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What do you think the branched promotions would be?

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So, we know the promotions for Calavier and Cleric. but what about the others? What do you think?

Here's what I think of the branched promotions might be:

Knight -> General or Great Knight

Myrmidom -> Swordmaster or Assassin or maybe Hero

Archer -> Sniper or Horseman? (Bows/Swords)

Mage -> Sage or Mage Knight

Thief -> Rogue or Assassin? (If Thieves can promote, that is)

Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight or Dragon Knight?

That's all I can think of right now.

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I'm guessing we don't need Hunter/Archer and that Archers would simply promote into either Nomad-like units or Snipers.

Indeed. I don't think we should expect to see things sticking to the way the patterns in FE11/12; those were just the way they were because of the limits of FE1/3. For example, adding a Thief promotion there would have substantially changed the role Thieves could play, but it's definitely going to show up here.

Mage --> Sage/Mage Knight and Knight --> General/Great Knight seem certain. Mage Knight fits with the pattern of classes with both weapons and magic, and I think we'll see an FE4-style version with either swords or lances as its new weapon. Great Knight as the Knight promotion makes sense for why it would have base stats set up in a way that would allow for a negative Speed promotion gain from Cavalier.

Hard to say about the rest, but they do seem interested in getting creative.

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If it becomes Archer -> Sniper/Ranger like in FE8, Sniper better have respectable MOV and a 3-range option like third tier Marksmen had in FE10. FE8 was trolling a bit with Rangers being Snipers that traded a useless ability (since archers tend to have high SKL anyways AND bows have nice hit AND enemy avoid sucked) for a pony AND D swords.

Anyways, I see Mercs getting a unique promoted class -- Ranger as a promotion choice always felt odd to me.

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Though it's likely to happen anyway, I'm hoping for promotion choices to heavily overlap like in 8; even though it means less unique options (if Mercs got Heroes and another class all to themselves for example), I like being able to get units of a class from multiple routes. Cavs and Armors Knights to GK, etc. Although hopefully there'll be less silly choices in how that's set up (Fighter => Hero, Merc => Ranger, Peg => WK, what are you doing IS). Something as relatively unique as Battle Clerics gives me some hope of that, at least.

And on the note of Pegs, the only other thing I'd really like to see is both Peg promotions choices being pegasi, not making one branch some variety of draco/wyvern. A lance/staff Seraph Knight type thing would be the likely solution in that vein, but bows or some support ability or even just crit would be preferable to WKs/Dracos to me.

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Here's what I think of the branched promotions might be:

Knight -> General or Great Knight

Myrmidom -> Swordmaster or Assassin or maybe Hero

Archer -> Sniper or Horseman? (Bows/Swords)

Mage -> Sage or Mage Knight

Thief -> Rogue or Assassin? (If Thieves can promote, that is)

Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight or Dragon Knight?

I second bolded one, the rest sound reasonably plausible.

Although hopefully there'll be less silly choices in how that's set up (Fighter => Hero, Merc => Ranger, Peg => WK, what are you doing IS).

Fighter to Hero rocks! :E: It's fitting and (IMO) a cooler and better option than Warrior.

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Since the Strategist is essentially a Mage Fighter, my hopes for magic and swordplay being back are fulfilled.

this makes me wonder if regular mages will have access to swords again (with the mage knight class)

I'd also like to see a change to the Pegasus and Draco knights promotions. Rather than switching their mounts, why not just have them use a a new type of weapon, or make them unique.

hell, the dark mages got the summoner class in FE8, why can't we get a bow Pegasus knight, or something lol

Edited by StrategistPockystix
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I'm thinking Armor Knights/Soldiers get to choose between Halberdier and General.

EDIT: I'd also like to see branched promotions for the Lord character. I've been wanting this since Sacred Stones.

well . if you want to count liz as a lord then you get your wish.......but i completely agree... if krom had it then.. wow..

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Part of me is really hoping they pull a Jugdral and have a single base infantry sword-using class, merging the Mercenary and Myrmidon into a composite class merging aspects of the two. Then, its promotions would be the traditional promoted forms of the two, with a substantial deviation between the two buildways: the Hero, with access to axes and a bulkier build, and the Swordmaster, with the significantly increased crit rate with a fragile speedy build. That was one of the things I liked the most about the class array of the Jugdral duology, and I admit I've come to see the presence of both the Mercenary and Myrmidon together in other games as borderline redundant, so this seems like a pretty okay idea to me.

In general, that sort of dichotomy of utility is something I really want to see in the branches of this game - back in Stones, I really did like the idea of branching promotions, but I felt that it wasn't utilised to its full potential in that there often wasn't substantial differentiation between choices of promotions. For example, Mage -> Sage/Mage Knight: one gets you an extra weapon type you'll likely never use, one gets you one more Movement point which isn't all that useful in the smaller map sizes of the game and especially the Creature Campaign, but beyond that they are basically the same thing; or the choice between Paladin and Great Knight, where all Paladins have in their favour is more Movement and maybe not having the armour weakness, but are otherwise pretty much outclassed. Point is, I'd like to see the branches being a decision worthy of some consideration with substantial consequences either way; if the Cleric -> Sage/Battle Cleric split is anything to go by, we may well be looking at that being a thing that happens, and that's excellent.

Edited by Rhinocerocket
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I'd also like to see a change to the Pegasus and Draco knights promotions. Rather than switching their mounts, why not just have them use a a new type of weapon, or make them unique.

Battle Pegasus, which are just Pegasus Knights with axes. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Maybe give them Continue or something upon promotion, or staves like in FE4. THAT was pretty boss.

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Continue is fun, but not interesting enough to determine a promotion alone, I'd say.

It's worth noting that this is the first game to have both branched promotions and a full skill system. That may open up some interesting options.

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I want palyable soldier units to come back I can't get enough of my Niphenee!!!


Classes, promotions and skills: (that would be a better idea tbh)

Axe fighter : - >Warrior : Bow, Axes , Skill : Colossus

- > Berserker: Axes , Skill : Colossus, +15% crit

Sword fighter : - > Hero : Sword, Axes , Skill : Aether or Sol

- > Sword Master : Sword, Skill: Astra, +15% crit

Bow fighter: - > Ranger : Bow, Sword + Poney , Skill : Sol

- > Sniper : Bow , Skill : Deadeye , +1 attack range

Mage : - > Mage knight : Magic,Staff,Sword+Poney , Skill : Sol

- > Sage : Magic,Staff , Skill: Flare

Pegasus Knight : - > Wyvern Lord : Lance, Sword, Axe, Skill : Stun

- > Falcon Knight : Lance, Sword , Staff , Skill: Cancel or Blessing

Thief : - > Assassin : Sword, Skill: Lethality

- > Rogue : Sword , Skill : Lockpick

Cleric : - > Battle Cleric (Special ?) : Axe , Staff , SKill : (Sol ?)

- >Sage : Magic,Staff , Skill: Flare

Knight : - > Great Knight : Axes, Lances +poney , Skill: Sol (maybe not)

- > Armored Sage : Lances, Magic , Skill: I don't really know xD

- > General:: Axes or swords (pref?) , Lances , Skill : Luna

Social knight : -> Paladin : Sword , Lance, Skill :Sol

-> Great Knight : Axes, Lances , Skill: Sol (maybe not)

Edited by Brave Lord
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I want palyable soldier units to come back I can't get enough of my Niphenee!!!

i second that and if not soldiers at least give us the option to promote knights to halberdiers

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I'm hoping for less shared promotions. Since it seems magic/physical classes are going to be more common I'm hoping for a good mage knight.

Pleaaase let there be a summoner or necromancer type class. I really liked them in FE8. Totally an excuse to let us use monster classes, too

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I'm hoping for less shared promotions. Since it seems magic/physical classes are going to be more common I'm hoping for a good mage knight.

Pleaaase let there be a summoner or necromancer type class. I really liked them in FE8. Totally an excuse to let us use monster classes, too

Would it be FE2 style summons(a bunch of allied units) or FE8(one controllable unit)?

Didn't Tear Ring Saga have obtainable monster creating staves?

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Didn't Tear Ring Saga have obtainable monster creating staves?

Indeed it did. They were mainly used by enemies, but several player characters had the Summon skill needed to use them regardless. The monsters were generally weak and served primarily as distractions, but they worked. I certainly found that the few times I summoned them during my playthrough, they tended to be more useful than the FE8 summons, mainly because they were summoned in groups of about three at once and could survive weak hits instead of getting OHKOed.

In that game, another difference is that they were used specifically by dedicated staff users, rather than mages that had summoning as a side ability separate from other stuff (and staffs as another side ability not connected to summoning). This seems to correspond to FE2's White Magic, the category that essentially took the role of staffs and contained all summoning spells.

Meanwhile, Black Magic took the role of tomes. Characters used one or the other primarily, but they could use a basic spell from the other type after promoting: mages could use a basic healing spell when promoted, while healers could use a special attacking spell with bonus damage against monsters. Within their magic type, different characters could learn different spells, much like personal weapons in other games. All in all, an interesting system.

Edited by Othin
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That was one of the things I liked the most about the class array of the Jugdral duology, and I admit I've come to see the presence of both the Mercenary and Myrmidon together in other games as borderline redundant, so this seems like a pretty okay idea to me.
Not much more redundant than Pegs and Dracos, or Archers and Hunters, or Fighters and Brigands and Pirates :M

What they really need to do is make Mercs actually different from Myrms and slide their stats closer to Fighters. More str and def, less spd and skl. But if they're not going to do that then I do have to agree with you, as is it's kind of pointless to have both when their stats are so similar.

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Not much more redundant than Pegs and Dracos, or Archers and Hunters, or Fighters and Brigands and Pirates :M

What they really need to do is make Mercs actually different from Myrms and slide their stats closer to Fighters. More str and def, less spd and skl. But if they're not going to do that then I do have to agree with you, as is it's kind of pointless to have both when their stats are so similar.

In that case, why have both Mercs and Fighters? Either way, the Mercs are just an unnecessary middle ground. Heroes can serve that role; the unpromoted classes are already too similar to need it.

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Because they have a pretty damn big difference (weapon type)?

Weapon type is not necessarily a "damn big difference". In recent games, it's pretty much an extra couple of points of Mt in exchange for a bit less Hit.

Now, if the weapon types get more diversity in their options *cough*, the difference would be more substantial.

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Blah blah blah, I'm really tired of your obsession with making everything different. Weapon type is a perfectly fine difference.

An FE12 Iron Sword vs. Iron Axe is 2 Mt vs. 20 Hit. When that bit of change is just about the only difference between weapon types, it's not a "perfectly fine" difference in any sense.

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