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[FE6] Standard Relaxing Draft

Dark Sage

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WARNING: I will most likely have bad turncounts due to be inexperienced and having a habit of practically never using Jeigans after hearing their EXP stealing ways as a beginner, whether they were good (Seth and Titania), or bad (Jeigan and Evayle). Please criticize me if you honestly think these are bad (which they probably are), and what I could do to improve them in the future. That said, here is my...


Ch1: 8 turns - Wolt, Roy, and Marcus blaze through the bandits, with Marcus turning back to get the village about 1/3rd of the way through.

Ch2: 11 turns - Roy almost got a perfect level and that made me gasp in awe, though that was the high point of the chapter.

Ch3: 15 turns - I spent like five turns tanking out the soldiers' rush at the start. Otherwise it went good, besides the high turn count.

Ch4: 11 turns - Nothing too bad, Rutger's recruitment went smoothly and Priscilla's future recruitment village burned down.

Ch5: 9 turns - Chad went up for the lance and the vendor, gaining a couple levels, while the others took out the main group by the boss after opening the gate.

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Okay, I actually lied.

Chapter 1 (6/6)

This was probably doable in 5 turns, but I've decided to stop caring about my turncounts as much as I did in my other draft. Lance chilled out in the south and distracted some enemies while Marcus picked up Roy and ran north. Dropped Roy in front of the throne and parked Marcus in front of the boss with the silver lance, etc. Lance gained a level, but it sucked.

Chapter 2 (8/14)

Again, didn't really try to refine my strategy. Marcus and Lance mowed through the enemies in the south (Roy helped, I guess). Lot tanked on the right until they showed up. Then Marcus picked up Roy and ran to the throne again. Roy gained two levels, neither of them good, and Lance gained one. He's gained two defense and no strength. Wtf? I'll start posting stats once I get a few chapters in.

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Considering most of my units (all but Marcus) are infantry anyway, I'm treating this as an infantry draft.

Thus, Marcus will be limited to meatshielding, going to villages, and shopping.

Also, this is a semi-blind playthrough (I've previously played to around picking up Shin/Fir before)

Chap 1 11/11

Got lucky with a Roy crit on the boss.

Those levels.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      4.62   21   6    7    9    9    8    1
Bors      Knight    2.85   21   7    5    4    5   12    0

Chap 2 10/21

Three new units! Train, train, train.

Dieck+Armorslayer makes the boss a cakewalk.

Roy, why is your strength 3 below your defense? :facepalm:

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      5.21   23   6    7    9   10    9    1
Bors      Knight    3.97   22   8    5    4    5   12    0
Ellen     Sister    2.77   16   1    6    8    8    0    6
Ward      Fighter   3.98   29   9    3    5    5    4    0
Dieck     Mercenary 7.05   28  11   12   11    6    7    1

Chap 3 15/36

Sent Roy alone to retrieve Lugh (maybe not the best idea, but it seemed okay at the time).

Dieck+Armorslayer kills yet another boss.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      5.50   23   6    7    9   10    9    1
Bors      Knight    5.72   24   9    7    5    6   13    1
Ellen     Sister    3.87   16   2    6    8    9    0    6
Ward      Fighter   6.46   32  11    4    5    6    5    0
Dieck     Mercenary 8.79   28  12   13   11    6    7    1
Lugh      Mage      1.82   16   4    5    6    5    3    5

Chap 4 11/47

Bors doesn't give a shit if Rutger crits.

Marcus grabbed the Angelic Robe, Dieck handled Pirates, and the rest of the team trained.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      7.42   23   7    8    9   12    9    1
Bors      Knight    6.99   25   9    7    5    7   14    1
Ellen     Sister    4.77   16   3    7    8    9    0    7
Ward      Fighter   7.22   32  11    5    5    7    6    0
Dieck     Mercenary 9.64   29  12   14   11    7    8    1
Lugh      Mage      4.07   17   6    8    9    5    3    8

Chap 5 6/53

Knocked on the gate, a ton of brigands answered.

Lugh is becoming extremely useful, and Roy can tank?!?

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      7.42   24   8    8    9   13   10    2
Bors      Knight    7.69   26  10    8    5    8   14    1
Ellen     Sister    5.34   16   3    8    8   10    0    7
Ward      Fighter   7.74   32  11    5    5    7    6    0
Dieck     Mercenary 10.34  30  12   15   11    7    9    1
Lugh      Mage      6.05   19   8    9   10    5    4    9

Chap 6 8/61

Yay Prep Screen! Ellen given Angelic Robe.

Didn't bother with any doors since no promo items behind them.

Roy continues to amuse me as a tank.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      9.28   25   9    9    9   13   11    2
Bors      Knight    9.00   28  11    9    6    8   15    1
Ellen     Sister    6.11   23*  4    8    8   11    0    8
Ward      Fighter   9.46   34  12    6    6    7    6    0
Dieck     Mercenary 12.02  32  13   15   13    7    9    1
Lugh      Mage      6.05   19   8    9   10    5    4    9

Chap 7 20/81

Saved Noah and Zealot, but couldn't save Treck.

PITA without useable cavalry. At least Marcus retrieved all the villages' loot.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      11.01  27   9   11   11   15   13    3
Bors      Knight    10.35  29  11    9    6    9   16    2
Ellen     Sister    7.72   24   4    9    8   11    0    8
Ward      Fighter   11.67  36  13    6    6    7    7    0
Dieck     Mercenary 13.12  33  13   15   13    7    9    1
Lugh      Mage      10.62  20  11   11   10    7    5    9

Chap 8 26/107

So.... Freaking.... Long!

Astram looted the promo items, and Lilina was saved.

Oh, and Roy and Lilina gained a support level.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      12.57  28  10   11   11   15   13    3
Bors      Knight    11.50  29  12   10    6    9   17    2
Ellen     Sister    10.07  27   6    9    8   14    0   11
Ward      Fighter   13.45  38  13    6    7    8    7    0
Dieck     Mercenary 15.92  35  15   16   13    7   10    1
Lugh      Mage      13.34  22  11   12   13    8    5    9
Lilina    Mage      4.48   16   7    6    6    6    2    7

Chap 8x 15/122

Another long one, but not as bad as 8.

The whole group trained, nothing remarkable, aside from Bors gaining speed. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      13.56  29  10   11   11   16   13    3
Bors      Knight    12.37  30  13   10    7   10   17    2
Ellen     Sister    11.29  27   6   10    8   14    0   12
Ward      Fighter   13.77  38  13    6    7    8    7    0
Dieck     Mercenary 17.52  37  15   18   13    9   10    1
Lugh      Mage      14.12  22  12   12   13    9    5    9
Lilina    Mage      7.37   17  10    7    7    7    2    9

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Chapter 3 (7/21)

Lot and Merlinus stayed behind at the beginning as a distraction while my undrafted units ran right. Lance and Marcus, the latter carrying a 1-HP Roy, run into the castle and keep moving as far as they can every turn, or close to it. Correct positioning of Lance causes the Hand Axe fighter to go after him rather than blocking the door; Marcus runs in on Turn 6, drops Roy, and parks in front of the boss. Lance blocks the doorway behind them so that Roy can't get hit.Lance nearly dies but doesn't, Marcus finishes the boss on player phase, Roy seizes. Weird levels were gained all around.

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Chap 9 17/139

Another long-ish one.

Ellen torch spammed. Fir, welcome to the party!

Lilina and Fir make a damn good tag team.

Dieck+Light Brand was extremely useful in killing off "Sir Scott".

Even so, he took a while to go down. Dieck's almost Level 20!

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      14.77  30  10   12   12   16   14    3
Bors      Knight    14.74  32  14   11    8   11   18    2
Ellen     Sister    13.41  27   6   10    9   15    1   14
Ward      Fighter   14.40  39  13    7    8    9    7    0
Dieck     Mercenary 19.69  39  16   20   13    9   11    2
Lugh      Mage      14.86  22  12   12   13    9    5    9
Lilina    Mage      11.01  18  14    9    8    9    3   11
Fir       Myrmidon  5.49   22   6   11   12    6    3    2

Chap 10B 17/156

Just as long as the last, I guess. Dieck Hero'd up!

A toughie. Bors killed off Tate a tad too early, but I managed to win Klein around.

Managed to visit all the villages, so an extra Hero crest is mine.

Lilina killed off Gonzales, if you're wondering.

Oh, and Roy had a nearly perfect level!

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      15.91  31  11   13   13   17   14    4
Bors      Knight    15.52  33  14   11    9   11   18    2
Ellen     Sister    14.67  27   6   10    9   16    1   15
Ward      Fighter   15.33  39  14    8    8    9    7    0
Dieck     Hero      2.16   45  19   21   15    9   16    4
Lugh      Mage      16.28  22  14   12   14    9    6   10
Lilina    Mage      13.59  20  14    9    9   11    3   12
Fir       Myrmidon  10.79  27   6   16   16    9    5    2

Chap 11B 14/170

Lilina given speedwings, Ward given Dragonshield. Hello Elphin!

All citizens saved, due to Dieck's intervention. Geese joined the team, then hid.

Could have grabbed Bartre, but decided to end earlier due to TC.

Name      Class     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Roy       Lord      16.13  31  12   14   13   17   15    5
Bors      Knight    16.80  34  14   12    9   12   18    2
Ellen     Sister    17.44  29   8   10   10   18    1   17
Ward      Fighter   16.08  40  15    9    8   10   10*   0
Dieck     Hero      3.21   46  19   21   15    9   16    4
Lugh      Mage      18.14  23  16   13   16    9    6   10
Lilina    Mage      14.87  21  15    9   12*  11    3   12
Fir       Myrmidon  12.79  27   7   17   18   10    5    3
Elphin    Bard      2.41   16   1    3   11   12    5    1

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Chapter 4 (6/27)

Basically the same routine, except Lance didn't manage to keep up with Marcus. Lot was left behind bear the beginning, Lance was left behind in the middle. Marcus drops Roy on turn 4, but I can't win turn 5 because Clarine decided to park herself in front of Eric. I think I accidentally dropped Roy too far away anyways, since he died if I didn't. Missed the two middle villages, got the right one with Merlinus. I would have made more of an effort with those if I'd known at the time that one of those villages had an angelic robe for Roy, but whatever. Clarine was recruited before turn 6, Marcus exactly kills Eric, Roy seizes.

Chapter 5 (5/32)

Went west through the gate. Lance, Marcus and Lot just sort of withstand the tide of enemies without doing much to them. Marcus silver lances the boss and almost dies. Silver lance is down to 5 uses sadly. Roy sneaks through the enemy lines, blocks a couple axes with his face, and gets to the throne. I feel like Clarine is never going to make level 10. >.<

Unit    Level   HP   S/M   Skl   Spd   Luk   Def   Res   Weapon             Support
Roy     05/--   21     6     6     9     9     6     0    D Swd
Marcus  --/03   34     9    14    12    10    10     8    S Lnc D Swd E Axe
Lance   07/--   26     9    10    10     3     8     0    D Lnc E Swd
Lot     08/--   32     9     6    10     4     7     2    C Axe
Clarine 01/--   base

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Chapter 6 (6/38)

Everyone goes straight up the middle! Whee! Merlinus was awesome on this level. He is very good at standing in front of Clarine, getting hit, then getting healed by her. What a beast. Lot, Merlinus and Clarine stay behind in the middle killing loldiers. Marcus-carrying-Roy and Lance take down the mages in the top room. The only things Marcus has on Lance at this point, really, are silver lance access, a mov point, and Res, but Res was exactly what I needed, so Marcus still got the boss kill. Lance had to help drop Roy to accomplish this.

Don't feel like making another chart, so:

Lance +HP, Skl, Spd

Marcus +Str

Lot +HP, Spd, Luk, Def

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More Progress!

Ch6: 10 turns - Roy and Wolt took the left, the remaining dudes went center, got Sue, resisted urge to repeatably stab Cath through the heart, and Wolt finished the boss.

Ch7: 14 turns - Rutger and Merlinus went right to collect the house goodies, the rest went left, and Chad veered right to get the Rapier. Recruited the new people who I don't really care about.

CH8: 26 turns - I don't like this map. Killed Cath, got OJ to lvl 9, got all treasures, and no penalties!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some more progress!

Ch8x: 15 turns - OJ and Marcus went left, the others went up and around, and when OJ and Marcus were done, Marcus carried OJ back to the main group. Rutger used a rigged KE crit to finish Henning.

Ch9: 14 turns - Marcus rescued Roy up to the boss where he (Roy) fought hopelessly until Rutger arrived with Fir's Wo Dao (I recruited her and Shin) and crit killed Scott. Merlinus was in danger several times but he pulled through. The others went down for the village, and Shin went up-right for the left village for A-route Gonzales.

Ch10A: 11 turns - OJ took the middle, Rutger took left and then lower middle, and Chad went right then left to ballistian. Marcus took Roy down, after Roy talked to Geese for BA, and Lily got Gonzales. Rutger once again crit killed the boss. Wolt also took on pirate reinforcements and Shin helped Rutger at first then grabbed the village.

Ch11A: 15 turns - OJ and Shin went right, and everybody else went down. Klein showed up and killed Merlinus, and Roy gave him a stern talking to for doing that. Tate appeared and Shin shot her down, I got Echidna, got all villages except for the AR one, so I missed out on a Hero's Crest also, and got the two Orion's Bolts for Shin and Wolt. Marcus then went up for Killer Axes for himself, Gonzales, and for whenever OJ is going to promote, and Rutger did his usual boss destroying. Gonzales also got res.

Ch12: 13 turns - Rutger, Wolt, and Shin all promote at lvls 18, 17, and 16 respectively, with stats 35 15 20 19 4 11 2, 31 11 9 15 6 9 2, and 34 15 13 15 9 7 2 respectively. Gonzales and OJ took the right, and the others took the left, Marcus carried Roy part way up, Chad opened the boss door and then ran right for the Brave Bow and Blue Gem. Rutger Durandel smashed the boss.

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  • 4 months later...

Well, I finally decided to start this thing after what seems like forever. Progress!

Chapter 1- 4/4 turns

Marcus rescues Roy while Allan helps kill enemies in his way. Marcus drops Roy on turn 3 and ORKOes the boss because he's amazing, allowing Roy to take the seize.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        1.20  18  5   5   7   7   5   0   D Swords
Marcus     1.44  32  9   14  11  10  9   8   A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan       2.49  22  8   5   6   3   6   0   D Lances E Swords

Chapter 2- 7/11 turns

Marcus, Allan, and Roy I guess help take care of the initial batch of enemies (if by help in Roy's case you mean ALMOST ORKOing an enemy). Marcus then rushes to seizepoint while allan helps clear out some enemies for him. Marcus drops Roy on turn 6 and Thany trades him the armourslayer that Merlinus got earlier. Marcus then procceeds to wreck the boss, as armourslayer is that good, and Roy takes the point.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        1.30  18  5   5   7   7   5   0   D Swords
Marcus     2.07  32  9   14  11  10 10   8   A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan       5.24  25  10  8   7   3   7   0   D Lances E Swords

Chapter 3- 8/19 turns

Allan killed bunches of enemies and cleared a path for Marcus to take Roy towards goal. I have a feeling I'm going to be saying the same thing for quite a while.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        1.81  18  5   5   7   7   5   0   D Swords
Marcus     2.54  32  9   14  11  10 10   8   A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan       7.30  27  11  8   7   5   9   0   D Lances E Swords

Chapter 4- 4/23 turns

Marcus rushes forward and takes on the initial enemy offslaught, hoping to clear away most of them. Allan rescues Roy and helps clear out the odd enemy here or there. Amazing plan no?

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        2.16  18  5   6   7   8   6   0   D Swords
Marcus     2.54  32  9   14  11  10 10   9   A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan       8.39  28  11  8   8   6  10   0   C Lances E Swords

Chapter 5- 4/27 turns

Allan rescued the boss on turn 1, and gave him to Marcus to drop within seizable range....shame Marcus couldn't 2RKO the boss. I had to have Allan give him a hand, but it was worth it.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        2.53  18  5   6   7   8   6   0   D Swords
Marcus     3.51  32  9   14  11  10 10   9   A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan       9.83  29  12  8   9   7  10   0   C Lances E Swords

Chapter 6- 5/32 turns

Had Marcus kill most of the enemies and Alan ferry Roy, but not having one of the axe bros really cost me this time. Also, the boss is an asshat, and I had to hit 2 45%s out of 3.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Roy        2.92  19  5   6   7   8   6   0   D Swords
Marcus     4.42  33  10  14  11  10  10  9   S Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan      11.05  31  13  9   10   8  10  0   C Lances D Swords

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  • 3 months later...

My save file is missing, it's not safe to be alone, and man is this draft old. All of that adds up to the conclusion that can only mean one thing...


Chapter 1- 4/4 turns

Well, this one was pretty easy, what with my super fly skills. Marcus rescued Roy, and Allan cleared out the hubble surrounding them so Marcus would be free to charge at the next group of enemies like a...uh...astral beast or something, I dunno. Allan blicked the archer (so unnecesary, he'd ORKO the archer anyways!) and got the village on the final turn. The most unreliable part was getting Marcus to ORKO the boss, because those 64%s...ewwwww. But he did it, and thus, Chapter 1 is complete! Now time for the much less easy to complete Chapter 2, le sigh.

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     01.30 18 05 05 07 07 05 00 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  01.35 32 09 14 11 10 09 08 08 11 A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan   Cavalier 03.02 22 07 05 08 04 07 00 07 09 D Lances E Swords

Chapter 2- 7/11 turns

Haha, nice turncount there, 7/11. Wait, what was this for again ohrightdescriptions. First I had to position Roy and Alan in a way such that the enemies wouldn't clog around the choke point. Then apparently Alan is fast enough to ORKO these guys (all of that speed was not...for naught or something like that), and Roy even got a lucky crit which made my life a lot easier (probably not needed with some critical thinking but whatev's). After that, it was really a Marcus bumrush again, with Alan drawing up the rear and helping my dudes be like....NOT DEAD. Alan got some nice EXP too, so my strat was totally pro and worth it and all of the other cool things too.

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     01.63 18 05 05 07 07 05 00 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  01.95 32 09 14 11 10 09 08 08 11 A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan   Cavalier 05.82 24 07 06 09 05 07 00 07 09 D Lances E Swords

Chapter 3- 7/18 turns

Hmmm...my turncounts are being awfully consistent lately, aren't they? Well, firstly, I had Alan kill the Javelin Soldier and drew the other ones with normal lances to Roy. After making sure not too many of them could attack him with the powers of Marcus shielding him up top and Alan getting the right, Roy got some nice combat EXP. Then they all gallavanted north and killed some enemies before Marcus finished off the boss and everyone lived happily ever after END OF CHAPTER.

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     03.34 20 06 06 08 08 06 01 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  02.49 33 10 14 11 10 09 09 08 11 A Lances D Swords E Axes
Alan   Cavalier 07.21 26 08 08 09 07 07 00 07 09 D Lances E Swords

Chapter 4- 5/23 turns

What a chapter! First Marcus took the initial batch of enemies, with the almighty power of the hand axe! Alan took the one straggler, with Roy finishing him off and Alan rescuing from for MASTER PLAN. Marcus then took the next batch of enemies too, although some lived his handaxe induced onslaught. I had Alan hand off Roy and Marcus drop him, although Roy wasn't really going to get lucky enough for the 4 turn, so I had to settle for 5. Erik was a lot easier that way, at least!

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     04.66 21 07 07 08 08 07 01 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  03.02 34 10 15 11 10 09 09 08 11 A Lances D Swords D Axes
Alan   Cavalier 08.46 27 08 08 10 08 07 00 07 09 D Lances D Swords

Chapter 5- 4/27 turns

Oh, the strategic play used here! Or rather, the lack of it. Marcus charged on turn 1, got to the boss and dropped off Roy on turn 2, spent all of turn 3 killing while Roy and Alan got some EXP, and seize point on turn 4. Good job team, couldn't have done it without you!

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     05.18 22 08 07 08 08 08 02 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  03.71 34 10 15 11 10 09 09 08 11 A Lances D Swords D Axes
Alan   Cavalier 08.89 27 08 08 10 08 07 00 07 09 D Lances D Swords

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Chapter 6- 4/31 turns

This one took a lot of strategy, man...man-man. First I had to hover the cursor over Marcus, and gently guide him towards the enemies. Then I had Alan give Marcus to Roy (making sure he didn't drop Roy, that'd be an instant game over), and Marcus bosskilled and Roy throne seized. Victory! Also on a sidenote, I am getting seriously worried about Alan's strength...it's so bad!

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     05.21 22 08 07 08 08 08 02 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  04.36 34 11 15 11 10 09 09 08 11 A Lances D Swords D Axes
Alan   Cavalier 09.85 27 08 09 11 08 07 00 07 09 D Lances D Swords

Chapter 7- 8/39 turns

Not my best effort, all in all. Oh well, I don't care! Anyways, Marcus took the right, while Roy and Alan dealt with the left. Merlinus got the villages, and Noah helped after he was recruited. The power combo then headed straight for goal point, wherein Marcus killed boss and Roy watched. CHAPTER OVER, thank god, I hate Chapter 7.

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     05.38 22 08 07 08 08 08 02 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  05.47 34 11 15 11 10 10 09 08 11 S Lances D Swords D Axes
Alan   Cavalier 10.82 29 09 10 12 08 07 00 07 09 D Lances D Swords
Noah   Cavalier 08.19 28 08 07 09 07 08 01 07 10 D Lances C Swords

Chapter 8- 15/54 turns

What a pain this one was! So basically, my dudes went around, with Marcus leading the pack, and Alan and Noah scrapping kills and trading Roy between them. Good times! For the boss, Marcus chipped and Alan finished off. Good times! Also incredibly unreliable!

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     05.91 22 08 07 08 08 08 02 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  06.60 34 12 15 12 10 10 09 08 11 S Lances D Swords C Axes
Alan   Cavalier 13.39 32 09 13 14 09 07 00 07 09 C Lances D Swords
Noah   Cavalier 09.05 29 08 07 10 07 08 01 07 10 D Lances C Swords

Chapter 8x- 10/64 turns

Well, this one was a pain. OK, actually it wasn't too bad, save for some annoyingly placed enemies in the final stretch. It was really just motherfucking Henning. Because my boss killer Marcus didn't have C swords, I had to abuse some hits because fuck Henning. Also Alan got some more lame levels and Noah is doing pretty well.

Name   Class    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     06.63 23 08 08 09 09 09 02 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  07.23 35 13 15 12 10 10 09 08 11 S Lances D Swords C Axes
Alan   Cavalier 14.99 33 09 13 14 09 08 00 07 09 C Lances D Swords
Noah   Cavalier 11.53 30 10 09 10 08 09 01 07 10 D Lances C Swords

Chapter 9- 7/71 turns

So everyone rushed ahead, with Alan getting the one kill he needed so he could have well, another level to prove he's not lame. It didn't work, and I decided that I might as well promote him now and save myself the pain. Anyways, everyone rushed ahead, unfortunately I did kill Fir :(. Alan really wrecked the boss because he doubled and could use za killing edge, so that was nice. Noah's been doing well for himself lately, can't wait till I get the next Knight Crest.

Name   Class    Level       HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     07.00       23 08 09 09 09 10 02 05 05 D Swords
Marcus Paladin  ??.??/07.23 35 13 15 12 10 10 09 08 11 S Lances C Swords C Axes
Alan   Cavalier 15.15/1.19  37 11 16 17 10 10 03 08 11 B Lances C Swords E Axes
Noah   Cavalier 13.01       32 12 11 11 09 09 01 07 10 D Lances C Swords

Chapter 10- 8/79 turns

Competent playing is not to be found here! DO NOT LOOK HERE FOR THAT! Anyways, everyone went down, and after some close shaves that could have been avoided by a more competent player, I got Alan down south to kill boss (and finally get STR) and Noah got more good levels. It was worth it!

Name   Class    Level       HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy    Lord     08.52       24 08 09 09 10 10 03 05 05 C Swords
Marcus Paladin  ??.??/08.17 35 14 15 12 10 10 09 08 11 S Lances C Swords C Axes
Alan   Cavalier 15.15/2.90  38 12 16 18 11 10 03 08 11 B Lances B Swords E Axes
Noah   Cavalier 15.16       34 13 11 12 09 10 01 07 10 D Lances C Swords

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Chapter 11A- 9/88 turns

I hate this chapter. So I had Marcus, Alan, and Roy (with help from my favorite dancer, Lalum, and my least favorite transporter, Merlinus) go down the main path, whilst Noah took the side path. Noah got the villages there, and killed a fightin' bitch while he was at it. Alan rushed ahead and weakened/killed enemies depending on how his baddy STR was feeling that day. Marcus helped get Roy to goal, before grabbing some of the final villages. I did get most of the villages, except the Sleep one because fuck that one. I even saved all of Klein's goons and got Tate on the last turn! GO REFA

Name     Class          Level       HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels
Roy      Lord           10.37       25 09 10 10 12 10 04 05 05 C Swords
Marcus   Paladin        ??.??/08.76 35 14 15 12 10 10 09 08 11 S Lances C Swords C Axes
Alan     Paladin        15.15/04.30 40 12 17 19 11 11 03 08 11 B Lances B Swords E Axes
Merlinus Transporter    01.01       15 00 03 03 10 03 00 05 25 --
Noah     Cavalier       16.16       35 13 11 13 09 10 01 07 10 D Lances B Swords
Lalum    Dancer         01.91       14 01 02 11 09 02 04 05 04 --
Tate     Pegasus Knight 08.12       22 06 08 11 03 07 06 07 05 D Lances

Chapter 12- 7/95 turns

Thanks to my oh-so-humble geniosity, this chapter was a breeze. Noah took the right side, which allowed Merlinus (and undrafted Astohl for the promo item) to get the items. Also Noah provided some assistance in removing the archers, and he actually nabbed the warrior kill as well (great job bro). As for the rest, well, Marcus and Alan trucked along the main path, while Tate did uh...ate some statboosters and got a Flux tome! Good job? Boss was an easy ORKO for Alan, and that wrapped up the chapter!

Name     Class          Level       HP ST SK SP LK DF RS MV CN Weapon Levels            Supports
Roy      Lord           10.37       25 09 10 10 12 10 04 05 05 C Swords                 C Marcus C Alan
Marcus   Paladin        ??.??/09.32 35 14 15 12 11 10 09 08 11 S Lances C Swords B Axes C Roy
Alan     Paladin        15.15/05.66 41 13 18 20 11 11 03 08 11 B Lances B Swords E Axes C Roy
Merlinus Transporter    01.01       15 00 03 03 10 03 00 05 25 --
Noah     Cavalier       18.00       37 13 12 15 09 10 01 07 10 D Lances B Swords
Lalum    Dancer         02.65       15 01 02 12 10 02 05 05 04 --
Tate     Pegasus Knight 08.58       29 06 08 13 03 09 06 07 05 D Lances

And then I got bored and quit. Till next time!

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  • 10 months later...

Chapter 12x- 6/101 turns

I don't remember 12x very well, but I'll just assume I got 6 turns. I'll check at endgame to see if that's really real or if I'm full of shit.

Have some stats! With pictures because it's been a while.


According to my averages, this is pretty average for Roy. With a pretty nice DEF blessage. I'll take it, I've had far worse Roys.


Wow, he's surprisingly screwed in everything except Str. I STILL DON'T GIVE A FUCK STR IS THE ONLY IMPORTANT STAT.


Apparently Allan thinks he's Lance, very funny Allan.


Fuck Noah, even if he's doing exceedingly better than his averages.


Surprisingly better than her averages, I have high hopes for you Tate (...getitgetigetit)!


I like dancers.


I don't particularly like him...

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And I thought my skill blessed Alan was lame. At least his str kept up! I did give him a wing but at least his str didn't lag THAT badly, and wings are more available than energy rings..

Edited by Irysa
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