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FE4 2nd Gen draft


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Faval is pretty shit and requires that I go out of my way to recruit him.

Hannibal is seriously shit-tacular but I'll be recruiting him anyway.


Hannibal so I can sacrifice him at some point and be maybe useful.

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K, so done first gen, I took 216 turns in chapter 3, getting Sylvia to level 30.

I bet it won't make a difference but watever

Also, Lex and Ayra fell in love, but Roddelban sucks ass anyway

Chapter 6 - 16 turn clear

Celice ran to all the castle and seized them all, killing shit along the way.




go team go

Edited by General Horace
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His name is Roddlebad, you stupid stupids.

Planning my run out (for the first time ever!) before I start.

EDIT: yes planning is done

EDIT2, way later:


im winner

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Chapter 7 - 26 turns

haha I'm amazing


suck it, promoted by 3 exp

Anyway, the first castle was 10 turns, the second one was 6, the third was fuck if I remember and the fourth was fuck if I remember + what is this I don't even

42 turns total

now only if I had that rescue staff

I never knew Nanna could be this useful

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Don't think it's possible without Nanna or Janne. I'm not even sure if Janne could replicate it tbh. Probably, if you gave Leaf a return ring.

Chapter 8 - 10 turn clear

Sorry Hawk you're a bro and all, but you cost turns when dancers exist.

Leaf was returned home by Nanna, who canto'd into Lenster and Sold Warp, Leen danced Leaf, who warped Celice to Lenster. He charged across for a 5 turn clear. He blicked NPC Ishtar, then was danced by Leen, and ran down past Hawk and killed to boss on turn 10.

52 turns total

i'll get stats and shit in a sec

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ok a sec turned out to be never

Chapter 9 - 11 turn clear

Celice was danced to that first place for a 2 turn seize, then was danced to that other place for a seize two turns later

he was danced again for a 7 turn clear or ballista land, then Julia was warped down to give Celice +3 res, and Celice seized on turn 11

but the best part of the chapter was this


fear unpromoted Buttface

stats after arena I promise

63 turns total




About to start chapter 10 stats. Didn't include scrubs

Chapter 10 - 15 turn clear

Having Fin instead of Aless hurt me on the last castle, as Fin has liek no evasion without prayer, and doesn't have the Mistoltin.

First castle was a two turn clear, fairly simple. Second castle took three more turns. Miletos took 3 turns as well, although Leaf had to kill Ishtar this time around so that took some monkeying around and another rescue charge to bring Fin in to kill the Sniper in the way. Oifaye was put to sleep on turn 7, and was more or less gone for the rest of the chapter. Nanna actually did something early on by Warping Oifaye and Fin ahead to the first castle.

It took 7 turns to clear Chalphy, since Aless couldn't power through as per before, since I don't have him, and I have nobody to take on Alvis other than Celice (who 2RKO'd him, via turn 14 EP and turn 15 player phase. Buttface got the magic ring village.

78 turns total

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Chapter Epilogue - 16 turn clear

haha buttface killed Areone too.

Danced Leaf and Celice, then Leaf rescued, then on turn 2 Celice seized.

Celice used return ring, while Oifaye killed the Axe brigade. On turn 4, Celice ran out, was danced, then rescued, and seized on turn 4.

did some rescuing and dancing shit, seized the next place on turn 7. Celice ran ahead after being danced once, got Velthomer on turn 12, Leaf couldn't make it through otherwise because of bitch pegasi and Ishtar. Celice ran right past them, and Leen and Leaf returned home.

Julia bought the leg ring, and then with some rescue dance shit, killed a lot of stuff, including Julius himself on turn 16.

94 turn total. Unit Analysis in a sec.


yay for killing Julius and all his dudes


Yay for rescuing Celice and Leen


Yay for killing everything other than Julius, Trabant and Areone


Yay for dancing


Yay for bringing Warp to me in chapter 7 and for doing some warping in chapter 10 and final


you suck


you do too


yay for killing Trabant, Areone and lots of dragon knights


yay for wait that's my turncount from the epilogue


yay for having a sexy moustache


what the fuck fin you're better than this

and sorry Rodelbad Hawk and shota sigurd, you're all cool, except Rodelbad isn't and Shota Sigurd is the coolest

fuck me I'm bad a picking units, I didn't recruit my 4th or 5th round pick

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Pffft, whatever, Oifaye is quite the badass.

Or maybe I'm just mad because my Fin has like 15 speed at level 25. Goddamnit Fin, you're better than that! Certainly not better than Oifaye though.

Here's my final team from Gen. 1.


Obviously SIgurd is godly, but he got quite badly strength screwed for me (20 strength at level 25), until he got lucky in the last few levels. He had worse strength than Ethlin at one point! Heck, Ethlin still beats him in statistics! Still, his awesome 20 defence is nothing to sneeze at, and I'm suprised he gained RES at all. Of note is that both of the Hero and the Light Swords have 100 kills, and he has a Magic Ring and a Speed Ring in storage.


Lex was a boss as usual, even if I only used him because I needed a father for Tailto. He tanked the top Ch. 4 castle (whose name I forgot) like a boss.


Cuan is also a badass, and incredibly useful when he's available, in which not many of my units were very good. Heck, after Ch. 3, I lost most of the good units I was using. I didn't use him that much though.


Ethlin's not supposed to be this good! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? Also she has Sigurd's 50 kill Hero Sword.


Fin's got REALLY good strength and all of his other stats are good enough, especially skill, but damn if he didn't get speed screwed. Oh, his Hero Lance has 50 kills, naturally.


She's way better in drafts, and despite having all the time in the world to level her up, I had better things to do with my time.


I only used her to father Sety, but damn, those stats are really good.


Thanks for holding all of those staves, bro.


Better than she's ever been in any of my past playthroughs.

Well, time to start Gen. 2.

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Yes, Fin is quite often better than Oifaye.

i'm too lazy to get the picture but Oifaye actually beat Fin in everything except luck. That's why he ended up with all the rings instead. Fin only broke 20 in one stat, which is strength and he only had 21 there, even with the conversation from Gen 1

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Chapter 6- 23/23 turns

Man, I did god awful here. I blame the RnG that basically forced me to waste a few turns making sure that Celice wouldn't die. Curse you, RnG!




All of America's hopes and dreams rest on you-holy shit, Leaf's bases are really awesome. Damn it, why did the crappy broken sword come from the inventory instead of you know, the USEFUL Pursuit Ring? Man, I swear this game hates me sometimes.

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I finished my grind fest.

Weapons with Critical: Hero Sword, Sigurds Silver Sword, Hero Lance, Fin's Iron Lance, Light Sword, Hero Bow, Wind Sword

Have some stats at the end of Gen 1.


I'm hoping Celice gets some good boosts from this!


Yay for Lester. He has a Hero Bow with Critical.




Skasaher will probably have low HP but whatever.


Leaf is going to be a MONSTER.

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Chapter 6


didn't recruit Johan. He helped contribute to the Magical Level 18, which cost me a few turns at the end of the chapter. Resire did too but Julias cute so it's ok. I guess the start was shaky too because Celice decided to get by all the 20somethings so I needed to burn RNs with the other peoples.

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Finally, done with Gen 1 with everything I wanted. Didn't grind everybody to 30; couldn't be assed to. Took probably something like 200 turns, all told.



143 kills

Didn't save Deirdre's stats, but she was like level 9.


23 kills and 42 kills

Fee's getting a lot of stuff.


no kills and 6 kills



53 kills and no kills

/smrted and grabbed a handful of droppable staves for Carpool.


22 kills and 26 kills

holyn. you suck.


38 kills and 20 kills

there really isn't anything Lex can pass down to Arthur. So he gets a Ring.

I'll probably finish the draft tomorrow in full.

Or Thursday.

EDIT: derp shit at the bottom gets replaced not shit at the top

Changes since screenshots: Aideen's inventory was reordered to put Relive at the bottom and Thunder was sold for Rescue; Slim Lance and Speed Ring swapped in Fury's inventory.

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