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fe7 Exp draft no. 2


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I'm assuming your Heath has high strength, terrible speed, good defense, and mediocre resistance then?

Chapter 28 - 15/177

Defend chapter. I also get the last member of my party - Nino. I'm beginning to regret drafting her, because even though she gives tons of experience everyone else is still lagging. Things of interest: Erk hit B staves. Nino had a close call but lived. Marcus kills Ursula. Got all the treasure. Rath and Guy B support activated. Ninian and Eliwood B support activated. Not in any particular order.

Chapter 28x - 177

I have three goals for this chapter: 1) get Marcus to level 20 so I can give him the boot next chapter 2) train Nino as close to promotion as I can, and 3) finish under 20 turns. Lyn and Rath get their C support. Marucs hit level 20! Nino hit level 10. Yay. Rath weakens Sonia to 4 HP with a lucky crit, and Eliwood finishes her off. I wait until turn 19 to seize. Legault promotes. I got Thor's Ire for Ninian/Nils to spam.

Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00 	36   19   14   11   06   18   03
Eliwood  20/5      38   16   17   18   16   16   09
Lyn      20/6 	44   13   23   21   21   08   09
Guy      20/8      46   15   22   25   14   08   07
Erk      20/8      35   18   18   19   11   10   14
Fiora    20/8      41   16   25   21   13   08   15
Rath 	20/6      43   18   18   22   16   12   09
Farina   20/5      37   18   17   21   14   15   18
Louise   20/11 	32   16   14   23   17   09   14
Nino 	10.97 	22   08   09   13   12   05   10
Legault  20/1      35   12   16   20   15   12   07
Ninian   13.23 	24   00   01   20   19   10   15
Geitz    20/9      45   19   14   18   12   11   05
Marcus   20/20     44   18   20   14   14   14   13

My team = Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Chapter 29 - 13/190

My inventory is starting to get full, and I need to shop for more weapons, so I sell some unneeded stuff. I ... think I bought too many door keys. mellow.gif So ... from this point on, Marcus is dropped from my party and I will not be including him on any further stat tables until the final one. Louise is my next highest leveled person, so hoping to level her up like crazy this chapter and drop her. After her, Geitz.

I divide my army into three parts: Nino and Lyn go up; Rath, Guy, and Farina head to the left; Hector and Merlinus stay behind and wait for Vaida; everyone else runs straight up. Erk hit A staves. Legault and Lyn have a close call. Vaida is recruited for her spear. Lyn kills Lloyd on turn 13. I could've done it faster, but decided that my characters needed the levels. Got Warp for Erk. Nino is an underleveled scrub.

Chapter 30 - 14/204

I COULD do this the easy way and have Rath rescue Hector, rush them to the throne, and seize. And in a normal playthrough, perhaps I would. But this is an experience draft, and my units REALLY need the experience. So I go the long way around. I deploy Legault and the underleveled scrub alongside Hector. Legault and Hector go north, while the underleveled scrub goes by herself and gets her Guiding Ring stolen. %()*$%()! At least I get it back. Hector comes somewhat close to death. I seize on turn 14. (Yes, I could've gone faster, I simply chose not to.)

Chapter 31 - 11/215

Standard defense chapter. The underleveled scrub FINALLY promotes. -_- She's also magic screwed ... perfect. Farina and Fiora get their C support. Rath and Guy get their A support. A stupid NPC armor knight blocks Hector from an enemy. -_-+ Louise hits level 20. I defeat Denning on turn 11. Everyone but Hector, Eliwood, and the underleveled scrub are at least level 10. (When will I stop calling Nino the underleveled scrub? When she catches up to everyone else, that's when.)

Chapter 31x - 5/220

You don't care what happened here. (Absolutely nothing!)

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20/6      44   24   18   16   08   21   09
Eliwood  20/9      41   19   18   20   17   17   10
Lyn      20/10     47   16   26   25   24   08   09
Nils     14.63     25   00   01   21   20   10   16
Legault  20/11     42   13   22   28   21   14   07
Nino     20/3      31   12   19   20   17   09   18
Guy      20/12     48   17   23   28   16   09   10
Erk      20/10     36   10   19   19   11   10   14
Fiora    20/10     43   18   25   22   13   08   15
Rath     20/10     47   22   18   24   18   12   10
Geitz    20/17     53   25   18   22   16   12   06
Farina   20/10     41   22   20   23   17   16   20

Not shown: Louise and Marcus

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No, he has high str/skl/spd, slightly above average def, and 10 res.

Oh, and ORKOed Generals with an iron sword, took shit from Sonias bolting, and proceeds to rape the chapter.

Also, 30 lvls in COD

I wanna see if I can get away with another team like this in another fe7 draft.

The only way I'm getting to 275 pts is through lvls earned, and not TC skills...


At least getting 10 lvls a chapter on average helps! :awesome:

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Ah, I see. I think you made the teams too large, Creeper, it's almost ridiculous. Since we don't rack up turncount penalties until after 275 turns, and I'm well below that at the moment, I've bee far more lenient with my turncounts to pick up some levels for my characters. I can get Geitz to level 20 in VoD. I could probably get some people to level 20 in 31x. Nino won't stop being an underleveled scrub who's freaking screwed in magic. I need a break before I finish the last three chapters. -_-

Oh, and my inventory is full of door keys. I kind of went crazy at the armory ... after my last FE7 draft, where I lost several turns because of a lack of door keys.

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I'm in ch30, and the only underlevelled scrubs I have are Hector, Legault and Lyn.

No wait, make that Lyn and Hector, because Legault has a nuts exp gain.

Oh, and I'm loving the nice RNG here, Dorcas and Geitz were tanking PFOD, with 15 def. And a wing on Dorcas is a wing well used here.

I'm getting addicted to exp drafting, this is quite fun seeing how fast I can steamroll with free gaidens and shit.

Even though the chances of getting 2 cavs+Pent+Heath ever again is low.........

Damn, Pent is awesome, Hawkeye is awesome! Marcus is alright here, but he's getting a bit frail.... Lowen and Sain are monsters, and goddamnit, why didn't I think of picking Lucius/Erk/Canas>Dorcas/Harken. Healing staves are nice when you forget to buy vulneraries.

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Well, I might have better turncounts than you, possibly ... It depends on how many turns you're taking to raise your characters.

Besides, I have Nino, remember? She got magic-screwed and couldn't kill anything, plus her durability is bleh forever. Hence she's an even more underleveled scrub.

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You promoted Eliwood first? I promoted Lyn with the chapter 26 Heaven Seal because she sucked more. Eliwood did pretty well even promoting that late, while Lyn needed all the help she could get.

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Eliwood had nice stats, and gets mount.

Also, mount means more exp in ch26,27,28,28x,29, and 31.

Lyn can probobly take the 2nd and get to lvl 10ish by the end of ch30.

Eliwood would like C lances and a body ring....

And Lyn needs durability....

And Lowen needs Res....

And Sain needs to stop hogging kills....

And Dorcas and Geitz like imititating Hawkeyes base def.

And Hawkeye likes getting +spd.....

And Marcus is just solid....

And Harken likes gettting spd/def/res/str.....

I think my rng is rewarding me for not RNG abusing like Banzai in fe5.

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I always find that unless my Lyn is extremely blessed and/or my Eliwood extremely screwed, giving Lyn the first seal helps her be more useful. Because trying to train her later is a pain. Terrible durability, often "meh" strength? And she doesn't get a lance like Eliwood? But ... your choice.

I dropped all of my level 20 characters (Marcus and Louise) so that they wouldn't hog kills. Guy is not strength-screwed. Fiora is trolling me with her speed. Farina is all right, but I don't think she's made up the turns she cost me. Rath is doing terrifically, as always. Geitz surprises me. Erk is pulling his weight in staffs. Nino and Lyn are ... (cries)

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Her speed is not supposed to look like that! (points at character stats a few posts above) But still ... I have two fliers, and no one else does. :P: And Rath and Guy MORE than make up for everyone else's deficiencies. If only I could kick everyone else off the team and have them kill everything.

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I wish I had your Dorcas on the SFDTT draft I took over for zorbees. Dorcas trolled me in speed the entire game. By the way, Geitz just hit level 20 and is being benched. In the middle of the battlefield.

Edit: I hate Renault. -_-

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Chapter 32- 20/212 turns

Let's get this over with! No matter how bad I do! Fuck, there are way too many units.

Chapter 32x- 16/228 turns

Not enough enemies! Damn, I'm doing pretty bad.

Unit            Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Hector          11.91    48 24 20 17 13 25 10  A Axes D Swords
Matthew         20.00    33 07 10 20 13 07 03  B Swords
Eliwood         19.69    53 19 25 23 25 23 13  A Swords B Lances
Marcus          19.78    42 22 23 19 15 12 12  S Lances A Swords A Axes
Bartre          15.86    57 28 23 11 08 18 11  S Axes E Bows
Oswin           18.22    58 27 19 16 14 30 12  S Lances E Axes
Lyndis          15.57    40 17 29 30 19 14 18  S Swords D Bows
Florina         20.00    45 20 25 27 22 15 16  S Lances D Swords
Wil             15.43    45 24 19 26 11 09 13  S Bows
Raven           19.50    58 25 30 26 12 14 10  S Swords D Axes
Lucius          20.00    47 25 24 24 08 06 30  A Light S Staves
Legault         20.00    44 19 24 30 30 18 11  A Swords
Ninian          15.71    25 00 01 21 21 11 12  -
Isadora         19.81    42 20 16 23 17 14 10  A Lances A Swords D Axes
Wallace         10.27    41 21 11 08 13 21 06  A Lances E Axes
Karla           08.75    31 15 21 19 17 11 13  A Swords

Levels Gained: 400

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Final Chapter Part 1- 9/237 turns


Final Chapter Part 2- 1/238 turns

Well, that was easy. OK, let's review my units, of which I have far too many!


Averages: 49.9 HP, 25.6 STR, 19.95 SKL, 18.85 SPD, 12.3 LCK, 24.5 DEF, 12.75 RES

Hector was pretty useful in the beginning of the draft, although he required a lot of babbying near the end to become any good. STILL, he turned out well in the end, with the most notable stats being -2 SPD and +2 DEF. I would've preferred 2 more SPD, but oh well, he still turned out pretty OK.

Total Levels- 31


Averages: 31.5 HP, 9.4 STR, 11.2 SKL, 20 SPD, 11 LCK, 7.5 DEF, 3.6 RES

Hahaha, Matthew ended up SLIGHTLY HP/LCK blessed and got screwed or ended up average in every other stat. Thanks for nothing Matthew...Thanks for the easy 20 levels though.

Total Levels- 50


Averages: 57.2 HP, 26.2 STR, 19.4 SKL, 16.4 SPD, 12.8 LCK, 30 DEF, 14.4 RES

Hahaha, Oswin was perfectly average save for an extra point in LCK and 2 less DEF. Still didn't stop him from being clutch during the early game. His usefulness really dwindled down later on because I had way too damn many units.

Levels Gained- 78


Averages: 52.4 HP, 24.1 STR, 24 SKL, 23.2 SPD, 24.1 LCK, 17.4 DEF, 16.3 RES

Eliwood was incredibly helpful through the end of the game. Still...5 points of STR! To be fair, he got blessed in DEF by 6 points (and to be more fair, cursed in RES by 3 points), but all in all, he still ended up fucking awesome. Although I think I gave him a Dracoshield sometime or the other, so I'm unsure on how blessed he really is...

Levels Gained- 116


Averages: 43.35 HP, 20.7 STR, 24.5 SKL, 15.75 SPD, 13.7 LCK, 12.85 DEF, 14.65 RES

Hahaha, Marcus was the best. Like even better than usual. I DID give him some Speedwings, but he was still slightly blessed in that, and his STR is dazzling. I guess he didn't do so well in the slightly less important stats, but they're slightly less important so who cares.

Levels Gained- 135


Averages: 60 HP, 27.5 STR, 19.25 SKL, 17 SPD, 14.5 LCK, 17.5 DEF, 11.75 RES

Hahahaha, fuck you Bartre.

OK, his monster STR still made him quite useful, BUT STILL, come on.

Levels Gained- 170


Averages: 44.8 HP, 22.2 STR, 25 SKL, 28 SPD, 22 LCK, 11.7 DEF, 19.3 RES

Florina is always the best, it doesn't even matter that she got slightly screwed on everything except defense.

Levels Gained- 206


Averages: 42.8 HP, 19.6 STR, 29 SKL, 29 SPD, 23.7 LCK, 11.8 DEF, 15.2 RES

Lyn was pretty OK too, but what the fuck, below average on mostly everything...WITH AFA'S DROPS. Come on Lyn, COME ON. Still, it was pretty hilarious seeing Nosferatu Druids have 12% hit on her during the final chapter, so I'll forgive her this once.

Levels Gained- 237


Averages: 50.75 HP, 25 STR, 25.5 SKL, 21.8 SPD, 20.8 LCK, 14.4 DEF, 12.25 RES

Hahahahaha, BEST WIL EVER. So he was 5 points down in SKL and DEF (also 3 points ahead in RES, but who cares about RES), who da fuck cares. 6 points in SPD MORE than makes up for it. He was so clutch during the final chapter as he fucking ORKOed Ursula with Reinfleche and wrecked anyone's shit.

Levels Gained- 270


Averages: 57.9 HP, 25 STR, 26.6 SKL, 26 SPD, 13.9 LCK, 15.5 DEF, 8.1 RES

The best, what the fuck did you expect?

Levels Gained- 304


Averages: 40.8 HP, 25 MAG, 25 SKL, 24 SPD, 9.2 LCK, 7.6 DEF, 29.6 RES

Also incredibly clutch with his staves and his staves and I guess light magic was really helpful for the desert. Average HP because I gave him an Angelic Robe and slightly DEF screwed (but who cares his average DEF still sucks).

Levels Gained- 340


Averages: 45.2 HP, 15.75 STR, 23.15 SKL, 30 SPD, 26.2 LCK, 16.75 DEF, 11.75 RES

Fucking awesome, what with his good bases and his better than average final stats, Legault you done good son.

Levels Gained- 367


Averages: 26.75 HP, 0.75 STR, 0.75 SKL, 22.5 SPD, 22 LCK, 9.5 DEF, 14.5 RES

I really could care less about his stats as long as he doesn't get ORKOed, still incredibly useful. Dancers are the best.

Levels Gained- 382


Averages: 42.5 HP, 18.7 STR, 18.65 SKL, 25 SPD, 18.55 LCK, 11.8 DEF, 10.75 RES

Why are all of my characters screwed in everything but DEF and/or RES?! Oh well, doesn't stop Isadora from being incredibly useful.

Levels Gained- 401


Averages: 41 HP, 19.5 STR, 13 SKL, 10 SPD, 13 LCK, 20.5 DEF, 8.5 RES

Piece of junk. Never contributed once.

Levels Gained- 411


Averages: 30.8 HP, 14.75 STR, 21.9 SKL, 19.1 SPD, 16.8 LCK, 11.2 DEF, 12.4 RES


Also better than Wallace. And hotter.

Levels Gained- 414


Clutch incarnate. Didn't contribute any levels though. :(

Levels Gained- 414


414 - (238 - 275)/5

414 - (-37)/5

rounds to 422



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I cannot get the stupid coding to work. It turns up all messed up and whatnot. So all you need to know is that chapter 32 took 17 turns, chapter 32x took 18 turns, and the final took 12+4 turns. My turncount is apparently 271, but I have to double-check.

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Confirmed my final turncount. Turns out that this time I actually counted correctly, so my final turncount is indeed 271. The thing that irks me is that if my team hadn't been a little on the underleveled side, I could've done those last few chapters so much faster. Well, the scoring here is mostly dependent on levels gained, not turns taken. So hopefully my score can still be salvaged.

My first and only complaint about this draft would be this: TOO MANY PEOPLE. Seriously ... for an LTC draft, maybe this amount of people is passable (if still a bit too much) but for an experience draft with this many people, you literally had to turtle through some chapters (especially the end ones) to try to get everyone as much EXP as possible. Perhaps Geitz/Wallace should've been banned instead of being made free, or maybe we should've kept on bugging for a fifth person. I don't know ...

My team still = Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Hector   20/14     51   27   21   19   09   25   11

Hector as a unit was pretty solid. He had a few doubling problems in chapter 26, when he fended off wyvern riders, but other than that he was good the entire way through. Now ... if only he promoted sooner so I could've got him to 20. -_-


Eliwood  20/20     48   24   24   24   22   23   13

I was really worried about Eliwood. He refused to get speed for the longest time, so he took a speedwings. His strength wasn't fantastic pre-promotion. But he obviously fixed himself. He didn't get to do much in the final chapter because he had capped his level. I feel like I wasted Eliwood.


Lyn      20/18     53   19   29   30   25   09   11

Her HP is high only because she took an Angelic Robe. She had strength problems at first and I think she spent some time being speed-screwed. At least she fixed herself. And 19 strength is ... passable.


Guy      20/20     55   17   27   30   20   11   11

He made earlygame easier, and he killed stuff dead (despite his low strength). Having an A-support with Rath made him far more potent. He didn't get to do as much in endgame because he reached 20 after killing Brendan. Still, glad to have drafted him.


Farina   20/20     49   23   25   27   19   17   23

In my last experience draft, she caused me problems. In this one, she surpassed all of my expectations. Not sure if she ever made up those couple of turns she cost me, but I'm glad I drafted her.


Nino     20/12     37   16   24   26   23   10   24

The underleveled scrub! What happened to the high magic that your fanboys won't ever shut up about?! She took forever to promote because of terrible speed and screwed magic, and she couldn't catch up to the others, since everyone else needed the EXP as well. Her staffing sucked, because Erk had A-staves. Still, I give her credit for having more speed and resistance than Erk.


Erk      20/17     42   23   20   24   11   12   16

Erk was awesome. He got A-staves in a timely manner so that he could use Warp almost immediately. His magic was above average and stayed that way. His speed is a bit low and his resistance is DEFINITELY screwed. But he made earlygame much easier, and -- need I say it again? -- A staves was wonderful. He spammed Warp and Fortify. Go Erk.


Fiora    20/18     50   22   25   25   15   10   19

I drafted her for the desert, and because she's the most resistant of the pegasus sister. Guess which stat she decided to be screwed in? -_- Seriously, Fiora? Her defense is not great either, and she was speed-screwed as well. At least her strength was pretty good for most of the game. Rather underwhelming, but I drafted her primarily for the desert. And she did that part well.


Rath     20/20     56   25   21   28   20   13   13

Rath is Rath, and always an integral part of my team. He stayed solid the entire time. However, he gave me problems with Uhai by missing, then not critting. But at least it gave Erk a chance to spam Fortify. Aside from that, he didn't fail. Ever. I always draft this guy if I can.


Louise   --/20     37   19   17   26   18   09   18

The first thing I had to do when I got her was pull her away from her husband (because I'm not allowed to use their A support to my advantage). But she was good the entire time I had her. Didn't die easily and killed stuff dead. Her strength and speed are good, too. She capped her level early and got dropped after chapter 31.


Nils     19.39     30   01   01   26   25   12   19

And Ninian too, I guess. Bard and a dancer, always good to have. I had them spam rings as much as possible, and still didn't get them to level 20. I think Ninian got attacked 33 times. blink.gif


Legault  20/20     46   14   29   30   29   15   09

He may have thief bonus, but he still took forever to level up! His strength smells, too. He was reliant on silver swords (which I didn't get to give him until 32x) to kill stuff reliably. He capped his level in 32x and was not deployed in endgame.


Geitz    --/20     56   27   18   24   17   12   06

This guy surprised me. Perhaps it's because I never use Geitz, but he did really well. Look at that strength and speed! I'll need to check if mine is blessed or if Geitz is that good. I feel bad now because most of the time, I was busy trying to cap his level and kick him out of my party. Reached level 20 in chapter 32.


Marcus   --/20     44   18   22   14   14   14   13

WHY. Just WHY. I know Marcus is clutch for LTC, I am not denying that. But he really bugs me in an experience draft. I can't overuse him in earlygame so that others can get the experience they desperately need. But if I wait to use him once everyone else starts promoting, he can't keep up because of his lackluster bases at that point and poor growths. He reached level 20 before everyone and was never deployed after that.


Matthew  20.00     32   09   11   20   14   06   02

What can I say about Matthew? Earlygame thief that gets stuff. His strength almost always sucks. At least I didn't really waste turns getting him to 20 this time. Dropped him for Legault and was not allowed to deploy him after that.


Total levels=403


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free units-

Hector/Lyn/Eliwood, Wallace/Geitz, Athos, Ninils, Marcus, and the theives.



2 lvls

8 turns


6 lvls

5 turns


6 lvls

12 turns


7 lvls

7 turns

My units went and crit every single enemy on EP 3, it was glorious.


10 lvls

9 turns


8 lvls

7 turns


10 lvls

10 turns


12 lvls

15 turns


6 lvls

8 turns


12 lvls

11 turns


8 lvls

9 turns


18 lvls

14 turns.


14 lvls

11 turns

ch 21

7 lvls

5 turns

Lowen promotes at lvl 20

Sain caps lvl


4 lvls

Sain promotes at lvl 20.

Geitz will be gotten now.

7 turns.


11 lvls

12 turns


13 lvls

Dorcas caps lvl

free tc


Promoted Dorcas

Afas drops on Heath.

8 lvls

15 turns.


20 lvls

Eliwood caps lvl

Lyn caps lvl.

Heath caps lvl and promotes.

8 turns


Promoted Eliwood.

10 lvls

11 turns

Legault caps lvl.


Jermes map >_>

17 lvls

14 turns.


10 lvls

15 turns


25 lvls

Free-18 turns.


Promoted Legault

30 lvls


4 turns to kill Lloyd w/o RNG abusing like fuck.......


7 lvls

10 turns.


WOulda gotten done sooner, but I gave the boots to ninian >_>


10 lvls

11 turns



5 turns

Hawkeye/Pent support C


25 lvls

Pent caps lvl

Still doing it, taking break for now

Opinions of units atm.




Mount+acceptable combat for post ch26 is good




Mobile tank with good combat




BAMF thats invincible


Is awesome and has Wallace durability now


14 spd, 19 def at 20/17 is nice so far, and he one shots things.


BAMF, but comes late


capped str/spd/skl, and got 19 str at lvl 16 unpromoted....



capped lvl now, clutch and BAMF


not as much of a liability as Lyn lategame, but clutch early on and is still decent later on.

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free units-

Hector/Lyn/Eliwood, Wallace/Geitz, Athos, Ninils, Marcus, and the theives.



2 lvls

8 turns


6 lvls

5 turns


6 lvls

12 turns


7 lvls

7 turns

My units went and crit every single enemy on EP 3, it was glorious.


10 lvls

9 turns


8 lvls

7 turns


10 lvls

10 turns


12 lvls

15 turns


6 lvls

8 turns


12 lvls

11 turns


8 lvls

9 turns


18 lvls

14 turns.


14 lvls

11 turns

ch 21

7 lvls

5 turns

Lowen promotes at lvl 20

Sain caps lvl


4 lvls

Sain promotes at lvl 20.

Geitz will be gotten now.

7 turns.


11 lvls

12 turns


13 lvls

Dorcas caps lvl

free tc


Promoted Dorcas

Afas drops on Heath.

8 lvls

15 turns.


20 lvls

Eliwood caps lvl

Lyn caps lvl.

Heath caps lvl and promotes.

8 turns


Promoted Eliwood.

10 lvls

11 turns

Legault caps lvl.


Jermes map >_>

17 lvls

14 turns.


10 lvls

15 turns


25 lvls

Free-18 turns.


Promoted Legault

30 lvls


4 turns to kill Lloyd w/o RNG abusing like fuck.......


7 lvls

10 turns.


WOulda gotten done sooner, but I gave the boots to ninian >_>


10 lvls

11 turns



5 turns

Hawkeye/Pent support C


47 lvls

Pent caps lvl

Legault caps lvl

Still doing it, taking break for now

19 turns


24 lvls

Eliwood lvl caps

Dorcas lvl caps

Sain lvl caps

9 turns


24 lvls

Lyn lvl caps

HEath lvl caps

Hawkeye lvl caps

Lowen lvl caps

Geitz lvl caps

11 turns for 1st half

1 turn for 2nd

313 turns

391 lvls

Final score-383



lvl HP str skl spd lck def res

20/16 60 30 20 23 13 25 17

Capped Str as a lvl 15 lord, so no complaints.

Excelled early on, and could hold his own later on.

Matt-lvl 19

Don't give a fuck, thanks for the free lvls


lvl HP str skl spd lck def res

20/20 56 24 25 23 23 14 14

Both body rings were used on him.

Solid, promoted him in ch26


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20/20 48 23 28 30 25 16 13

Liability at first, then starts doubing everything.

Oh yeah, and can't take a fucking hit for 3/4s of her existence

At least she's free here


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20/20 58 19 19 19 21 25 11

Early on, he got alot of exp and was like lvl 17 when Sain came.

Slowed down later, but toss some silvers/killers and he can hold his own

WOuld draft again


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

18 41 19 20 16 13 11 15

Clutch early on, but considering the fact that he only gained luck after lvl 10.........

S lances and Rex Hasta killed the mage reinforcements in Final p1


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20/20 54 25 25 21 17 13 12


WOuld draft again

He also capped str as a cav :awesome:

And capped str at lvl 20/5.

Boss all the way, and ORKO'd everything.

Not deployed in Final


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20/20 60 28 21 16 14 20 8

Someone put Steroids instead of poison in his mutton.

Solid, and wrecked everything in 1-2 hits.

Funny shit like OHKOing SMs and Sages with SIlver happened.

20 def is icing on the cake.

I'd pick him again, since he always seems to turn into some kind of monster in my PE.

Not deployed in final


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20/20 45 17 20 30 26 16 13

I can't say much here, but he ran out of Killing edges in VOD, due to activating Silencer on every attack.

I'd pick him again

Not deployed in final


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20 38 20 24 20 24 14 22

So close to his bases, and is still OP.

Staff duty in final

Would draft again, but I'd be afraid of not getting Hawkeye 4th round.

Still sexy.


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20 57 23 18 15 19 17 14

Proof that bases>growths.

HE can tank Vaida in ch26, and take One round of her combat without dying.

Clutch for getting the Killers, and dart is frail as heck anyways.

Didn't die at all, and solo'd ch28s southern end.

I'll always try to get him


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20 54 27 20 20 12 15 5

A axes and bows by VOD means nothing survives.

WOuld attempt to get again, BMAF prepromotes FTW


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

19 46 24 25 23 13 20 15

Got him to A rank boh weapons and let him loose in final

BRave Sword Harken was responsible for the Reed Bros. Deaths


Lvl HP Str skl spd lck def res

20/20 57 27 25 23 16 19 12

18 str as a tier 1 unit, and then he ORKOs the monks in ch25.

He then ORKOs the generals in ch28x, and then proceeds to rape every other chapter.

Afas drops on Heath is a good idea :awesome:

Would pick over Fiora from now on.

Also, would attempt to draft again every time.

Killed dragon with Heath >_>, Lyn, Athos and Eliwood left it at 2 HP and Heath doubled with Silver for 2 damage :newyears:

NiNils-lvl 9

Threw 2 talismans to get him to take a bolting hit and live.

Also, boots on Ninian resulted in better uses.

Would put boots on ninian again/10

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