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Troll in denial indeed.

Edit: Maybe she is seeking to commit account suicide? *shrugs*

This is quite foreign ohohohoooo! My fellow human being self has trouble understanding how my fellow human being self is attempting to rid this fellow human being account of mine by posting in a "freely post" part of the forum eh?! BWUAHAHAEHEHEHEOHOHOEHHAAHAAHH! My fellow human being self remembers posting briefly in that "Serious Land" part of the forum and then shortly after, my fellow human being posts get deleted or something ohohohooo! So my fellow human being self no longer bothers posting there despite my fellow human being self seeing the reasons for the removal as quite silly heheheheee! "non-serious is bad here!" or something lolz! :]

Unless my fellow human being self is somehow breaking "rules" in this part of the forum also?! Ohoohohohoo! Let me know, my fellow human being self will see if I can "conform" to it as well though my fellow human being self doubts I'm really doing anything wrong here heheheheeee! Fellow human being users here are able to freely go "potty mouth" fun apparently yes?! Though I don't do that ever, a habit not to BWUAAHEHEHAHAAHOHOHHAAHAH! :]

Edited by Goldie
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I saw that coming even before I posted my previous post here.


How funny! Yet also lovely! I love you as well! You are a fun and silly fellow human being heheheheeee! It must mean a confirmation of my not breaking any fellow human being created "rules" eh? Oohohohohohohoooo! We should have 39 hour conversations sometime! :]

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Lux's in-depth explanation of the creature that calls itself Goldie:


-Will replace any and all pronouns with the extraneous phrase "fellow human being self."

-Has a tendency to copy and paste obnoxious, page-stretching "laughs" that can only be accurately described as seizures.

-Will often repeat its points ad nauseum.

-Consistently talks about loving people and how wonderful they are all the while making them want to gouge their eyes out.

-Passively disagrees with its label of "troll" while possessing many of the qualities of one.

Conclusion: Avoid contact at all costs. If it reads this and protests that contact is not possible over the internet, specify that this brief description means intellectual contact.


I think my ignore list is going to have someone on it for the first time in a while.

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The only times I have put anybody on an ignore list, it ended up being a pointless endeavor because I just had to read what scandalous nonsense they'd posted now

And then, after careful analysis of my reasons for ignoring them, I would learn that perhaps, we were not so very different after all

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Lux's in-depth explanation of the creature that calls itself Goldie:


-Will replace any and all pronouns with the extraneous phrase "fellow human being self."

-Has a tendency to copy and paste obnoxious, page-stretching "laughs" that can only be accurately described as seizures.

-Will often repeat its points ad nauseum.

-Consistently talks about loving people and how wonderful they are all the while making them want to gouge their eyes out.

-Passively disagrees with its label of "troll" while possessing many of the qualities of one.

Conclusion: Avoid contact at all costs. If it reads this and protests that contact is not possible over the internet, specify that this brief description means intellectual contact.


I think my ignore list is going to have someone on it for the first time in a while.

To ignore your own fellow human being, how silly! Hehehheeee! After all, without your fellow human beings what is there? BWUAHAHEEHAHAHAAHAHAH!

Anyhoo your fellow human being description is not accurate my lovely yet silly and beautiful as well as being oh so amazing and special fellow human being which I would also enjoy calling fantastic and fun! Heheheheheeeee! :]

The page stretching laughs is during outcomes which cause me to laugh quite super longly-ish you see hehehehee! Your fellow human being self ought to try saying the laugh to yourself out loud! It's quite fun ohohohohohohhoooooooooHEHeHAHAAAABWUAHAHEHEOHOHOLAALALAHEHEHAAHAAjajaJAJAHAHHBWUAYEEHAAOOHHOAHAAH!

My fellow human being self never tries making any "points" that's silly! We're all fellow human beingS after all there's no "point" to make ohohohoAHEHWEHHWhhHAHAAHH! :]

You did not include your fellow human being self in the bit where I love humanity heheheheeee! Did you forget who your fellow human being self is?! BWUAAHEHEHAAHAAHAHH! I feel "we all are" would fit perfectly in there! Ohohohohoo! Just to avoid any further confusion, I give your fellow human being self special information to help guide your fellow human being post to a more proper, special, magical, and absolutely gorgeous bunch of text! :]:] - Looky! A tiny smile ohohohohooo!

Ohohohoo! Words of wondering now! "many qualities of one" I thought all this internet slang "lol" thing meant was "try to make others angry" eh?! Heheheheee! Is there an upgraded definition? Oohohohohohoooo! My fellow human being self shall say it once more though - I am me, my fellow human being self is being my fellow human being self, aren't all of you being your fellow human being selves as well?! Heheheheheeee! BWUAAHHAAAAAEOEOOOEEEEEEEOHOHOHOOEEEE H EEEEEE!bwuBWBUAHEHAAHAH! :]

Hmm, I don't see how "contact" is not possible online with our fellow human beings heheheeeee! Hearing what you say however is an interesting one ohohohohooo! You would have to say it all out loud, however it is not the fellow human being themselves saying it BWUAAAAOOAAAAOHOHOOHOHHWEHWHQHAAHhhahahaAHAHAHAAHJHEHEEHHEH!

Edited by Goldie
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Why the **** is this topic still getting posts.

I saw in the Forum List and it shown as a Hot Topic. And I think its possibly that everybody making lots replies about your Four Years on the SF.net and/or they made alot of replies to Goldie's comment. (I think?)

Edited by King Marth 64
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