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Tales of Graces f


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Dear me, how am I gonna go back to the old Tales system of TP? The CC system rocks~!


My childhood is ruined now :( Thankfully I didnt like Vesperia too much, oh man.. This game is pretty great, though I'm not too hot on the plot so far (I like Malik, and Asbel isn't that irritating- I really don't like Hubert, Cheria, Sophie, or Pascal though).

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Maybe when I get better at reading things on the fly. Thanks, though~!

Oh, that reminds me. . .

I need to level in Uncharted Sands, because I'm crazy like that. It's good fun~!

Certainly a braver soul than I.

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I lol'd a lot harder than I should have when Pascal was like "mwa mwa mwa hanky-panky all the time" in regards to Richard and Asbel. :smug:

I'm so glad Richard is fully playable because he was my fave :3

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Well, I just finished the main story. That final dungeon was way too long--unnecessarily long. Seriously. And that final cinematic better not be hinting at SophiexAsbel; it's all about CheriaxAsbel.

Anyways, it was a really fun game, and I still have Lineage & Legacies to look forward to, as well as a New Game+. In the beginning, it took a while to get used to Laura Bailey as Cheria since every time she spoke, I instantly thought "EMIL!" when she voiced Marta in ToS2. Oh dear lord, Marta was annoying. At least I liked the way she did Cheria this time.

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Certainly a braver soul than I.

1. Kill all accomplices. You might need to burn a Life Bottle or 5.

2. Dodge like mad. Hopefully, your back row guys aren't dead, or this becomes way harder.

3. Repeat until you win.

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Well, I just finished the main story. That final dungeon was way too long--unnecessarily long. Seriously. And that final cinematic better not be hinting at SophiexAsbel; it's all about CheriaxAsbel.

Ha ha. Open the spoiler at your own risk.

Edit, misinfo. From Graces Wii.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Well this is quite an enjoyable game from my point. Although sometimes the VAs just seem a little off on some points.....

Gameplaywise I'm on chapter 3? Or maybe 4? I like my like up I switch between using Sophie and Asbel since Richard is no longer around to be a party member. Thinking about giving Cheria a try...not feeling Pascal as a playable character but damn she's great AI controled. Malik is a powerful fighter and Cheria/Sophie are great healers.......

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Definitely not going to read the spoiler; I've managed to stay spoiler free ever since it was released on the Wii all those years ago, and I plan to stay spoiler free up until I beat Lineage & Legacies :P

Also, Abyssal Chronicles reports a trademark for Xillia being filed in Europe. I don't think that exactly means localization, but if it does end up being localized in EU, I hope NA gets it too :c

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Don't read this if you're still working on the game.

The future arc says otherwise, Shadow. Asbel's not reacting like he's interested in Sophie in that way. Also, the kid shown in the ending has Asbel's hair and Cheria's eyes.

Oh, and Pascal wins. Forever.

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Don't read this if you're still working on the game.

The future arc says otherwise, Shadow. Asbel's not reacting like he's interested in Sophie in that way. Also, the kid shown in the ending has Asbel's hair and Cheria's eyes.

Oh, and Pascal wins. Forever.

Well damn. Seems like Graces Wii was misleading as all hell.

He doesn't show any ROMANTIC interest in her during the Adult Arc And gets totally shut down during the Childhood Arc. And since I didn't play the Future Arc. PFFT. XD

Seems like the Cheria x Asbel Shippers win. They lost last round in Graces Wii. XD

So here's the question. Lambda is in Asbel at the end of the Adult Arc... so was Lambda "watching" when... XDDDDDDDDDDD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Does Asbel ever stop being such a weenie? He's not intolerably stupid like Lloyd or something, but he acts like a total goddamn doormat for just about everyone he meets. I think I understand how Cheria feels.

Also I can't use Pascal for shit. Asbel's fighting style was a bit awkward to me at first but I'm starting to dig it now.

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Does Asbel ever stop being such a weenie? He's not intolerably stupid like Lloyd or something, but he acts like a total goddamn doormat for just about everyone he meets. I think I understand how Cheria feels.

Also I can't use Pascal for shit. Asbel's fighting style was a bit awkward to me at first but I'm starting to dig it now.

How far in are you?

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This game is nice to play. I'm only decent with playing Asbel and Sophie......I tried playing as Malik but it's not working for me. For Pascal should I treat her like a caster and just spam spells or should I put combat effort into playing as her.....also Richard is a beastly playing when he's active in the group.....

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Edit, misinfo. From Graces Wii.

WOAH WOAH WOAH, HOLD UP. Also, don't read if still playing.

I read before you edited, and I was just going to say that the f ending TOTALLY CANONICALLY ships CheriaxAsbel. YEEEESSSSSSS FAITH IN HUMANITY, AND THE WRITERS HAS BEEN RESTORED. Asbel asks Cheria to come live with him, which is an inadvertent marriage proposal, and Sophie tells Cheria that in one of her dreams, she dreamed that she was with Asbel and Cheria's great-great grandson (the child at the end of the main game that Sophie was with in the meadow). As for Lamba... he's a voyeur xD and by that logic, Fodra too Now let's see some Cheria and Asbel children running around the meadow plox Edit: Also, the child in the cinematic has a smaller version of Cheria's butterfly chest pendant thing on his left breast, which could have been in the wii version too.[/s]

Edited by DualSilverGunner
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This game is nice to play. I'm only decent with playing Asbel and Sophie......I tried playing as Malik but it's not working for me. For Pascal should I treat her like a caster and just spam spells or should I put combat effort into playing as her.....also Richard is a beastly playing when he's active in the group.....

Pascal's probably one of the oddest characters in the series. She's definitely a mage, but almost all her spells require you to be standing right near the enemy. I find that if you're actually using her you should stick to gun attacks, but if she's just in the party then she should use her spells.

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WOAH WOAH WOAH, HOLD UP. Also, don't read if still playing.

I read before you edited, and I was just going to say that the f ending TOTALLY CANONICALLY ships CheriaxAsbel. YEEEESSSSSSS FAITH IN HUMANITY, AND THE WRITERS HAS BEEN RESTORED. Asbel asks Cheria to come live with him, which is an inadvertent marriage proposal, and Sophie tells Cheria that in one of her dreams, she dreamed that she was with Asbel and Cheria's great-great grandson (the child at the end of the main game that Sophie was with in the meadow). As for Lamba... he's a voyeur xD and by that logic, Fodra too Now let's see some Cheria and Asbel children running around the meadow plox Edit: Also, the child in the cinematic has a smaller version of Cheria's butterfly chest pendant thing on his left breast, which could have been in the wii version too.[/s]

Too late. Eclipse beat you to the punch. Graces Wii was misleading as all hell to me. XD

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Too late. Eclipse beat you to the punch. Graces Wii was misleading as all hell to me. XD

Haha oh well, I had posted that literally right after I beat the future arc. I probably would have had it up and finished ToGf sooner, but I can't play for as long as I used to, so I naturally take longer to beat things :P

And now, a trademark for Xillia has been found in the US, as reported by Abysall Chronicles once again. I'll repeat that this does not mean a localization is coming (though I'm keeping my hopes up), it could simply be to claim the name so they don't have another whole "Eternia" fiasco on their hands.

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....it could simply be to claim the name so they don't have another whole "Eternia" fiasco on their hands.

We sure as hell don't want "The masters of the universe" threatening Bandai Namco again, do we? :P


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We sure as hell don't want "The masters of the universe" threatening Bandai Namco again, do we? :P


Haha, no we don't. After all, this is pretty threatening:


Okay, back to relevant info. As of right now, there is quite a bit of DLC up on PSN. So far, we have costumes that are already available in game on the store (for the lazy people), there's also the Suit costumes for Asbel, Malik, and Hubert, as well as the whole School set of Costumes. However, there are no costume bundles, each must be purchased separately, and cost $3.99, just a tad less then they did in Japan. I must say that that is a pretty inflammatory price for a single costume, but I'll buy them anyways, I'm a sucker for this stuff. There's also some attachments up, like the sophie doll, cardboard box mask, glasses, turtlez hat and shell, and kitty ears and tail, all priced at 99 cents.

I'm just waiting for the Cameo costumes, personally.

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Not really interested in video game relationships (it's just plain stupid IMO, but I guess a gaming forum is the wrong place to hold such ideas...) but I bought the game as soon as it came out (I was the 2nd customer inside the store--late because I thought I'd give the guy a minute before I barged in to buy the game, cuz the store just opened... and of course I was the 1st to -actually buy it) and I beat it soon after (I think it was the 20th but I'm not sure). I haven't actually beaten the Future arc because of time restraints but I will eventually. I still have to do that, the Zhonecage, and some skill/experience farming. Then I start a new playthrough with boosts and bam. I wish I could skip dungeons though...

The game was great, of course. I played the beta version twice without even understanding crap (because it was in Japanese, of course, so I just winged 95% of the game, and looked up the other 5% for things like how to beat the Rockgagan or whatever it's called), so that itself attests to how much I love it. I also think the CC system is superior to TP, but oh well. I hope to see more games of this quality in the future, but hopefully without as much drama with the beta version, uncertain localization, etc...

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I hope to see more games of this quality in the future, but hopefully without as much drama with the beta version, uncertain localization, etc...

The ONE thing I'm glad about that I played the beta version, was that I was able to appreciate this more:

Although, you got LESS trolled with the "Beta" version is because YOU didn't actually PAY for it.


And even after two and a half years later... I still love this fight. Ha ha. I LOSE IN STYLE... and it was FUN.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Hubert is, like, impossible to use on Chaos. The dude dies if someone farts anywhere on the battlefield. Cheria and Pascal boast of their tankiness in front of him. He has a crippling Life Bottle addiction and gets the shivers if he hasn't needed to be revived in the past 5 seconds. Seriously man, I'm trying to use you, I'm jacking up your Evade, but what the balls.

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Hubert is, like, impossible to use on Chaos. The dude dies if someone farts anywhere on the battlefield. Cheria and Pascal boast of their tankiness in front of him. He has a crippling Life Bottle addiction and gets the shivers if he hasn't needed to be revived in the past 5 seconds. Seriously man, I'm trying to use you, I'm jacking up your Evade, but what the balls.

That's not true at all. Hubert is versatile in all modes of play. All you need to do is have heavily dualized armor on him. Also, a little level grinding never hurt anyone. Considering the length of combos he can string together and how easy it is to get a weapon with 1000 attack for him, allowing enemies to hit you is difficult enough, even on chaos. And then if you have armor that is set up to bring him on par with the rest of the party, then you've got your problem solved. That's what I did anyway. ^^;;

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As a bit of a late DLC update, new costumes went up on PSN on Tuesday (which I'm guessing is the designated weekly release date). This week, we have the Inomata Design costumes, save for the Miku!Sophie one. The costumes include Pilot Asbel, Strahtan Avenger Hubert, Samurai Malik, Cowgirl Pascal, and Little Devil Cheria. In my opinion, the Inomata costumes really aren't that good. I only bought the Hubert one, but I'm still not that satisfied with it. Here's to hoping that we FINALLY get the cameo costume set next week! I really want my Zelos!Richard, and Harold!Pascal. Not to mention FURY SPARKS.

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