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[FE12] A wild draft appeared!


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I went with that rule for simplicities sake. I feel like it's better to flat out ban it then allow its use under a bunch of conditionals. Under the current standard, it's still possible to warp + rescue Marth as long as you have 3 staff-users. I'm open to ideas, however. I mean, when do you actually lose out by not being able to use warp if you can't use it to save turns, besides those two chests?
You lose out by not being able to get chests in a reasonable time frame in that chapter thats 2 turned, i forget the number...You lose out on not being able to warp a nosferatank in chapter 18 to beat all those generals in 1 turn...u will lose out on the ch 17 nosferatu...etc. Also, do explain how u can warp rescue marth when the current rule states the following: Marth cannot be rescued by a unit who has been warped previously in the chapter...
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You lose out by not being able to get chests in a reasonable time frame in that chapter thats 2 turned, i forget the number...You lose out on not being able to warp a nosferatank in chapter 18 to beat all those generals in 1 turn...u will lose out on the ch 17 nosferatu...etc. Also, do explain how u can warp rescue marth when the current rule states the following: Marth cannot be rescued by a unit who has been warped previously in the chapter...

Yeah, I'm agreeing that Warp should be unbanned.

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You lose out by not being able to get chests in a reasonable time frame in that chapter thats 2 turned, i forget the number...You lose out on not being able to warp a nosferatank in chapter 18 to beat all those generals in 1 turn...u will lose out on the ch 17 nosferatu...etc. Also, do explain how u can warp rescue marth when the current rule states the following: Marth cannot be rescued by a unit who has been warped previously in the chapter...

Staff user A warps staff user B. Staff user B rescues Staff user C. Staff user C trades for the rescue staff and rescues Marth. Marth has not been rescued by a unit who was warped earlier in the chapter. Rescue is E-ranked, so you only need one real staff user.

Also, I'm pretty sure I obtained the C17 Nosferatu on Lunatic, so I don't think you need warp for that. I'm not familar enough with LTCing New Mystery to address the other points.

Anyway, I'm not really in favor of it but I'm reasonable, so if that's what everyone would prefer I'll allow it.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I should probably pick shouldn't I.:dry: I'll get Catria.

Edited by Stark
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You lose out by not being able to get chests in a reasonable time frame in that chapter thats 2 turned, i forget the number...You lose out on not being able to warp a nosferatank in chapter 18 to beat all those generals in 1 turn...u will lose out on the ch 17 nosferatu...etc. Also, do explain how u can warp rescue marth when the current rule states the following: Marth cannot be rescued by a unit who has been warped previously in the chapter...

1) I had a nosferatank take out like 4 generals and a DK or two in C18 in my Lunatic LTC run; the remaining enemies can be mopped up pretty easily by paladins ORKO'ing bishops with javelins and the two armors in the way with Malliesia using Thunder and an armorslayer pally. The boss was doubled with a hammer using DK with lightsphere. I ended up 2 turning it with a rescue use.

2) Two fliers go for Nosferatu thief, one with Iote's shield and a javelin. In H3, requires a little luck with killers (I'd recommend high SKL flyers w/ Geosphere on the non-Iote flyer), but you should be fine in H1. Thief can be killed on turn 2. And yes, you can get Iote's Shield in 2 turns without a use of the thief staff.

3) Yeah, you lose out on treasure on C16. It sucks. Save 2 thief uses for rescue and Bullion(L) and move on.

I'm surprised Hammerne use isn't banned. It costs you 5 turns to get but saves you at a bare minimum 12 -- usually more if you ever have to recruit a unit that saves turns.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I'm surprised Hammerne use isn't banned. It costs you 5 turns to get but saves you at a bare minimum 12 -- usually more if you ever have to recruit a unit that saves turns.

It better not get banned in the middle of the draft now, there's a reason I drafted Malliesia first. mellow.gif

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There's a reason I drafted Malliesia first. mellow.gif

Because the other three people had a brain fart?

P.S. Promoting Mal by C15 allows her to save a turn by Nosferatanking all of the enemies on turn 1 EP and then rescuing Marth on turn 2, in addition to the crapload of free turns you just won with Hammerne.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Because the other three people had a brain fart?

P.S. Promoting Mal by C15 allows her to save a turn by Nosferatanking all of the enemies on turn 1 EP and then rescuing Marth on turn 2, in addition to the crapload of free turns you just won with Hammerne.

Because changing rules in the middle of drafts is dumb. Imagine if you drafted Karin in FE5 and then they banned rescuing!

Anyways, I'm sure there are at least 2 other units who can Nosferatank (Yumina and Linde), so it's not like a big advantage for me. Rescue is an E level staff, so yeah...

Oh, drafting picks.

Doga and Yumina.

Not that I need another healer...Thankfully, there's always reclass.

Edited by Refa
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<br />1) I had a nosferatank take out like 4 generals and a DK or two in C18 in my Lunatic LTC run; the remaining enemies can be mopped up pretty easily by paladins ORKO'ing bishops with javelins and the two armors in the way with Malliesia using Thunder and an armorslayer pally.  The boss was doubled with a hammer using DK with lightsphere.  I ended up 2 turning it with a rescue use.<br /><br />2) Two fliers go for Nosferatu thief, one with Iote's shield and a javelin.  In H3, requires a little luck with killers (I'd recommend high SKL flyers w/ Geosphere on the non-Iote flyer), but you should be fine in H1.  Thief can be killed on turn 2.  And yes, you can get Iote's Shield in 2 turns without a use of the thief staff.<br /><br />3) Yeah, you lose out on treasure on C16.  It sucks.  Save 2 thief uses for rescue and Bullion(L) and move on. I'm surprised Hammerne use isn't banned.  It costs you 5 turns to get but saves you at a bare minimum 12 -- usually more if you ever have to recruit a unit that saves turns.
2 fliers going after the thief? Thats not happening all the time in a draft setting always. We have less units and most will be busy helping marth seize. And shit, I thought hammerine was banned because it was deemed too broken in drafts...GG. I didnt notice it wasnt banned.
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This is like my first time in FE12 (I think I got to like...Chapter 6 or something beforehand?) and I don't even know what the fuck a Rainbow Potion is nor do I have a file with it conveniently saved up.

Don't count yourself out yet.

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2 fliers going after the thief? Thats not happening all the time in a draft setting always.

You can get by with one if you get a jav crit and can have your flier survive a warrior and a sniper hit. In H3, I was hard pressed to do that even rigging growths for LTC. Way easier to do in H1.

Also, imo, ban Hammerne and give Refa the chance to re-do his first pick if he wants.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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imo don't ban Hammerine.

It seems we have reached an impasse.

Anyways, time to start this damn draft (until like that Prologue chapter with Oguma).

Prologue I- 2/2 turns

Refa finishes off the loldier on enemy phase and attacks Jagen before doing the same to him. I'm so competent.

Prologue II- 2/4 turns

Park MU on a forest, win.

Drats, no speed proc.

Prologue III- 2/6 turns

Rody got a crit on the fighter, which was...lucky. Then he got killed by Caeda, but screw him, I didn't draft Rody.

I had to give Luke the boss kill though, which makes me sad.

Now I'll have to wait until people pick Athena or Jeorge...oh well.

Edited by Refa
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Also, imo, ban Hammerne and give Refa the chance to re-do his first pick if he wants.

While I do appreciate your opinion, it's really PKL's and Marth's opinions on this that I'd me more interested in weighing in on, considering they will actually be playing in the draft. The rescue-hammerne thing was an oversight on my part, since I was working off of the standard ruleset. I can't see redoing the first pick working.

Alternatively, we could fix all of the problems people are having with the ruleset at once by banning the use of warp or rescue on Marth, and just allowing all three staffs.

Also Refa, prologue turncounts are not part of your overall total, so you don't have to log it unless you want to.

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