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[FE7] LHM + HNM: the welcoming draft!


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Bolting: Kent, Priscilla, Pent, Canas, Matthew, Dart, Wil.

A good team. Kent handles Lyn mode fine on his own, with Wil doing his own thing trying to level and Seize a tile in Ch6. Matthew will just be there not doing much, trying to gain exp to contribute to early Hector Mode. Priscilla can heal, Canas handles the desert, Dart and Pent are great offensive units and Pent can also Warp, shaving huge amounts of turns. I like how it's turned out so far.

Lyn Mode:

Prologue – 5/5 turns

Standard fare.

Chapter 1 – 4/9 turns

Kent gets Strength and Speed, allowing him to 2HKO the wall next chapter and double the boss. Neat.

Chapter 2 – 4/13 turns

Kent smashes the wall and kills Glass, Lyn seizes.

Chapter 3 – 5/18 turns

Kent rushes, Lyn kills an Archer. Wil comes out of the house on turn 3.

Chapter 4 – 7/25 turns

Wil snipes stuff through the wall, Lyn sticks out of the way where possible and Kent grabs most of the kills.

Chapter 5 – 4/29 turns

Wil killed an Archer, Kent took on most of the enemies and Lyn was able to 2RKO the boss due to a crit (23% chance, 4 times to activate)

Chapter 6 – 4/33 turns

I assume undrafteds can take the tiles (Refa told me anyway), if not, penalize me for Rath.

Kent grabs the key, Sain trades it to Wil via a trading chain. Matthew is recruited, and opens the first room. Rath takes the tile. Matt grabs the Robe. Will/Kent manage to grab the second tile on turn 4. Lyn manages to crit the boss, and Matt steps on the tile (and by stepped on I mean attacked an archer, who happened to get critted. My luck is weird.)

Chapter 7 – 2(+4)/39 turns

Florina drops Kent to boss kill. Wil and Matt kill things.

Chapter 7x – 5/44 turns

Kent goes left with Nils, Wil kills enemies in the walls and Lyn goes to take on the Cavalier/Mercs, who she can barely 2HKO. Matthew picks up the scraps.

Chapter 8 – 5/49 turns

Kent and Nils charge, Dorcas and Lyn grab the Lancereaver. Killing Yogi stops the reinforcements earlier I think.

Chapter 9 – 4/53 turns

Matthew blocks Wallace in the village to avoid him being attacked, Kent rescues Lyn and scurries off to kill Eagler.

Chapter 10 – 5(+4)/62 turns

Kent gets the Robe. Kent and Lyn are dropped to bosskill and seize respectively by Florina, and Kent promotes at level 13. Matthew and Wil kill what they can.

Lyn Mode Clear: 62 turns

Edited by Serious Sam
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If they were so impatient, they shouldve asked anyone but you or me for that matter. Seeing as how u have like, what, 50 drafts left to finish?

actually, my main chunk are fe10 ones.

And, yes I wish I could put my current mind into the body of myself from 5 months past.

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Well, seeing as I only have Serra for Lyn Mode, my start is a solo to the end of LHM! I had a feeling that would happen, but it's turning out better than expected. When it's HNM, I'll have a better time, since I'll have Hector, Eli, Rebecca, and Serra, though the chapters up until Raven arrives will be tough, seeing as my only tank at the time will be Hector. x_x

Anyway, here's half of LHM:

Prologue (6 turns):

Same old, though Batta got me all defensive, so I got 6 turns instead of 5.

Chapter 1 (7 turns):

Let Sain sit back and annoy Kent with his talk of women within the trees while Lyn tackled through the bandits...though she won't be able to do this for long. Pretty much the only bandit to land a good hit on her was the boss. All worked out fine though.

Chapter 2 (9 turns):

This one was a bit scary with the bandits landing lucky hits on Lyn while she was taking a whole 3 turns to break the wall. >_> Sucked it up and used a vulnerary and kicked the ass of Glass.

Chapter 3 (11 turns):

That stupid lone bandit had to destroy the village, as it cost me three extra turns to get to him after Lyn finished off the boss. But given my drafted units, it's all unavoidable without Florina.

Chapter 4 (7 turns):

Let everyone have a party with Natalie while Lyn played as the security guard blocking the way. After clearing out the enemies that attacked Lyn on turn 4, moved down a space (Yet still blocking the way completely) to recruit Dorcas and let him join the party inside. I was almost afraid of Lyn dying here though, but I used the last of her second vulnerary and stole one from Florina.

Chapter 5 (10 turns):

Could have cleared in 8 or 9 if that bandit to the north didn't try to chase Kent down. Got him with Lyn and moved on before he could catch Kent though. Now I have Serra!...who contributes to nothing turn count-related. But at least I can save vulneraries!

(Ugh, trying to get the text within the code box properly lined up is irritating...I'll just post it normally.)

Lyn: Level 11

Str: 8

Skl: 14

Spd: 18

Luk: 10

Def: 4

Res: 4

Edited by Magnus Blade
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Prologue- 6/6 turns

(Wherein Cyas continues his proud tradition of keeping the company of young myrmidon girls, Batta The Beast is overrated, and Lyndis is still frail as ever)

Thank to RnG basically hating me, Lyndis couldn't survive 2 hits in a row, so I had to waste an extra turn healing her. Drats, my turncount is already off to a bad start.

Chapter 1- 5/11 turns

(Wherein Sain goes wild, Lyn goes conservative, and Cyas goes to make a sandwich)

I held Lyn back because she's not a member of my actual team while I give Sain all of the kills but 1 (well, after Kent gave Sain his sword and ran back to Bulgar). Still didn't take too long! Sain also got some VERY lucky speed procs. Why is it so lucky? Well I've never been able to replicate the effect on my other runs which I have to do because I forgot how long it took me. This leads me to having to basically 'remember" how later battles went on because at this point, I'm already at Chapter 17. Curse you, draft!

Chapter 2- 4/15 turns

(Wherein Sain gets too much speed for his own good, Lyn does some walling, and Glass suffers the same fate as his namesake)

Lyn and Sain rush ahead with Sain's uncharacteristically high speed lets him double everything. After he breaks the wall and Lyn moves in closer, he kills more bandits and gets speed. Then he doubles Glass and Lyn takes the throne! I'm a boss.

Chapter 3- 4/19 turns

(Wherein Sain double literally EVERYONE in the chapter, Wil comes out despite noone wanting him to, and Florina's unicorn has been proven to be able to carry horses)

So Sain rushes and doubles everything with his below average strength, while Lyn kills one archer with Manni Katti. Thanks Lyn!

Chapter 4- 7/26 turns

(Wherein Sain is still a boss, Natalie's foot disease makes noone want to help her out, and Lyn does something)

Lyn gets Dorcas out of the way and tanks the mercenaries while Sain kills everyone but the chumps near the right wall.

Chapter 5- 5/31 turns

(Wherein the archer lives despite being at 0 HP and vanishes into the nether, Sain still doubles ALMOST everything, and Bug is a nuisance)

Sain rush, Lyn help, archer dead, blablabla, IT HAPPENED)

Chapter 6- 6/37 turns

(Wherein I'm sure about my turncount, turns are lost, and Cyas suffers from massive heart burn)

Matthew opens the door and gets the Angelic Robe, Lyn goes and follows him, Rath opens the gates, and Sain doesn't do a heck of a lot! Dammit Sain, you need them levels!

Chapter 7- 6/43 turns

(Wherein Heintz is named after ketchup, Lyn does basically nothing, and Nils is credit to team)

So Sain rushes and kills boss. What, did you think I'd use strategy? WELL I DIDN'T.

Chapter 7x- 6/49 turns

(Wherein Sain still wrecks everyone, Cyas is feeling superfluous, and Lyn plays ModNation Racers)

I LTCed this shit so hard.

Chapter 8- 7/56 turns

(Wherein not much strategy is to be had, Sain is still a god, and Lyn saves some turns)

Sain go down. Lyn take care of the mages with Nils. Dammit Lyn, reach the Ballistae faster, you cost me a turn! Oh well...

Chapter 9- 4/60 turns

(Wherein Wallace doesn't become a giant among us, Nils = best tank ever, and Sain 2 turns the boss)

Sain carries Lyn, hears a ballad from his favorite bard, rushes forwards, drops Lyn and spends 2 turns killing Eagleface (thanks Lancereaver for making this easier!)

Chapter 10- 8 (+4 turn penalty)/72 turns

(Wherein Sain is moving up in the world, I take a penalty like a boss, and Nils is still the best tank ever)

Florina carries Lyn, goes back for Sain, Nils stays after dancing and tanks 2 enemies, Florina gets the EN and Sain wastes a turn using it, and Sain kills Luggage. Oh, and he promoted. Neato.

Lancereaver is a godsend here because I skipped the armorslayer in Chapter 7x.

Wouldn't having my endgame Lyn mode stats by a great way to end this segment? Yeah, I think too, but you'll have to wait till Chapter 16.

Chapter 11- 6/78 turns

(Wherein Hector is Hector, Matthew doesn't bring his family jewels with him, and bossman is a scub)

An easy chapter where I go by the subscribed route. Yay for predictability!

Chapter 12- 4/82 turns

(Wherein Bartre gets some speed, Marcus suffers from a fatal heart disease that will threaten him by the start of Chapter 17, and Oswin kills scrubs)

Bartre and Marcus move forwards and I hand some kills to Bartre before prompting the boss to move Marcus' way. Hector and Oswin clear up the enemies around them.

Did I mention that Bartre is fucking awesome? Well I should've.

Chapter 13- 5/87 turns

(Wherein the truth of Marcus' fatal disease is revealed in a melodramatic animu cutscene, Oswin breaks that snag like a boss, and archer dude ruins my 4 turn clear)

Something something happened in this chapter. I don't know if I feel comfortable talking about it.

Chapter 13x- DO THE MATH/94 turns

(Wherein Oswin is still helpful, Bartre is helpfuler, and Marcus is old)

Remember when I enjoyed these writeups! SO do I , but now I just kinda want to play the game.

Oswin takes the left snag before moving up, Matthew and Lowen wall the starting area, and the other 3 (Hector, Bartre, and Marcus) go up. Marcus takes the village, Oswin takes the boss kill, and Hector and Bartre get some FIIIIIIIIIINE level ups. Axe users FTW (don't worry Oswin, you'll get your time in the sun).

Chapter 14- 4/98 turns

(Wherein Erik's living is problematic to my cause, Hector can't OHKO the Iron Sword Cavalier who's getting some secret stuff from the seemingly average shop, and Erk doesn't die due to the hand of god intervening)

Marcus kills everyone to the left, Oswin, Bartre, and Hector do the same in the south. Yay for simple battle strats! Marcus HAD to finish off bossman before turn 4 otherwise he'd call in reinforcements.

Chapter 15- DO THE MATH...AGAIN/105 turns

(Wherein the mission would be better left in the hands of someone more competent than Sealen, Bartre can double, and Hector's not quite as durable as one would've hoped)

Hector, Bartre go down. Marcus follows. Oswin takes the high ground. Marcus kills Sealen because he's a wimp. Everything's all peachy and good again. Oh, and Matthew loots the chests for useless Mend and more useful not Mend Silver Axe. Noon can use it except Marcus!

Chapter 16- 6/111 turns

(Wherein Lyn does the noble thing and gets stuff for Sain, as do her compatriats, Marcus is MIA at the end of this chapter, and Bartre has as much speed as Oswin)

Marcus rescue drops Hector, Sainadin goes to kill the boss (yay, I'm not punished for losing Marcus because I have SAIN), and Oswin and Bartre kill some chumps.

Yay, writeup done!

Oh yeah, you want to see my character's stats, don't you? Okie dokie!


Hector's doing fine, he may be a little low on SPD, but it's nothing too bad.


Oswin is doing fantastic and always and oh crap, LOOK AT THAT SPEED.


Marcus helped save the turns, but it's time for him to retire. *Sigh*...


LOOK AT THAT SPEED. 4 gained! Bartre is doing fantastically, he'll be very helpful.


The best! Perhaps STR screwed, but who gives a shit, it's more than enough and look at that speed!

Edited by Refa
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Prologue 5/5

For some reason game counted 6 turns...

Standard 5 turn run

Name    Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn   	Lord      2.33   17   5    7   10    6    2    1

Chap 1 5/10

Going only with Lyn's a little on the slow side, but great level ups!

Name    Class 	Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn   	Lord      4.64   19   7    8   12    6    3    2 

Chap 2 7/17

Lyn began 2HKOing! Glass was Glassed.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn   	Lord      6.22   21   7    9   13    8    3    4

Chap 3 11/28

Ignored Wil until a rogue bandit terrorized my undrafted peeps.

Lyn has really slow movement, but great levels!

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Lyn   	Lord      8.xx   22   9   10   15    9    4    5
where x means I realized later that I forgot to write it down 

Chap 4 7/35 game counted 8

Ah, the old protect 5 units with only one unit chapter. 'Nuff said.

Took a bit to realize that I could also protect dorcas without missing any fights.

Also ran out of iron swords with the last kill.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn   	Lord      9.61   23   9   10   15   10    5    6

Chap 5 8/43

First new unit! Hello, Erk!

Erk was babied, Lyn had a good level up

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn   	Lord      10.69  23  10   11   16   11    5    6
Erk   	Mage      2.16   17   6    6    7    3    3    4 

Chap 6 7/50

Rath is here to spread wrath!

Lyn continues to have great levels, Erk not so much...

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Lyn   	Lord      11.29  24  10   12   17   12    5    6
Erk   	Mage      3.xx   17   6    7    7    3    3    5
Rath      Nomad 	7.31   25   8    9   10    5    7    2 

Chap 7 7/57

Wild units appear! Wild Lucius and Nils were caught!

Rath critted ketchup guy on the enemy turn for an early win

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Lyn   	Lord      11.29  24  10   12   17   12    5    6
Erk   	Mage      4.61   17   6    7    8    3    3    6
Rath      Nomad 	8.38   25   8   10   10    5    7    3
Nils      Bard      1.60   14   0    0   12   10    5    4
Lucius    Monk      3.55   18   7    6   10    2    1    6

Chap 7x 7/64

Erk had a great level up, Nils was attacked once, and Matthew grabbed the hammer (which I never used dry.gif)

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Lyn   	Lord      11.58  24  10   12   17   12    5    6
Erk   	Mage      6.29   18   8    8   10    4    3    8
Rath      Nomad 	8.83   25   8   10   10    5    7    3
Nils      Bard      2.21   14   0    0   13   11    5    5
Lucius    Monk      4.29   19   8    6   10    2    1    7 

Chap 8 6/70

Rath sent to deal with mages, Nice level ups all around. Erk ran out of Fire.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Lyn   	Lord      12.15  24  10   13   18   12    5    7
Erk   	Mage      6.66   18   8    8   10    4    3    8
Rath      Nomad 	9.16   26   9   10   10    6    7    3
Nils      Bard      2.82   14   0    0   13   11    5    5
Lucius    Monk      5.94   19   9    7   11    2    1    8 

Chap 9 11/81

Wallace is a pain to keep from fighting.

Lyn had an almost perfect level up from killing Eagler.

Lucius is almost out of Lightning...

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Lyn   	Lord      13.88  26  11   14   19   13    6    8
Erk   	Mage      6.66   18   8    8   10    4    3    8
Rath      Nomad 	9.81   26   9   10   10    6    7    3
Nils      Bard      3.92   15   0    0   13   12    5    6
Lucius    Monk      6.81   19  10    7   12    2    1    9 

Chap 10 12/93

Yeah, I slow-rolled it, no penalties for me.

But huge level-ups for all (except Rath)!

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn   	Lord      14.59  26  13*  15   20   14    6    9
Erk   	Mage      7.82   26*  9    8   11    4    3    8
Rath      Nomad 	9.98   26   9   10   10    6    7    3
Nils      Bard      4.92   16   0    0   13   13    5    6
Lucius    Monk      7.30   20  11    8   12    2    1    9*
* means Power Up used:Energy Ring for Lyn, Angel Cloak for Erk

Chap 11 6/99

Picked Hector normal mode, game tells me I'm starting with Eliwood.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Hector crits Wire smile.gif Back to sub-par stats...dry.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      2.46   21   7    4    5    3    8    0 

Chap 12 9/108

Lowen and Marcus! Too bad they're too far away...

Ughhh, where can Hector learn to hit... Oh hey, a secret book! tongue.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      5.57   24  10    6    5    4    9    0
Lowen 	Cavalier  3.69   23   7    5    7    3    7    1
Marcus    Paladin   1.22   31  15   15   11    8   10    8 

Chap 13 12/120

Hi Guy! How are you doing?

Hector is STRONG.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      7.27   24  12    8*   6    5    9    0
Lowen 	Cavalier  6.03   26   9    6    7    3    9    2
Marcus    Paladin   2.28   32  15   16   11    9   10    9
Guy   	Myrmidon  3.74   21   6   11   11    5    5    0
*Secret Book for Hector

Chap 13x 7/127 Game counted 8

Crappy level ups all around...

Also didn't notice until Chapter 30 that meatshielding was allowed... (AAAAAUUUGHHHH)

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      8.30   25  12    8    6    5   10    1
Lowen 	Cavalier  6.83   26   9    6    7    3    9    2
Marcus    Paladin   2.65   32  15   16   11    9   10    9
Guy   	Myrmidon  5.03   22   6   11   11    7    5    0 

Chap 14 14/141

Erk! No, don't run away! Come back! Yay!

Also, Marcus, dat level up ohmy.gif

Took forever to get both Prissy and Erk Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      9.04   26  13    8    6    5   11    1
Lowen 	Cavalier  8.03   28   9    8    7    3   11    3
Marcus    Paladin   3.75   33  16   17   12    9   11   10
Guy   	Myrmidon  6.41   23   6   11   12    8    5    1
Erk   	Mage      9.13   28  10    9   12    5    3    9 

Chap 15 7/148 Game counted 8

Erk got lucky with a Goddess... icon. tongue.gif

Sealen was annoying, but after Marcus killed him, the level got very quiet.

AKA would have been done in 5 turns... dry.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      9.66   26  13    8    6    5   11    1
Lowen 	Cavalier  9.77   29   9    8    7    4   12    4
Marcus    Paladin   4.69   34  17   18   12    9   11   11
Guy   	Myrmidon  7.00   24   7   12   12    8    5    1
Erk   	Mage      9.80   28  10    9   12    7*   3    9
*Goddess Icon for Erk

Chap 16 10/158

Last level w/ Marcus... But Lyn comes back!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      11.78  28  13   10    6    6   12    2
Lowen 	Cavalier  11.59  31  11    8    7    4   13    4
Marcus    Paladin   4.72   34  17   18   12    9   11   11
Guy   	Myrmidon  8.40   25   8   12   13    9    5    1
Erk   	Mage      11.90  30  10    9   12    8    3   11
Lyn   	Lord      15.28  26  14   16   20   14    6   10 

Chap 17 16/174

Long chapter with lots of loot is long...

Lowen took care of reinhorsements w/ horseslayer

Good levels, though. And Lucius is back!

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      13.72  30  13   11    7    7   13    3
Lowen 	Cavalier  14.05  34  12    9    7    6   13    5
Guy   	Myrmidon  10.53  27   9   14   15   10    7    2
Erk   	Mage      14.99  32  11   12   14    9    3   13
Lyn   	Lord      16.61  27  15   17   20   14    6   10
Lucius    Monk      7.30   20  11    8   12    2    1    9 

Chap 17x 9/183

Not a mooncalf, despite what Fargus claimed on the last turn.

Lowen and Erk protected Merlinus while the rest fought through trees.

Canas contributes another Secret Book and Vulnerary.

Lyn went shopping for more Lightning, so I don't run out again.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      13.72  30  13   11    7    7   13    3
Lowen 	Cavalier  15.57  35  13   10    7    7   14    5
Guy   	Myrmidon  11.05  28   9   15   16   10    7    2
Erk   	Mage      15.33  33  12   13   15   10    3   13
Lyn   	Lord      17.78  28  16   18   20   14    7   10
Lucius    Monk      8.28   21  12    9   13    3    1    9 

Chap 18 8/191

Hector gets even more skill tutoring.

Once Guy killed longsword dude, Lowen and Erk raped the East ship.

Lucius Holy-rolled the west ship, except Zoldam.

Ran out of dudes on turn 6, derp.Moved Hector next to Zoldam, attacked, prayed for no crit Lunas, and managed to end the chapter early.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      14.71  31  13   13*   8    7   13    4
Lowen 	Cavalier  16.42  36  14   11    8    8   14    6
Guy   	Myrmidon  11.77  28   9   15   16   10    7    2
Erk   	Mage      16.12  34  12   14   16   10    3   13
Lyn   	Lord      17.78  28  16   18   20   14    7   10
Lucius    Monk      10.30  23  14   10   13    3    2   10 

Chap 19 9/200

Dart rescued Fiora from taking away any exp

Lyn had her 1st crappy level up in ages, but that's A-OK!gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Erk killed off Uhai on turn 9.

OMG Hector's speeding up, and Guy's pumping iron!

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      15.31  32  13   13    9    7   13    5
Lowen 	Cavalier  17.39  37  14   11    8    9   15    6
Guy   	Myrmidon  13.01  30  11   15   17   10    7    2
Erk   	Mage      18.06  36  12   16   17   11    5   14
Lyn   	Lord      18.58  28  16   18   20   15    7   10
Lucius    Monk      13.28  24  15   11   14    4    2   13 

Chap 19x 12/212

Sent Erk ahead to scrounge as much exp as possible before Kishuna.

Promoted Erk at 20

Lucius guarded against pegasi and mages.

Apparently Merlinus can dodge mages like whoa.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      15.84  32  13   13    9    7   13    5
Lowen 	Cavalier  19.66  39  14   11    9   11   16    8
Guy   	Myrmidon  14.93  31  11   16   17   10    7    2
Erk   	Sage      20/01  41  14   17   19   12    8   17
Lyn   	Lord      18.58  28  16   18   20   15    7   10
Lucius    Monk      14.88  24  16   12   14    4    2   13 

Chap 20 11/223

I finally have a healer!

Lowen went straight up the gut, earned level 20 on opps turn, promoted immediately.

Lowen is basically an FE8 General with huge movement and resistance to armorslayer laugh.gif

Lucius leveled up a lot! Decided to give him the icon, so he could maybe have a little luck.

Merlinus can dodge like a boss!

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      17.45  33  14   13   10    7   14    5
Lowen 	Paladin   20/03  44  16   13   10   13   21    9
Guy   	Myrmidon  16.20  32  11   16   19   11    7    3
Erk   	Sage      1.94   41  14   17   19   12    8   17
Lyn   	Lord      18.96  28  16   18   20   15    7   10
Lucius    Monk      18.35  27  18   14   15    6*   3   16 

Chap 21 6/229

Hi Ninian! Lyn guarded Eliwood and Merlinus.

Promoted Lucius at 20, who has ungodly high magic.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      17.72  33  14   13   10    7   14    5
Lowen 	Paladin   3.36   44  16   13   10   13   21    9
Guy   	Myrmidon  17.38  33  11   16   20   12    7    3
Erk   	Sage      2.94   41  15   17   19   12    8   18
Lyn   	Lord      18.96  28  16   18   20   15    7   10
Lucius    Bishop    20/01  32  20   15   15    8    6   19
Ninian    Dancer    5.42   17   1    0   14   14    5    6 

Chap 22 10/239

Rath's back!

Getting tired of hauling Eliwood along. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Killed Heath on the way to get treasure.

Feels like Serenity, reavers EVERYWHERE.

Guy killed Eubans on my turn 10.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      19.53  35  16   14   10    7   14    6
Lowen 	Paladin   4.62   45  16   13   10   13   21    9
Guy   	Myrmidon  19.74  35  12   16   20   12    7    3
Erk   	Sage      3.26   42  15   17   20   12    8   18
Lyn   	Lord      19.16  29  16   19   20   15    7   10
Lucius    Bishop    2.30   40* 20   16   15    8    6   19
Ninian    Dancer    6.43   18   1    0   14   15    5    7
Rath      Nomad 	12.37  29  11   13   12    7    8    3 

Chap 23 6/245

Killed Paul earlier than I thought I would...blink.gif

Sold my second knight crest, lol.

Didn't pick up any items,sad.gif but Guy promoted at lvl 20 smile.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      19.53  35  16   14   10    7   14    6
Lowen 	Paladin   5.30   46  16   14   10   13   21    9
Guy   	Swrdmstr  20/01  41  15   16   20   12    9    4
Erk   	Sage      5.06   44  17   18   21   12    8   19
Lyn   	Lord      19.16  29  16   19   20   15    7   10
Lucius    Bishop    3.54   41  20   17   16    8    7   19
Ninian    Dancer    6.93   18   1    0   14   15    5    7
Rath      Nomad 	13.52  30  11   14   12    7    8    3 

Chap 24 3/248

Rath got Afa's Drops, since he has the lowest level except for Ninian

Erk sent East. Lloyd charged ahead to attempt to kill Hector, but instead got killed the next turn biggrin.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      20 	36  17   14   11    8   15    6
Lowen 	Paladin   5.63   46  16   14   10   13   21    9
Guy   	Swrdmstr  1.60   41  15   16   20   12    9    4
Erk   	Sage      6.99   45  17   18   22   12    9   19
Lyn   	Lord      20 	30  17   20   20   16    8   10
Lucius    Bishop    3.64   41  20   17   16    8    7   19
Ninian    Dancer    7.13   19   1    0   15   16    5    8
Rath      Nomad 	13.92  30  11   14   12    7    8    3 

Chap 25 9/257

Ballistae declared Open Season on Erkblink.gif

Lowen was a tank and Guy and Erk were Glass Cannons.

1st two forts capped on turn 5

Ninian got lost in the woods (so slow...) Declined Farina like a boss

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      20 	36  17   14   11    8   15    6
Lowen 	Paladin   8.86   49  16   16   10   14   23   10
Guy   	Swrdmstr  3.38   43  16   18   21   13    9    5
Erk   	Sage      11.50  48  20   22   25   13    9   21
Lyn   	Lord      20 	30  17   20   20   16    8   10
Lucius    Bishop    4.04   42  20   18   17    8    7   20
Ninian    Dancer    7.83   19   1    0   15   16    5    8
Rath      Nomad 	16.53  33  13   17   13    8    9    4 

Chap 26 11/268 Game counted 12

Lyn became a Blade Lord

Made Lowen tank up by the castle for exp

Guy went south, but couldn't reach the village in timedry.gif

Rath reached 20 on the last turn.

A few close calls with the wyverns attacking but overall, a fine chapter

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      20 	36  17   14   11    8   15    6
Lowen 	Paladin   10.77  51  17   17   10   14   25   12
Guy   	Swrdmstr  5.77   44  17   20   21   14    9    5
Erk   	Sage      12.26  49  20   22   26   13    9   22
Lyn   	Bld Lord  2.59   34  19   23   20   17   11   15
Lucius    Bishop    6.00   44  21   19   18    9    7   21
Ninian    Dancer    8.84   20   1    0   16   17    6    9
Rath      Nmd Trpr  20/1   36  17   20   15   11   13    8 

Chap 27 11/279

Rath's a real trooper! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Finally, we have Karel. Skipped the Guiding Ring chest.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      20 	36  17   14   11    8   15    6
Lowen 	Paladin   11.67  52  17   17   10   15   25   13
Guy   	Swrdmstr  7.26   45  18   21   23   15    9    6
Erk   	Sage      13.22  50  20   23   26   14    9   22
Lyn   	Bld Lord  5.04   36  21   25   22   19   11   15
Lucius    Bishop    7.93   45  21   19   18    9    7   21
Ninian    Dancer    9.85   20   1    0   17   18    6   10
Rath      Nmd Trpr  4.82   42  19   22   16   12   15    8
Karel 	Swrdmstr  8.27   31  16   23   20   15   13   12 

Chap 28 15/294 Game counted 16

Merlinus has a wagon!

First time through, Jaffar and Zephiel both died , Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Reset...

Lyn killed Ursula turn 8

Finished around turn 11, time to wait...

Forgot to have Nino and Jaffar talk. Oh, well....

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Lord      20 	36  17   14   11    8   15    6
Lowen 	Paladin   13.00  54  18   17   11   16   25   13
Guy   	Swrdmstr  10.72  48  18   24   25   17    9    8*
Erk   	Sage      13.42  50  20   23   26   14    9   22
Lyn   	Bld Lord  7.55   38  23   25   23   20   11   16
Lucius    Bishop    8.28   46  22   20   19    9    7   22
Ninian    Dancer    10.87  21   1    0   18   19    6   11
Rath      Nmd Trpr  7.85   45  20   24   18   12   16    8
Karel 	Swrdmstr  9.39   31  16   24   20   16   13   12 

Chap 29 13/307

Gave Ninian Boots... Fast Dancing is fast!

Hector became GREAT!tongue.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  20/01  39  17   16   14    8   16   11
Lowen 	Paladin   16.12  57  18   17   12   18   25   13
Guy   	Swrdmstr  14.94  50  19   25   27   18    9    9
Erk   	Sage      17.04  53  22   24   26   15   10   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  11.85  41  24   27   24   22   11   16
Lucius    Bishop    13.02  49  25   24   22   10    8   25
Nils      Bard      12.11  23   1    0   19   21    7   13
Rath      Nmd Trpr  14.71  52  25   27   21   13   17    9
Karel 	Swrdmstr  12.10  32  16   25   22   17   14   13

Chap 30 10/317

Nils swapped for Ninian, hope those Boots work for him, too.

Nils played for Hector throughout, but Lyn killed Kaim.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  4.48   42  20   16   14   10   17   11
Lowen 	Paladin   16.12  57  18   17   12   18   25   13
Guy   	Swrdmstr  14.94  50  19   25   27   18    9    9
Erk   	Sage      17.04  53  22   24   26   15   10   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  11.85  41  24   27   24   22   11   16
Lucius    Bishop    13.02  49  25   24   22   10    8   25
Nils      Bard      13.05  24   1    0   19   22    8   13
Rath      Nmd Trpr  14.71  52  25   27   21   13   17    9
Karel 	Swrdmstr  12.10  32  16   25   22   17   14   13 

Chap 31 11/328 Game counted 12

Missing Nils...sad.gif

Erk handled Upper Right Swarm, Rath and Lucius the Bottom Right

Simple Enough, Tons of Levels, yawn

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  7.05   44  22   16   14   11   18   12
Lowen 	Paladin   16.43  57  18   17   12   18   25   13
Guy   	Swrdmstr  17.01  50  21   25   30   20    9   10
Erk   	Sage      18.94  54  22   25   26   16   11   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  14.82  42  24   29   27   23   12   18
Lucius    Bishop    15.xx  50  25   25   22   10    8   26
Nils      Bard      13.05  24   1    0   19   22    8   13
Rath      Nmd Trpr  16.87  53  25   27   23   13   17    9
Karel 	Swrdmstr  13.xx  32  17   25   23   17   14   13 

Chap 31x 5/333 Game counted 6

Still Missing Nils...Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Bought Silver stuff.

Arena, Yo.

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  7.85   44  22   16   14   11   18   12
Lowen 	Paladin   16.43  57  18   17   12   18   25   13
Guy   	Swrdmstr  17.01  50  21   25   30   20    9   10
Erk   	Sage      19.04  54  22   25   26   17   12   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  14.82  42  24   29   27   23   12   18
Lucius    Bishop    15.63  50  25   25   22   10    8   26
Nils      Bard      13.05  24   1    0   19   22    8   13
Rath      Nmd Trpr  16.87  53  25   27   23   13   17    9
Karel 	Swrdmstr  15.07  34  17   27   23   18   14   13 

Chap 32 16/349

Hector encouraged by Nils northward, Guy and Lyn follow Lowen NE, rest E

Now Open Season on Guy and Rath biggrin.gif

Bandit attacked Renault's Ruins (Oh, well)tongue.gif

Karel dealt with reinhorsements until wyverns threatened civilization as we know it

Chapter got really scary when Horses/Pegasi nearly killed Nils in NW, but Erk saved the day!cool.gif

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  18.56  54  27   21   19   13   26   16
Lowen 	Paladin   19.38  60  18   17   12   19   25   15
Guy   	Swrdmstr  18.94  54  21   26   30   21    9   11
Erk   	Sage      20 	55  22   25   26   18   12   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  20 	46  24   29   30   27   13   19
Lucius    Bishop    20 	52  25   26   24   12    8   30
Nils      Bard      14.35  25   1    0   20   23    8   14
Rath      Nmd Trpr  19.19  56  25   28   25   14   18   10
Karel 	Swrdmstr  19.01  35  19   29   25   19   14   14 

Chap 32x 11/360

Brought Guy, Nils, Rath, and Legault (for thieving) along.


Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  20 	56  29   22   20   15   28*  18*
Lowen 	Paladin   19.38  60  18   17   12   19   25   15
Guy   	Swrdmstr  20 	55  21   28   30   21   10   11
Erk   	Sage      20 	55  22   25   26   18   12   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  20 	46  24   29   30   27   13   19
Lucius    Bishop    20 	52  25   26   24   12    8   30
Nils      Bard      15.48  26   1    0   20   24    8   15
Rath      Nmd Trpr  20 	57  25   28   25   15   19   10
Karel 	Swrdmstr  19.01  35  19   29   25   19   14   14

Final Chapter: Light 11/371

Hi Athos!

First Attempt: Erk critted by Lloyd and Eliwood killed by a BoltingFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

Let's try this again.

Athos critted Lloyd tongue.gif

Dragon killed Karel at Longbow range sad.gif

Athos's Eclipse knocked out 40 of dragon's healthohmy.gif on the second try

Lyn finished off dragon on turn 2

Name    Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res 
Hector    Grt Lord  20 	56  29   22   20   15   28*  18*
Lowen 	Paladin   20 	60  19   18   13   20   25   15
Guy   	Swrdmstr  20 	55  21   28   30   21   10   11
Erk   	Sage      20 	55  22   25   26   18   12   23
Lyn   	Bld Lord  20 	46  24   29   30   27   13   19
Lucius    Bishop    20 	52  25   26   24   12    8   30
Nils      Bard      16.xx  27   1    0   20   25    8   16
Rath      Nmd Trpr  20 	57  25   28   25   15   19   10
Karel 	Swrdmstr  19.01  35  19   29   25   19   14   14
Athos 	Archsage  same as always 

Game total: 379 My total: 371

In my defense, first try to LTC (normally arena abuse with tons of units), and I took no penalties.


Started off a little rough on skill and speed, but turned out awesome. Well done, monsieur


AKA the FE8 General on a horse. Shrugged off any physical attack thrown at him, but SLOW AS MOLASSES. Still worked well as a mobile wall.


I originally cursed the thought of you, but this is the first run I've had in which Guy actually had decent Strength. As a result, he was a killing machine.


Not as great of a mage as I had hoped, yet still managed to tank through rough spots. Hero of the team.


O M G Best Lyn EVAR! (for me at least) Capped at least three stats, if not a fourth as well. Also generated enough bow rank to be dangerous both near and far.


My best Lucius ever! Also capped three or more stats. Main healer of the party due to auto C staves cool.gif


Danced and sang, weaving an epic tale to be told throughout the ages.


AKA Afa's Drops Beast. Capped three or more stats as well, and killed many undead morphs with Rienfleche (once Uhai graciously passed it on)


Surprisingly useful, despite being a late pre-promote. His low HP let him get killed by the dragon, though Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

And that's it! I will most certainly perform better in the future.

EDIT: Trying to make this look better. Any suggestions?

Edited by The Spanish Inquisition
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Chapter 17- 10/121 turns

(Wherein Oswin wastes turns, my lack of units hurt my completion rate, and Sain still kicks ass)

I could've finished the chapter sooner, but I decided to stall for a teensy weensy bit to get the Knight Crest for Oswin. That's...probably incredibly stupid of me. Oh well!

Chapter 17x- 3/124 turns

(Wherein Sain practically soloes the map, Oswin kills the boss, and Bartre almost kills two mooks)

Sain basically killed everything and got the Sleep staff on turn 2. Recruited Canas with Bartre for his book which will be eaten by Sain. Yay!

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Chapter 18- 3/127 turns

(Wherein Sain is still awesome, I yawn myself to sleep, and Florina goes shopping)

I sent Sain to the boss, and Bartre and pals took care of the enemies on the right for easy EXP (well, were in the process of taking care of them when the cha-)

Chapter 19- 5/132 turns

(Wherein Sain is the hardest working lazyman, Dart plunders Merlinus' tent, and Fiora > the rest of my team combined)

Sain goes to kill the boss, Hector and pallys (not to be confused with paladins) kill pirates and nomads and possibly nomadic pirates, I dunno, I got lost somewhere.

Chapter 19x- 4/136 turns

(Wherein I stop playing because I have to study for a test, I have a test to study for, and holy shit why am I still playing better stop)

Sain wins Chapter.

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Chapter 11 – 6/68 turns

Hi mum.

Chapter 12 – 4/72 turns

Marcus charge. Eliwood sells his Rapier.

Chapter 13 – 6/78 turns

Losing turns due to lack of units >.>

Chapter 13x – 7/85 turns

Eliwood nearly died a lot. I didn't care a lot.

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This was played Casually, because I hate resetting on a VBA.

And fuck ch17-22 with a Dorcas/Hector/Florina solo with a base def Florina.

At least it was fun

Sharpoon: Florina, Isadora, Hawkeye, Dorcas, Vaida, Harken, Jaffar.

Florina-LHM RObe+Ring

Dorcas-Speedwing, Talisman

Isadora-Body RIngx2, Dracoshield, RObe

















73 turns LHM










ch18-5(Dorcas promotes at lvl 19)










ch27-19 turns(jerme)

ch28-15 turns









(Silences Nergal with Jaffar)


(Drops Reinflieche and rest of S rank weapons)

336 turns, because Casual style.

(CBF'd to reset some shit)



lvl /HP/Str/skl/spd/lck/def/res

20/11/49/23 /24 /17/8 /21 /10

2HKOs everything.

Helped out in ch17-22, due to a small team.

8/10 for this run

S axes, D swords


lvl /Hp/str/skl/spd/lck/def/res

19/20/60/23 /24 /14 / 22/16 /9

S axes, B bows

Saved my patience earlygame, and was a life-saver in ch17-22.

Of course, he decided that he was going to copy Hawkeye and get 16 def by 19/5

Of course, he one shots crap and 2HKOs what he doens't one shot.

I'd pick him anytime.



lvl /hp/str/skl/spd/lck/def/res

20/20/51/23 /24 /28 /23 /12 /22

S lances, A swords

Helped out alot in LHM, and for her entire Existence.

Getting str blessed early on helped alot.

And then she rapes everything.




20/56 /25 /21 /19 /21 /17 /21

S axes

So, he arrives at the start of lategame, in the desert

Where he is useful. I just let him have the brave axe and shit hits the fan.

Superb durability, great attack and skill, and decent speed. Hell, he took one round of combat from ch26 Vaida!

Which allowed me to blow 70K in the armoury.

And with one talisman, he capped res.




20/49 /21/16 /22 /18/15 /16

A swords, A lances, B axes

B Harken


Arrives at a great time, and takes her own robe.

and has a monopoly on body rings. 8 move, and decent durability for HNM is even better.




20/40/20 /30 /25 /12 /17 /13

Best last round pick

Lockpick for 1-2 chapters, 25% silencer for COD, and arena for cash in 31X

Didn't let me down.




20/45 /25/26 /23 /15 /19 /13

A axes, A swords

Excellent Prepromote. Jermes map takes quite a bit of turns, so Isadorable just went up to him and recruited him.




17/49/21 /21 /19 / 11 /21/6

A swords&lances

Flight, awesome bases, and weapon ranks

Only problem is coming WTF late.



lvl 18 unpromoted.

PITA guy who wants to **** eliwood and hector.

Useful for items and nothing else.


lvl 7 average stats

Dancer=win in any fe.

RIngs make it epic.

Of course, getting oneshotted by bolting isn't fun

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huh.gif (head scratch)

Because Fuck earlygame and Hector not gaining Def until lvl 18. And Florina having base def until Promotion.

and of Course, ch17 seemed to take forever, I ran out of vulneraries, and the reinforcements made it to the throne room. I should've taken the Marcus penelty and save time. And, fuck Dragons gate with def Screw units at the time.

(so I lost patience and said fuck this, I'm going slower)

Also, I made a typo, Florinas lvl was 20/20, HP=51 and str=23.

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Maybe you should've picked less lategame prepromotes and more early game "scrubs"...

Edited by Refa
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Maybe you should've picked less lategame prepromotes and more early game "scrubs"...


I didn't expect Guy, Matt, and the 3 early mages to go this fast.

And I could've picked Pent and Heath, but I HAD to pick Isadora and Hawkeye........

Learning to concentrate on my earlygame

This is why I hate going first

also, screw Florina, I wasted time trying to hide her frail ass earlygame.

I just couldn't keep her alive when she was ferrying.....that, and I was down to 15 half-used weapons by ch26.

Dorcas was awesome compared to the others.

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How to fix that problem:

Buy 50 Javelins during Noble Lady Of Caelin.

Problem solved!

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Get the gems. Sell weapons. Problem solved.

Anna hates Marcus.

I skipped the ch11 gem, and Lyn didn't get a gem.....

also, screw picking Florina, I had an extremely frusterating time with her until promotion.

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