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Famitsu info 28/3 - Anna, SpotPass (full scans)


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I can hardly read it with the size of the scan. However, I can say it has something to do with a dragon, one of the countries, and that the masked fellow is apparently named Gyanreil or something of the like. He strikes me the Trickster sort with his design and his mask. Not sure if the guy in the screenshots below that character are the same, seeing as the guy below has no mask, but it looks like it's a similar name.

Again, can't tell due to the size of the scan.

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Full page scans, credits to Malas.

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When certain conditions have been fulfilled, green spots will appear on the mark, where you can enter sidequest chapters. Donnie is recruited in Sidequest 1. Anna also seems to be a sidequest character.

Villagers have pitiful stats.

Tricksters gain staves in addition to swords.

Returning characters via SpotPass are bathed in a blue aura when you battle them, which may be evidence of them coming from another world. Curiously, I've seen generic Other-worlders who don't have a blue aura, so maybe it's just there to distinguish recruitable Other-world characters?

I assume their profiles have been added to the official site, but Gangrel's the king of Perezia and Inverse is his subordinate.

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1 character is 1 too many. I'm not really crying outrage, it's just setting off my alarm that the series might move in that direction. They've already sexualized Samus, so it's not like Nintendo is above this kind of thing.

Hey TF, check out her description

Inverse - scheming femme fatale

Gyanrel's subordinate. A well-endowed, sensual, beautiful woman. Seducing men and leading them to ruin is her forte.

Full page scans, credits to Malas.

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When certain conditions have been fulfilled, green spots will appear on the mark, where you can enter sidequest chapters. Donnie is recruited in Sidequest 1. Anna also seems to be a sidequest character.

Villagers have pitiful stats.

Tricksters gain staves in addition to swords.

Returning characters via SpotPass are bathed in a blue aura when you battle them, which may be evidence of them coming from another world. Curiously, I've seen generic Other-worlders who don't have a blue aura, so maybe it's just there to distinguish recruitable Other-world characters?

I assume their profiles have been added to the official site, but Gangrel's the king of Perezia and Inverse is his subordinate.

Let's see

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>It's said the previous Holy King of Iris opressed the people of Pelesia for their worship of the dark god (lit. their faith in the dark church/cult), so they hate Iris. That hatred hasn't changed even now that Elemina is the queen.


"He doesn't look very kingly"

"He seems to enjoy war, and apparently couldn't care less about Elemina's peace negotiations"


"Her dark clothing and apparently magic book makes her look like an user of ancient magic"

"Her background and objetives are unknown"

"She seems to be as cruel as Gyanrel. Her battle stats are probably high as well."

>Forging is back

>Gaiden maps appear in the map as you fulfill some conditions in the story; they're unrelated to the main story, but are good for getting extra units

>Falcon Knight: +1 mov, can use staves

>Villager: all stats are low and looks useless at first, but what if we raise him?

>Trickster: promoted thief, can use staves. What skills do they learn?

>Ayra: myrmidon who fought in Sigurd's army in the first gen. She's mad strong.

"If you choose to fight, Ayra, shrouded in a blue aura that shows she comes from another world, comes to attack Krom! Can he even hope to win...!?"

>Innes: a prince who's an old acquaintance of the two protagonists, Eirika and Ephraim. He's rude, but actually good-hearted.

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Thanks ^^

What reward can I expect this time around

Also sadly, I was unable to find good art of Shining Force 3's mage girls, so I'll have to give up on those trolling plans

Best description ever.

I figured it'd be of interest.

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I'll think of something, but that Ishtar was a lot of hard work. Maybe I'll send you the PSD, but I'm afraid you'll be scared of what I've done to it...

Oh yeah, something I noticed.

When forging weapons, it seems each stat can be increased a maximum of five intervals (+1 for Might) and there is a maximum of eight intervals overall (so you can increase Might by 3 intervals and Critical by 5 intervals, but no more than that).

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I'll think of something, but that Ishtar was a lot of hard work. Maybe I'll send you the PSD, but I'm afraid you'll be scared of what I've done to it...

It's okay Vincent, I know full well how much effort it'd take to clean that Ishtar

Oh yeah, something I noticed.

When forging weapons, it seems each stat can be increased a maximum of five intervals (+1 for Might) and there is a maximum of eight intervals overall (so you can increase Might by 3 intervals and Critical by 5 intervals, but no more than that).

That limit might be variable, though.

Also, no more negative forging, it seems.

Edited by TheEnd
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I got Velvet and Inverse mixed up for some reason. They kinda look similar.

Hey TF, check out her description

Inverse - scheming femme fatale

Gyanrel's subordinate. A well-endowed, sensual, beautiful woman. Seducing men and leading them to ruin is her forte.

Well, I guess it does fit her character. I'm just hoping they don't make a habit of having characters like that in the future. Fire Emblem women are sexy even when they're fully clothed.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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Major female villain, primary characteristic: tits! Fire Emblem was always teetering on the edge of Japan's rampant sexism, good to know that they've bitten the bullet in their effort to be mainstream. Animu-style artists can't even draw girly bits anyway.

Did I mention I really want this game? I really want this game.

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To be fair, she is a seductress, so tits makes sense in her design. I'm no fan of overt fanservice in FE, on males or females, but in this case it does make sense to be there.

Agreeing with Vincent that Ayra's description is the best ever.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Major female villain, primary characteristic: tits! Fire Emblem was always teetering on the edge of Japan's rampant sexism, good to know that they've bitten the bullet in their effort to be mainstream. Animu-style artists can't even draw girly bits anyway.

Did I mention I really want this game? I really want this game.

It's hardly a problem unique to Japan, sadly. I can't even remember any good female villains that aren't treated like that.

In comparison to that I actually liked Petrine, Micaiah and Ashera so I'm mildly disappointed.

Edited by BrightBow
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It's hardly a problem unique to Japan, sadly. I can't even remember any good female villains that aren't treated like that.

In comparison to that I actually liked Petrine, Micaiah and Ashera so I'm mildly disappointed.

Ursula was a pretty good villian too. So were Ishtar and Selena. Petrine was definitely a beast to deal with unless you had a mage like Soren or Ilyana.

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To be fair, she is a seductress, so tits makes sense in her design. I'm no fan of overt fanservice in FE, on males or females, but in this case it does make sense to be there.

Agreeing with Vincent that Ayra's description is the best ever.

She's a seductress because seductresses have tits. It comes down to selling more units to bedroom-bound males with no taste in drawn pornography.

It's hardly a problem unique to Japan, sadly. I can't even remember any good female villains that aren't treated like that.

In comparison to that I actually liked Petrine, Micaiah and Ashera so I'm mildly disappointed.

Honestly, neither can I. Not off the top of my head, anyway. More notably I can't name a single notable Japanese heroine. Japan's not the only country guilty of it but they definitely are to a greater extent than, say, the countries most SF members come from.

Petrine was okay but she was essentially a barely-restrained version of Inverse so whatever. Ashera was good, if a bit sadly underdeveloped as a villain.

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Ursula was a pretty good villian too. So were Ishtar and Selena. Petrine was definitely a beast to deal with unless you had a mage like Soren or Ilyana.

I would disagree.

Ursula was just licking Sonia's boots for no reason. I don't think it was ever explained why she looks up to her.

Ishtar is decent I guess. I can somewhat understand her situation.

Selena is wearing pants. A rare sight. But her insistence on following the orders of a corpse is ridiculous.

Petrine is heavily sexualized but I think she has a nice background.

Edited by BrightBow
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She's a seductress because seductresses have tits. It comes down to selling more units to bedroom-bound males with no taste in drawn pornography.

Not saying I like it, but at least it makes sense. Better they made it make sense than having fanservice on a character that doesn't even fit.

I certainly don't want more of this in future FEs.

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