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Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Audio Book [PROJECT]


Questions about the story  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to help?

  2. 2. Who should be the narrator?

    • The voice of Athos?
    • Or the voice of Mark (Tactician)?
  3. 3. What could you help with?

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Alright, this idea has been forming in my head for awhile now. Why not, with the right (volunteer) voice actors, couldn't we make an audio drama of Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword? Here is my proposal:

We work on this chapter by chapter. Once we get enough voice actors, work will begin. After receiving the voice actors recordings, I will combine them into a cohesive storyline. then, I will add some music for mood, (most likely the OST), then release it.

Requirements for voice actors:

I: The ability to speak clearly, with the needed emotion into a microphone, preferably one without static.

II: A small amount of free time in which you can do the aforementioned.

III: The ability to take critiques on your voice recordings.

IV: A love of Fire Emblem

V: The ability to ad-lib for the battle scenes, which have little-to-no text. Keep it kid friendly though!

If you can do these, than you have a chance at it! Thank you for reading this. We are currently in the theoretical stage, but once enough people sign on, we can start development. I'd love to see my dream become a reality!

If anyone is good at finding public domain sound effects for this project, reply to this topic and tell me.


Q: Are you going straight from the script?

A: No, I will have to add some stuff of my own. I write all the time, so I would most likely do that, but help is always appreciated.

Q: Are you going to overlay the audio onto footage directly from the game? If not, will there be a narrator to fill in the gaps were pure audio wouldn't make sense?

A: No, this would be purely audio to start. the narrator would most likely be either Athos or Mark, which will be decided later. I already have a couple story ideas that would help tie everything, (even the tutorial popups!), into a cohesive story. I am open to suggestions, in any event.

Q: Are you going to be doing support conversations?

A: Possibly, but that may end up as a form of bonus features. I certainly can't do them all, but maybe I'll tie a few into the main plot.

Q: Are you going to try and get voice actors for all the characters, or just some of them?

A: Yes, I will try to, but some of the minor characters may just be the voice actors with a different tint to their tone.

prologue script, (so you don't have to download it to look at it):

[spoiler=Prologue]Narrator: Long ago, the continent of Elibe was a peaceful nation, one where men and dragons coexisted, helping each other. That all changed when humanity attacked the dragons without cause. This was called the Scouring, a brutal war. In the end, man defeated the dragons, and the serpents vanished (short pause) without a trace. Man has flourished in those thousand years following, but darkness is rising once more. But who can tell what will become of Elibe? (long pause, main theme, fade out)

(plays that cicada chirping soundtrack song, indicating night)

Mark: So... thirsty... (pause, breaths deeply) Get a hold of yourself! Just keep walking, water has to be somewhere around here. (walks forward in the grass for couple steps, then falls)

(might possibly add a dream scene as an added bonus.)

??? (Lyn): Are you awake?

(Mark slowly wakes up) Mark: What?

Girl (Lyn): I found you unconscious on the plains. I am Lyn, of the Lorca tribe. You are safe now. Who are you? Can you remember your name?

Mark: my name is Mark.

Lyn: Your name is Mark? What an odd-sounding name... But pay me no mind. It is a good name. I see by your attire that you are a traveler. What brings you to the Sacae plains? Would you share your story with me?

Mark: Yes, I will, if I can remember it.

*coarse laughter heard*

Lyn: Shh... Did you hear that? It sounded like... I'll go see what's happening. Mark, wait here for me.

Mark: Alright.

(Lyn exits, then comes back in after a short while, say 5- 10 seconds)

Lyn: Oh no! Bandits! They must have come down from the Bern mountains! They must be planning on raiding the local villages. I... I have to stop them! If that's all of them, I think I can handle them on my own. You'll be safe in here, Mark.

Mark: I want help!

Lyn; You want to help? Well, can you use a weapon?

Mark: No, but I am a tactician by trade, if that will help you.

Lyn: Ah, I see... So you're a strategist by trade? An odd profession, but... Very well. We'll go together!

(They leave the house)

Lyn: Over here! If you want to help, Mark, I could use your advice. I'll protect you, so stay close to me.

Mark: An excellent decision.

Lyn: What do you want me to do, tactician? Since I do not use a bow, I need to get closer to the enemy.

Mark: Ha! Well, obviously. Let's advance on the enemy then. Draw the attention of the closest one. We need to get him out of cover.

Lyn: Alright, we'll let him come to us. (dashes out to the enemy, Mark following behind)

Brigand #1: Oi! Who are you little kids? Let me come and see you personally!

Lyn: Let's close in and attack!

Brigand #1: Ha ha ha! She's a fiesty one, isn't she? Alright, come at me!

Lyn: Yah! (sword slashes, hits brigand)

Brigand #1: (grunt) You got some spirit sweet! Let me show you how to really handle a weapon! (Does a growl thing and swings his Axe, hitting Lyn)

Lyn: (screams, moans, grunts, or whatever seems appropriate for Lyn to do), Alright, take this! (drops the enemy with a single swing)

Mark: Excellent! But you are hurt.

Lyn: I'm carrying a couple of vulneraries in my satchel. They should heal me up. Would you get one for me?

Mark: Sure. (bag rustles, he grabs a vulnerary and uses it. Healing sound effect is heard)

Lyn: Thank you, Mark! There's another bandit over by the ger to the west. You don't know what a ger is? It's a type of round hut. Many nomads live in huts like these.

Mark: Hmm... Well then, let's go get the bandit by the ger! (Both walk over) Attack Lyn!

Batta: Who do you think you are? You think you can stand up to Batta the Beast? (weapons clash, both wounded)

Lyn: Whew! He's tough... It all comes down to this next blow. Mark, if I fall, I want you to flee. You must escape!

Mark: Alright, but please, don't die on me? What will that do to my reputation as a tactician?

Lyn: Ha! I'll try! (Batta lunges at Lyn, and misses, and Lyn hits him)

Batta: What? How... How did you— (body thuds to the ground)

Lyn: Good work, Mark! Let's go home.

Mark: Yes, but first, lets bury these men. They may not have a sense of honor, but I do.

(Music fades out)

(birds chirping. Girl of the plains song playing)

Lyn: Good morning, Mark! Are you awake yet? That fight yesterday must have taken a lot out of you. Say, Mark... I want to talk to you about something. You have some experience in the ways of war, I can see. Would you allow me to travel with you?

Mark: I would love that! But... You should ask your parents for permission before going off on an adventure with a strange man. (Lyn stiffens, her face becoming taut. Not sure how to translate that into sound, but meh)

Lyn: What? You... want me to get permission from my parents? (long pause, Lyn's voice is very sad when she does speak)

Lyn: My mother and my father... died six months ago. My people—the Lorca—they don't... I'm the last of my tribe. Bandits attacked, and... they killed so many people.

~flashback: Lyn's Village, Decimated~

(Plays a sad song, screams and crying. Brigands yelling and axes clashing, this goes on for about half a minute, then goes to Lyn)

Lady Madelyn: Lyn! Lyn, where are you?! Hassar, where is Lyndis?!

Lyn: Mother! I'm here! I'm with father.

Hassar: Madelyn, I want you to take Lyn out of here! Get as far away as you can! I have to lead our people, but that is not your obligation!

Lady Madelyn: Hassar, no! I...

Hassar: Madelyn!

Lady Madelyn: (halfway sobbing) Fine... I love you Hassar! (they kiss very quickly)

Hassar: Now go! (Turns around and shouts his battle cry, fading away.)

(Lyn and Madelyn run for a while, sound starts to fade out. Arrow sound, then Madelyn falls down)

Lyn: (screams) Mother!

Lady Madelyn: Run Lyn... It's to late for me... Wait for this to be all over, and... and search for father.

Lyn: (crying) No!!! Mother, please!

Madelyn: I love you Lyn... Farewell... (sighs out last breath)

Lyn: Mother!! (echoes off and fades away)

~flashback end~

Lyn: (weeping)The tribe was shattered. My father was our chieftain, and I tried to protect our people. But I'm so young, and our people were old-fashioned. They wouldn't follow a woman. No one would follow me. (sniffs) I'm sorry. I've been alone for so long... No. No more. I will shed no more tears.

(medium pause)

Mark: Lyn... I'm sorry. Come here. (wraps his arms around her. Longer pause here. Lyn cries for a bit, and slowly stops)

Lyn: Thank you. I'm better now. (lets go) Mark, I want— I must become stronger, so that I may avenge my father's death! Yesterday's battle taught me something. I won't become stronger by sitting here alone. Mark, tell me you'll train me, that you'll let me travel with you!

Mark: After hearing you just now... I believe I have to!

Lyn: You will? That's just wonderful! Thank you! Oh, thank you! We'll be better off working together, I know it. You'll be my master strategist, and I'll be your peerless warrior! We can do it! Right?

Mark: Right! (both laugh, fading off into silence)

(plays fire emblem main theme)

Narrator: The apprentice tactician Mark and the young sword fighter Lyn. A strange pair on an even stranger journey. What will become of them? (Fades out)


Edited by MidnightShade
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As much as I hate my voice, this sounds fun and too good to pass up. I might volunteer myself for a character if this get's a little more momentum/organization. (i.e: Are you going straight from the script? Are you going to overlay the audio onto footage directly from the game? If not, will there be a narrator to fill in the gaps were pure audio wouldn't make sense?)

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I think I'll pass. As fun as this sounds, I speak too fast and have a hard time pronouncing words that end in "-ly" ... like "clearly." However, I'll pitch in a suggestion, if you want it. Kent should totally have a British accent. There's just something about him, especially in his support with Sain, that makes it sound like he'd sound British. XD

Also ... this might be a but more difficult suggestion, but perhaps you should think about what dialects characters from various countries and regions should have. For example, Guy, Lyn, and Rath are all Sacaean. It'd be kind of odd if Lyn had a Bostonian accent, whereas Guy sounded like a Frenchman and Rath sounded Japanese, right? Of course it'd be hard to find enough people so that everyone doing a Lycian's voice sounded like they were from some part of Europe, since other people will want to do certain characters, but maybe try to keep it so that characters who are from the same country or region don't sound like they should have nothing to do with each other?

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Ha, I actually didn't think anyone would want to! Well, to answer the questions:

Q: Are you going straight from the script?

A: No, I will have to add some stuff of my own. I write all the time, so I would most likely do that, but help is always appreciated.

Q: Are you going to overlay the audio onto footage directly from the game? If not, will there be a narrator to fill in the gaps were pure audio wouldn't make sense?

A: No, this would be purely audio to start. the narrator would most likely be either Athos or Mark, which will be decided later. I already have a couple story ideas that would help tie everything, (even the tutorial popups!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif), into a cohesive story. I am open to suggestions, in any event.

Oh, by the way, this is supposed to be fun for all. there will be absolutely no pressure, to a point. (e.g. everyone else is waiting on you, ect.)

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This sounds pretty interesting to me, I might try it out (If I can find a mic and/or some time alone). Are you going to be doing support conversations?

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Q: Are you going to be doing support conversations?

A: Possibly, but that may end up as a form of bonus features. I certainly can't do them all, but maybe I'll tie a few into the main plot.

Well, if their has been something along these lines before, I really don't remember them. In any event, I will hopefully be the first to do it, seeing as how I already have more support than I thought I would. If I'd known, I would have gone for a Blazing Sword movie!! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Oh, do you think I should set up a separate website for this? It might get a little confusing if we are stuck in only one thread.

Edited by MidnightShade
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aslkdfja dammit. All I need is 5 a mics.

Can you write? Or make promotional art? We don't just need voice actors, though that is our main need.

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Can you write? Or make promotional art? We don't just need voice actors, though that is our main need.

I can help with the art, and the writing as well, if need be. :3

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Sure, that'd be great... once I figure out what I need. XD Thanks for the offer! I almost don't care about the quality, 'cause this is really about having fun, more than anything else! Though, It looks like your art is amazing!

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Aww sweet.

This sounds like an OTR type thing.

I can't help out much, but I look forward to this.

Since I suck at anything with art, have no mic, and am not good at prose.

And my vioce sounds like a squirell trying to do a deep voice.

I look forward to finding out who does Sain and Barte.

And Prissy/Lucius and Raven.

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Wait, you're taking writers? Hmm ... if you need more writers/not enough writers sign up, then let me know. I'm interested in that part, at least.

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Well, I'd like a head count so far as to who will definitely like to help. those who answered the poll are already taken for granted. Anyone else? Of course, we'd love getting more help along the way!

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Well, I'd like to help, but I'm afraid I can't outright commit just yet. Since I don't know how long your project will take, and I can't take on anything that'll conflict with my school schedule. But I'll be willing to be a "backup" if you need one.

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Ok, that's fine! I'll see when we can start development of the first chapter. Thanks for wanting to help in the first place!

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Are you going to try and get voice actors for all the characters, or just some of them?

Sounds like a fun project and I hope to see the results sometime. I'd offer to help, but between never being involved in a big online collab like this before and my not being very active on here I'm afraid I'd end up flaking on you part way through.

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Q: Are you going to try and get voice actors for all the characters, or just some of them?

A: Yes, I will try to, but some of the minor characters may just be the voice actors with a different tint to their tone.

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Alright. planning has started! AS for promotion on the forums, I think we need a banner to put in all the members signatures. Anyone want to work on that?

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Flash Kit has soundFX that you can use, just be sure to check and abide by the license listed with it - many of the soundFX on there are royalty free, although some of them want you to link back to them. If you go to the sound loops section, be sure to scroll to the bottom since the page is messed up in some browsers and you can easily miss the loops.

Thanks for answering my earlier question.

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