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[FE10] I Always Wanted To Try This Game


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And here we gooooooo

1-P (6/6)

Pretty standard.

1-1 (6/12)

Free Nolan. Not worth restarting the map so many times to trigger a couple of misses and shave a turn. This was as fast as I could.

1-2 (7/19)

Free Nolan. Nolan tanks, Sothe kills the soldiers above and Micaiah and Laura rush. Nolan and Micaiah shove Laura while Sothe gets the Thani.

1-3 (9/28)

Aimee and Kurth act as meatshields while Laura recruits Aran. Sothe baits the boss, steals Discipline and Micaiah kills him. Aran and Sothe clear the path and Micaiah rushes to the exit.

1-4 (9/37)

Aran gets discipline. Meg gets one BEXP level so she can get Speed and not be doubled. I also forge her a sword so she can hit. Sothe solos the north part while Aran and Meg tank below. Got the 3000G and the Seraph Robe, but not Beastfoe.

Micaiah      8.71  |20| 3|13|12|11|14| 5|11| A Sothe   | C Light
Sothe     --/3.55  |36|19| 4|21|22|17|14| 9| A Micaiah | A Knife
Laura        2.66  |17| 3| 8| 4| 6| 9| 2|10| C Aran    | C Staff 
Aran        10.74  |26|13| 0|14|11| 6|13| 3| C Laura   | C Lance 
Meg          6.07  |23|11| 1| 8|10| 9|11| 7|           | C Sword

All I've done in 1-5 base is give Aran and Laura a C Support.

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Chapter 1-5 (6/43)

Meg gets Dracoshield and Micaiah gets the Seraph Robe. Defend map. Sothe stole the Master Seal.

Chapter 1-6-1 (8/51)

This was a pain. Required tons of Battle Saves and restarts to get it to protect Laura and prevent Volug from getting attacked (Tauroneo is easy by equipping a Javelin on him. Rush Sothe towards the west with a forged knife so he can kill everything. Resolvecaiah took care of the south Pegasus while Meg and Aran tanked the east.

Chapter 1-6-2 (6/57)

Rush Sothe to the boss from the east. Everyone else gets extra exp. Woo-hoo! Lots of BEXP.

Chapter 1-7 (10/67)

Sothe and Micaiah run to the boss while Aran, Meg and Laura get a few BEXP levels and train north. Micaiah gets the boss kill and Tormod and co. are never recruited so they can kill a few units. Two soldiers are rescued.

Stats before Base 1-8:

Micaiah     15.55  |30| 6|17|13|14|20| 8|17| A Sothe   | B Light   | Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
Sothe     --/6.58  |36|20| 4|23|22|19|15| 9| A Micaiah | S Knife   | Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel, Paragon
Laura       10.44  |17| 3|15|11|12|11| 2|12| B Aran    | B Staff   | Shove
Aran        15.78  |27|17| 0|18|11| 6|16| 4| B Laura   | A Lance   | Shove, Discipline
Meg         13.54  |28|11| 1|11|12|15|14|10|           | B Sword   | Fortune, Shove

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Chapter 1-8 (10/77)

BEXP Laura to level 15 and she gets Master Sealed. Sothe rushes to the boss, Laura defends below, and the rest up and west.

Chapter 1-9 (8/85)

Resolvecaiah solo, except for Jarod.

Chapter 1-E (13/98)

Laura gets Rafiel's Seraph Robe. Sothe with Savior and Pass rushed Micaiah to the boss, but had to tank several units with a forged knife. Got the Speedwing and Vantage. Sothe weakened Jarod and Micaiah got the kill in time for her to hit Lv. 20. Aran promoted in battle while Meg ended half a level away from promoting.

Stats right before seizing. MICCY IS FREAKIN' BLESSED.

Micaiah     20.00  |30| 6|20|14|15|25|10|20| A Sothe   | A Light            | Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
Sothe     --/9.18  |36|22| 5|26|25|21|15|10| A Micaiah | S Knife            | Guard, Steal, Shove, Pass, Savior
Laura     15/6.20  |29| 9|23|21|16|16| 6|17| A Aran    | A Staff, D Light   | Shove, Paragon, Discipline
Aran      20/1.23  |33|21| 2|21|16| 6|21| 7| A Laura   | A Lance            | Critical +5, Shove
Meg         20.55  |34|11| 1|13|19|18|18|10|           | A Sword            | Fortune, Shove
Rafiel      13.90  |32| 1| 6| 1| 6|31| 3|14|           |                    | Blessing, Galdrar, Shove
B. Knight   20.00  I  T ' S   N O T   L I K E   A N Y O N E   C A R E S

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2-P (8/8)


2-1 (7/15)

Got Heather for Pass. Not one village. Brom weakened and Nephenee killed.

2-2 (6+4/25) (Lucia penalty)

Nephenee is the free unit. Brom chokes from behind and Lucia makes it to the exit with help from Leanne

2-3 (7/32)

Geoffrey Rush. Yes, pun intended.

Part 2 is just so boring.

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Chapter 2-E (6+4/42) (Elincia penalty)

Brom and Calill got BEXP'd to Lv. 10 and 12, respectively. Took me a while and this was the best I could. Brom got a few kills defending below and got the Energy Drop. Calill used Meteor for Nullify. Elincia got parked safely and after dodging one Steel Longbow she went to Ludveck and killed him thanks to proccing Stun.

Part 1: 98 Turns

Part 2: 42 Turns

140 Turns Total.

Sneak preview:

Chapter 3-P (10/10)


Run, you stupid lion! I bet my last two turns on you! No! Don't go help Ike and Mia! RUN!!! No, don't look at me now!!! Aaargh...

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Chapter 3-1 (12+4/26) (Gatrie penalty)

Shinon is my free unit and take Gatrie as well. Mia gets Adept. Shinon cockblocks with Killer Bow on the upper left grass patch, Gatrie and Mia block south and Ike goes through the middle. Got the Seraph Robe and Blue Gem. Could have ended it an earlier turn if it wasn't for an enemy that hid where he wasn't supposed to. Thanks to the catgirls for the help.

Chapter 3-2 (4/30)

Ike rushes to the boss with the Celerity brought by Ilyana. Brom and Mia take the time to train. Ike and Mia are ready to support next map.

Ike      --/15.64  |46|26| 2|30|26|15|24| 8|           | S Sword            | Shove, Celerity
Mia      --/10.79  |36|19| 6|29|29|19|15| 8|           | S Sword            | Vantage, Critical +10, Shove, Adept
Brom     --/11.33  |44|21| 4|18|18|22|29|10|           | B Axes, E Sword    | Disarm, Shove

Ike has gotten +3 Speed in four level ups. GOOD.

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Chapter 3-3 (14/44)

Bleh. Could have saved a couple of turns had Ike not been cockblocked. Everyone divided up and burned all the supplies near the end. The senators escaped, but got Blossom and the Master Crown.

Chapter 3-4 (13/57)

It sucks not having Ranulf drafted here since you have to keep him out of enemy range. Ike, Mia and Brom cleaned up and Ranulf followed.

Chapter 3-5 (5/62)

Ike got Pass and rushed towards the Boss. Everyone else guarded the fort.

Ike      --/20.00  |50|27| 3|30|28|15|26|10| B Mia     | S Sword            | Shove, Corrosion, Pass
Mia      --/16.90  |40|21| 6|30|30|22|18|11| B Ike     | S Sword            | Vantage, Critical +10, Shove, Adept
Brom     --/16.40  |45|22| 4|20|20|26|30|11|           | S Axes, E Sword    | Disarm, Shove

Chapter 3-6 (11/73)

Meg gets a little BEXP and promotes. Aran gets Paragon and train to the point of awesomeness. The DB guarded north while the yellow units guarded east until BK showed up. Micaiah trains with the Torch and staff and Laura trains with Physic. Aran tanks several Laguz and caps STR, SKL and DEF at level 8. He's getting BEXP'd dumped soon.

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Chapter 3-7 (12/85)

Defend map. Ike fights the BK and survives. Mia and Brom get BEXP'd to Level 20 and promote in battle.

Chapter 3-8 (14/99)


Chapter 3-9 (5/104)

Geoffrey gets BEXP'd a bit and crowned. Callil gets some BEXP and Adept. She gets a few kills and Geoffrey handles the boss.

Chapter 3-10 (8/112)

Ike and Mia go North, Brom handles the lower part. The Bow Knights are killed before they start moving. Ike kills the final Bishop and ends the map with 1 HP left.

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Chapter 3-11 (8/120)

Calill gets BEXP'd to promotion. Ike gets Celerity and rushes to the boss. Tibarn's cohorts die in battle. RIP those brave guys.

Chapter 3-12 (11/131)

Using the Target option the yellow units block the East while Miccy and co. handle the ledge on the West. Aran gets most of the kills, but Meg gets a couple while having the Paragon skill.

Chapter 3-13 (3/134)

Aran gets BEXP to level 19 and Crowned. He gets Boots, then Laura puts Ike to Sleep. Due to Ike's huge stats Aran can't kill him on the first Impale, so he hits him normal in turn 2 and Impales him on turn 3.

Chapter 3-E (7/141)

Since this map basically plays itself, might as well speed it up by killing a few units myself. Killed Zihark, Jill and Nolan, but good thing I didn't have to deal with Aran.

NAME              LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  SUPPORT     WEAPON LV                            SKILLS 
Ike       --/20/1.00  |54|29| 7|32|30|15|28|14| A Mia     | S Sword, A Axes                    | Shove, Aether, Celerity, Corrosion
Micaiah      20/4.81  |34| 9|24|17|17|28|13|23| A Sothe   | A Light, C Staff                   | Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
Sothe       --/12.14  |36|22| 6|26|25|23|15|10| A Micaiah | S Knife                            | Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel
Laura       15/11.17  |31|11|25|22|21|18| 6|19| A Aran    | S Staff, C Light                   | Shove, Discipline
Aran      20/19/2.83  |50|28| 8|29|28|17|28|18| A Laura   | S Lance                            | Critical +10, Shove, Impale, Pass, Vantage
Meg          20/5.05  |38|15| 5|15|22|22|20|15|           | A Sword, E Lance                   | Fortune, Shove, Paragon
Mia       --/20/5.71  |45|27|10|35|34|28|25|18| A Ike     | S Sword                            | Vantage, Critical +20, Shove, Astra, Adept
Brom      --/20/6.09  |54|29| 8|26|23|30|35|16|           | SS Axes, C Sword, D Lance          | Disarm, Shove
Calill    --/20/3.15  |41|15|29|27|29|26|16|29|           | S Fire, B Thunder, B Wind, E Staff | Nihil, Shove, Flare, Adept 

Laura and Callil go Silver, Aran and Mia go Greil, and Brom and Meg go Hawk.

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To be Updated:

4-P (9/9)

Micaiah and Sothe handled the top, Laura and Calill the side. Naesala flew around killing things.

4-1 (11/20)

Ike went south, Mia went west, and Aran east. Had to return to get some pesky reinforcements.

4-2 (14+4/38) (Tibarn Penalty)

Tibarn flew around killing things while Father & Daughter trained.

4-3 (12/50)

Naesala with Nullify flew around. Laura and Calill traveled around as well, with Laura triggering her boss convo. Only got Baselard and Stefan.

4-4 (20/70)

The least said about this map, the better. Ike got Savior to carry Rafiel to Oliver.

4-5 (4+4/78) (Tibarn Penalty)

Tibarn rush, everyone else trained.

Stats after battle preparations. Finally, the whole gang is here!

NAME              LV   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  SUPPORT     WEAPON LV                            SKILLS 
Ike      --/20/20.00  |65|37|10|40|37|23|32|20| A Mia     | SS Sword, A Axe                    | Shove, Aether, Nihil
Micaiah   20/20/1.00  |43|15|32|25|27|40|20|32| A Sothe   | S Light, B Staff                   | Sacrifice, Shove, Corona, Paragon, Discipline
Sothe     --/20/2.48  |44|24|13|29|33|32|18|20| A Micaiah | S Knife                            | Guard, Steal, Shove, Bane, Cancel, Resolve
Laura    15/20/10.00  |44|19|34|30|31|32|17|29| A Aran    | S Staff, S Light                   | Shove, Corona, Resolve
Aran     20/19/19.00  |60|35| 9|35|33|27|34|20| A Laura   | SS Lance                           | Critical +10, Shove, Impale, Vantage, Wrath
Meg      20/20/17.00  |59|33|13|31|32|30|35|32| C Brom    | S Sword, B Lance, D Axe            | Fortune, Shove, Luna, Paragon
Mia      --/20/16.72  |50|30|10|40|38|30|25|21| A Ike     | SS Sword                           | Vantage, Critical +20, Shove, Astra, Adept, Provoke
Brom     --/20/13.00  |60|34| 8|29|24|30|36|19| C Meg     | SS Axe, B Sword, D Lance           | Disarm, Shove, Luna, Daunt, Adept
Calill    --/20/9.75  |43|15|32|30|32|29|17|29|           | S Fire, B Thunder, B Wind, E Staff | Nihil, Shove, Flare, Adept, Cancel
Naesala        31.33  |60|20| 9|22|23|23|13|16|           | SS Strike                          | Vantage, Formshift, Shove, Canto, Tear, Nullify
Oliver    --/--/9.57  |48|23|31|22|21|28|19|32|           | S Light, A Staff                   | Shove, Corona
Geoffrey  --/18/7.10  |47|30|14|29|25|20|26|22|           | S Lance, C Bow                     | Paragon, Canto, Sol
Volke    --/--/13.78  |52|30| 5|36|35|19|26|22|           | SS Knife                           | Stilness, Critical +25, Shove, Lethality

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's get on with it.

My Team - Boyd, Zihark, Sigrun, Rhys, Leonardo, Makalov, Giffca, Pelleas, Kurthnaga.

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden


Ed hits, Miccy kills. Miccy gets the boss kill. Leo takes a nap...zzz...

Turns: 5



Miccy blocks the road, Leo stands behind her. Nolan hits the luldier. Leo moves and kills a fighter that hit Trollan, as he hits a fighter and Miccy kills. Nolan heals in front of the fighter, Miccy hits him and Leo gets the Hand Axe. EP3: Miccy dodges hits, Nolan kills. Nolan hits the hand axe fighter and Leo kills him, for Miccy to Escape.

Turns: 4/9

BEXP: 120P


Miccy blocks the eastern path, Nolan climbs the ledge with Leo and the duo kill the fighter. Miccy had to dodge a loldier unequipped cause that'd provoke her death :S, Nolan keeps chipping and Leo keeps killing. Sothe arrives and kills the fighter approaching Leo. Leo hits the jav soldier, Nolan heals and Miccy kills a loldier she dodged. Nolan and Leo kill again a soldier as Sothe kills another one upstairs. Nolan goes down the gap and gets hit by the myrm for Leo to take the kill. Sothe kills the bowman, Ed drops Laura. Nolan trades the key and gets Thani, Sothe steals a vuln for 10EXP, Ed shoves Laura as she arrives. I don't remember exactly how to 5 turn it but derp.

Turns: 6/15

BEXP: 180P


Queen Cutielincy inspired me. Kurth and Aimee are targeted in front of a bush to block the path of the enemies (it was convenient for Leo to hit some enemies). Miccy moves east, Sothe kills the fighter, Leo gets in the thickets and gets hit by the steel bow archer who left him in 2HP :facepalm: and he got juicy magic. Ed gets Sothe's keys, Leo shoves Miccy for her to get Ed's keys and open the door so Sothe can kill the archer blocking the path. Miccy kills the archer who hit Sothe, Sothe moves and gets in the range of Burton. EP: enemies fail to hit Sothe, Burton is lured. Miccy thanibombs him, Sothe moves and crtkards the armor, Leo plays with the bow. The enemies seem to like Sothe and hit him, but he killed the longbowman for Miccy to Escape.

Turns: 5/20

BEXP: 277P

1-4 Preps:

Max mt/crt bow for Leo. Bought Ellight and Beast Killer. BEXP'd Leo a level up (Hp, Sp and Lck), Miccy to .99.

Stats so far

Name     Class       Lv./EXP  HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Sp/Lck/Def/Res  Weapon Level     Support     Skills

Micaiah  Light Mage   06.99   17/02/12/10/12/14/03/08        Light D          Sothe A     Sacrifice, Wrath
Sothe    Rogue        01.49   BASE
Leonardo Archer       07.75   19/10/01/14/12/09/06/04        Bow D                        Cancel, Shade

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Leonardo crts with his forged bow a couple of tigers that meant a (serious) threat to him. Standard Miccy and Sothe strategy, I would've gotten the gold but Miccy would've been killed. Leo doubles and crts the last tiger reinforcement as Miccy wrath crtblicks the cat diagonal to Sothe so Bond+. :awesome:

Turns: 7/27

BEXP: 450P


Miccy and Leonardo climb the ledge and kill some enemies near the boss. Sothe steals the Seal from the loldier. Zihark gets loads of kills.:)

Turns: 6/33

BEXP: 482P


Stage 1

Resolve Miccy to the north. Wrath Sothe to the west and Leo and Zihark in the centre killing pegs and the armors Sothe left alive.

Turns: 4/37

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Stage 2

Usual Sothe solo. He crt Laverton. Zishark shoves him and Leo gets kills. I'm planning to have Leo as a main, I'm insane (he's just a bit of a pita...).

Turns: 2/39

BEXP: 4712P


BEXP'd everyone except Miccy to .99. Leo and Zihark shove Miccy, she moves and Sothe Saviours. Kills and crts with forges. Leo and Zihark freed some loldiers and killed some enemies.

Turns: 5/44

BEXP: 1916P


BEXP'd Leo to lv.18 and Sealed him. Paragon to Zihark and Wrath Shade to Leo. Kills, kills, vigors and kills. An extra turn cause Zihark was short of legs...no way for taking a penalty.

Turns: 5/49

BEXP: 2850P


This is insane Miccy lv.15 with 19 sp :awesome: ...Ashera's Blessings. Usual strategy.

Turns: 4/53

BEXP: 3000P

EDIT: I'll be clearing P1 tonight...


Yep I cleared it...


Miccy moves and kills the fighter (20mag, 20skl, 20sp, 20res (no serious abuse)), Sothe saviours her and Leo shoves. They're vigored and advance. BK and Zihark accompany them, the double shove Leo to Longbow break the door. Sothe drops, Miccy resolves enemies and seizes.

Turns: 5/58

BEXP: 3750P

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden cleared in 58 turns

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Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

I love On Glory's Wings :awesome: , I love Lincy and Marcia


Marcia and Lincy Duo, Lincy gets a level up, a nice one.

Turns: 8/66

BEXP: 1000P


I'm not waiting for Heather, so Brom and Neph do their stuff. Neph gets a perfect level up, except def.

Turns: 4/70

BEXP: 3700P


Neph solo takes more than taking a Lucy penalty. So Lucy and Neph Duo.

Turns: 6/76 (+4)

BEXP: 3250P


BEXP'd Makalov to .99EXP. Geoffrey and Makalulz Duo. Geo gets an Arms Scroll :awesome: .

Turns: 5/81 (+4)

BEXP: 10887P


Derp, Lincy didn't Stun, so BEXP'd her two levels. CutiElincy penalty. This part is full of penalties and Duos, lulz...

Turns: 1/82 (+8)

BEXP: 3037P

Part 2: Of Countries and Kings is cleared in 24 turns

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