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Touhou Mafia


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Lol fine. I'm watcher. This is why I said to Kay that eclipse wouldn't get my "protection" in that my protection is my watch. This is also why I didn't visit anyone N1; or rather, noone saw me visit anyone n1 because trackers can't see watchers, as Snike here well know and guessed my role.

The doc "claim" was a facade to provoke something. Aka, to get a malicious action to target me. As expected, I was redirected to prims. Prims was the only person there, so no driver. Therefore he is a martyr or a self-redirector. Considering his strange change of heart on voting in actives, for which I don't think there's a significant difference between NOC and OC votes on, I'm thinking that the scum redirector, thinking I was doc, redirected me to them.

Therefore, ##Vote: Prims

Oh and if prims IS scum, then I believe one of eclipse/Kay to be scum as well. Of course, I would obviously suspect the former more.

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I'm not a redirecting role.

I didn't even know you softclaim a protective role. If you did, then I didn't take note of it.

I think not posting/talking to anybody is more harmful in OC since NOC usually has prod/modkill rules in place as it's easier to moderate player activity.

Also, I have never played in a game where trackers and watchers can't see eachother.


##Vote Kevin OMGUS

I'm thinking you tried to NK me last night and failed if you were the only person there. I should have been kill immune for reasons that aren't very interesting. Your claim looks desperate to me. Nobody has claimed being redirected up until now, have they?    

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And as a double post. . .

1. Preferably the people who you think are the least scummy.

2. I just ate a pizza in the name of science. It was delicious. Those of you that know me well can figure out the implications of this.

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Rein and strawman are my most trusted townies.

And Prims, the soft claim was to one person, who then told eclipse. This is why it was a bait. Not a bait if everyone knows about it unless your baiting them into a watcher, and I can't watch myself.

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So you have two "failures", and yet you still persist that I'm scum? If you are telling the truth, then there's a hooker and redirector running around, which is downright ridiculous. Excuse me for not believing you, since all you do is lie to me.

My vote stands.

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Erm, core and prims, I thought you guys didn't agree with lynching people for inactivity?

The intent was to give Bal a kick in the ass.

It would probably be better to unvote though, if it doesn't look like he'll show up at all.

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@Kevin: Your bluffs don't sound like the way a townie should bluff. Feigning doc is totally reasonable for a townie with a weak or passive role like BP trying to draw a roleblock or nightkill, but you're a watcher, which is similiar to a doc in usage and in some ways better since it can catch scum. I don't think a town watcher would want to draw potential scum attention to themself like that. All your traps just seem forced, and I get the impression your claim is a forced attempt to make people interpret scum actions as town ones due to how poorly it flows.

Do you believe that the person you claimed to initially is scum, or just eclipse? Additionally, what makes you think I have to be a reverse martyr, instead of there just being an ordinary scum hijacker who redirected you to me knowing no scum were targeting me? I'm pondering if you're just attacking me because voting eclipse would get you poked at for OMGUS and you want to avoid that.

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Noone else visited you, so it wasn't a hijacker. The redirect HAS to be you, prims.

If you are telling the truth, then there's a hooker and redirector running around, which is downright ridiculous

Well then I guess there's both of those running around.

Also, prims, Snike will back me up on the watcher not being seen by trackers thing.

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Noone else visited you, so it wasn't a hijacker. The redirect HAS to be you, prims.

Well then I guess there's both of those running around.

Also, prims, Snike will back me up on the watcher not being seen by trackers thing.

You completely ignored a majority of Prims' post.

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Hijackers typically don't visit the players they redirect to. You're thinking of Bus Drivers.

Trackers / Watcher seeing eachother is dependant on the mod. Like I said, I personally have never played in a game where they couldn't see eachother. 

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I'm here, I am playing the game, and I am talking to a few people. I'm not particularly good with OC, and I'm not particularly good with this role, but since there are some similarities in its use, I have tried taking a page out of my playbook that I tried in PYP2, but I'm not sure how successful that is. I apologize for having been in 'logger' mode one day on IRC (someone, not naming names, in particular seemed frustrated by that), so I've since taken to not being signed in if I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be available.

I don't feel comfortable enough to lay a vote down on it yet, but if I had to weigh in on the current situation, kevin seems in the less defensible position.

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Also, Kevin, if you were a Watcher, I don't think Clipsey's role would have been that relevant to whether you targeted her. You would want to target someone who would be killed, and Clipsey was very likely not to be killed, since the mafia should have figured that she looked bad enough.

##Vote: Kevin

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I'm here, I am playing the game, and I am talking to a few people. I'm not particularly good with OC, and I'm not particularly good with this role, but since there are some similarities in its use, I have tried taking a page out of my playbook that I tried in PYP2, but I'm not sure how successful that is. I apologize for having been in 'logger' mode one day on IRC (someone, not naming names, in particular seemed frustrated by that), so I've since taken to not being signed in if I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be available.

I don't feel comfortable enough to lay a vote down on it yet, but if I had to weigh in on the current situation, kevin seems in the less defensible position.


##Vote: Kevin

It sounds like you knew that you wouldn't be killed considering that you baited the mafia as an important role.

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Kevin aside, I'm going to say that I don't like Excellen and Obviam suddenly disappearing completely after I suspected them at the end of yesterday. If they're going to need a bunch of votes in their direction to post then that will be annoying. I'd like to hear from them.

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...huh, Excellen started viewing the thread before I posted that. Convenient how that works.

Still, I'd like to hear from people even though there's outside contact floating around. Votes need to be posted in-thread.

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