like 93 pages. When I saw that I was like: "Holy Shit! I gotta start winding this down!" I mean, at the rate this is going, I could probably figure out a plotline for another 90 pages, but, it would make me crazy, and probably you guys as well.

I was originally thinking that it was too early in the story to start winding things down, but after seeing that it was 90 pages, I think I'm gonna.

It's probably a good thing to. Cause I was sitting there thinking how I'm gonna get to the end. (I already know what I want to happen for the end. I mean, I've known that since I came up with the idea of the main villians.) I just didn't know how I was gonna make the path to that interesting. Of course, now I know I can cut out some of the pointless crappy stuff and get things going down to the end.

The point of this post being; This is gonna start winding down soon. I just need to get over the current writers block I have.

I'd like to work on a new story after this, (I already have another idea.) but with all the large amounts of stories in the forum, I think it'd be better if I lay off for a while. Plus I'll be working on Serenes Emblem and school and such.

Just finish this ASAP. Its one of the biggest stories going on in creative right now(along with TOS) We should just finish our stories soon so we can let the other ppl post their stories and then we can just start writing again when we're like halfway through Serenes Emblem(that and TLS and O'connell will stop whining about how no one pays attention to their stories)

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Just finish this ASAP. Its one of the biggest stories going on in creative right now(along with TOS) We should just finish our stories soon so we can let the other ppl post their stories and then we can just start writing again when we're like halfway through Serenes Emblem(that and TLS and O'connell will stop whining about how no one pays attention to their stories)

Well, it might not be our fault no one pays attention to them.....

But that's enough insinuating bad remarks about people. There are too many stories going on in the forest right now, and I sorta take pride in the fact that I might have done something to inspire some people.

But that's just me inflating my ego.

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New Episode: Number 6

Lyle: *Slashes at Despuidad with one blade, while parrying Despuidad’s spear with the other.*

Despuidad: *Avoids blow. Then leans backwards to avoid an astral serpent from passing through his body.* Hm.

Lyle: Me and Rauz have been fighting together for years. You don’t stand a chance.

*Lyle and Despuidad continue their battle.*

Rauz: *Stands alone, with the Necronomicon open as he chants.*

Arcturus: Hm. No defense. You left yourself open to an attack sage.

Rauz: Go ahead and try it. If your blade manages to reach me, you deserve to kill me.

Arcturus: *Thrusts his blade toward Rauz. The blade is repelled and Arcturus is sent flying backwarsds.* Argh!!

Rauz: I told you idiot.

Arcturus: Rrrr.*In his peripheral vision he sees the astral serpent flying towards him.* !!! *He manages to avoid the serpent as it swoops down past his head.* Woo. That was close.

Rauz: Not quite.

Arcturus: What? *The ground beneath him glows and erupts in flames for an instant.* Rgh.....

Rauz: That’s all there is to you?

Lyle: *Avoids Despuidad’s spears and slashes.* Hah!!!

Despuidad: Hmph! *He parries the slash and thrusts.*

Lyle: *Grabs the spear. Then kicks Despuidad’s stomach.*

Despuidad: Rgh!

Lyle: *Smirks. Then twirls his blades.* That it?

Despuidad: *Glares at Lyle. Then he charges again.*

Branded Blade: Think we should help them?

Serene: No. I don’t feel like it. And they’re winning.

Branded: They are?

Serene: Have you been watching the fight at all?

Branded: Well, yeah, but it looks pretty even to me....

Serene: Then you need to get your eyes checked.

*Lyle and Rauz have Despuidad and Arcturus backed into a corner. Lyle is standing in front of Rauz readying to strike, while Rauz is also preparing to strike.*

Rauz: Care to finish them Lyle?

Lyle: Sure. You’ll regret messing with the syndicate. *Points his blades at them.*

Despuidad: This is only a fraction of our strength.

Lyle: It’s only a fraction of ours as well. Still, you lose either way.

Arcturus: Not quite. Six?

*Barbed wire wraps around Lyle’s arms as a man encased in a metal suit appears behind him.*

Lyle: GAH!

Six: .....*His eyes glow red.*

Arcturus: This is the newest member of our troop, Six. Not a very imaginative name, but he does his job.

Six: *Pulls on the wire and Lyle drops his swords.*

Lyle: Rgh! *Falls to his knees.*

Despuidad: *Hits Lyle across his face and Lyle collapses to the ground.

Rauz: ....Serene, Branded. Get ready to fight. It seems like this will be three on three.

Serene: Got it.

Branded: Same.

Arcturus: Not quite. Let’s just do this one at a time? Six, show Rauz Chisean what you can do.

Six: *Gets into a praying mantis battle position. More barbed wire stretches out from his arms. Then he disappears.*

Rauz: (Shit.) *He turns around and watches as Six shoots knives out of his forearm towards Rauz. Rauz’s shield protects him from some of the knives but one of them passes through and hits Rauz’ shoulder.* Rgh...*Six disappears again.* (Damn....he’s fast, and he can manage to pierce through my shield....I won’t know where he’s coming from till it’s too late....)

Six: *Appears directly in front of Rauz.*

Rauz: !!! (Wasn’t expecting that!) *Six’s barbed wire starts moving with quick speed like a snake towards Rauz.* Holy Shit! *Rauz jumps back. As he does so, his shield dissapates.* (This guy’s too quick to use magic on.)

Six: *Stands there watching Rauz.*

Rauz: *He tosses the Necronomicon to the side of him. Two feet from Rauz’s body the Necronomicon gains a life of it’s own and floats next to Rauz.* Don’t go too far. I’m gonna need you. *Rauz then undergoes the transformation into his half-dragon mode. He holds his black scythe in his hands.* Now I’m ready.

Six: *As if he was waiting for this, now suddenly moves in to kill.*

Rauz: *Swings his scythe.* I can see you move now!

Six: !! *As the scythe swings toward him, he grabs the scythe and swings upward with it.*

Rauz: !!! *without hesitation, the barbed wire from Six’ arm snakes around the scythe.* Shit! *Rauz tosses the scythe and Six with it.* Bastard...

Six: *Grabs the scythe on his own. Then holds it parallel to his arm.*

Rauz: *A welling builds up in his chest. Then he breathes fire on Six.*

Arcturus: *Watching.* Ho....Impressive.

Despuidad: .....

Rauz: *Holds out his arm and the scythe comes flying back to him.* Don’t fuck around with me. I know you’re still there.

Six: *Walks out of the remnants of the flames. He looks unharmed.*

Rauz: Damn....

Branded: He doesn’t have a scratch on him!

Serene: It certainly seems that way...

Rauz: Serene!

Serene: What?

Rauz: Make yourself useful and go get Lyle. Be gentle with him though. We wouldn’t want to end up tearing his arms off. They don’t grow back like Damon.

Serene: You sure that’s okay?

Arcturus: Go ahead, you’re all dead anyway. We’ll take him back and kill him when you’re corpses.

Serene: *Gets Lyle and gently lifts him up.* Whaddya want me to do with him?

Rauz: Just place him down near you and Branded for now. When I’m finished here I’ll heal him.

Six: *Charges for Rauz. He then disappears for an instant and appears behind Rauz.*

Rauz: Shit! *Six punches Rauz in the back sticking a knife in him as he is hit.* Rgh..*Rauz reaches behind him and takes the knife out. He then looks towards the Necronomicon and the astral serpent reappears.* Remember, we only get one shot at this. *The serpent coils around Rauz’s scythe. Rauz preps his weapon as the serpent glows more vibrantly and slashes towards Six. The serpent flies at quick speed and heads toward Six.* (By combining my power with The Necronomicon, it should be more then enough power to eliminate Six. If the blast is quick enough.)

Six: *Stares at the serpent heading toward him. At the very last second he disappears, leaving the serpent to crash where he stood.*

Rauz: Shit! *Six reappears behind Rauz and slashes his back with barbed wire.* Gah!! *He winces.*

Arcturus: Face it Rauz. We defeated Damon, and we’re about to defeat you. The Syndicate will be no more.

Rauz: Dammit.

Six: *Stares at Rauz just as vacantly as before. He holds out his hand, which now has more barbed wire and is now covered in metal spikes. He then charges for Rauz.*

Rauz: (Dammit!)

*A man with blue hair appears in between the two of them. He slashes Six with his blade, saving Rauz.*

Arcturus & Despuidad: !!!

Rauz: ...You-*The man bashes Rauz sending him tumbling toward Serene and Branded.* RGH!!

Man: You’re in the way.

Branded: Who’s that? Another syndicate member?

Rauz: Not quite....He was actually our greatest enemy...

Serene: Well, that’s great then.

Neblium: Let’s go.

Six: *Glares at Neblium. Then charges for him.*

Neblium: *Glances at Six. Then at the next moment Six’s cybernetic head is removed from his body.* It’s a shame. He not only died himself, but he lowered your chances of winning. Come on, you have no chance one on one. You better both come for me or else you’re dead.

Despuidad: .....

Arcturus: Damn...

Nebluim: Let’s see how you handle yourselves against the wilder of the blade of mind.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Mind over Matter.

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Again, not really my best, and I introduced another character. Which means I'm either gonna have to have another demi-plot for him, or I'll just have him be badass and leave.

Probably the ladder.

*Lols for laziness.*

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New Episode: Mind over Matter.

Lyle: Ngh.....*Lyle opens his eyes to a searing pain in his arms.* GAH!

Rauz: *Hovering over him along with Branded and Serene.* Shit. Sorry. I’m trying to take this barbed wire out.

Lyle: *Still wincing.* We’re not dead yet?

Rauz: No. But we’re not really in a good position either. *He looks toward the battle taking place. Neblium is being attacked by Despuidad and Arcturus and deflecting each attack almost balletically.*

Lyle: .....Is that who I think it is?

Rauz: Yeah.

Lyle: ....Just one thing right after another isn’t it?

*Despuidad and Arcturus finally break from their attacks. Both are out of breath.*

Neblium: *Stands completely unharmed and unfazed by their attacks.* Is that all?

Despuidad: Dammit.....

Arcturus: Not one hit...

Neblium: Blame your friend. Perhaps if you three came at me, you could possibly touch me. As things stand now, you’re just maggots.

Despuidad: RAH!!! *Charges at Neblium and swings both his spears.*

Neblium: *Deflects both attacks with ease and slashes Despuidad’s chest.*

Despuidad: ARG!

Arcturus: Despuidad! We have no choice! We have to retreat!

Neblium: *Appears behind Arcturus.* You aren’t going anywhere. *He swings his blade down on Arcturus, who just manages to block it with his sword.*

Arcturus: Ngh....

Neblium: Too much force for you? Should I lighten up a bit?

Arcturus: Rgh. Bastard....

Neblium: Let me help you out. *He kicks Arcturus’ back. Arcturus stumbles forward and Neblium’s blade slashes his back.*

Arcturus: GAH!

Neblium: That’s enough fooling around. You two better both come for me now. This is too pathetic.

Despuidad: Can you still fight?

Arcturus: Of course I can. It’s only a scratch.

*Lyle and the others watch as the three of them go into another bout with eachother.*

Serene: Kinda makes you two look like chumps.

Lyle & Rauz: <_<

Branded Blade: Who is that guy?

Rauz: He’s Neblium. He wields the blade of the mind. One of those four swords things.

Lyle: That’s why he’s so good. For him, Despuidad’s and Arcturus’ movements take forever. So he can defend himself and prepare with ease.

Serene: Sounds pretty useful.

Rauz: No kidding.

Lyle: How’re my arms?

Rauz: Pretty torn up.

Lyle: That’s not too bad.

Rauz: Yeah. Should be fine in a few minutes.

Branded: *Turns to Serene.* Huh?

Serene: *Shrugs.*

*Another plane.*

Zeek: *Walks down a hall and whistles while twirling his pitchfork in one hand and a grenade in the other.*

Cornelius: *Sees him walking down the hall.* What are you doing? Er. And shouldn’t you be careful with that?

Zeek: Oh please. I’ve completely perfected the twirling of my pitchfork. There’s no need to worry.

Cornelius: ....I meant the grenade Zeek.

Zeek: Huh? Oh. Psht. You worry too much. Oh, and please, call me Roger. *He starts walking away again.*

Cornelius: Where are you going?

Zeek: I got some work to do. I’ll be back eventually. *He starts walking away again.*

Cornelius: Zeek. I am you’re commanding officer. You WILL tell me what exactly you plan to do.

Zeek: *Stops in his tracks. He turns his head and glares at Cornelius.* ‘What I plan to do’?

*The realm of those who are not at peace. Damon sits drenched in blood. Several corpses are strewn about the area. One person is still alive.*

Damon: *Glares at the person.* Eh? You still alive? What’s your name?

Gotoh: G-Gotoh...

Damon: *Grabs the disfigured man’s head.* Gotoh huh? And you’re one of those parasyte things?

Gotoh: Ugh....

Damon: I said answer me. NOW! *A projection of Celestire appears.* Eh? *Damon crushes Gotoh’s head without hesitation and walks toward Celestire, yet she stays that distance.* What the fuck?

Celestire: I’m not actually here. You’re just seeing me in your mind. No matter where you look, I’ll be there.

Damon: What the hell do you want?

Celestire: Certainly you’ve noticed that you’ve been acting differently now.

Damon: Eh? Yeah I guess.

Celestire: Aren’t you curious?

Damon: Not really. Don’t matter to me.

Celestire: What if I could tell you I know a way to bring you back to life.

Damon: .....Keep talking.

Celestire: As you may or may not know, I am the one who altered your mind. I can bring you back to life, but if I do, you owe me your services.

Damon: *Smirks.* Sounds fine.

Celestire: Just like that?

Damon: Whatever you did to me, I may not have been willing to before, but now that I’m here....I think deep down. This is what I want. I was made to be a killing machine. Now I am. I can think of nothing better to do with my life then to bring death.

Celestire: ...What about your friends?

Damon: ....My....friends?

*Neblium stands unharmed as Arcturus and Despuidad sit battered around like rags.*

Arcturus: Damn you....

Neblium: ....Let me tell you two something.

Despuidad: ?

Neblium: Have you noticed.....that even though you have declared war upon the Demonclaw syndicate, that you’ve only come in contact with four of them.

Arcturus: What?

Lyle: ......

Rauz: .....

Neblium: Doesn’t it seem odd.....that two of the strongest members......Devilsbane and Hexblade....haven’t even seemed to have noticed? ......It’s because you aren’t worth their time! Worthless scum like you aren’t of enough interest to the syndicate to warrant their action. You’re weak. You’re pathetic. The only reason you even manage to defeat Lyle and Rauz is because you caught them by surprise. You aren’t worth the syndicate’s time, you aren’t worth Vor’s time, and you certainly aren’t worth my time.

Despuidad: RAGH!!!!! *He charges at Neblium in anger. He thrusts his spears towards him.*

Neblium: *Sidesteps the spears. Then slashes the spear’s blades off.*

Despuidad: What?!

Neblium: *Grabs the two broken ends of the spears, flips them and impales Despuidad’s chest.*

Despuidad: *Watches in shock and horror as blood spouts from his chest.*

Arcturus: Despuidad!!!

Despuidad: *The life fades from his eyes as he falls to the ground.*

Neblium: *He looks at Arcturus.* Two down. One more.

Arcturus: !!! *He manages to teleport away.*

Neblium: Hm. Hardly matters. As I said. They aren’t worth my time. *Without a word. He disappears.*

Serene: .....Graphic.

Branded: I almost feel sorry for Despuidad.

Lyle: *Looks at Rauz.*

Rauz: .....I know....

*Another plane.*

Zeek: *Walks right up to Cornelius.* Let me tell you.....what I have ‘planned’....I have enemies.....ones similar to yours....and guess what?

*The realm of those who are not at peace.*

Damon: You know what I’m gonna do with my friends?

Damon & Zeek: I’m gonna kill them all!

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: ‘Things’ are happening.

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Nice update. This is getting good.

Yeah. I'm starting to try and wind this down.

So all the epic shit will be happening in the next few episodes.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Yeah. I'm starting to try and wind this down.

So all the epic shit will be happening in the next few episodes.

Alright just make sure to not rush things too much. That ruins a lot of good stories.

Edited by Branded_Blade
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Alright just make sure to don't rush things too much. That ruins a lot of good stories.

Yeah. I know.

I've pretty much gotten the ending and such down pat in my head. So the last few chapters should seem a little less like I'm bull-shitting my way through them like the last few ones.

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