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  1. 1. Who is the Best Ruler on Tellius

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Which is why I can't completely understand how you could love ALL of the senators. They're just horrible. What exactly makes them special to you, I would never understand. I know this a game, but some of the covert operations they pulled behind everyone's backs was despicable. Sure, they were smart, but they had a load of feces for a heart; point being, they deserved to die in the worst way possible.

On another note, this is exactly what I love about SF. Everyone is so diverse and expressive(for the most part.) There isn't an excess of flaming present, which will be the key to its longevity for years to come(maybe, who knows what the future will hold?)

they are horrible, and are amazingly evile, and hypocrites to boot! i completely understand why almost everyone hates them. however, i find them to be quite interesting. they are completely different from the typical evile person. they have this innocent facade, while they are supporting slavery and are going against their ruler in secrecy! they are evile and hypocritical to the extreme! this makes them different, and different is interesting.

in fact, of all of PoR, my favorite part by far was the whole Begnion thing. it may have been a divergence in the plot, but i find it the most interesting. i absolutely loved the fact that both the Senate and Sanaki knew what the other was up to, but insisted on acting as if nothing was wrong while they plotted against each other. it was perfectly lovely!

so, to make a long story short, i prefer different, new, fresh things. i love the senate because they were completely different from the typical villain, which makes them amazing in my book.

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Yeah, the may be quite interesting, but is that a reason to love them?! To me, those senators are the worst character I've ever faced in a game and I wish them all a painful death! (But not Sephiran, in case he's counted as a senator.)

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Yeah, the may be quite interesting, but is that a reason to love them?! To me, those senators are the worst character I've ever faced in a game and I wish them all a painful death! (But not Sephiran, in case he's counted as a senator.)

and may I ask why they are the worst characters you've ever faced?

you may find that the reason to love them is in your very answer, methinks

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Answer on #79:

You wonder why I hate them? Well, let's see...

Senator Numida - He looks like a pig. He's taking controll over Daein and treats the people there like I treat annoying wasps.

Senator Valtome - He's all insane. Just the way he treat Zelgius and the rest of his army is so... wrong. But of course, as long as the senetors get their will through there's no problem with how many lives are being spilled.

Senator Hetzel - He is the only one who I can't complain on. He isn't that bad.

Senator Oliver - He is so ugly that I have to laugh every time I see him. When he had bought Reyson, he just proved how little he cares about others. He's an accursed slave-trader, and nothing more!

Senator Lekain - He's the worst of them all! I simply can't believe how he can laugh at the situation that he's got two countries (Daein and Kilvas) under his control and that the TRUE rulers of those countries have to suffer so much because of him!

There really are NO other characters who are worse than them! Please, mention someone...

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Answer on #79:

You wonder why I hate them? Well, let's see...

Senator Numida - He looks like a pig. He's taking controll over Daein and treats the people there like I treat annoying wasps.

Senator Valtome - He's all insane. Just the way he treat Zelgius and the rest of his army is so... wrong. But of course, as long as the senetors get their will through there's no problem with how many lives are being spilled.

Senator Hetzel - He is the only one who I can't complain on. He isn't that bad.

Senator Oliver - He is so ugly that I have to laugh every time I see him. When he had bought Reyson, he just proved how little he cares about others. He's an accursed slave-trader, and nothing more!

Senator Lekain - He's the worst of them all! I simply can't believe how he can laugh at the situation that he's got two countries (Daein and Kilvas) under his control and that the TRUE rulers of those countries have to suffer so much because of him!

There really are NO other characters who are worse than them! Please, mention someone...

and THAT is precisely my point. they are so evile, so hideous, and SO FAR FROM THE ORDINARY EVILE that you can't help but feel this horrible revulsion at the thought of them. its not so much that I support their evile acts, its more of the extent to which they will go in order to remain in power. i find it fascinating at just HOW MUCH they don't care about the suffering of others, even ruining 2 countries, and perhaps many more if you take into account the unexpected results of their actions.

they are also horribly cunning. every move is carefully thought out and planned, and I respect that, even though they used it for supreme evile. the little game they played with Sanaki was very interesting. in fact, my favorite senator of all time, Sephiran, is my favorite for this very reason. he was kinda meh in the beginning for me, but once i found out that it was HIM the one who was pulling the strings, and the reasons behind it, i fell in love with him. if you think about it, Sephiran was the WORST of all the senators. He let hate overcome him and lead his actions to the point in which he wanted to wipe off every single living soul on the planet (well, he did have a very valid reason, but that still doesn't justify his actions, methinks)

the Senate should have honorable mention for being incredible evile and cruel. they use this facade of innocence and purity to hide their evile acts, while supporting slavery and abusing of foreign nations for their own benefit.

the Senate are Evile Incarnate, even when they are supposed to be just and honorable. They are far from what someone expects of them. and as I've stated before, I like fresh, new ideas. For this reason I love the Senate.

I respect the Senate as villains, and were some of the most enjoyable villains I've ever had the chance to know about.

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I've never said anything bad about Sephiran! He's my second-favorite character in the game. And I'm not blaming him for his plans and reason. He's also 'the brain' behind everything, but that doesn't makes him as bad and evil as Lekain is. Sephiran wants a quick end of it, since he believes that the beorc and laguz has failed the goddess. Lekain, on the other hand, plagues everyone since he wants the power himself.

I just can't see what it is to love in the Senators. They're just so wonderful because they're good organizers, is that it?

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I've never said anything bad about Sephiran! He's my second-favorite character in the game. And I'm not blaming him for his plans and reason. He's also 'the brain' behind everything, but that doesn't makes him as bad and evil as Lekain is. Sephiran wants a quick end of it, since he believes that the beorc and laguz has failed the goddess. Lekain, on the other hand, plagues everyone since he wants the power himself.

I just can't see what it is to love in the Senators. They're just so wonderful because they're good organizers, is that it?

nope. they're wonderful because they're different from the regular villain. they are supposed to be the saints of the land and everyone looks up to them, but they're actually vile and cruel with no remorse or sympathy for other peoples' suffering.

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Can you please repeat that again? ...'they're actually vile and cruel with no remorse or sympathy for other peoples' suffering'... Tell me what's great about that.

nothing is great about that. what i find fascinating is that they are SUPPOSED to be wise, caring, and honorable, but instead they are the complete opposite.

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Supposed? Opposite? You make it sound like as if the were, like, retarded.

No, I'm sorry. Maybe it is the case that I just don't like governments.

Just another thing. Since you are really good at this game and know exactly everything (I hope it doesn't sound ironic, 'cause that's not the case, I really mean it.) sure you could tell if it was King Naesala or a previous king of Kilvas who signed the blood pact to Lekain?

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The whole point is that they're villains. As far as Fire Emblem villains go, most of them are some pretty bastardly dudes, and not the average "gonna fuck up the place, who cares if I actually accomplish something" bad guy.

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Supposed? Opposite? You make it sound like as if the were, like, retarded.

No, I'm sorry. Maybe it is the case that I just don't like governments.

Just another thing. Since you are really good at this game and know exactly everything (I hope it doesn't sound ironic, 'cause that's not the case, I really mean it.) sure you could tell if it was King Naesala or a previous king of Kilvas who signed the blood pact to Lekain?

Excuse me, but did I ever even hint that they were retarded? You are just putting words in my mouth. Maybe you should read again what i posted.

But just in case i wasn't clear enough, I love the Senate as villains because THEY ARE NOT WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THEM!!!!!!

They are religious figures, are supposed to symbolize purity and kindness, and are supposed to lead their people with wisdom. However, they are far from this. They are corrupt, evil, and greedy. I find it refreshing that there is a different type of villain in this game. They may be Evile Incarnate, but they are so different from other villains that I can't help but love them.

I shall never speak of this again. Maybe it will become clearer once you get to know me a little better. And if after that you still don't understand why I love the Senate, then I doubt you ever will.

And it was a previous king who signed the blood pact, so Naesala had to deal with the mistakes of the past.

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Excuse me, but did I ever even hint that they were retarded? You are just putting words in my mouth. Maybe you should read again what i posted.

But just in case i wasn't clear enough, I love the Senate as villains because THEY ARE NOT WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THEM!!!!!!

They are religious figures, are supposed to symbolize purity and kindness, and are supposed to lead their people with wisdom. However, they are far from this. They are corrupt, evil, and greedy. I find it refreshing that there is a different type of villain in this game. They may be Evile Incarnate, but they are so different from other villains that I can't help but love them.

I shall never speak of this again. Maybe it will become clearer once you get to know me a little better. And if after that you still don't understand why I love the Senate, then I doubt you ever will.

And it was a previous king who signed the blood pact, so Naesala had to deal with the mistakes of the past.

I'm sorry. I hope I haven't insult your feelings for the senate.

It's just, King Naesala is my favortie character. He's always so... fantastic! And I want to know everything about him, every single word he says during the game. In Fire Emblem (and other games and books which I really love) I always take everything so seriously, like as if all was reality. And I pity King Naesala so much for what he's being through because of the blood pact. I think I even cried when I first heard it. And it makes me so happy that Leanne is at his side and defends him.

That is why I hate the senate more than anything else, (even if they are so interesting and special as you say.)

It's been very wrong of me to request everything you've said about them. I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry. I hope I haven't insult your feelings for the senate.

It's just, King Naesala is my favortie character. He's always so... fantastic! And I want to know everything about him, every single word he says during the game. In Fire Emblem (and other games and books which I really love) I always take everything so seriously, like as if all was reality. And I pity King Naesala so much for what he's being through because of the blood pact. I think I even cried when I first heard it. And it makes me so happy that Leanne is at his side and defends him.

That is why I hate the senate more than anything else, (even if they are so interesting and special as you say.)

It's been very wrong of me to request everything you've said about them. I'm sorry.

:lol: its all right! no harm done! you haven't been the first, and most likely won't be the last, to question my love for the senate! I have been told that I am weird, but hey, what can i do about it? :P and i love these types of discussions!

Naesala is one of my favorite characters too! to forsake his very dignity for his people makes him a great king, perhaps one of the greatest ones out there! He is the one king who demonstrates to all what a true king really is, someone who is there to protect his people. To that, I salute!

What I find most fascinating about Naesala is that he is willing to take all the blame, even though its not his fault. It takes real strength of character to do that since its easier to just blame others when something is going wrong and he did this without confiding in anyone!

oi! and sorry if i sounded a bit harsh in my lasts posts. it was unintentional! :P

Edited by Psyche
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:lol: its all right! no harm done! you haven't been the first, and most likely won't be the last, to question my love for the senate! I have been told that I am weird, but hey, what can i do about it? :P and i love these types of discussions!

Naesala is one of my favorite characters too! to forsake his very dignity for his people makes him a great king, perhaps one of the greatest ones out there! He is the one king who demonstrates to all what a true king really is, someone who is there to protect his people. To that, I salute!

What I find most fascinating about Naesala is that he is willing to take all the blame, even though its not his fault. It takes real strength of character to do that since its easier to just blame others when something is going wrong and he did this without confiding in anyone!

oi! and sorry if i sounded a bit harsh in my lasts posts. it was unintentional! :P

Oh, thank you! I appreciate that you... say it's okay!

And of course you haven't sounded harsh, not at all.

But actually, I've been thinking a bit about what you've said about the senators and... it took some time, but in the end I think I got your point! They really are interesting and special, and without you, I would never have found out! Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can I just ask, sure it wasn't King Naesala who signed the blood pact to Lekain? It was a previous king of Kilvas, right?

I don't think so... After all we never found out how naesala became king.... Makes me think if that was the deal between Naesala and Lekain.

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I don't think so... After all we never found out how naesala became king.... Makes me think if that was the deal between Naesala and Lekain.

nope, he inherited the blood pact. i'm sure of it. he didn't do an Ashnard on Kilvas in order to become king.

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In all seriousness, I think Ashnard would appear to be the best ruler.

Most of the points here have been from our perspective here on earth.

If we consider this from a citizen's perspective in the game, Ashnard is a good ruler.

If I was a begnion citizen, I would really have a hard time respecting a 10 year old, regardless of who she is.

Tibarn appears to be more interested in Serenes and Begnion than Phoenicis.

Naesala is a good king, but the point "What good does expanding your borders do if you find enemies on every side?" kind of makes me look at his case a little bit differently.

Caineghis doesn't really give me a good example to make a point either way.

Whenever I look at Dheginsea I can't help but think that people follow him because of his power, not his leadership.

Ramon's actions brought ruin to his country. Good job, buddy, I really wanna go there now.

Now, If we look at Ashnard's case, He gives everyone that lives within his border a chance, provided they know how to fight.

It's the only country where being a noble means squat and you can get fed, regardless.

Also, even after he leaves his citizens to die, they still believe in his cause moreso than any other ruler.

Bleh, this was a long post and now that I read through it, I realize how much was irrelevant. Ah well.

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