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The ancient text around Ashera


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I noticed in one of shadowofchao's videos that there's a ring of ancient text surrounding Ashera when you battle her. I never really noticed it before, either because I wasn't really paying attention or it's harder to see on SD resolutions.


(Credits to soc)

The text isn't super special or conspirational, but if you want to know what it says:

(Starting from 12 o'clock and going clockwise)

Fier Emblem (typo in the game)


Fier Emblem

Nintendo Wii

Akatsuki no Megami (Goddess of Dawn)

Fier Emblem

Nintendo Wii

Akatsuki no Megami

(Note that I'm not 100% sure on some of the letters; I guessed a lot based on context or similar shapes.)

I wonder if this count as breaking the 4th wall?

Also, does anybody recall any other ancient text in the game?

Edited by VincentASM
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Wow that's really odd. I mean, of all the things they could have written, they chose THAT?

I never noticed it before, but I'll most definitely pay more attention to such detail in the future.

The only similarities I've found so far is the text that appears in the background when you choose between new game, load game, etc. Or maybe that only appears in Path of Radiance. I'm just assuming that's the names of people who have created the game, like in the credits.

Then there is of course the fire emblem itself that appears in the beginning of every chapter. (Once again, I'm not sure if this belongs to Path of Radiance only.)

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That's quite an amusing block of text. I would guess it was just chosen because they wanted some ancient text for the graphic, found that fitted, and then proceeded to ignore the typo because, well, why bother changing something so unimportant? It looks artistic and nice, so that's that.

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Also, does anybody recall any other ancient text in the game?

the ancient text in Pelleas Dark spells. And i'm almost sure there are more on other speels but i can't remember...

Edited by SlayerX
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