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It depends on where you live actually.

Where I live now, school starts second week of August.

Same here. I used to live in NJ. School started around sept 3rd there, which meant back to school shopping in late august. Here in TX, we start 2nd week in August.

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Because summer sucks because of the infernal heat not even an AC can fix and autumn is about = to summer because decaying leaves suck.

That's a certifiably bullshit complaint considering you're in Canada or something.

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February has the worst durability, should go down.

I know right? Unless HM boosts fluctuate its HP up by 1 randomly (~25% chance), it's 4HKO'd by weeks, a fate which no other month suffers from.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I know right? Unless HM boosts fluctuate its HP up by 1 randomly (~25% chance), it's 4HKO'd by weeks, a fate which no other month suffers from.


It's also one of the few months with a non-existent Luck stat, what with all the slippery ice everywhere, making it risky to suffer a critical blow on player phase.

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Why is january so high? No holidays and I don't particularly enjoy temperatures in the minuses, also mid year exams. Same goes for november, albeit no exams. And what's wrong with april? No easter break where you live either? If so, you're main exams are probably in may right? So then why is june so low?

[spoiler=My List]

~Top Tier~



~High Tier~





~Mid Tier~




~Low Tier~



~Bottom Tier~


At least you can combat cold with clothes.

Nope. Not unless I lose all dexterity thanks to gloves, wear uncomfortable hats or painfully wear multiple socks/wear socks at all. You can combat sun burn with sun lotion and the heat by walking around in just your underwear whilst indoors, which is a lot more comfortable than wrapping myself up until I look like a sheep.

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That's a certifiably bullshit complaint considering you're in Canada or something.

I don't live that far away from US (in fact its like a five minute drive if the bridge doesnt have traffic). In anycase, the heat over here is too fucking much ;_; and the winter this year was laughable over here ;_;

Plus i don't like the heat and that AC is not even sufficient for the living room :/ Damn it... Plus its quite humid too. My parents are too cheap to buy one that actually works... Plus they gave away th other acs we had back in the states for no reason what so ever... :facepalm::facepalm:

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That's the fault of your AC sucking, not summer being bad.

It's sort of like complaining you're having trouble killing Dheginsea with a Slim Sword.

=3 I could say something else but I won't~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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That's the fault of your AC sucking, not summer being bad.

It's sort of like complaining you're having trouble killing Dheginsea with a Slim Sword.

No, its the fact that the summer is too fraking hot. Even with AC i still have to go outside from time to time and suffer the heat.

Being cold however is far easier to fix. Being hot is not.

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No, its the fact that the summer is too fraking hot. Even with AC i still have to go outside from time to time and suffer the heat.

Being cold however is far easier to fix. Being hot is not.

No, it's the fact you're using a bad AC. Is Ike a bad unit because he can't ORKO with Slim Swords? No, he would likely be doing so if you weren't using Slim Swords.

There's also the fact you don't have to do as much in the summer.

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October should be bottom. Like September it doesn't offer much, halloween sucks and for some it's usually the time when Mid-terms come in.

just mod-edit it

while you're at it make a July>August>June summer tier over top tier

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