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Multiplayer & thoughts on world map returning and DLC?


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Has there been any news on multiplayer? and whats everyones thoughts on the gaiden/sacred stones style of traversable world map reappearing in awakening and any ideas on what else there could/should be for the DLC?

I personally like the reappearance of the traversable world map sure it isnt you traditional FE but its always nice to give the Gaiden/ Scared stones ways a try again especially with the fact of Nintendo trying to appeal to new comers and the whole Casual mode making the game slightly easier for new comers or casual gamers.

as for DLC it would be interesting to see some of the classic games like FE 1 or Gaiden as DLC giving the DLC characters backgrounds shown, or like how brawl did it with the timed Demo but instead of time more like 1 map or 2 playable for a trail DLC then buying the Full game as DLC for a price ( yes i know that would cause the chances of us getting it but i mean its still a nice idea ^^" ).

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I've just reccently played gaiden and I love it it's my absolute favorite fire emblem game so Im glad the world maps back . Is for the dlc what would be cool is if they recreated maps and battles from previous fire emblem games like that really epic defend map in fire emblem 5 . What was the city tahra? Except you could use your units and a few guest characters from the game the maps are from .

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Multiplayer would be a nice touch; but maybe more of a co-op, and less on competition.

^ this was something i was thinking of aswell but wasnt sure if that would be a good idea considering FE wasnt really focused on multiplayer as it is, maybe if they made like a multiplayer DLC? like co-op missions and such forth?

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No multiplayer? Bleh... both, co-op (with and without competition) and pvp would have been fun.

Multiplayer would be a nice touch; but maybe more of a co-op, and less on competition.

Make Love, Not Warcraft.

How cute of IS :Idoun:

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My brother and I have played co-op many a time with Fire Emblem. We've completed FE5, most of 6, and all of 7, 8, 9, and 10, as well as several hacks of FE4. We usually just divvy up half our team to whatever units we decide we want to use, and we either move all of our own units separately, or if the occasion necessitates it, we'll work out a strategy of moving units in who seem to be more helpful first.

It's quite functional, and quite fun.

Edited by Celice
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I figure I'll mention it here, there will be multiplayer (for 2 players), according to the official site. Not sure if it's multiplayer battles though.

:newyears: Nice, at least we will have a FE:DS/NM wi-fi style guaranted. You made my day!!!

After all if they want to have high sales removing the multiplayer wpuld be a terrible move.

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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Dont worry in FE 12 (dont know if you try the wi-fi) every one had 7 stats capped, and I didnot found any "cheat" other than that. However my wi-fi team for FE12 that I posted "proves" how possible is to have 7capped stats by CHP 15.

Also let overjoy today that we will have Wi-Fi today and let worry about cheaters/hackers and someonewhodied another day.


Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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i am really glad that the world map is making a return.fire emblem sacred stones was my first fe game (and favourite) . when playing more recent fe games i often found something missing.the only thing that i would add to the world map is more storyline. so say i could go back to a certain place to get more information. sort of like villages and houses.also slightly off topic. anyone know if the music is orchestrated.

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It would be super awesome if it was, but sadly I don't think it is. The trailer's music always sounds like it's been sequenced, like in all the other games.

that is a shame :( the orchestrated music in skyward sword is what made the game for me.......hope the musics good though. there is nothing worse than beepy repetitive music in avideo game.

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that is a shame :( the orchestrated music in skyward sword is what made the game for me.......hope the musics good though. there is nothing worse than beepy repetitive music in avideo game.

It's a 3DS game. I'm sure we'll get damn good music no matter what.

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