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all of my penises @ no hands girl

I wish I could add her on MAL as a top waifu

this seems to be the latest thing amongst loser weeaboo fgts such as myself and everyone pathetic enough that they must associate with me in order to have friends

I started a few days late, but man this shit is gdlk and actually makes you FEEL things and the girls are kind hot

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I'm moving this to FFtF since this doesn't really look like something suitable for the main forum. Also Inui, this forum does have rules on grammar outside of FFtF.

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Some dudes I know love this, some threw up their hands before the first act finished. If I can be tempted into Monster Girls, I can probably be tempted into seeing what this is all about.

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Some dudes I know love this, some threw up their hands before the first act finished. If I can be tempted into Monster Girls, I can probably be tempted into seeing what this is all about.

Pretty much every worthwhile visual novel ever apparently


I played it because so many of my friends were recommending it. Any idiot saying it's "Fetish Fuel" has obviously never actually looked and seen the writing or wants to use it as a "fapping tool" will find it very hard, considering this is more on character development.

The internet seemed to gasp that something with the dignity of a paid project spawned out of the /a/ boards of 4chan. At least the idea did.

all of my penises @ no hands girl



Edited by shadowofchaos
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I thought it was pretty great, and I enjoyed reading it.




Lily's route's only fault is the cliche ending, and even that was done really well.

Hanako's route was fairly depressing and really well done considering she was the only girl without a "real" disability. The route could probably have been a bit longer.

Rin's route is only interesting during the scenes with Rin. All the stuff with Nomiya (the art teacher) are terrible, and the art teacher is easily the worst character in the game, but then again, he is also the closest thing to an antagonist the game has. It's also the longest route in the game and can be quite slow at times.

Emi's route is good, but Rin, Hanako, and Lily's are just better.

Shizune's route is pretty bad. It's slower than Rin's, and Shizune feels like a background character. Misha was the more interesting character in this route too which didn't really help. It's also the "easiest" route in the game.



I personally think Lily is the best girl, but Hanako is more interesting. Rin was a bit too LOL RANDUMB XD at times.

Opening Animation:


All the ero scenes are pretty bad, with Lily and Shizune being the only characters that have ero scenes like those you would find in a typical eroge. If you are playing this game for the eroge, then you are doing it wrong, as hard as that may seem to be. That said, I personally would advise against disabling the adult content since I found the censorship they use to be a bit more disturbing than the sex scenes, but that's just me.

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I'm moving this to FFtF since this doesn't really look like something suitable for the main forum. Also Inui, this forum does have rules on grammar outside of FFtF.

What? It's a topic about an actual game. How is this considered spam?

Rules on grammar? What's wrong with my grammar? Are you seriously saying you're going to ban me for not capitalizing the first word of a sentence or neglecting to use punctuation?

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All the ero scenes are pretty bad, with Lily and Shizune being the only characters that have ero scenes like those you would find in a typical eroge. If you are playing this game for the eroge, then you are doing it wrong, as hard as that may seem to be. That said, I personally would advise against disabling the adult content since I found the censorship they use to be a bit more disturbing than the sex scenes, but that's just me.

Am I the only one who has more of a problem with the "fappy" people jerking off to this game because of the squick inherent in that than because they're missing the point?

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"fappy" people

All the fappy people

Where do they all come from

All the fappy people

Where do they all belong

bahaha why is this word funny

It's just common for physical attraction to follow emotional attraction, dude.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "common." Common is like a rattata or pidgey by pallet town or a zubat or geodude in mount moon - a bit too frequent for this kind of situation. And in my life, it seems more like emotional attraction has followed physical attraction where the first ever actually existed.

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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I'll give you that. By common, I mean "widespread enough to not be a shameful aberration"-common, more than "people tend to go to bed at night and wake up after the sun rises"-common. I get a mix of the two attraction patterns, myself.

All the fappy people

Where do they all come from

All the fappy people

Where do they all belong

it's like, like mole people

Edited by Rehab
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This game is definitely awesome for people with weird fetishes (like myself), including a fetish for emotionally damaged people lol...

Physical attraction always comes first because everyone sucks.

I'm going for Rin on my first playthrough but I'd go for Hanako irl.

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This game is definitely awesome for people with weird fetishes (like myself), including a fetish for emotionally damaged people lol...

Physical attraction always comes first because everyone sucks.

I'm going for Rin on my first playthrough but I'd go for Hanako irl.

I disagree. I have found that emotional attraction often comes first for me - more than physical attraction, actually. It's just that where emotional attraction comes first, physical attraction doesn't follow.

It's not surprising or troubling or bad that physical attraction would come first at times. After all, it takes but a glance to appraise smexiness much of the time, while it takes actual experience with a personality to develop interest in a person's emotions. Well, maybe not for all of us.

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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Am I the only one who has more of a problem with the "fappy" people jerking off to this game because of the squick inherent in that than because they're missing the point?

Probably not, but you're probably one of the few that might explicitly hate such people. There is nothing wrong with the sex scenes,

Except for Rin's, which is horribly placed and literally just there so that she at least has one

but people playing this game solely for the sex scenes will be disappointed.

I'm going for Rin on my first playthrough but I'd go for Hanako irl.

You should do Emi's route before Rin's route.

The best way to playthrough the game is to do so in an order like this: Do Kenji's route first, then do Emi's route before Rin, and Hanako and Shizune's route before Lily's, essentially making the last route you play be either Lily's or Rin's.

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Probably not, but you're probably one of the few that might explicitly hate such people. There is nothing wrong with the sex scenes,

Except for Rin's, which is horribly placed and literally just there so that she at least has one

but people playing this game solely for the sex scenes will be disappointed.

She has two. Also, Lilly's first is horribly placed ("omg I love you so much oh hey btw let's give my HEALTHY ADOLESCENT SEX DRIVE a test drive shall we? ara ara~~~") and even more horribly written. Actually the general pattern seems to be that the first ero scene for each girl is the worst-motivated. Except Emi's. Emisex always actually seems reasonable in the circumstances, although there's a sense in which it's just a distraction from her... issues.

You should do Emi's route before Rin's route.

Unless you're an emotional masochist like me. (Also I was expecting great things from Rin's route due to the blog posts etc. I was not disappointed.)

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Hanako makes my heart hurt. In a good way.

same for me,

I did her route first, but now I feel bad for leaving her lonely and calling her "not cute" in all the other routes I read.

Emi was second, Rin third. now reading Shizune's, leaving Lilly for last.

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