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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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"I ... suppose? Are you sure you're a mercenary? It seems a little odd that one would be so happy for their employers when there's not much in it for them. Can't exactly agree that we're 'good folk' ... not after we hunted down and annihilated these people over dragon eggs." Filat replied with a shrug.

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"Is it pretty? I suppose. Not as amazing as riding through the skies, though~." Aneda had on a rather large grin with that statement. "So much better in my opinion. Not that the ocean has no merit... I just like the sky better. I could show you some time if you want, but that's neither here nor now... Sorry if I'm sounding weird, I'm not usually this concerned over things but there was a recent death that's made me kinda... rethink priorities a bit, I guess. He had to be only a young teenager, but he was brutalized so mercilessly. I only saw the aftermath, and really, explaining how it happened would be odd to you, but long story short, it scared me. Not enough to make me reconsider my life's choices, but I had to ponder what I was doing a little..."

"That is quite a story, Miss... I'm glad you came out alright!" Davod took the shoe and examined it without knowing what to look for until Robin told him. "Ya don't say, eh? I'd kinda figure most people wouldn't be too interested in someone else's shoes, but still, that's a rather impressive 'feat'! Hahaha..." That was awful and you should feel awful...

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"Haharr, I'm a mariner, actualla," Gytha clarified, supposing she hadn't told Filat yet, "Onla been travellin' with Raquel fer a month 'r so. Never traveled by land s' far in me life! N' about ye bein' good folk, I don't think stoppin' people from enslavin' dragons is a bad thing. It's downright noble, if ye ask me. 'N we've been treated with respect, so that's downright decent in me book. Been on too many ships who won't treat people courteousla."

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"Mmm, makes sense I suppose. Well thank you for that. I'll do my best, like always. Speaking of which, I need to get to it, picking out the men, making sure the repairs go smoothly, and then getting her sailing again." he replied.

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"I... I see." Faatina replied, Aneda's reflection sobering the mood near instantly.

"Is that why you were so riled up earlier? Because I was almost a second so soon?" Faatina asked, giving Aneda a second supportive hug.

"How about we go flying someday? I've never seen the sky from anywhere but the ground... it sound like something amazing... I guess seeing all this, the ocean for the first time, ships... I realize just how little I really know... about anything... Aneda, would you be willing to show me the sky someday?" Faatina asked with genuine curiosity, hoping to shift the subject over so that Aneda would feel better.

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Smiling and fighting back a tear, "Sure... I'll take you to the skies soon. And look, Faatina..." Hugged again, she couldn't help but grin. "My, touchy aren't you? Hahaha!" She returned the hug in earnest, but Aneda spoke up. "Look, Faatina, there's a saying... 'A wise man knows that he knows nothing'. Just... because you don't know many facts doesn't mean you're ignorant or stupid, you just need to go experience things. Look at me!" She let go and pointed to herself. "Look at me, I've traveled a small portion of this world but I know jack shit in terms of politics and pretty much most things. I know how to kill, I know how to talk, I know how much hair dye I need, I know how to do many things, but in the grand scope of it all I know absolutely nothing in comparison. I've grown desensitized to most things, I've kinda been living only for myself, but after witnessing that death, I realize how lucky I am, how truly lucky I am to be alive. I'm... I'm not gonna cry about it, I'm extremely sad about it since I think I could have done something if I had payed even the slightest bit of attention, but what's done is done. I can't change the past so I'll go on and live for tomorrow. So, Faatina, take my advice. Revel in life's little wonders, ok? It's a big world out there, but it's got as much good in it as it does bad, you've gotta just find it is the thing..." Shrugging and shaking her head in exasperation, "I'm getting preachy here, I apologize... To answer your question, yes, I think the skies are a blast and

if you want."
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"That joke hurt more than the bear. Still, thank you. I fully expected to have been mauled. Bears are very strong animals, very fast, and very deadly. I do not think any of us here could truly win against a bear in a fight without serious luck on their side. I won through luck, and I make no boasts about my victory." she then took a sigh. "I hated it too. I kill animals all the time, and self-defense is more than justified, but... I did not want the praise. It was undeserved. I landed a lucky blow and people thought it was an epic battle. Men go through more strife in a day of married life than I did when I slew that bear."

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As much as he wanted to be soaring near the heavens again, Ranyin shook his head, "Sorry Bert. I'm feeling rather exhausted right now. I still feel like I haven't fully recovered from the fighting. I'm blaming the new form of magic I've been using lately."

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"Sorry... people tell me that a lot, actually... does it bother you?" Faatina asked Aneda, a concerned expression on her face. She didn't want to offend the Pegasus Rider, she simple couldn't think of a better way to comfort the woman at the time.

"But you're right. If all I know is the walls of Sanctuary, it simply means I have more that I can learn from travel. I feel as though there is a lot I can learn from you too, you've been at this a lot longer than I have... to start it all off, I'll take you up on that offer for a ride through the sky... although it should probably wait until we've docked again..." Faatina replied with a smile.

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"I've only been at this specifically for a few years, taking the odd job here and there" Aneda explained. "I'm really not all that experienced. I've got a cool head and good reactions so I guess that helps me out the most." Leaning on the railing, she continued, "Does what bother me? I'm not bothered by anything you've done or said if that's what you're asking. I just got really concerned for your safety and got a bit... heated. It's not something to worry about, Faatina. Anyway, yeah, when we've got free time and you feel safe enough for it, we can go flying any time now. Hannah is a big girl, she can handle two ladies, ain't that right girl?" Hannah snorted in response and licked Aneda's face, prompting a laugh and a pat from the lickee.

"I can... understand that sentiment I suppose." Davod said, handing Robin's shoe back to her. "The thing is, you still deserve credit. Reactions like that are very rare. Most people, when confronted with impending danger, I'd assume anyway, would freak the heck out and only put themselves in more danger. You however, while you did freak out, were able to work with what you did. Taking down a wild animal that doesn't know your presence is there is an art, but surviving is quite a bit more." Davod smiled at her, giving a little laugh. "I do admire your humility, though. I know in some of my stories that if the hero had done something as you did, he or she would've been boasting about it, no doubt. However, you should take more credit. Just because you think you were lucky doesn't mean skill wasn't involved too..."

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Well, that certainly was a surprising answer. "Huh, okay. Well, be careful with that new magic. You don't want to wear yourself out. See you later. Get some rest," Norbert farewelled before heading over towards the Dauntless. Some of the other members were already there, or at least in its general vicinity. Aneda and Faatina were talking. It looked like Faatina was recovered from that blast, so that was good. He left them to their own conversation, though. Gabbie was just outside the Dauntless...kind of. She was sort of leaning into it, like she was about to reach for something without wanting to actually enter it.

"Hey," Norbert greeted as he came up to the wagon, leaning on the side of the frame opposite Gabbie. Though the greeting was aimed at both her and Connor, the rest was only to the latter. "So, I hear you can improve armor." He indicated the rendered shoulder of his jerkin with his next words, "My jerkin was damaged in that last fight. Think you can fix it for me and maybe make it a bit harder to cut through?"


"Aye. Good luck with that," Gytha replied before walking off with a wave.

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"Yeah. Okay, just let me find Sophie so she can dress my wound, I took quite a beating don't ya know?"- Chelsea stood up from the floor as she accompanied Shadrak to the Leverager. Once there she attempted to find the cleric girl.

"Sophi? Where are you? I kinda need your help now."

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It soon came the point where Gil shifted his gaze away from the dragons, and soon decided to land again, near the Dauntless. He had to save energy after all, they weren't going anywhere for the time being. Maybe it was a good time to nap some more...


Making it back to the Leverager, Sophia considered what to do. A few were already gathering at the Dauntless, though others were near Raquel who seemed to be in conversation with the Captain. Considering they'd soon be on their way again, she figured heading to the Dauntless would be ideal.

That is, until she heard someone was looking for her.

Looking around, she saw that it was Chelsea. So she headed over to her. ''Is something the matter?'' She asked.

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"Oh goodie, just the person I needed to see. So yeah, I suffered a really nasty wound and I was wondering if you could help heal it?"- Chelsea clasped her hands together as she asked the cleric her request.

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Mireille sat next to the Dauntless and leaned on her lightning lance and closed her eyes to rest for a moment. She had gotten off light in the last battle, but the swaying movement of ships tend to make her feel sleepy whenever activity dies down. Or at least activities requiring her immediate attention. Whatever happens, she was confident she would be able to wake up quickly to confront any other attacks on the ship.

One thing she had learned about transportation is that she could not read while on one that was in motion. They tend to make her head spin and in the worse case scenario, invoke motion sickness. Hence the whole trip on the ship had been a bore to her, rendered unable to read or write her stories and diary.

Hopefully nothing bad happens anytime soon...Mireille thought as she felt the ship rocking her to sleep. It would be bad for a dutiful knight to be sleeping on her post, whether or not she was supposed to be guarding anything at that very moment or not.

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"Any common blacksmith could repair that- I can change its material entirely. Enemies won't be able to cut through platemail nearly as easily as what you have now," he remarked, looking at the jerkin critically.

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A healing request, well, that was simple enough to do. ''Oh sure, there's no problem.'' Sophia answered, beginning to focus with her staff, though this little request had her slightly puzzled. The way she phrased it sounds like it was made during the battle. She thought. But if it is, she wasn't healed until now? That's strange.

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"Yeah... you're right. Still, you've been at it longer than I have. Let's make sure to keep each other safe in battle, okay?" Faatina replied, leaning up against the railing as well.

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"It is not something I should be boasting about. I am a hunter. I hunt animals. It is what I do. Still, I thank you for the compliment. If I were to brag about anything though it would be the tools I have made. All my weapons are weapons I have made myself. They are a testament to my skill. My knives are sharper than any of iron or steel and my arrows are the most lethal in the world. Carved from volcanic obsidian, sharper than glass, only magic can hope to best them as there is nothing mortal that can! I do not understand why people laugh at the notion of stone tools though. I bought a tool in the last town to try and gain understanding, but I have lacked opportunity to use it. Perhaps for cooking?"

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Whoa, he can do that?! "So that's how it's done," Norbert commented quietly to himself before continuing on, "That sounds good, but if it's all metal will I be able to move in it very well? Maybe just some plate. My pegasus has to get used to the extra weight anyway and I don't want to overwhelm her with full plate all at once."

Hmm...changing the material something's made out of... Norbert grimaced a little as he briefly recalled having been partially turned to stone before. That hadn't been pleasant. Though that also brought up a question. "If you change its material, will it turn back into leather at some point?" Not sure I trust weird magic.

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"Half plate is more difficult to move in than leather, but you're a warrior you should be able to deal with it," Connor said, waving his hand dismissively. "And once the material's changed, there's no chance of it reverting," he reassured Bert. "I'll need a bit of gold to cover the materials cost as well."

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"No problem," Norbert replied as he entered the Dauntless to get some more of his share of the gold to pay Connor, "Half-plate sounds fine. It's full plate I want to avoid until I'm used to wearing the metal." Once he'd acquired the gold, he handed it over to the kid and took off his jerkin to hand it over as well. "Sorry for the blood. I haven't had the chance to wash it off yet. Hmm... Might as well work on these, too," he took off and handed over his gloves and boots. "I don't want to lose and arm or a leg, so some plating on those would be nice. If you can, try to keep the designs on those that are already there. ... Hmm and could you make a forehead guard? It's not much protection but I don't want a full helmet. Obscures vision too much and I don't want that much weight on my head."

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"I can wash the blood off...not sure about the designs, leather to metalworking designs don't always transfer well. Besides, I design for functionality more than appearance. I could probably manage a forehead guard too, though I'd probably have to modify an existing helmet to do," he mused aloud, examining Bert's armor pieces.

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"Just find a scrap of leather somewhere. I need to be able to tie it on, you know," Norbert replied with a shrug, "Thanks for this. When should I pick it up?"

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"Just come by the Dauntless in about a day or so, it should be ready by then," Connor said, not bothering to look up from the armor pieces as he talked to Bert. My suit to finish, Gabbie's armor fixes, transmuting this...it's good to be busy. he thought to himself.

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