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I am back and I smell like "apple orchard on a summers eve"


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Yo, back from my requested suspension. Sorry for randomly peacing, but schoolwork actually caught up to me for once. It's been 11 years though, I guess it's time we finally do shit in school.

Anyway, what'd I miss.

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Hate to tell you but after the first 2 days my body learned to not expect meat and I thus went to state where I don't seem to care about meat anymore. Because of this I am no more tempted by the pictures of meat. I don't know if this works with actual scent of meat but at least I was able to not give a fuck about fried chicken so Im pretty sure meat is no issue either. Interestingly I have also lost my lust for cheese for some reason. I also couldn't care less of sweets and ice cream while at it. I don't know what is happening inside me but I do like the change. No more money wasted on sweets :P:

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Hate to tell you but after the first 2 days my body learned to not expect meat and I thus went to state where I don't seem to care about meat anymore. Because of this I am no more tempted by the pictures of meat. I don't know if this works with actual scent of meat but at least I was able to not give a fuck about fried chicken so Im pretty sure meat is no issue either. Interestingly I have also lost my lust for cheese for some reason. I also couldn't care less of sweets and ice cream while at it. I don't know what is happening inside me but I do like the change. No more money wasted on sweets :P:

you're going to have to find a way to restore the necessary proteins though. do you take any supplements?

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You actually manage to accomplish things while suspended from the forest?

I usually just end up using inprivate mode and come here as a guest :/... Or i find other ways to distract my self... ;_;

Bio exam is this friday after my engrish and physics exam the 2 previous days... Fuck... I hate biology... I need more than an 8- to remain at an 80% ;_; life is so unfair...

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That meat is a little bit too red don't you think? How about cutting thinner slices and actually thoroughly cooking the meat?

nope. that's actually just right for a steak. (some people like it rarer than that. some people like it more well done than that too.)

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According to a quick google search, rare meat is undercooked, however because the bacteria and stuff reside on the outside of the steak (Unlike pork/chicken), its safe to consume when the outside is cooked but not the inside.

Still, rare steak is not something i'd go for. I don't even like meat that much...

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I would prefer rare over well done because some well done may seem a bit too well done for my preferences =3

Although... I don't think I've ever had rare steak before until yesterday but all I tasted when I took the first bite was fat and I hate all that fat that sticks on the outside =[ But the problem was I couldn't even see the fat so I was too afraid to eat anymore of it. =I

Otherwise, I don't think rare/medium rare steak would taste all that bad.

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