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Final Fantasy 13-2


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I like the plot in XIII better, but the gameplay is far superior in this one.

I find the plot amusing so far. I thought I'd hate the gameplay, but I find I don't. . .but that could be because I got insanely lucky.

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Got to the final boss and wow, so freaking hard...

I didn't find it difficult, so much as that it tends to drag on for a good while, and wound damage builds up over that good while. Invested in some Wound potions and it was just slugging my way through at that point. That and Flanitor is a boss. Gogo Hyper Rescue.;

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Yeah, it wasnt so hard. I was just a bit underleveled and my monsters sucked. I captured a blue chocobo and got the golden chocobo. Maxed them and then the battle went much different xD. I depleted all of its hp in one round (before it could retreat). Relentless Assault, Tri disaster then cerberus ftw. Also, is there any SYN monster that learns Haste?

Edited by PKL
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Bow with two bowstrings that turns into a sword that turns into a moogle? That's stupid i'm not buying it.
Thats a lame reason for not buying a game...I quite liked the game actually. Its got pretty neat gameplay. You should at least rent it and give it a try.
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Okay, done.

So, just a question for you all that beat the game. . .

What was your monster pack when you beat the game the first time 'round? Mine was Svarog (dragon thingy found in the Bresha Ruins, which is a COM), Cait Sith, and a Pulse Gladiator. Someone recommended Attrition (SAB/MED/SEN), and that thing worked wonders against the final boss. I keep hearing good things about Flanitor, but I found my little kitty to be far a far more effective healer FSR.

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I find all the chocobos to be really good in their respective roles. Some of them require grinding because theyre late bloomers. I recently got the lightning DLC and i must say that shes much better than i had been told. Shes a ravager, early peaker, her feral link is army of one and she learns all elements of magic. Blue chocobo is the shit too but i ditched him because ligthning has more spell variety. Im using golden chocobo as COM, lightning as RAV and bunkerbeast as SEN. My MED throughout the game was flanitor (his feral link is clutch), i do my saboteuring with serah and noel and am currently looking for a good SYN...that hopefully learns haste. Post endgame stuff is surprisingly fun.

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I got the regular one, Blue, and Red. I've fought Green several times, but it doesn't like me. Fought Black, Purple, and White once each, and they didn't want to join. Go figure.

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My Monster pack was Flanitor(Hyper Rescue <3), a Yeoman(those annoying little guys that mass rape you in Academia 500 AF, Auto-Haste is pretty cool, and he starts with a full ATB gauge) and one of those little fuzzy ravager guys, I think it was the Atompkin.

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Hate Behemoths. ATM beating Lightning and Amodar up repeatedly in hopes for a crystal drop. C'mon already.

Also, anyone else hyped for the Sazh DLC? And more importantly, Serah in a bikini.

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I have 149 fragments out of 160. Beat yomi and most optional bosses. I need to complete the augusta tower map but ive already done everything and its still at 99%. Ive tried every single corner and the percent still doesnt budge. Also, raspatil is the most annoying battle ever.

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I got an easy strat for raspatiil that lets me farm him now. It requires these paradigms: SYN+SYN+SYN, SAB+SAB+RAV, SEN+SEN+SYN, RAV+RAV+RAV, COM+COM+COM and MED+MED+COM. You need that dancing bird thing from the yaschas massif. He is the best synergist with his amazing and clutch feral link (it bestows every buff except haste and cures wound damage). I used lightning as my ravager and Golden Chocobo as my COM. Basically, you buff yourself up with bravery and faith at the beginning. Then, saboteur him while light charges the chain gauge ( to have more debuff sucess chance). Then, he will summon cieth so switch to cerberus and pick them off quickly. Then, switch to saboteurs again until imperil deprotect and deshell land. Once they do, triple ravager time. Once hes staggered, use serah's ultima arrow and lightning's army of one at the same time. It keeps the gauge from falling at all while ur in those animations, giving u more damage and of course, upping the stagger gauge by like 200-300%. Once hes at 999% stagger, switch to cerberus and input ur leader's commands and wait til he/she does them and immediately do chocobo's feral link to freeze the gauge a bit. You should be able to do massive damage every round like this. Finish the round with meteor javelin before the gauge is gone, btw! Whatever ive tried, he always survives a round of combat but hes easy if you keep doing this strat and always defeat his cie'th in time.

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Oh dear. . .I don't forsee me getting Lightning, and I need to fetch that Chocobo. I've got that bird thingy, so I can start raising it. Thanks~!

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