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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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"I... would really it rather not come to that Bert. We are a team. Everyone here is part of that team, that community. You have to be able to trust the people you work with in order to be successful, even if you don't like that person, you still need to do what is best for them. I don't care how much I hate Gytha, but so long as we're on the same team I will still stick my neck out for her. I still apologize when I wrong her because we are on the same team and it is how I would like to be treated. You and your... pegasus... are a team. You need to trust each other. Even if Rizen kicked you in the face time after time you would still need to mount him every time for battle and trust your life to him. It's hard though when someone doesn't even see that they're hurting you and think that they're doing you good when they aren't. How can you trust a mount that could buck you off for failing to feed him the oats he likes? How can I trust a woman who feels that gunplay is a proper disciplinary response?"

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Well, that was something of an interesting answer. "Er... Rizen's a mare," he informed before clarifying further, "Riz is a 'she.'" Continuing off of that clarification, "If Riz was that sort of pegasus, she'd probably be dead by now. I don't waste my time with things that give me problems. Or at least I didn't. I lived by myself in the wilderness in northeastern Ursium for a long time, attacking bandits, forcing what information out of them I needed and taking what gold I could from them. I visited towns for maintenance and food using that gold. I got by. And Riz was always helpful. If she wasn't, I would've just sold her to whoever would pay the most. She's a bit vain and protective, but she's a loyal companion so anyone who threatens either of us gets his or her face smashed in."

"But you can't really compare them. Riz had earned my trust and my friendship just like I earned hers. If you bother someone enough, they'll wind up being aggressive towards you. You can still live in relative peace without talking or trusting. And in a fight you can still work together without needing an apology. Fact is you don't have to get along. And if I'm attacked, someone's arm is being ripped off so I can understand why she shot you. That said, I understand why you're still upset about it, sort of. If someone bests me, I have one of two reactions: I either become angry at them or I laugh at my own inability since it's my own fault I didn't win," And that point led to his next one, "I say accept the consequences of your actions and get over it. Stop being a child saying 'Gytha has to appologize because she hurt me.' What you want is an idealistic world. Well, time to wake up. The world is a tough place and you have to toughen up to survive in it."

Hey. That sounded pretty good. Heh. Maybe I'm not so bad at this. To top off his inspiring lecture, Norbert crossed his arms and tried to look important, stern and like he knew what he was talking about.

Edited by Mercakete
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Robin thought over Bert's words for a moment. "She... Has to earn my trust still... But... You're right. I need to earn hers as well. I've gone and ruined almost any chance of that now though. But I refuse to give up on her apologizing to me. The moment I do, I give in things I don't want to. I have gone throughout my life believing that might does not make right and many other things. Things about me that would not be the same at all if I simply gave up on an apology. You said both Rizen and you needed to trust each other. In order for Gytha to earn mine, she will need to apologize... but I need to earn hers as well."

Robin turned to Bert looking him in the eye, thankfully, before she quickly reached out to hug him. "I can't believe I'm doing this. Hugging a Ursium... But... I really am thankful to him for that.

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That's not really... Norbert tensed, his mental statement locking up. Why...is she...hugging me...? MERZ why is she hugging me?! THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE WHY AM I BEING HUGGED?! "Uh... Try not to force it. She'll try to be your friend if she wants to be but if she doesn't, it's best to just leave her alone. Try not to force your ways onto her. Just decide what you're going to do, not anyone else," he advised, trying to calm himself from his confusion. And what you should do right now is let me gooooo...!

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"Yes. You are right. Even if I were to make it up to her she needs to spend some time alone, if only to cool down and relax." said Robin with a smile before releasing Bert from the hug.

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"Hey I'm fine, as fine as I can be anyway. A little shaken, though not off balance. You seem to have still hurt yourself on my armor. Did it draw blood? Fracture or anything?" Concerned for the man's health in so much as she kind of felt guilty at being an indirect cause to his misfortune, she scouted out a hea- "Oh, Sophia..." Still holding Filat by the shoulder since one can never be too sure about head injuries, she pointed over to Sophia as she talked to the man. "Look, we do have a cleric with us, so if you think it'll be too great of a pain to just ignore and walk off, I'm sure if you pester her she'll help you out~."

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"Yeah, that's the progress I was hoping to hear!" Norbert encouraged, pumping his fist with a smirk. Good, those two won't cause any more problems for a while if she decides to just leave her alone. He felt more relaxed now that she'd let go and since she'd taken his advice, at least a little bit. He could concentrate on the here and now rather than panicking in wondering why the heck he was being hugged due to confusion.

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Reaching the Dauntless, it was time for business. Seems there were at least 2 in need of healing, so Sophia quickly went to take care of it.


<Well, I guess it can't hurt trying anyway.> John thought. ''Come Gil, let's go.'' He said as he mounted. Gil grunted, then took off.

<What a mess.> John thought, deciding to look over at the port first. Well, at least with the amount of buildings it meant there were many places to take cover. Same thing unfortunately couldn't be said about quite a few of the boats.

<Well, now to see if the Dark Utka is still visible...>

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To make a long story short, it worked. Raquel thanked Blake, and began to explain why she was getting discouraged, once again citing the first two fights Blake had participated in. She was just getting around to discussing the bad events surrounding Lilith when a sudden gust of wind so rudely interrupted the woman. Apparently his boss wasn't good with balance, as she came falling into the swordsman. Without really thinking, he caught Raquel so that the two of them wouldn't go tumbling over the edge.

It was only as the gust subsided that Blake really noticed that his arms were wrapped around Raquel's waist, and he smoothly and swiftly pulled them away. The gods must have a sense of humour.

"Are you alright?," Blake asked, while he tried to hide his embarrassment.

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"I've been through worse working with Captain Bogdan, but I will not shy away from a doctor visit." Filat replied with a forced smile. His face really hurt, especially his nose. "That is ... some very good armor you have there ... not that my face is much of a weapon." Well that was a lame line, he figured.


Raquel was almost certain the two of them were either going to end up slamming into the guardrails or fall into the water, but Blake saved them both. It would have been a really bad way for the party to learn that she didn't know how to swim. Her face was pale when she looked up at him. "That was too close ..." she said quietly. "Thanks. I'm not really a ... water person." Maybe I should just avoid places like this during the trip. I'm not sure how I can learn to swim when the ship is so ... tall. Getting back on would be really hard. she mentally noted.

Returning Darkness

Hot deserts, hot (but insufferable) goddesses, insane enemies, lousy port service, and now a foul wind that threatened to throw any who were caught off balance overboard. Shadrak had reached his limit when the wind rocked the Leverager just enough for Shadrak to bump his head against the wall. and punched the wall inside the Dauntless after quickly putting away his notebook. He had been reading through it for hours and hours instead of helping out with the cargo, only leaving the Dauntless for the crane operation and quickly returning to it after they had finished tying it down. He stepped out of the Dauntless and looked around to see people picking themselves up and securing any shifted cargo. Below decks Luca was protesting the whole event ... loudly.

Shadrak approached the captain of all people, ignoring Gabbie, Connor, and Sophia as he passed. "Do you have any idea what caused that just now?" he asked expectantly.

"No, and there is no way to be certain, either." Bogdan answered, wanting to get back to readying the ship. They were set back a good ten minutes at least.


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"Anytime," Blake said quickly, before hastily changing the subject. "As for what you were talking about before that, sure it's discouraging, but, at least it provides a goal to meet. One that once again, I think we will reach before long. Just use those past experiences as motivation, and nothing will stop you or any of us. That's what I know, anyways."

He paused for a moment, then said, "So, are you ready to address the group?"


The caravan traveled across the desert. Zel sat in the corner of the caravan and admired his reflection in a mirror.

The caravan entered Sanctuary. Zel stayed in his room and admired his reflection in a mirror.

The caravan left Sanctuary and was attacked. Zel sat in the corner of the caravan and admired his reflection in a mirror.

The caravan rolled into Temptress. Zel sat in the corner of the caravan and admired his reflection in a mirror.

At last, the knight left the caravan (helmeted of course) and led Sliep up the ramp of the Cleavagerer, or whatever the bloody ship was called. After a bit of wandering, he found the way to the lower decks, brought his mount down with the others, fed it, and returned to the upper decks just in time to re enter the Dauntless. Once Zel was back inside the caravan, he promptly popped off his helmet and gauntlets, collapsed into his corner, picked up his mirror, and resumed admiring his visage.

That is, until the wind struck. The mirror flew out of the white knight's hands and shattered into a thousand shards against the mighty walls of the Dauntless. That was it. Time for Justice. Zel put on his gauntlets, then his helmet, and then picked up his shield and lance. Once they were all secure, the armored man stormed outside, ready to deliver justice to whatever cruel villain had caused this tragedy.

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The ocean beyond, unfortunately, proved to be a fruitless search. There wasn't signs sign of the Dark Utka, or so John thought.

<It was a given,> he thought. <They've gone so far away. Whether or not they know of the wind, they sure used it to their advantage... hm?>

He had finally spotted it, barely present, but a speck over in the horizon. <Well, not entirely out of sight. Still, that's still quite the head start they have now.>

''Alright Gil, we're done here.'' Gil grunted. ''Come on, you'd have your chances for flight later.'' Another grunt, but Gil lowered nonetheless.

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I'm not sure how we'll ever be able to match Sardis' ability to blow up steel machines or Naomi's ability to control flying coffins and warp us into some other world. Maybe it's more important just to be able to defeat them, not overpower them. Overpowering them doesn't really seem possible. Well, I'm definitely motivated. I might never see my father again if we don't face them. ... and maybe Blake's right. If they could get rid of us, they would have by now ... I mean after everything they've done to us, we've only had a few casualties. Sooner or later ... Sardis is going to have to face us himself, and THAT'S when we'll finish this for good. Raquel's expression slowly changed from worry to determination as she thought about their situation. Then the briefing came up ... true she was supposed to be seeing to that, not fuming about their lousy chances or how easily she had lost a whole lot of money. "I guess I should explain things to them before we set sail, at least. Mission parameters, ship rules, combat teams. Okay, ready." she replied, mentally preparing for her grand announcements to the group.

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Raquel seemed to have thankfully missed his moment of informality, and instead went through the list of things to announce. Blake recomposed himself, and then, without further ado, led the way back to the helm of the ship. He passed Veronika on his way back, which set off an alarm in his head. What was she doing there? He didn't want to react and give the game away, though, so the swordsman continued on without acknowledging the Skotian's presence.

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What? Well, that was a sudden question. "I...don't really know," Norbert replied, somewhat confused by how he'd so suddenly become the topic of conversation again, "I never really thought about exactly what gets my trust... Uhh honesty, I guess? I don't trust people who I think are lying to me... I don't trust people who are likely going to rob me either. That's probably not a very helpful answer, I know, but... Well, I really wasn't expecting that sort of question. Though you have some of my trust, I guess. I haven't known you for very long, though, so I don't think you have as much trust yet as a close friend or someone would."

The pegasus rider's brow furrowed as he tried to come up with the right phrasing. "Something like that. You know?"

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"Nice catch," she said to Blake, walking up to him. "Ready to make your announcement now? Best to have a clear head first," she said, turning to Raquel.


Nadya smirked as Robin hugged Bert. Must be some talk he's givin' her over there. Nadya thought to herself, keeping a safe distance as to not be intrusive.


"Hmm...y'know with all these spare materials Raquel picked up, I could probably do some more upgrades..." he said out loud as he looked through the crates once more, as Sophia appeared to be dealing with Gabbie's injury.

Upgrades Unlocked!

Short Spear

Short Axe

Blessed Robe

Warrior Ring

El Amulet

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Raquel nodded in reply saying "Yeah, I need to get this out of the way. I'm going to get some pretty dubious looks if I don't tell them that we're going to go rescue dragons until after we're on our way. I guess being 'leader' it's mostly up to me but ... still."

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Robin shrugged her shoulders. "Fair enough. I... Trust you more than I think most Skotians would. My father would have killed both of us right now for seeing me hug you and Ursium people are not seen to well in the more rural areas in general. I trust you enough to hug you. I... trust Raquel with my life for saving me. I am shocked at how trusting I am in that regard."

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Norbert shrugged. "I don't know how many 'Skotians trust the run-of-the-mill Ursian or how many Ursians trust the everyday 'Skotian, but I guess a lot of people would just assume all of them are like what they see of their militaries. Some of my sisters came to the orphanage because of the wars, though, so I don't really have a high opinion of most 'Skotians myself."

Finding something a bit irksome about what Robin said, he decided to comment on it, "Oh, and don't think I'd let your dad kill me because of some nationalism. Anyone who comes at me puts themselves in danger. I wouldn't hold back either." Does she really think I'd just let someone attack me?

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"Wait. You are an orphan?" Robin asked, curious. She knew that they existed for sure and had even thought about sending some of the hides she had skinned down to them from time to time, but had never met any in person until now. "What was it like? I have heard that some orphans get shoved away in horrible houses where they have to work in mines to be fed gruel. Others get pushed around between the houses of rich people. Are either of those true? What was it like growing up without a mother or father?"

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Gil landed back on deck near the Dauntless, and John dismounted.

<I guess we just wait now.> He thought, leaning back on Gil. <It makes no difference, they know the ship used the wind to get away either way.>


It didn't took long, but Gabbie was finally healed. Without much pause, she proceeded to heal Filat now.

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"I did mention this in town... And Faatina's an orphan, too...as she said in town..." Norbert reminded before giving up on the reminder and just moving on to her questions, "Well, it's a different experience for everyone but I never heard of anyone being treated like either of those examples. In the orphanage I grew up in, we were taken care of and given an education. All the girls learned to fight and to take care of and ride a pegasus in addition to the other schooling. We kind of became one ridiculously gigantic family, I guess. When we get old enough, we leave to take care of ourselves. A lot of us join the military as pegasus knights, but not everyone and some decide to stay longer than they have to. That's just the one I grew up in, though. I don't know about other ones."

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Apparently Robin hadn't been focusing the explanation he'd given while they were in town. Maybe she'd gotten distracted or something. Though he didn't like saying it, there really was no avoiding answering this again except to ignore the question entirely and he wasn't embarrassed about it enough to do that. "I grew up in a girls' orphanage," he replied seriously, "The only men there were Nigel and whatever in-training Mercite priest he had as an assistant at the time. They'd come and go, learning a bit from Nigel and helping him out before going off on their next pilgrimage or something. Father Nigel was the guy in charge, though. He raises everyone in that orphanage with the help of his assistants and the older orphans."

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