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Tales of Graces f


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Already did.

I threw them my money.

So let's see here, my hand consists of:

"Tales of Graces Beta Version (Wii), Tales of Graces F Japanese version, Tales of Graces F English."

I believe I've done my job to support their freaking localizations.

I bought the same game 3 times in a row.

You know what, I don't really care anymore. I'll support the localizations, but as long as I can play it on a region free console, I don't care if they bring it over anymore.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Already did.

I threw them my money.

So let's see here, my hand consists of:

"Tales of Graces Beta Version (Wii)

Fuck them forever for doing this by the way. I love their games but this was the biggest dick move I've seen since... well, Vesperia.

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Imported the wii version a few months ago. My preordered copy of this hasn't come yet, but I did buy it. I'm a little eh on the kid voices except Hubert and Cheria though.

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Fuck them forever for doing this by the way. I love their games but this was the biggest dick move I've seen since... well, Vesperia.

Companies do this all the time, because they know it sells like candy over in Japan. It's not a big dick move if you're the one choosing to buy it >_>

Anyways, my copy's here and sealed, spring break just started. Let's do this.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Vesperia was sold as the RPG to buy on the 360. Microsoft paid them to have the game exclusively on the system. And then they go around and release the super extra extended version on a different system and even go as far as to publicly thank their customers for "testing" their fucking game. The exact same thing happened with Graces. Fuck Namco and their business practices.

By the way, go buy Namco's brand new game, Tales of Graces f!

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Vesperia was sold as the RPG to buy on the 360. Microsoft paid them to have the game exclusively on the system. And then they go around and release the super extra extended version on a different system and even go as far as to publicly thank their customers for "testing" their fucking game. The exact same thing happened with Graces. Fuck Namco and their business practices.

By the way, go buy Namco's brand new game, Tales of Graces f!

Did they literally say "testing"?

It's not like VesperiaPS3 was even localized here anyway. -_-

EDIT: Besides, it's not THAT bad. What, are you going to enjoy Vesperia less because there's a different/better version out there?

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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The literal word testing doesn't seem to be used, but well here's where I found out: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/10/22/vesperia-devs-thank-xbox-360-beta-testers/ (the site really isn't sfw though so I'll just quote what the article says)

The furor surrounding the Xbox 360 beta version of Tales of Vesperia refuses to abate, with the Namco developers responsible pouring oil onto the flames by thanking the “players” for their contributions in allowing a better PS3 version…

The interview was published in the official PS3 guidebook:

*image of japanese stuff*

Provocative excerpts:

“Xbox 360 players often complained ‘why aren’t these parts voiced?’, so when making the PS3 version we first set about improving the voicing … As a result, the entire main scenario became fully voiced.”

“We’d be delighted if those who played the Xbox 360 version would play the PS3 version too. Of course the same goes for those playing for the first time.”

“We made a lot of changes we think Xbox 360 players would be sure to appreciate.”

“There are a lot of elements from the Xbox 360 version which were improved, so please give it a try.”

“Based on the feedback so kindly provided by Xbox 360 players, we added a lot of additional elements.”

Replace “Xbox 360″ with “beta” and “players” with “testers” for full effect.

Doubtless they are also grateful to Microsoft for subsidising the beta in the first place…

Also, from what people have found on the 360 version, a lot of this stuff is in the game already, just not fully completed. They quite literally held back on things to release the game on another system. And I'd say not even localizing it makes it worse, since if you want to get the extra stuff you won't even be able to read it.

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Replace “Xbox 360″ with “beta” and “players” with “testers” for full effect.
Replace "players" with "animu dipshits" and you get a nice effect too. Don't forget "xbox 360" with "idiotbox". You can replace any word with anything and you get a different effect, so whats your point?

A lot of games tend to have a lot of content stored in the game itself. I think you're a) looking for a reason to victimize yourself over a video game and b) looking for a "fuck you" that doesn't exist. It's not a horrible business practice, considering the new version came out well over a year later.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I've been waiting for this game since it first came out in Japan. On the Wii. Yes, the bugged original. That wait was too long, and I am guilty of flaming Namco, but really, you're not a Tales fan if you've never flamed Namco before. Preordered this and got it day one, and we BETTER get the Director's Cut of Xillia, cause we all know that it's going to happen. I mean, if Namco comes out and publicly states that the game was incomplete, they're just trolling if there is no D-Cut.


Edited by DualSilverGunner
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I had been... craving, this game ever since I saw the first trailer for it on the Wii many years ago. I contemplated buying a Wii solely for it. But it never came. And then I saw the new of Graces f, and it was on a system I had actual access to. If I had any positive emotions I would have beamed with delight. Disappointed when late 2011 turned to early 2012. Wrecking my sleep schedule in craven anticipation. And yet, despite such urgings, I had completely forgotten to pre-order it! Only by a slice of luck did I actually succeed. Thus did the Destiny costumes appear in my game. For Asbel must have belly-shirt for MAXIMUM SOTHE.

Now despite such strong... feelings... for Graces, I frankly do not care a whit for PS3 Vesperia or Xillia. Flynn does not hold my interest, and Patty is an atrocious character. After a CC-system, reverting back to TP-slowness does not bode well for any confidence in Xillia, never-mind my complete and utter lack of interest in any of the characters.

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I'll be grabbing this game when it finally arrives in Europe. Granted, the PS3 isn't region-locked, but I don't have a PS3 yet so I can afford to wait.

I've been looking forward to this game since it was announced for the Wii. I'm not expecting much (I'm not much of a Tales fan), so hopefully it doesn't disappoint.

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I've played about 13 hours of the game so far, shit owns. They gave me Asbel's Yuri costume just now, I'm glad they didn't wait until the very end to start giving these out.

After a CC-system, reverting back to TP-slowness does not bode well for any confidence in Xillia, never-mind my complete and utter lack of interest in any of the characters.

Yeah, this game kind of... ruins your experience when going back to the old system. It doesn't help that Xilia doesn't even look that interesting, and in general it just looks like a step down from Graces.

Edited by Momo
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I bought this game simply because I could.......RPGs get a lot of love from me.....I'd be orried if my girl wasn't from Japan and doesn't mind watching me invest hours upon hours for the plethora of PS3 games I have........

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Yeah, this game kind of... ruins your experience when going back to the old system. It doesn't help that Xilia doesn't even look that interesting, and in general it just looks like a step down from Graces.

I actually like Xillia more than Graces. Link Artes system feels more fun in my experience.

... Not to mention Xillia's story and cinematics. It's a game that has FUNDING. Combines the TP and CC system basically.

And honestly I like being able to switch party members on the fly from outside the party.

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Yeah, this game kind of... ruins your experience when going back to the old system. It doesn't help that Xilia doesn't even look that interesting, and in general it just looks like a step down from Graces.

I don't think that this is the case. From Symphonia through Vesperia, all of the modern tales games, the ones that North Americans know the most, went by the TP system. If anything, the move to the CC system was the risky decision. If you were to go to Tales of communities, you would see that the fans don't care what the battle system, they just want another god damn tales game. Granted, the CC system is more fast paced, and you don't have to worry about conserving TP, but I don't think going back to the TP system with Xillia is all that bad. In respect to visuals, it's a matter of opinion; Xillia and Graces use different art styles, and the characters were designed by different people, and the games by different teams. It's like comparing apples to oranges. I happen to like Xillia's visuals more, and the movements are definitely much more fluid in and out of battle.

Edited by DualSilverGunner
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I love the main arc English voice actors :3 Well, except for Richard, kind of. I expected his voice to be more bishounen and less manry, but eh.

Hubert is so fun to play as.

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I honestly think the English voice actors are good... and that's SOMETHING coming from me. XD

One complaint:

Laura Bailey's battle voice for Cheria. So damn monotone... especially her first Mystic Arte/Blast Caliber "Asterism Line".

Her cutscene voices are great.

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Voice acting seems alright, but I've noticed them taking

a lot of pauses


their sentences in


FFX taught us why trying to mimic mouth movements is a bad idea.

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If you like it that much, go play Destiny. XD

Maybe when I get better at reading things on the fly. Thanks, though~!

Oh, that reminds me. . .

I need to level in Uncharted Sands, because I'm crazy like that. It's good fun~!

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