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Tormod in Part 3



29 members have voted

  1. 1. DB Tormod or GM Tormod?

    • Greil Mercenaries
    • Dawn Brigade

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Tormod and his gang fighting for Daein(who are forced by Begnion to slaughter sub-humans)makes absolutely no fucking sense story-wise. And it still wouldn't help his biggest problem(his availability still kinda sucks, but not enough for him to gain say 10 levels)and resources in the DB are scarce, though fire magic would definitely help against the hordes of laguz. Especially the fucking tiggers that 2HKO everyone outside of Volug and a trained Nolan/Aran.

However, Tormod and his gang would benefit from joining in early part 3, say 3-2. The GM's solve Tormod's biggest problem of being underleveled as he would have an extra 9 maps worth of availability to nab some EXP. Granted, he'd have some stiff competition in the form of Soren, but Tormod has a better endgame due to RexFlame's +3 spd. There is still the issue of Tormod's magic since it really isn't that good(decent, but could be a bit better)

Also, Muraim would shine a lot more if he joined in early part 3. I mean, take everything that's good about Mordecai, but improve his offense considerably. Because we obviously need a unit with 46atk/33AS after Resolve, and 58HP/30def for durability. Vika would just be Mia with gauge issues and flight. Except that Mia can use steel blades for much higher atk than Vika(who has the same base atk as base level Mia with a steel sword, has 20% less growth, and strike level takes a long ass time to upgrade compared to weapon levels), as well as other stuff like killing edge and wyrmslayer.

EDIT: Anou mentioned that it would be possible to get him about 10 levels in 3-6 and 3-12/13.

Edited by darkandroid125
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Storywise, it would make sense for Tormod and crew to join at the same time as the other Begnion units. Having him accompany Sanaki (whom we already know are working together from part 1) to join up with the Laguz Alliance on their march back into Daien and Begnion would have been completely reasonable.

It would also have been reasonable for him to join at the start of Part 3, since Tormod accompanied Rafiel from Daein to Gallia.

Also level wise, the various members of the LEA wouldn't be horribly outmatched. Tormod (like in FE9) would be one of the most underleveled characters to join the game but with passable enough stats to survive.

He'd be weaker than the newly rejoined Crimean Royal Knights. Even Makalov would be significantly better. While that might be "passable", it's still "borderline useless".

Tormod and his gang fighting for Daein(who are forced by Begnion to slaughter sub-humans)makes absolutely no fucking sense story-wise. And it still wouldn't help his biggest problem(being in the DB would only make him slightly less underleveled than he is now),

That's not really true at all. I managed to gain 15 levels each for Edward and Jill in Part 3, and five levels for Nolan. So I think that a level ~7 Tormod going into DB Part 3 could possibly gain 10 levels if trained seriously.

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I'd love of tormod's entire group could join gm's group . They all look like they would be fantastic units if they had proper availability . Muriam has killer bases , Vika has ridiculous growths for a laguz and tormod has killer growths for a sage. I wouldn't keep them in the db group because I really don't gave enough resources to train more then 2 members at time outside of easymode. So I really couldn't use them to their full potential.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really do think that availability is Tormod's biggest problem. Is it his only problem? No, but it is the biggest hurdle that he has to face in FE10. Statistically, when compared to Ilyana, Calil, and Soren at equal levels, he loses to them in magic and resistance. He also loses luck to Calil and skill by a little bit. But he decimates Soren and Calil in physical durability, with noticeable HP and defense leads. Tormod has a higher HP cap and defense cap than Ilyana, and he hits the defense cap sooner than she. So he beats her in physical durability as well. He and Calil both have better speed than Soren and Ilyana, and can equip Rexflame for the +3 speed. (One thing I've noticed, though, is that while Tormod doubles almost every enemy in Part 1 from the get-go, Calil doubles almost nothing when you first get her, which is kind of annoying.) At the least, Tormod is definitely comparable to the other sages and is a pretty good unit. His bases and growths are good. It's just that availability that gives him the most problems. Because while he has his non-availability issues, all the sages have their own problems and reasons you wouldn't want to use them. So, yeah, Tormod would be leagues better if he joined in Part 3. (And so would the rest of the LEA.)

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the Mercs for sure. no way Tormod would join the Dawn Brigade while they're fighting laguz. he probably would work better on their team though since GMs has enough people as it is but for story purposes it would make more sense for him to be with the GMs. I don't even think Micaiah could justify Daein's reasons for fighting laguz enough to make Tormod stay with them

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(One thing I've noticed, though, is that while Tormod doubles almost every enemy in Part 1 from the get-go, Calil doubles almost nothing when you first get her, which is kind of annoying.)

Lets review shall we? In Part 1, Tormod is a second-tier unit, fighting first-tier enemies. Ergo, it's only natural that he doubles. Calill, on the otherhand, is a second-tier unit fighting second-tier enemies. Thus, it would be naturally harder for her to double the enemies that she fights.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Lets review shall we? In Part 1, Tormod is a second-tier unit, fighting first-tier enemies. Ergo, it's only natural that he doubles. Calill, on the otherhand, is a second-tier unit fighting second-tier enemies. Thus, it would be naturally harder for her to double the enemies that she fights.

Plus Tormod is just faster ;/

There are still a good number of Tier 1 enemies in Part 2. It's just that generally they live in 15-17AS area which is juuuuust out of reach for Calill's 18SPD base. It would be fine for Tormod since has has 20SPD base.

Edited by Anouleth
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