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[FE12] A wild draft appeared!


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I got tired of getting stats every time so...

Chapter 19 4/90

Feena dance in Turn 1. Ryan kills boss (with no warp just hammer). Then, warp Feena and Again for a 4 turn seize.

Chapter 20 3/93

Was a bit complicated due to the silly mistake I made of using Thief on silence (i blame the no-staves draft mentality still in me), but I got the Again with the Master Key in time. Ryan was warped to kill Hardin, then opened the door. Feena was warped to dance Marth.

Chapter 20x 3/96

My 3 turn strat from the staves draft. But more overkill due to so many units. No staves needed.

Chapter 21 4/100

Shamelessly copied from Stark. Again so Marth can visit village. Rescue. Warp Feena. Again.

Chapter 22 4/104

Usual 4 turn paladin spam strat. Zzzz

Chapter 23 2/106

See my 2 turn strat from previous draft. Warp Mia, starlight gharnef in EP, send it to convoy. Nosfertank. Again.

Final 1/107

Feena dances Sirius so he can reach Nyna. He recruits her and kills Lena. Nyna rescues Merric who recruits Elice and kills Maria. Elice rescues marth over and he crits Medeus. Boring. GG

Rainbow Potion is OP in the beginning haha. Maturity Drop Marth is like, non-screwable and Ryan is still amazing as always.

MVP: Ryan

MVP 2: Caeda/Mia (My Unit)

Edited by PKL
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Ah, good job, you beat me by exactly the number of turns I expected. I figured out that lacking the B staves at 14/15 was the one flaw, but I was too lazy to correct it by that point. Anyway, I'm kind of considering going back and proving that the exact same turncounts can be achieved using mage!MU with no rainbow or other shenanigans I allowed, but not right away. I'm honestly leaning that a powerful staff user/resire tank has a greater potential to save turns then a combat unit who's role can be duplicated by Rody/Luke/Ryan/Catria/Palla.

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Thanks :). And yeah, mage MU has the most turn saving potential as a cleric/mage in drafts where prologue is free. When prologue isnt free, she isnt so good because mage kinda sucks in prologue. Also, im testing pegasus knight and so far, idk...other than LTC'ing prologue, i dont see MU to be that broken as a peg. She couldnt be the main fighter in ch 1 unlike luke rody cecil and ryan can...i also needed to reclass her to myrmidon in ch2 so arran could be draco for the lady sword. As for myrmidon MU, its awesome but prevents you from going mage so you need to have another nosferatank/gharnef killer. While my falcoknight MU was nice to have and all...a lot of times I thought that she wasnt really neccesary. Also, cord was horrible to the end, his durability sucks and i will never draft him again lol.

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  • 2 months later...

Base stats going into Chapter 1.


Chapter 1- 7/7 turns

My units all ORKOed everything with the exception of Gordon, so this was extremely easy as you can imagine. Took some turns getting Malliesia, and then one more getting Mend.

Chapter 2- 6/13 turns

Send everyone forward until capital has been taken! All of my units are still really overpowered.

Chapter 3- 6/19 turns

Marth got the Bridge Key whilst Palla soloed like, all of the right portion of Dracoknights (didn't make it soon enough to aggro the others :(), and got like 4 levels, fuck yeah, PALLA. Also everyone else was helpful, GORDIN TOOK OUT DRACOKNIGHT AND BOSS.



Reah (MU)- I could really go for some dainty sugar pastries right about now. They're delightfully scrumptious! Flavorful without beingoverwhelming, refined without being banal...

Allan- Excuse me?

Reah- Why can't the cook ever serve anything edible for dinner? Last times was so horrible that I couldn't eat for weeks. For a prince, Marth sure has a lame entourage.

Reah- Of course, I suppose it is hard to compare with the visage of perfection itself.

Allan- Um...Have you seen my...

Allan- *chokes and falls over to the floor unconcious*

Reah- Is someone there?

Allan- The pain! Get me to a doctor, fetch some medicine, for the love of god, do something! I can't...feel my spine. Is this where it ends for me? Not in a battlefield, but in peace?

Allan- Well then, so shall it be. A warrior parts the world with integrity and honor.

Reah- Oh, shut up already. You're not dead, you're just old. How can you even fight anyways, your bases are decent at best and your growth rates are laughable. Surely you must be thinking of retiring now?

Reah- Speaking of retirement, I'm going to get something to eat.

Alan- Um....well, see you later then. I better go to a doctor just in case she didn't know what she was talking about.

Reah- I'm still right here.

Alan- This is awkward.


Malliesia- Have you seen Marthipan around here lately?

Reah- I have seen him around quite a lot lately, actually.

Malliesia- Inconceivable! Malliesia's future boyfriend can't be loifing about, spending all of his time with a slacker like you. Malliesia won't...she won't let that happen.

Reah- Oh, so you haven't heard about it yet? Why, I thought for sure his future girlfriend would be the first person he'd tell.

Malliesia- Hahaha. Malliesia can smell your bluff from a mile away. You're going to have to try a lot harder than that to fool her. After all, she is the best.

Mallieisa- And really you people would be lost without Malliesia's help, in the cold dark world, with no staff people to help you.

Reah- Malliesia? You do know that any of us could pick up staffing at any moment should our heart so desire, right?

Malliesia- But do they possess my grace and finess with the staff? I think not.

Reah- Fine, you win, he's over that away.

Malliesia- Don't flatter yourself, you were never competition for Malliesia. Isn't there something you'd like to say to me now?

Malliesia- Perhaps about how beautiful Malliesia, or how she is the wittiest in all of the lands. There is only one who is deserving of the honor of marrying Prince Marth, and that person is she.

Reah- Oh...can someone please get this child to shut up?

Malliesia- I wonder why there is not yet an entourage of men begging to marry me! But I can't, for there is only one in my heart.

Reah- Perhaps if I closed my eyes and acted generally disinterested, she'd stop talking to me.


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Chapter 3x- 6/25 turns


Edited by Refa
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  • 8 months later...

Stupid save files, getting deleted and what not. Restarting this draft.

So, I made a Mercenary!MU named Ein, he's kind of...defense challenged. Not through my fault, mind you, his options were Orphan, Beautiful, Humanitarian 40% DEF growth, procs DEF once in 10 levels....Wonderfulihatethisgame.

Also, starting stats. Note that I forgot Doga was on my team, so he kind of uh...got a little shafted heheh.

Name   Class   Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth  Lord    09.26 29 10  00  13  12  12  08  01  D Swords
Ein    Fighter 11.05 34 19  02  13  16  08  04  00  E Axes
Arran  Paladin 03.26 26 10  01  12  11  04  10  06  B Lances D Swords
Draug  Hunter  06.29 22 10  00  07  11  03  03  00  E Bows
Gordin Archer  09.32 24 11  00  09  07  06  11  00  D Bows

Chapter 1- 6/6 turns

Since like everyone ORKOes, this chapter is really easy. Sent Marth up to get Malliesia, let him soak a couple of kills, on the other end, MU killed most of the barbarians. Gordin and Doga got some kills in between I guess. Also Doga's first level (Luck only) was balanced out by Ein finally proccing DEF.

Name      Class       Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord        09.71 29 10  00  13  12  12  08  01  D Swords
Ein       Pirate      12.40 31 20  02  12  18  09  06  00  E Axes
Arran     Dracoknight 03.05 24 11  01  12  11  04  12  03  B Lances E Axes
Draug     Hunter      07.29 22 10  00  07  11  04  03  00  E Bows
Gordin    Cavalier    09.48 26 11  00  08  09  06  12  00  E Lances E Swords
Malliesia Cleric      01.68 16 00  02  01  04  12  01  05  C Staves

Chapter 2- 6/12 turns

Marth rushes ahead, soaking in all of that EXP while he can still ORKO. Arran helps on the left with killing the Lady Sword Thief, then taking care of some extra JERKS while he was at it, not free of Silver Lance uses. All in all, pretty well! And I became stoopid and forgot to get all of the stats (some of them are messed up, like Draug and below, oh well!

Name      Class       Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord        11.33 31 12  00  15  13  12  09  01  D Swords
Ein       Pirate      12.54 31 20  02  12  18  09  06  00  E Axes
Arran     Dracoknight 03.81 24 11  01  12  11  04  12  03  B Lances E Axes
Draug     Hunter      07.29 22 10  00  07  11  04  03  00  E Bows
Gordin    Cavalier    09.48 26 11  00  08  09  06  12  00  E Lances E Swords
Malliesia Cleric      01.68 16 00  02  01  04  12  01  05  C Staves

Chapter 3- 6/18 turns

This one was kind of obnoxious. I had Arran draw in Dracoknights and Gordin/Doga kill them. Palla fucked about before going to the left to annihilate the Dracoknight Mountain Guard. Pirate!MU used his water walk to great effect to kill the cavaliers near the boss and later, the cavalier reinforcements and even later, the boss. Marth got the Bridge Key and got units to safety or something.

Name      Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord           11.33 31 12  00  15  13  12  09  01  D Swords
Ein       Mercenary      14.44 33 17  02  20  20  10  08  00  C Swords
Arran     Dracoknight    04.71 25 11  01  12  12  04  12  03  B Lances E Axes
Draug     Hunter         09.33 23 12  00  09  13  04  04  00  E Bows
Gordin    Archer         11.21 25 12  00  11  07  06  12  00  C Bows
Malliesia Cleric         02.53 16 00  02  02  04  12  01  05  C Staves
Palla     Pegasus Knight 12.02 26 10  02  13  16  09  09  07  B Lances

Yes, Palla's two levels were HP SKL and HP SKL RES...how I hate this game.

Chapter 3x- 6/24 turns

Wrys died due to a careless mistake, but he's not on my team anyways. Also, no levels, so just boring strat pretty much. I really wasn't good at optimizing EXP either...

Name      Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord           11.93 31 12  00  15  13  12  09  01  D Swords
Ein       Mercenary      14.58 33 17  02  20  20  10  08  00  C Swords
Arran     Dracoknight    04.71 25 11  01  12  12  04  12  03  B Lances E Axes
Draug     Hunter         09.59 23 12  00  09  13  04  04  00  E Bows
Gordin    Archer         11.44 25 12  00  11  07  06  12  00  C Bows
Malliesia Cleric         03.55 16 00  02  02  05  12  01  06  C Staves
Palla     Pegasus Knight 12.71 26 10  02  13  16  09  09  07  B Lances

Chapter 4- 3/27 turns

I don't regret giving all of the levels to Marth now! He got rescued and rushed towards goal, wrecking all the shit. Everyone else just meandered at the starting location...well, except for Palla and Sirius. Palla just killed a Hunter or something on Turn 3, and uh...NOT SIRIUS ARRAN got the boss kill...Woot? Also I missed the Devil Sword but fuck the Devil Sword.

Name      Class          Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Levels
Marth     Lord           12.83 32 13  00  15  14  13  09  01  C Swords
Ein       Mercenary      15.17 33 18  02  20  20  10  08  00  C Swords
Arran     Dracoknight    04.98 25 11  01  12  12  04  12  03  B Lances E Axes
Draug     Hunter         10.02 23 12  00  09  14  05  05  00  D Bows
Gordin    Cavalier       11.52 27 12  00  10  09  06  13  00  E Lances E Swords
Malliesia Cleric         03.72 16 00  02  02  05  12  01  06  C Staves
Palla     Pegasus Knight 12.86 26 10  02  13  16  09  09  07  B Lances
Yumina    Cleric         02.84 16 00  02  01  07  09  02  05  C Staves

And Chapter 5 is a PITA...wonderful...ragequit.

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