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vengeance lovers unite

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Since Mia clearly isn't winning the Tellius poll, and it's all Laura's fault, let's all change our votes to Jill. Sorry Raven, I wanted to see Mia there, too, but I like Jill much more than Laura (even though I always raise Laura to 20/20/1 at least).

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I was actually going to do this for Mia if the stretch was Mia versus Jill and Laura was looking to lose.

Does this mean nothing to you, Narga? Does my happiness mean nothing?

EDIT: And how is it Laura's fault man look at the nominations it's Jill that came from nowhere :(

Edited by Integrity
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Since Mia clearly isn't winning the Tellius poll, and it's all Laura's fault, let's all change our votes to Jill. Sorry Raven, I wanted to see Mia there, too, but I like Jill much more than Laura (even though I always raise Laura to 20/20/1 at least).

Mia lost the Tellius poll

and nothing of value was lost

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