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So is Marth like a zombie?


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OK, I know, stupid, but I was just thinking this idea for a long time. Marth did appear with the corpse soldiers in the first scene and ever since then I wondered "if this game is in Marth's world, then the vortex must be time based, or Marth rose from the dead. So yeah, I think Marth was brought back with the corpse soldiers but due to some random phenomenon, he has free will.

Or maybe I'm just stupid, yeah I like that option.

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The game is indeed set in Marth's world.

I don't think time traveler Marth is much of a possibility; he's too different. I've seen people suggest that he may be a zombie or other sort of incarnation, but I think it's more likely that he isn't Marth at all.

In a video we saw, Marth II headed into some portal, apparently fleeing something. The monsters seem to have emerged from a similar portal, and it's likely that Marth II arrived at Archanea through the same method. When considering that Valencia is known to show up later in the game, is a place where monsters have been originally, and is a place with a second Falchion, it seems likely to me that both Marth II and the monsters used the portals to travel from Valencia to Archanea. I don't have any explanation for why they were there, but it does explain why Marth II showed up when he did and with the Falchion. It also indicates that Marth II was fleeing from the monsters rather than being one himself.

It's worth emphasizing that whatever Falchion Marth II has, it's almost certainly not the one Marth used. Krom's Falchion is named the "Binding Blade Falchion", certainly in contrast to a different Falchion that is not a "Binding Blade". This indicates that Marth's Falchion is likely the different one. Meanwhile, Krom's Falchion is likely Marth's, as Krom, as a descendant of Marth, thinks of his Falchion as the only one. So Marth's must be a different one, which gives more reason to think that it is the one from FE2.

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He can't be Marth, I know he claims to BE Marth but narrative law prevents him from literally being Marth, You can't have someone go "I'm Marth" while wearing a mask, only to have them remove the mask and reveal themselves to be Marth. it doesn't work that way

Highly doubt it's a zombie

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He can't be Marth, I know he claims to BE Marth but narrative law prevents him from literally being Marth, You can't have someone go "I'm Marth" while wearing a mask, only to have them remove the mask and reveal themselves to be Marth. it doesn't work that way

Highly doubt it's a zombie

This as well.

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He can't be Marth, I know he claims to BE Marth but narrative law prevents him from literally being Marth, You can't have someone go "I'm Marth" while wearing a mask, only to have them remove the mask and reveal themselves to be Marth. it doesn't work that way

This a thousand times.

Unless this is the biggest troll ever and Masked Marth takes off his mask to reveal Marth. I would be highly shocked if that happened.

I do think Original Marth will appear at some point though. Whether it be statue, flashback or otherwise.

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Marth's been dead for hundreds of years.

Marth's wearing a mask which only covers his eyes.

Zombies are in this game.

Zombies have red eyes.

They also seem to breathe purple smoke though, so...
Unless this is the biggest troll ever and Masked Marth takes off his mask to reveal Marth. I would be highly shocked if that happened.
Which is why I kind of want this to happen ' 3'
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Sigurd in the 2nd gen but with Minor Baldo, crit, and in an enviroment where everyone is also broken.

9/10, has a horse.

75% through the game, Sumia will come up to Chrome and say:

"Oh yeah Marth? He's actually Basilio."

That would be fantastic.

Though I do like the idea of Marth just trolling everyone and wearing a mask to screw with everyone, too.

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Why do people think that Marth is zombie? It doesn't make sense. It makes more sense that he's a girl with that body and voice, but I hope not since I want ho yay.

Because the supposed immense distance of time, in which Marth would have died and ground himself into the earth as wormfood. Coupling this with the ambigious relation of Marth to the rest of the cast, as well as the errant mask and uniform figure, there becomes a sense of artificialness in Marth, that he is more of a summoned creation--an image--rather than a person.

This isn't the first time we've seen lifeless forms echoing some distant intent--the ghosts in FE4, the morphs, several other characters--who act as mere vessels, not actors.

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Sigurd in the 2nd gen but with Minor Baldo, crit, and in an enviroment where everyone is also broken.

9/10, has a horse.

I dunno what Oifey has to do with this.

Edited by 3-13Archer
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