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Liking the fact that marriage is being added to the game. Everything I'm seeing with this just makes me want it more and more. Also,

Oh, man, I'll have a fit if the US doesn't get this.

Cynthina? I always liked that name, very cute ^_^

The new footless zombie is... interesting to say the least.

New Famitsu?


Chiki! Dat stache.


Dark mage confirmed.

Unless my kana is really rusty.

According to some of the people over at GameFAQs, the man shown on the Famitsu scan is Valhart, the emperor of Varm (the western continent).

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I already told you guys dark mage was confirmed a page ago since one of the vids showed Sahria (thedark mage girl we've been wondering about since the start). What am I, chopped liver?

Holy shit, it's world war. And that is definitely stated to be Chiki.

Cerevantes and Dark Night Valhart. This game is an explosion of awesome.

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Well that definitely says "Dark Mage". Doesn't necessarily mean Dark magic is separate, though; the class was in FE11/12 without it.

And wow, Tiki grew up. But that's definitely her,

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Lessee what else I can garner from this.

Well, Serge is clearly a dracoknight, so a flying trio may be staying true. She also has badass dragoon-like armor. I approve.

Seems dualing with supports is applied with double attacks as well. Whether Donny's using a Brave Lance (Fin's Lance...) or not I'm not sure.

Libra's a dude.

One of Sumia's children is named Cynthia! Congratulations Cynthia, you made it into Fire Emblem game! Let our esteemed forum member come down, give her a round of applause!

I'm going to have to change my forum name if she ends up being another Wendy :mellow:

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Well that definitely says "Dark Mage". Doesn't necessarily mean Dark magic is separate, though; the class was in FE11/12 without it.

In the vid it showed Sahria using Miilu, which was the japanese name for Flux.

And wow, Tiki grew up. But that's definitely her,

Pervert no perving.

EDIT: I just realized in the gameplay video, you can do a rescue and rescue drop all in one turn rather than rescue turn one then drop turn 2. You can also use a non-mount unit to join with a mount unit so the mount unit doesn't have to initiate the Rescue to actually Rescue a unit.

That is insane.

Edited by grandjackal
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In the vid it showed Sahria using Miilu, which was the japanese name for Flux.

So Flux is back. Still no indication that it's classified as a different weapon type than other magic is.

EDIT: I just realized in the gameplay video, you can do a rescue and rescue drop all in one turn rather than rescue turn one then drop turn 2. You can also use a non-mount unit to join with a mount unit so the mount unit doesn't have to initiate the Rescue to actually Rescue a unit.

That is insane.

That is insane.


Sahria shows up later using some fire spell. It could just be that she's promoted, but she doesn't appear to be a Dark Knight. And surely Dark Mage promotes to Dark Knight, so if Tomes and Dark were to be separate weapon types, it would have to use both. But that's just not plausible, not with all the spells Tomes have and Dark likely having so few. Flux also doesn't look different from the rest; the icon looks to me like Nosferatu, which in turn looks like FE10 Light magic in general.

Olivia shows up in combat twice. Once is clearly as a Dancer, confirming that she can fight in that class, but in the other, towards the beginning, she appears to be a different class. So both Olivia and Velvet can use Change Proofs to leave their Dancer and Taguel classes, just like Nono with her Manakete class.

Withholding comments on the children system for now. It's too confusing to assume anything. But yeah, they're clearly going all-out.

Edited by Othin
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But wasn't Sahria using fire in one of the latest vids? Aren't dark mages supposed to use only dark magic? Or is that just proof that magic is only classified as one weapon type.

Some dark mages have used nature magic in the past, such as Salem, Knoll or Pelleas.

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But wasn't Sahria using fire in one of the latest vids? Aren't dark mages supposed to use only dark magic? Or is that just proof that magic is only classified as one weapon type.

The picture clearly lists her class name as Dark Mage. (daakumeji, same katakana as for the FE11/12 class.) So there's no question of that, if that's what you're asking.

See my edit for comments on that. But yeah, I don't think there's any possibility at this point of magic being split into multiple weapon types. It may well be that dark magic is a specific subset of tomes, however, being limited to certain classes like Dark Mages and Dark Knights while those classes still use the rest of the main Tomes weapon type normally. This would be the best-case scenario, I'd say.

Edited by Othin
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I can only see the tops of the katakana for the class below Dark Mage, but I'm 99% certain it's Dark Knight. So I think we're about to get some more answers.

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i'm quivering in anticipation of the interactive sex scenes

Let's laugh when in dialogue following it the next day, the character is walking funny the rest of the day.

Congrats dondon, you gave Velvet -1 Move. I hope you're proud of yourself.

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So we know for sure Libera is a man. And he uses axes.

Could he truly be the one to pick up Lucius' torch? Can he truly be the new manliest man?

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I hope I get to have my gay couple marriages.

Because it would be odd if I couldn't. After all, IS didn't seem to mind gay couples before with RavenxLucius, IkexSoren, IkexRanulf, Female MUxKatarina, Male MUxLuke, etc.

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Let's laugh when in dialogue following it the next day, the character is walking funny the rest of the day.

Congrats dondon, you gave Velvet -1 Move. I hope you're proud of yourself.

And suddenly there were mass reports of units being suddenly benched after sleeping with the tactician. More news at 11.

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