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[FE11] Banzai Draft

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Im done with Chapters 1-3. They took me like 50, 40ish, and 36 turns respectively. Im afraid to start Chapter 4 though cause thats when restarts count for real.

How in-depth should our up-dates be? Obviously Horace is far above the standard with his videos...

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Im done with Chapters 1-3. They took me like 50, 40ish, and 36 turns respectively. Im afraid to start Chapter 4 though cause thats when restarts count for real.

How in-depth should our up-dates be? Obviously Horace is far above the standard with his videos...

I just need to know the number of restarts.

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Started chapter 1, 0 restarts. I tried to turtle my way through after Jagen went on the first fort but it didn't work too well. Then Draug on a fort :wub: Holy shit, none of the javelins on the boss were landing. ;___- Jagen also missed twice with his silver lance on EP. So he went back to the near fort to heal both times, then he finally hit. jesus it took long enough to get the boss' health low enough for silver lancing and now this

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Chapter 4: 1 restart.

So stupid, i had the same thing happen to me happened to Horace, a freaking critical hit. Instead of killing Mathis though, Cain landed a critical which allowed him to face more combat than i had planned for resulting in Cain's death.

Oh well, Darros got speed for his 2nd time in 3 levels on the restart so that kinda made up for the restart.

Chapter 5: 0 restarts

Caeda narrowly escaped death by dodging an enemy's 80ish hit rate.

I've been using Jags as a staffbot since i have no other healer. Marth is getting pretty stat screwed. Darros is proving to be extremely useful despite picking him so late.

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Chapter 2: 1 restart

fer srs Jagen? No. shitty bosskiller, you are

I just decided to get the boss to break his hand axe on people who don't get doubled/one shot/face crit chances. >______> Then Shiida killed him. She gets the usual level up plus HP and def, thanks Shii :P Gordin got spd, str, and def and skill. :newyears: makes up for only getting HP in chapter 1. Ogma is :wub:

Chapter 3: 0 restarts

Go Shiida, get Navarre! Go Ogma, go crit shit! I had Ogma wait in front of the boss on PP and going back to heal on a fort until he crit. Took 6 uses out of the killing edge :dry: But whatever. It still worked. Gordin gets spd and str :awesome:

Chapter 4: 0 restarts

Turtling, go! Baited the cavs one by one, Gordin goes cav, at one point I trapped a hunter and Gordin trained his lance rank on it. Then I trapped an archer. Matthis was kind of a dick to recruit. He almost suicided into Marth but he survived so it's okay.

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I'm not quite sure how to handle this, but I left DeSmuMe open after I finished chapter 11, and I recorded it and uploaded it and stuff, (as you guys saw), but then windows update kicked in and restarted my progress to chapter 11, see:


So, uh, this doesn't count as a restart, does it? I mean, I clearly finished the chapter beforehand.

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Horace that really blows. I would hate to win because of somthing silly like that. Idk what to tell you.

It technically is a restart though and I cant think of any loopholes around it.

I think its up to Banzai to decide. Personally I would call it half of a restart.

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I dont even want to start chapter 10...I might have to reclass someone to knight or something to resist the reinforcements...i cant warp marf towards maria so it will definetely take long and they will appear...agh. I was doing good but just looking at the map makes me think twice about even playing it. Resets so far: chapter 4 once because i foolishly thought i could outrun the fighters lol. Ive recruited every character so far. I wish i could skip minerva and maria -_-.

Edited by PKL
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Physic was such a neccesity in chapter 13! good thing i had 2 staffbots. pally caeda and hero barst wrecked stuff. Caeda could ORKO ballistae barely with silver. I have all characters up to chapter 15. Now for the nightmare. I expect my second reset in chapter 16. My plan is to deploy a few undrafted cavaliers to block the forts near arran/samson and go around all the way. The problem will be recruiting xane...he tends to like getting in the way and those heroes arent exactly anything to laugh at IIRC. Oh boy, i also expect the lack of defensive units to bite me in the arse when brave weapons start showing...I might start training barst as a general or something. EDIT: how do i add a penalty to my score? midia got attacked by a ballistae in chapter 13 while recruiting astram.

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Oh whoops. Didnt see that. So, my current score is 2. I reset again in chapter 21. Those damn draco reinforcements. Im also running out of fortifys...chapter 22 will be a nightmare.

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Got through chapter 21 on my second try. This time I stalled caeda for a turn and had excali merric help with the initital DKs. Shiida then killed one of the mages in one hit and took the other down on EP. She then killed boss. Warped jagen to SS and emptied it. Then marth seized. In chapter 22 preparations, I gave merric the 3 dusts so he capped mag as bishop and also the 3 wings so he also has capped spd. Gharnef killer. I just wonder how Im going to get through chapter 22...I doubt caeda can ORKO boss and idk if the reinforcements keep spawning even if one kills michalis...theres also the issue of caeda and barst's durability...caeda has 20 def as dracoknight which is probably not enough to survive the horde of enemies after she kills michalis...barst has 14 def as hero and very nice HP but thats not enough...

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Hey Banzai, I reset in chapter 2 because my Jagen fails at bosskilling. You haven't seem to noticed that.


Chapter 5: 0 restarts

The left side almost got swarmed, but cav!Gordin baited some of the enemies away then the rest of my gang teamed up on them. I recruited Wendell kind of near the end.

Chapter 6: 0 restarts

My Ogma has 17 speed and 10 def as a merc :smug: I shuffle a bit to get the bullion and grab the other treasure by beating up thieves, with knight!Ogma and knight!Draug as the frontliners for now. Draug has 15 def, 8 speed as a knight. I miss the killing edge though, but it doesn't really matter.

Chapter 7: 1 restart

This chapter makes me rage. But yeah. I accidentally let Julian die, so restarted.

Chapter 8: 0 restarts

Roger was a dick to get, but Shiida is boss enough to do it. But yeah, I hate reinforcements here.

Chapter 9: 0 restarts

Marth goes through the back, gets Jeorge, has his bodyguards Draug and Ogma protect him. He's actually not that bad any more, but still pretty fragile. Cord hits C axes here.

Chapter 10: 0 restarts

I go the cowardly route and have knight!Ogma with 18 def hold off the reinforcements while Draug, Cord and Gordin protect Marth as he goes through the corridor. Ogma and Draug (and Gordin kinda too) are really def blessed :B): Ogma's strength is lagging though. Yay seal.

Chapter 11: 0 restarts

Herp I get Linde, who hits like a truck but is like OHKO'd by like everything that isn't a mage. Magic chip will come in handy though, but before that I'm gonna train her staff rank for warp. Ogma is sealed :B):

Chapter 12: 0 restarts

Lena warps hero!Ogma to the cell room and he kills stuff and almost dying himself. work dat axe rank

Edited by CR-S01
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The one chapter I feared most is easiest chapter lol. Warped barst towards the village in turn 1. This attracted the enemies towards him. He got chased down and he parked in a mountain. Turn 2 i warp caeda and she ORKOs michalis with gradivus. This splits up the enemy forces. Barst takes care of stuff in his side with a bit of help from palla while caeda is helped by warped merric. Caeda then joins barst and palla and they handled stuff together. Barst almost died but he pulled through like a boss. Caeda then traded her starsphere to marth. Later, he visited village to get the starlight and ran to the throne. No resets. Now for everyone's favorite chapter...

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Im trying to come up with a plan to get through chapter 23 first before playing it. Without any meatshields or warpskip on marth...i have no idea how hes going to survive swarm even with pure water...i remember having lots of trouble in my other H5 runs here due to the poor res of Fe11 units.

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Chapters 8-11: 0 restarts

General!Wolf is unkillable. On chapter 8 none of the cavs or horsemen could do any damage to him so I had him slaughter all of the reinforcement from the top left which caused him to gain quite a few lvl ups.

Having an over-leveled Wolf made things pretty simple, and i shouldnt have any problems for awhile.

In the future, there definitely should be a max turn-limit for thse types of things.

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@ Horace's Chapter 12- "Warp is banned on Marth, but can be used on units other than Marth. Warp is banned on all units in Endgame."

You should have warped Matthis instead lol.

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