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Cheating Tips

Crimson Red

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The closest I came to cheating in high school was on a french exam where I didn't know how to translate particular words, I would just write the sentence in very big letters and then make it impossible to read towards the end of the page. I did this knowing that the teacher was very lenient, and he didn't take off points on the questions I did this on. It was the difference between a B and an A.

In college I only cheated when we were given take-home exams in certain classes. I feel that if the teacher doesn't want us to cheat, they should at least have the courtesy to proctor the exam and pretend they are doing something to monitor us as we take the exam. Why should I be the only one policing myself in a policy which works entirely to my detriment if I follow it (to the extent that grades matter)?

EDIT-Fuck integrity (not the user).

Using Caltech as an example, it's to build a mutual trust between the student and professor...it's supposed to encourage integrity, honesty, and all that good jive...

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How to cheat:

Step 1: Read everything related to the topic.

Step 2: Memorize all of it.

Step 3: Realize that cheating on tests is a terrible idea

Step 4: Put in IDDQD

Step 5: Go back to studying knowing that now the meteorite that's coming to hit you will do zip.

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1) Dont go to class on the day of the test

2) Have a friend steal the question sheet

3) Have said friend give you the paper, go home, answer them correctly using notes/google and memorize the answers

4) Forge a note and retake the test

5) ???

6) Profit! Also a high test grade

Or just study, school is pretty easy to begin with. The only classes where I actually have to resort to cheating to pass are AP classes.

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For those that took AP Physics (or IB) in high school and passed the exam, how much did it help you in taking introductory physics courses?

Yes, I know the topic is about cheating...but the topic right now seems to be AP Physics. :P

I offered to pay my parents for the exam because I knew I would fail.

I doodled on the booklet and wrote a note of apology to my teacher.

I got a 1. :<

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have quite a few people here with great morals. I applaud you all. Though I don't quite agree with all the bashing on those who choose to cheat. I don't feel like just because you choose not to cheat doesn't make you a higher level human being or something. I've been on both sides of the spectrum.

I was the kid in high school who everyone cheated off of; well known for being a genius of sorts. All I did in class was play tetris (I was also famous for having the highest tetris score on the graphing calculator), snake, and sleep. Whenever a teacher asked a question though, if necessary, I would answer it to their amazement (my favorite memory of that was when I was playing tetris in my Algebra II class freshman year and the teacher asked a question about logarithms. The whole class pondered at it for minutes on end but to no avail. I paused my game, looked up and read it, then answered the question. Teacher was amazed that I got it right without seemingly paying attention at all. I laughed and proceeded to play tetris like a boss). I told people they could look at my answers and whatnot as long as they don't make it look obvious. In college I wrote papers for kids for free, and occasionally did their math take home tests.

On the flipside though, second semester senior year in high school I got hit hard by "senioritis". I couldn't focus on anything but trivial matters like "who's having the big party this week" or "OMG I'm graduating in a couple months". When my (arguably) easiest class was physics, I was doomed for failure. So I walked into the unknown territory; I started cheating. I was friends with just about everyone in my grade and the grade under, so I went and got the answers from tests off of them. Due to my constant sleeping in class, it looked natural if I layed my head down or rested my head on my left hand, so I used that to my advantage and copied off my neighbors. I also liked doing the good old "make a program on your calculator and type in all the answers" method. I remember one time a friend of mine swiped the answer sheet, made a copy, used it, then gave it to me. I hid it underneath my shirt and used the my belt to keep the paper from falling out, and brought it into class. Once the exams were handed out, I took the paper out and hid it underneath the actual exam, and then pulled it out for reference. Another friend of mine got a flip video camera for his birthday, and for physics assignments he took pictures of the answer sheet, emailed them to me, and I copied off all the answers. My favorite cheating experience though was in my French class we had to read this mystery "short" story (I remember it being kinda long though lol), and we had to answer all these questions in this packet for every chapter. Now, I never read a word of that story except in class to show off my amazing ayrab accent. Instead, a kid in my class bought the answer book online (translated in french), and gave the answers to some girls thinking that he becwas getting them to fall for him or something. I got the answers from some of those girls because they totally wanted my dick and passed them off to some boys of mine. It was amazing that we never got caught seeing as the whole class had the exact same answers. Of course, to be a "good cheater", you must never get a perfect score to not rise suspicion. Cheating had it's downsides though; even though I kept my GPA up I got a 1 on my AP Calc exam and got only a 3 on the AP Bio exam when I really should have gotten a 5 because of how great my teacher was.

Once I hit college though, I kicked things back into gear. I actually became really good at Calc, and half the class cheated off me while the other half actually learned how to do things themselves. In my class, we had these projects that we had to do using this program called Maple. Me and my friend got caught cheating 3 times because we gave our answers to some other kids and they wrote down the same thing. Since I'm not a snitch and will never be one, I simply told the prof that we just worked together, to which he responded that if we work together all we have to do is cite each other in our work and we won't be considered cheaters. On the third exam in class, I got called in for cheating because the kid next to me copied off my exam and wrote the exact same words as me. I guess it was my fault for putting myself in the situation seeing as I always allow people to cheat off me, but damn it's COLLEGE I assumed you would know how to cheat by now. Anyway, the guy actually took all the blame for it and the prof pretty much forgave him. He was a horrible professor, never gave an A or A- in the 589725 years that he taught, but he was a really cool person and I respected him for it. Looking back now I wish I visited him more often during office hours. In my programming class, cheating was essential for most people to do well. We had a foreign professor who couldn't even explain how classes and objects worked (it was a Java class), so anyone who didn't have any prior programming knowledge was basically screwed. Me and a friend worked on programs together, and occasionally I'd allow my Libyan homeboy to copy what I had as long as he changed up the wording of the comments, class names, etc.

So yeah, some of my experiences with cheating. Tbh, I will almost never deny someone who asks me for help, so I'd rather tutor people in subjects that I know a little bit about, but I realize some people just don't care about actually learning the information so I don't mind letting them cheat as long as they're smart with it. Built me a great reputation among my peers, which has a lot of benefits in itself. Some will say "oh they're just using you", and sometimes that's true, but I guess I don't really care because I can use them back since they owe me, so I got out of paying for a lot of stuff that way. Hope that can entertain some people!


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During course ivrit (like less than a month ago), my commander would put the words that we learned behind us on the wall. A lot of the verbs had a letter that came afterwards, preposition if you will, that we had to remember. But I can't fucking remember half of them so on the tests, I'd just turn around and look at the word on the wall. She didn't take them down for whatever reason.

Never got lower than an 85% on those tests with 2 of them in the 90s. And I don't understand Hebrew.

That's the extent of me cheating.

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