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Lagdou Ruins

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I'm playing through FE8 for the first time and the Lagdou Ruins showed up in the story. I wanted to clear it during Chapter 20 like I did with the Tower of Valni, but it's taken me so many attempts to even get passed the first map. I mean, I could always just level grind more until it's not a problem anymore, but that's too tedious for my tastes and I was hoping if someone could give me pointers on tackling it.

Also, does the difficulty mode affect the Ruins at all like everything else? That is to say, since this is Eirika Easy, would it actually be harder on Ephraim Normal or something?

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I think Ruins enemies change with difficulty level, but not with route.

The same should be true for Valni and everything else from Ch17 on. (Ch15 and Ch16 still have substantial differences.)

I think the Difficulty for the Ruins Corresponds with the Enemy Stats. I saw more Powerful Dragons in The Final Ruin's Chapter!


Edited by Othin
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The dragons in the last floor are always really powerful, that floor gives me the creeps, but the Dragon weapons would do the trick, as would the Sacred Twins should do the trick, when equipped to good units.

Also, Bishops makke things easier, since they can easily deal with the monsters (except for draco zombies, which are the hardest to deal with). And the difficulty always changes their stats, making normal walkthrough monsters stronger than easy walkthroughs, while in Hard mode they are even stronger. At least I noticed it.

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Go slow, utilize walls, maintain formation. You'll be fine.

EDIT: It's also important to continue repeating "we'll be fine". It helps, I swear.

Edited by Integrity
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Yeah dont rush it. Use units you can trust not to get totally squished. On the final floor (which is really the only one to truly worry about.), take Sacred weapons on some of your burliest guys. Taking a Sage or Bishop that can use (Purge) siege tomes is pretty gr9. Map out the range of the dragons and make sure you dont foolishly place guys in the range all willy nilly. Draw them in with tough units and pick em off separately. Make sure you have plenty of physic staves. Those help. (a Fortify or two doesnt hurt either.)

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I know you're against it, but I generally just level grind on the first floor and it doesn't take me long to reach Level 20 for most of my characters. After that, I just power through the ruins, being wary of the occasional Gorgon and being super careful on the last floor.

I guess this way can be boring though, although if you're a completionist...

you'll need to beat the Ruins 3 times to unlock Lyon (after the game), so you might end up powering through the ruins with Level 20 units a couple of times anyway.

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If you have a Summoner,you can always summon a unit and lure in one of the Dragons so that you won't be attacked more than once cuz some of of the dragon's furthest attack range is also in range of another dragon.

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Don't be afraid to use strong and expensive weapons if they could potentially help you (save for the really ridiculously overpriced stuff like Aura or Fimbulvetr) and to abuse Bishops' Slayer ability - don't worry too much about money, as you'll get several very valuable gems if you persist in the ruins long enough.

Deploy at least two units capable of using healing staves, both of which should also have a Restore staff just in case you happen to get hit by one of the Gorgons' Stone weapons - trust me, Stone can and will ruin your day unless you go completely out of your way to not give any enemies a chance to attack a unit that might potentially get hit by Stone at all.

Also, abuse supports. GBA supports are broken and will make it much easier to deal with large amounts of enemies, especially in the case of support triangles that allow most or all of your deployed units to enjoy the full benefits of 5 support levels.

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I don't think I've played Ruins since I soloed it with a Bishop for the purposes of recording the fewest units deployed in the Records area on the cart. I should try playing it for fewest turns taken at some point.

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