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Rate the Unit, Day 35: Karel


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Peppy's shouldn't count either since booooooo is not a reason. Peppy, if you're reading this, next time you rate a unit you don't like, give at least some valid reason instead of just sticking some text there. Anyway I'll be counting since gotta keep it consistent with the spreadsheets.

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Yeah, I gotta agree to that. 7.5 does seem a bit high for decent filler. But at least there's justifying text and shit unlike some other votes. Eh, it's not like Karel's final score's much high anyway, which I got as a 4.04 not counting in the two that didn't even try giving proper reasoning.

I'll leave the GDocs open a little longer if 13th or anyone else wishes to change his vote as I set up Harken's thread, but I'm not too fussed about this one.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Yeah, I gotta agree to that. 7.5 does seem a bit high for decent filler. But at least there's justifying text and shit unlike some other votes. Eh, it's not like Karel's final score's much high anyway, which I got as a 4.04 not counting in the two that didn't even try giving proper reasoning.


That was supposed to be a 6.5.

I REALLY hate the lack of numpad on this keyboard.

Sorry bout that.

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Then fine. Rate The Unit under conventional play through options.

Conventional as in, how you can play the game "out if the box, without hacks". Or better yet, conventional as in how Serene's Forest declares a unit, see http://www.serenesforest.net/fe7 for details...yea.

Is that specific enough? I started this thing assuming people would rate units on their well known, standard facts, not arbitrary stats generated in hacks.

This doesn't preclude the swordmaster-only run hypothetical. Would that still be an acceptable standard?

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Louise had 28...

And has an Auto A that gives her +3 Defense, and ranged attacks. Karel has like, no realistic supports and Sword-lock. :/

Rating now, not counting Swordsalmon's 0 because he didn't justify it.

Wow, that's not nice. :/

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Then why didn't you say that? If you typed out actual reasons instead of "31HP :/", then it would have counted. I've threatened to discount ratings of good ratings of units I like until the rater has provided me with something reasonable. Should've said something more like "31HP with supports too slow to make up for the defensive problems and swordlock means the shittiest range options ever and WTD, terrible, 0/10" that would've been acceptable.

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