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Official site update + Famitsu 15/3


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Well, Convoy and Fatigue are kinda base-dependent. I don't see why there would be as much of a reason to hold off on giving access to Double from a mechanics perspective. On the other hand, throwing it right at the player from the start could run the risk of overwhelming them, especially if they're new to the series, so it's very plausible that it might take a few chapters before it shows up.

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It's probably gonna be given a little sooner, but the dual CO mechanics in Advance Wars: Dual Strike pretty much gives you a frame to go by, in terms of how it's gonna show up.

and since FE fandom loves frameworks, this must be the golden rule

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It's probably gonna be given a little sooner, but the dual CO mechanics in Advance Wars: Dual Strike pretty much gives you a frame to go by, in terms of how it's gonna show up.

and since FE fandom loves frameworks, this must be the golden rule

Not too familiar with AW, but you've got me curious. Could you elaborate?

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Not too familiar with AW, but you've got me curious. Could you elaborate?

The Dual CO system in AW was pretty broken. Basically, as it sounds, you'd get two COs. At the end of your turn, there's an option which will end the turn and switch your CO, if you want to switch them. But that's not where the fun part comes in. Once both CO bars are filled up, you can use Tag Power, which gives all your units a boost, and uses the first CO's Super Power (which is much better than their normal power). Then, once you're done moving your units, you switch COs and get an entire other turn, as well as activating THEIR CO Super Power.

It's extremely fun but extremely broken.

Best broken example I can think of would be a combination of Eagle and Sami. You load some Infantry into some APCs and move then while having Eagle go first. His Super CO Power lets all of his vehicles move again. So you move them once, and then use his Super CO Power, and move them again. THEN, you drop the infantry. Switch over to Sami and use hers. Her Super CO gives infantry a huge move and damage bonus, as well as letting them capture any city/base/HQ in one turn. So you can basically rush with Eagle and Capture with Sami almost instantly.

So yeah I think I explained that pretty well, I'm sure Celice will tell you anything else you need to know ' 3'

it's a great series, check it out mang.

(wow this post was off-topic)


I hope instead of Krom getting the convoy option forever that we get another convoy unit because Merlinus was amazingly funny at times!

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