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[FE12] A wild draft appeared!


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So, since progress on the Radiant Dawn draft I'm in has been halted due to my return to college, I'm starting a draft of my own! Read the rules as there are some changes marked by BOLD.


1. This draft is for 4 players

2. Marth, My Unit, Arran, Xane, Feena, and Rickard are free for all.

3. The game will be played on Hard 1.

My Unit may never be deployed in any of the following classes: Cavalier/Paladin, Pegasus Knight/Dracoknight, Horseman, Berserker.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. All Gaiden chapters must be visited.

6. The game must be played out to the True Ending.


Allowed: Forging, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters, Rescue, Male Class Set Combination and the Base Arena

Banned: Wi-Fi, the Clock Bonus.

Marth can't be warped. Warped units may not use rescue.

Hammerne may not be used on the rescue staff.


1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter.


1. Palla is free for Chapter 3.

2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4.

3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7.

4. Merric is free for Chapter 10.

5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final.

Units remaining



1. Marth- Luke, Cecille, Linde, Castor, Ymir, Frey, Belf, Matthis, Caesar, Dolph, Roshea, Samson, Vyland, Bord, Macellan, Sedgar, Tomas

2. PKL- Ryan, Caeda, Sirius, Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys, Cord, Cain, Merric, Navarre, Warren, Radd, Est, Nagi, Midia, Dice, Robert, Astram

3. Stark- Rody, Catria, Minerva, Etzel, Barst, Ogma, Julian, Norne, Leiden, Yubello, Malice, Jake, Frost, Michalis, Roger, Darros, Beck

4. Refa- Palla, Malliesia, Draug, Yumina, Gordin, Wendell, Jeorge, Athena, Katarina, Ellerean, Horace, Bantu, Abel, Tiki, Sheema, Samto, Wolf

The observant among us may have noticed a loophole already in that I did not ban the Falcoknight class for My Unit. This isn't a loophole, it's a feature. If you hold off My Unit's promotion for a bunch of chapters until the fire dragons, yes, you can have a mounted My Unit. It also makes it so there's actually a reason to use female My Unit besides resire, as males get a far superior class selection with the current distribution. Ultimately, it's a bit of an experiment.

Edited by Stark
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You mean any male-exclusive MU choices? Because I don't see a problem with a male mage MU.

(I'm kinda busy, and am trying to clear my backlog. . .so unless you're having difficulty getting people. . .)

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I went with a myrm with no Strength modifiers. It's really fast, but it's no fun dealing chip damage every turn until Steels show up (and even that fails to ORKO stuff).

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Do we really have proof that the unmounted physical classes break H1? I see lack of acess to draco/pally as a pretty considerable nerf compared to other strong units like Pegsisters/Luke/Rody, especially since Zerker is banned on top of that. Plus, it's a lot easier to one-round with lances and swords on H1, so MU being by far the best axe-user is worth less.

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Uhhh. . .there's a reason why Fighter is considered really good for MU. . .with the bonuses, it's possible to get something that hits hard and doubles pretty quickly.

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So fighter isn't banned, right? You're not going to change that?

Because if it isn't, I'll join. I'd like the first time I beat FE12 to be somewhat easy.

Edited by Refa
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I'd like the first time I beat FE12 to be somewhat easy.

Awful...just awful. Ill shadow this one, methinks, with another female mage with def. Mods. Nosferatank, here I come!

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No, I'm not planning on banning the fighter. The end result may be that fighter is too powerful, but it's never been tried. Honestly I thinks that's preferable to everyone using Mage/Sage MU with resire tanking. (Which will also one round everything.) I'll put Refa down. I'm not sure from your post whether you want to join or not, Elieson

Also, I didn't make this clear, but it seems the norm is that prologue does not count towards your overall turncount, so that will be the case here.

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Awful...just awful. Ill shadow this one, methinks, with another female mage with def. Mods. Nosferatank, here I come!

Hey, I've played FE3, which is...basically the same thing. And half or so of FE12 before my emulator decided to revert back to a prologue save.

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Why is warp banned? The no warp on marth rule works fine in FE12 since warp has limited uses and cant save any turns without marth being able to be warped on top of meh availability. Maybe ban warp on feena too and ur set but dont ban it completely, IMO.

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I went with that rule for simplicities sake. I feel like it's better to flat out ban it then allow its use under a bunch of conditionals. Under the current standard, it's still possible to warp + rescue Marth as long as you have 3 staff-users. I'm open to ideas, however. I mean, when do you actually lose out by not being able to use warp if you can't use it to save turns, besides those two chests?

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Assuming everyone is still down for this, I'm just going to get it started, since there don't seem to be many people interested.

Drafting order is 4213, so:

4. Marth

2. PKL

1. Stark

3. Refa

So Marth, it is your pick.

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