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[FE8] Ingame and CC


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Unit analysis so far:

Eirika - Traded her offensive parameters for defensive ones, with a net loss.

Franz - Never really got off the ground. So much for mini-Seth.

Gilliam - Hilariously Speed blessed to make up for Franz's general failures. Was rather, um, frail, and not that accurate, but helped cleared the way when it counted. Co-MVP.

Ross - His Speed bites, and that's why he's not promoted. Would've been really helpful if he'd been able to do something about it.

Natasha - Is absolutely amazing. She packed quite a punch, and was able to function well with a single Energy Ring.

Ephraim - Screw you too. Had he not been so Strength-screwed (5 points off of average), Endgame would've taken 1 turn less.

Kyle - Uhhh. . .thanks for the Strength and HP, but WTF is up with your Speed?

Amelia - Thanks for the minor HP blessing and major Luck blessing, now start gaining Strength and Speed.

Gerik - His bases are so awesome that everything is gravy.

Tethys - Invaluable, as always.

Saleh - Co-MVP for being amazingly good at killing things, sometimes not getting killed himself, and for that monstrous Physic range. Unlike a lot of my units, is Magic-blessed. WHEE~!

Rennac - Eh, opening doors is nice, as is the occasional shank.

Myrrh - The little girl who damn well will, once she gets some HP to her name.

Syrene - She defied death twice, and that makes me happy.


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So. . .I figured the best way for me to do this would be to create some uber-horse unit. After considering my options, I chose Kyle, because he's less likely to go berserk stat-wise than Franz. Bought quite a few boosters and weapons, then turned Kyle into something respectable. He's also got a snazzy pair of Boots. Now, it's Tower time~!

Floor 1 - 2/184


Stupid pacifist zombie.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    5.14  36  13   20   21   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    6.36  39  18   11   15   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Pirate    18.68  35  20   12    9   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     8.57  29  18*  12   20   15   10   16
Ephraim   G. Lord    9.37  47  17   25   24   22   20   10
Kyle      Paladin    4.70  50* 22*  17*  19*  12*  16*   6
Amelia    Cavalier  16.04  34  11   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer     9.95  26   2    2   17   17    7   10
Saleh     Sage      13.20  37  21   23   19   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.44  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

Floor 2 - 3/187


Warp Kyle to boss, hack out chips. I forgot about something with a Longbow.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    5.14  36  13   20   21   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    7.15  40  19   12   16   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Pirate    18.81  35  20   12    9   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     9.18  29  18*  12   21   16   10   16
Ephraim   G. Lord    9.38  47  17   25   24   22   20   10
Kyle      Paladin    6.57  52* 23*  17*  19*  14*  17*   6
Amelia    Cavalier  16.26  34  11   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer    10.25  27   2    2   18   17    7   11
Saleh     Sage      13.40  37  21   23   19   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.44  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

Floor 3 - 5/192


Got 3000 gold in the process, too.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    5.14  36  13   20   21   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    7.15  40  19   12   16   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Pirate    18.81  35  20   12    9   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     9.18  29  18*  12   21   16   10   16
Ephraim   G. Lord    9.38  47  17   25   24   22   20   10
Kyle      Paladin    6.57  52* 23*  17*  19*  14*  17*   6
Amelia    Cavalier  16.26  34  11   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer    10.25  27   2    2   18   17    7   11
Saleh     Sage      13.40  37  21   23   19   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.44  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

Floor 4 - 2/194


While Natasha deals out death to everything that attacks her

(I forgot to record stats for this level)

Floor 5 - 4/198


Could've 3-turned it, but one of the reinforcements was something with 63 HP, and Saleh didn't crit

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    5.46  36  13   20   21   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    7.42  40  19   12   16   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Pirate    19.03  35  20   13    9   17    7    8
Natasha   Bishop    11.31  31  18*  12   22   16   10   17
Ephraim   G. Lord   10.53  48  17   26   24   23   20   10
Kyle      Paladin    8.53  54* 23*  17*  20*  14*  18*   7
Amelia    Cavalier  16.89  34  11   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer    11.25  28   2    2   19   18    7   12
Saleh     Sage      14.28  37  21   24   20   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.51  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

Floor 6 - 9/207


Bolting is a lifesaver

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    6.52  37  13   20   22   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    7.74  40  19   12   16   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  1.21  39  21   14   10   17    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    12.02  31  19*  12   23   16   10   17
Ephraim   G. Lord   10.90  48  17   26   24   23   20   10
Kyle      Paladin    9.94  55* 23*  18*  21*  14*  18*   7
Amelia    Cavalier  16.89  34  11   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer    11.85  28   2    2   19   18    7   12
Saleh     Sage      14.44  37  21   24   20   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.51  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

Floor 7 - 9/216


Thanks to a better Franz, was able to get one less turn, but per me being stupid last time, will keep this at 9. Natasha can now use Purge.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    6.52  37  13   20   22   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    8.83  41  19   13   17   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  1.44  39  21   14   10   17    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    12.20  31  19*  12   23   16   10   17
Ephraim   G. Lord   10.90  48  17   26   24   23   20   10
Kyle      Paladin   11.61  56* 23*  19*  23*  15*  18*   7
Amelia    Cavalier  17.03  35  12   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer    12.45  29   2    2   19   19    7   13
Saleh     Sage      14.83  37  21   24   20   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.51  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

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Dear guy who made this,

That's a question I asked. Can you please answer it? Your profile says you were on a bit over two hours ago. Otherwise, I'm restarting the entire tower, and will retain the same turn counts, unless I do worse (in which case, I'll reflect that in my logs).



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Okay, that works. I'll simply redo the tower until I end up with a run that doesn't involve me losing something I'll need for the ruins, while preserving my turn counts.

EDIT: Redoing the tower, same strategy. I'll update my stats as I go, because this floor 1 had something that Amelia gained some levels off of.

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Floor 8 - 7/223


And Purge everything that gets in your way, including that Gorgon that killed Franz the first time.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    6.69  37  13   20   22   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    9.13  42  20   13   17   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  1.44  39  21   14   10   17    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    14.25  33  20*  12   23   17   10   18
Ephraim   G. Lord   11.22  49  18   26   24   23   21   11
Kyle      Paladin   12.80  57* 24*  19*  23*  15*  18*   7
Amelia    Cavalier  17.03  35  12   12   15   23    9    8
Gerik     Hero       9.19  48  23   22   20   13   16    8
Tethys    Dancer    13.15  30   2    2   20   20    7   14
Saleh     Sage      15.30  37  21   24   20   16   12   19
Rennac    Rogue      6.51  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

For the Ruins, I replaced all the Javelins, Iron Swords, Iron Lances, and Purges I used with more of the same. I gave the Dragonshield I got from the boss to Franz, promoted Amelia, gave out Robes to Natasha, Saleh, and Amelia, purchased a couple of Energy Rings for Amelia, gave a Body Ring to Natasha, and bought some more Killing Edges and a Bolting (because I refuse to waste Purges on walls). This required me to run from a skirmish, so I could sell Ismaire's Master Seal.

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Okay. . .after the first floor of the Ruins, I think I might need to redo the entire thing, because I don't think I have enough Javelins.


Due to the fact that I forsee a ton of restarts, I'm doing stats every EVEN floor. Riev will most likely die sometime during the tower.

Floor 1 - 8/231

Kyle, Franz, and Amelia take the long way 'round, while everyone else goes through the wall. My units have a hell of a time killing things, which isn't very encouraging. I'll need more Light tomes, if I'm to do this in any sort of decent time.

Also, ZOMG, there's a Gwyllgi with 25 Speed on the second floor. This is gonna hurt.

Floor 2 - 16/247

I wound up hanging out in the norther corridor, because having the entire map rush you isn't fun. I guess one could try to go for the kill, but there were several Halberds and Killers in that mess. Hooray for Hoplon Guards. Got a Dragonshield as a drop; will go to Natasha, so that the stronger things don't 2HKO her.

Once the rush was gone, it was a matter of picking off the enemies that stood around. Boss went down to Kyle and Saleh.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    6.69  37  13   20   22   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin   15.22  47  21   15   20   16   16*   9
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  1.44  39  21   14   10   17    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    20.00  43* 24*  15   25   20   11   22
Ephraim   G. Lord   14.46  52  19   26   24   25   21   12
Kyle      Paladin   17.43  60* 25*  21*  24*  15*  20*   7
Amelia    Paladin    9.42  51* 21*  17   21   27   13   13
Gerik     Hero      17.48  56  25   24   23   17   18   11
Tethys    Dancer    14.95  31   2    2   21   21    8   15
Saleh     Sage      19.56  45* 22   25   21   17   14   19
Rennac    Rogue      6.51  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

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Floor 3 - 30/277

That is not a typo!

Several Gorgons roamed, and the only ones that weren't in grave danger of dying to them were Saleh and Natasha. Everything else did them in, so I would up turtling out everything. Oh, and those three-headed dogs mixed in there weren't fun to deal with, either. Once I got rid of everything except the skeletons, I charged.

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Floor 4 - 15/292

Did this chapter while I wasn't home, so no stats. Ross and Brave Axe saw a lot of usage here, as they were the most efficient way I could think of to chew through walls.

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Floor 5 - 12/304

WELL, THAT WAS FUN. Poison all over the place! Lucky for me, several of the monsters insisted on running through those jets, so I got to do things like challenge an Elder Bael at 2/3 health.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord   11.68  40  16   23   25   18   18   17
Franz     Paladin   18.94  50  23   17   22   18   16*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  3.08  40  23   14   10   18    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    20.00  43* 24*  15   25   20   11   22
Ephraim   G. Lord   19.61  56  21   26   24   29   23   14
Kyle      Paladin   20.00  60* 25*  20*  24*  15*  22*   9
Amelia    Paladin   14.27  55* 23*  20   25   30   15   15
Gerik     Hero      20.00  59  25   25   25   18   20   11
Tethys    Dancer    19.45  36   2    2   26   25    8   18
Saleh     Sage      20.00  46* 23   25   22   17   14   19
Rennac    Rogue     11.61  34  13   20   22    8   12   14
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

Floor 6 - 10/314

This map only looks scary. The pillar spam made Amelia invincible. Kyle, Ephraim, and Tethys went left; Eir, Gilliam, and Natasha went right. Saleh was stuck as a statue for a while, but I made sure to keep him out of range of everything. Eventually, Kyle broke the wall, and many things died.

After looking at the next floor, I will most likely use the free characters to replace my less RES-heavy guys. This is silly.

Floor 7 - 11/325

Used Hayden and Riev, because I can. It turns out that this is a very good thing.

Hayden's bows made life hell for the flying things. Riev's Slayer combined with Purge did amazing damage. When all was said and done. . .Hayden kinda failed, but Riev's stats were pretty manly. Kinda regret not loading him with some more stat boosters and letting him loose alongside Natasha.

Myrrh was also deployed, because she could ORKO Gorgons.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord   16.45  43  19   25   29   22   19   20
Franz     Paladin   20.00  52  23   17   23   18   16*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  3.08  40  23   14   10   18    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    20.00  43* 24*  15   25   20   11   22
Ephraim   G. Lord   20.00  56  22   26   24   30   23   14
Kyle      Paladin   20.00  60* 25*  20*  24*  15*  22*   9
Amelia    Paladin   19.18  59* 23*  22   25   30   16   16
Gerik     Hero      20.00  59  25   25   25   18   20   11
Tethys    Dancer    20.00  37   2    2   27   26    9   18
Saleh     Sage      20.00  46* 23   25   22   17   14   19
Rennac    Rogue     11.61  34  13   20   22    8   12   14
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13
Riev      Bishop    18.49  50  15   22   21    9   17   19
Hayden    Ranger    12.06  38  17   15   16   17   12   12

Floor 8 - 35/350

Platform level. UGH. Valter died, and not a crap was given.

Floor 9 - 28/378

Screw turn counts, I'm interested in making it to the final floor.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord   20.00  47  21   27   30   25   20   20
Franz     Paladin   20.00  52  23   17   23   18   16*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  3.08  40  23   14   10   18    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    20.00  43* 24*  15   25   20   11   22
Ephraim   G. Lord   20.00  56  22   26   24   30   23   14
Kyle      Paladin   20.00  60* 25*  20*  24*  15*  22*   9
Amelia    Paladin   20.00  60* 23*  22   25   30   17   16
Gerik     Hero      20.00  59  25   25   25   18   20   11
Tethys    Dancer    20.00  37   2    2   27   26    9   18
Saleh     Sage      20.00  46* 23   25   22   17   14   19
Rennac    Rogue     11.61  34  13   20   22    8   12   14
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13
Riev      Bishop    18.49  50  15   22   21    9   17   19
Hayden    Ranger    12.06  38  17   15   16   17   12   12

Floor 10 - 12/390

If you took the time to get everyone's HP up to something that doesn't suck, you can rush one of the upper dragons, and only take an attack from one other dragon. Tethys was used as bait, and survived with 1 HP. After that, slowly bait them. . .they'll fall, eventually.

Map MVP: Riev. He was my constant bait.

Forgot to update Hayden's stats earlier. Whoops.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord   20.00  47  21   27   30   25   20   20
Franz     Paladin   20.00  52  23   17   23   18   16*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Berserker  3.08  40  23   14   10   18    9   10
Natasha   Bishop    20.00  43* 24*  15   25   20   11   22
Ephraim   G. Lord   20.00  56  22   26   24   30   23   14
Kyle      Paladin   20.00  60* 25*  20*  24*  15*  22*   9
Amelia    Paladin   20.00  60* 23*  22   25   30   17   16
Gerik     Hero      20.00  59  25   25   25   18   20   11
Tethys    Dancer    20.00  37   2    2   27   26    9   18
Saleh     Sage      20.00  46* 23   25   22   17   14   19
Rennac    Rogue     11.61  34  13   20   22    8   12   14
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13
Riev      Bishop    20.00  51  16   23   22    9   18   20
Hayden    Ranger    16.42  40  18   16   17   19   14   12

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"We went in with naught but a prayer and a lot of Purge tomes. We came out with barely any weapons, and 75,000 in funds. Mind you, we missed a few things, but oh well. This should be enough to purchase more weapons, should we feel the need to challenge the Ruins again. Hell, we might use part of this to make Riev more useful."


Eirika - Forgot how to gain Strength until the end of her levels. She was great Cyclops bait, and she was extremely durable this time 'round.

Franz - Was fairly mediocre. I was quite disappointed.

Gilliam - His Speed wasn't all that impressive, and his Res was even worse, so he only got action in on one map of the Ruins. Very helpful for the main campaign, though!

Ross - He's hopeless if he's short on Speed or any of his defensive stats. Guess what happened here. . .

Natasha - She did damn well, and was absolutely vital for the Ruins. She was just tanky enough to avoid dying outright, and she dodged everything else. Slayer made her a terror.

Ephraim - Excelled at many things; Strength was not one of them.

Kyle - Was closer to the "paragon" Paladin at the beginning of this mess, so I shoved all the stat boosters on him and watched him destroy stuff. Totally worth it.

Amelia - Realized that the Ruins would make or break her, so she went absolutely insane in here. She was great at dodging things, and her offense was as good as her caps would let it be. Good girl!

Gerik - Kinda wish he was easier to lug around, but Hayden can do it. He really took off towards the end.

Tethys - Frail my foot. She dodged a ton of things, and took a dragon's breath like the tough lady she is.

Saleh - Another amazing unit, but unlike Natasha, didn't have a massive damage multiplier tacked onto his magic. He really didn't need it, though!

Rennac - His offense is passable, and if you are patient enough to give him Auldhulma, he's. . .not too bad.

Myrrh - She's free for a reason!

Syrene - Absolutely useless in CC. I didn't feel like babying her until she got better.

Riev - First CC guy you should use, if you don't have a Bishop. He's got good weapon ranks and surprising durability. Shove a few Energy Rings on him and he'll pull his weight and then some.

Hayden - Bow chip is nice on those two platformy levels. He's also manly enough to carry Gerik.

Valter - Thanks for not glitching my run.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Prologue - 2 turns (2)

So easy it's not even funny.

Chapter 1 - 5 turns (7)

Broke away from the standard 5 turn to get some more strength levels for Eirika, and it worked.

Chapter 2 - 5 turns (12)

Managed to grab the north villages, and feed a few kills to Ross along the way, including the boss. He procced speed so he wasn't doubled by the guys with 7AS.

Chapter 3 - 7 turns (19)

Haha, last time I used Neimi because I thought she was drafted. A 6 would have been possible if that stupid Steel Axe Brigand didn't spawn with 7 speed over 6. Otherwise, it was rush Eirika, and feed kills to Ross along the way.

Chapter 4 - 4 turns (23)

I knew a 5 turn would be easy, but I thought to myself "I have enough units for a 4 turn..." The only problem was Ross couldn't double with Iron Axes (so he couldn't ORKO and Colm is too weak. So I had a cunning plan. Artur rushed across the bridge at turn 2, in order to force the reinforcements to spawn on turn 3. He runs back, and Garcia takes on the horde. Eirika is assisted by Colm and crosses the snag, killing any enemies in that area. Ross 2RKOed the reinforcements, and got enough exp to promote.

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  • 2 months later...

Chapter 5 - 6 turns (29)

Ross promoted to Pirate. I got everything. Including Joshua. The Guiding Ring only cost a turn overall, which pleased me.

Chapter 5x - 7 turns (36)

Horace's strat, with my minor variation to make it more reliable.

Chapter 6 - 6 turns (42)

Draco to Eirika, Book to Ross. Everyone advances slowly, except for Eirika and Garcia. Colm dodgetanked on the fort for a while and I managed to feed Artur and Lute a few levels. Ross killed Cavs with the Halberd after he got it.

Chapter 7 - 5 turns (47)

I had this amazing plan to 4 turn the map but discoved that Ross couldn't OHKO Murray with the Halberd I should have RNG abused it but the hit rates were shaky anyway. Colm snagged the Energy Ring, Artur Garcia and Moulder went east and Lute went north.

Chapter 8 - 7 turns (54)

I don't even know. Colm opened the armour room, and together the team tore it apart. They moved on the throne room, with only Colm left at the end of turn 6. He could just tank a Silver Lance from full health, and chips Tirado with an Armourslayer. Ross and Garcia finish next turn. Lute was training, Ephraim defending the stupid knights, and Artur managed to grab the Robe on the way.

Chapter 9 - 10 turns (64)

Ross runs across the river, Tana goes for villages (they had the two Elixirs). Eirika and Garcia recruit Amelia. The rest took on reinforcements. Artur can promote. Lute can almost.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 10 - 3 turns (67)

Tana drop. Get exp for Lute and Artur.

Chapter 11 - 8 turns (75)

I missed the 7 turn by 1 guy but it meant I could feed the boss to Tana so I'm not bitter. Artur and Ross promote. Torch spammed with those who could.

Seeing as how Artur and Moulder are already able to be warpers, I'm just going to get Lute to C and concentrate on her combat.

Chapter 12 - 7 turns (82)

Lute and Garcia are promoted. Tana flies Ross across the mountains and Lute follows behind on Horseback. Everyone else takes the bottom side of the map.

Chapter 13 - 2 turns (84)

Lute and Ross kill Ais, everyone else trains.

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Chapter 14 - 9 turns (93)

Got a Whip for Tana.

Chapter 15 - 5 turns (98)

Only got the Swiftsoles (given to Tana who promoted to Falco prior to the map) and Warp.

Chapter 16 - 3 turns (101)

Warped Tana carrying Eirika, who 2RKOed Orson.

Chapter 17 - 1 turn (102)

Tana moves and pure waters, gets danced and Artur Warps her. She can tank 2 hits from Lyon (who has 47 hit anyway) and 2RKO back with the Spear. She ate a crit from the SM though, so it was a good thing Lyon missed.

Chapter 18 - 6 turns (108)

Warp around and kill things.

Chapter 19 - 1 turn (109)

Tana kills Riev after a Warp.

Chapter 20 - 2 turns (111)

I intended to kill Movra with Myrrh but Nessie crit blicked him so I had no chance to.

Final Chapter - 1+1 turns (113)

Ross killed Lyon, and the DK was teamed up on and brought down.

And now for Valini.

Tower of Valini - 32 turns (145)

Floor 1 - 2 turns

Floor 2 - 3 turns

Floor 3 - 4 turns

Floor 4 - 2 turns

Floor 5 - 3 turns

Floor 6 - 7 turns

Floor 7 - 7 turns

Floor 8 - 4 turns

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  • 5 months later...

Lagdou Ruins - 63 turns (208)

I don't actually remember any of these, but I found my notepad file for this and it said I finished. I didn't have too many warps left, and I got pretty lazy so it cost me a bunch in the end, but I'm glad this thing is out of my backlog now.

Floor 1 - 5 turns

Floor 2 - 8 turns

Floor 3 - 7 turns

Floor 4 - 11 turns

Floor 5 - 8 turns

Floor 6 - 4 turns

Floor 7 - 4 turns

Floor 8 - 6 turns

Floor 9 - 7 turns

Floor 10 - 3 turns

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