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FE8 No-Reset Draft


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Chapter 2- 6/21 turns

Yeah, this was rather a pain in the ass, what with Vanessa not doing so well, and Eirika getting killed. But I did it! I finished it. Now onto Ch. 2. Oh joy.

Wait, if I'm going to get an 8 turn penalty, I'm going to use Seth.

Oh lol, 8 turn penalty again. Eirika, you suck so damn much.

29 turns

Eirika died. Screw it, I should've used Seth.

37 turns

Vanessa died. This draft has lost all semblance of fun for me. I'm using Seth in every chapter.

Chapter 3- 15/52 turns

Well, that was easy enough. Thanks Seth, you're a real bro!

Chapter 4- 13/67 turns

Thanks to Seth, this was a pretty easy map. No trouble here, folks! Eirika took the reinforcements and Vanessa the left side while Seth soloed the right side.

DOUBLE PENALTY 16 more turns. Oh man, this is so much fun!

83 turns

You know, there's a point where you get so many turns that the number of turns becomes meaningless. This may be one of those points. Who even cares what my turncount is anymore?

Chapter 5- 15/98 turns

Well, that was...unfun.

Chapter 5x- 9/107 turns

Chapter starts with Ephraim missing an 85% hit. Fuck this bullshit. Orson misses 2 70%s in a row. Fuck this bullshit. I would've resetted to mitigate this crap, but I can't. Oh well.

Ha, fucking Halberd guy killed Seth. Oh no, not my turncount. Whatever will I do.

123 turns

Chapter 6- 11/118 turns

Seth 3 turned it like always. Thank god for Seth, I don't think I'd be able to go through this otherwise.

Chapter 7- 12/130 turns

Rescued Seth and Eirika to throne, Joshua and Natasha stayed back to get some levels.

Oh no, Ephraim died. Another 8 turn penalty.

138 turns

This draft is kind of boring me. I'll finish it up after a break of doing something else fun, I guess.

Edited by Refa
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Aha! Now see, maybe you should focus more on slowing down. Taking 7 extra turns to complete a map safely is still less of a penalty than resetting once for having to restart.

After this draft is done/nearing completion I'll make my own Minimum Reset draft with a few different rules to spice things up, including the Lagdou run I've talked about before on chat.

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Aha! Now see, maybe you should focus more on slowing down. Taking 7 extra turns to complete a map safely is still less of a penalty than resetting once for having to restart.

This draft is the best slot machine I've ever played.

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This draft is the best slot machine I've ever played.

Maybe you should play with actual thought and planning rather than meaninglessly spamming Seth, taking penalties, and rushing the maps? The point here is that you're NOT supposed to emphasize beating the maps fast over surviving the maps.

EDIT: Maybe you should have put better thought into your team as well. :| Maybe if you had units other than Eirika and Vanessa you wouldn't have so much trouble.

Edited by General Banzai
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After this draft is done/nearing completion I'll make my own Minimum Reset draft with a few different rules to spice things up, including the Lagdou run I've talked about before on chat.

Can I reserve a spot for this? It sounds right something that's right up my alley.

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Maybe you should play with actual thought and planning rather than meaninglessly spamming Seth, taking penalties, and rushing the maps? The point here is that you're NOT supposed to emphasize beating the maps fast over surviving the maps.

EDIT: Maybe you should have put better thought into your team as well. :| Maybe if you had units other than Eirika and Vanessa you wouldn't have so much trouble.

Why people thought this draft was a good idea

-It emphasizes strategy, because you can't put your units in dangerous positions with reckless abandon

-It allows the game to be more of a "team" effort where you don't solo the game with one unit.

-The penalty means that in theory, people will play the draft slower

Why this draft is not a good idea

-It encourages taking penalties. So if you reset, you take an 8 turn penalty. That is horrible. Do you know why I am mindlessly Seth spamming? Because it actually gives me lower turncounts. Here's an example. My chapter 2 turncount was 14 turns. But if I had used Seth, it would've been 12 turns. If I had used Franz, it may have been even less. That is called missing the point.

And to this you reply, "play more strategically, dumbass." Sure, you can say that. Unfortunately, being the human being I am, I tend to make mistakes. Like forgetting about that Halberd guy for example. I don't like getting punished for that. This means that when you say "play strategically", the undertones are that I should memorize everything that I'm going to do before I start the chapter. And if I forgot something, fuck me, I might as well have used Seth. In other drafts, you can get away with not memorizing everything because you can either reset or take a marginal hit to your turncount. Not here though.

-It's a slot machine. For all of your complaining about the cheatery of other players, this draft certainly isn't much better. I basically have to HOPE all of my hits connect, or another turn down the drain. I have to HOPE that the enemy doesn't critical me, or woe be me, an 8 turn penalty. I have to make sure my Lords don't die, or you guessed it. It's not encouraging me to play strategically in the least, it's encouraging me to turtle through the levels. Oh wait, that'd probably be impossible too, with my team. That's another thing, if I was doing a normal draft, my team would be pretty awesome.

Too which you respond, "That's how FE is supposed to be". YES, that is how FE is...in normal play. It is NOT enjoyable to waste dozens and dozens of turns as your two units available miss and miss get KOed by the most statiscally improbable things. Normally in FE you have Seth and a full army of units in case one of your other units miss.

-It operates an a code of ethics. I could've reset and not gone through the most obnoxious experience in my drafting experience and you wouldn't have been the wiser for it. How does this in ANY way mitigate the problems of RnG abuse? What does this draft do, for that matter, besides making me suffer? I wouldn't have to think more tactically if I was a little more unethical.

-Seth should've been free. But that's just my opinion, and needless to say someone's going to reply to this and blabber about how he ruins the point of drafting or whatever. Not like that matters, this draft does marginalize some picks. Like Pegasus Knights for example. Or anyone who's not Franz.

-If you get even one or two deaths, you're basically screwed out of any competitive chance with your fellow draftees. Yeah, nothing motivates me to continue a draft than the feeling that I've already lost.

And really, it doesn't really matter what you respond to me with, the point is, for the first few chapters where I took this seriously, I wasn't having much fun. And I'm not interested in doing drafts which are unenjoyable experiences.

PS Not that I hate 13th or something. It was a very interesting and intriguing idea, which is why I jumped on, but I realized this just isn't as fun as I hoped. In other drafts if a unit died, I'd sigh, reset, and play the game some other time. In this, I'm getting punished for that. And I don't really like that.

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This is something i'd like to try sometime, as most of my runs always have lots of resets because I forget to throw a door key on someone, or an extra hand axe or something, or like in my last FE8 draft, Garcia gets crit by a thunder mage. It would make for some potentially interesting penalties.

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