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[FE10] HM Draft Experiment


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2-P - 8 turns

Yeah...I'm not going to be able to use Elincia for 2-E since she got a typical Micaiah level (mag/luk/res) and couldn't get the bosskill either.

2-1 - 11 turns

This has to be my one of my least favorite chapters in any FE hard mode ever. Ever. One try, Neph failed to wrathcrit, dodged all the EP attacks, and then somehow survived until PP and then I attacked Yeardley again. Wrathcrit? NOPE. (Brom + Neph's normal attack wasn't enough to kill the boss) She missed, got murdered, I ran up to my wii and hit the power button in a rage, then got a soda, calmed down, and tried it again. I hate this chapter with a passion.

Edited by CR-S01
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I don't usually forge hit onto knife forges .___.;

I always forge at least one full maxed knife for 1-6 because Sothe is usually in low bio and enemies have high bio + thickets. Just one or two (the other one for enemies above ledges in 1-E for example), not every single knife :)

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I always forge at least +5 hit in normal mode drafts and probably shouldve forged +15 hit in HM to make it as reliable as possible. Usually with +5 hit and +10 hit knives ( i forge 2 of these) , sothe has 95-100% hit on those enemies in NM.

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2-2 - 6 turns + Lucia

Screw it, taking the Lucia penalty right off the bat because I'm certain she's going to be hit somewhere along the line so I might as well utilize her to the fullest. Neph made me mad the last chapter so I picked Nealuchi as my free unit. Even without S strike, he's still pretty good. And also he can wrathcrit too, much better than Neph :awesome: Mordy smites Lucy to get this done faster and tanks things like a boss.

2-3 - 7 turns

geoffrey i swear. this is another one of those chapters i just utterly despise. when he gets to the end, geoffrey just keeps getting nailed by longbows and also keeps getting sniped/ballistaed/whatever to death. and then bullshit happens and all these 30% hit him all in a row and he dies. geoffrey gets the horseslayer to slay the horseslayer pally, but then he missed and got boned. :facepalm: at least i got the speedwings

34 enemies kept alive because fuck pacifism when I'm trying to not die. I'm not resetting for this chapter. This is enough of a ragefest as it is.

2-E - 2 turns + Haar

Haar descends with his almighty hammer and wtfpwns Luvdisc. Left Mordy on the ledge so that he'd get targeted by ranged attackers, then Leanne vigors him so he can attack and get a point of strike. ;/ I transfer over the speedwings, talisman, horseslayer, laguz stones, physic and ashera icon with people. Brave lance stays with Geoffrey because I kind of need it for 3-9.

Part 2 Total Turns: 42. dear lord i suck

3-P - 7 turns

Titaniaaaaaaaaaaa~ Share your axes with Boyd, please. Also Gaaaaaatrriiiieeee. Titania is the best thing ever. This was actually less ragefesty than most of my NM drafts, probably because Titania is amaze. Titania got the boss kill this time, suck it you killstealing laguz.

3-1 - 7 turns

Titania, Ike, Boyd, and Gatrie split. Yay meatshielding. Mia is my free unit and also gets adept, because adept-critkill shenanigans are nice and no one else but Shinon can really proc crits/adept reliably like Mia can. I considered using Shinon, but I think Mia was a better choice, tbh.

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3-2 - 3 turns

Nothing of note happens, just Titania runs down to the boss for the kill. Titania eats her new speedwing for more doubling fun!

3-3 - 9 turns

Tried out pass!Ike and resolve!Boyd, while Titania took celerity and roflstomped. Free unit was Soren for magical potshots, and then died for an easier and less ragefesty 3-13. Got hammerne and blossom.

3-4 - 7 turns

Go up mountain, profit. Ike's speed isn't looking too bad, he can ORKO a lot of things. Mordy works on his strike and also gets resolve.

3-5 - 2 turns

Go Titania, go! Everyone else is self improvement. Damn it, Titania was pretty close from being able to 1 turn it.

3-6 - 9 turns

...shit. Okay Laura I won't forget you this time you can physic everyone and shit. Tried this thing where Micaiah took beastfoe (her mag is decent, everything else sucks) and then Eddy finished it off, because Eddy can't really kill things and take a counter at the same time. Wrath...was a problem. 14 def might be above average, but it's still only so-so for this chapter. Like, he literally died from critkilling too much. Sothe and Eddy made a barrier for Micaiah and Laura, while the NPCs gathered and blocked the other chokepoint until they died. But then the BK came, so it's all good. Laura physiced/healed the NPCs so they stayed alive a bit longer.

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haha I'm on a roll

3-7 - 12 turns

Janaff and Mordy work their strike rank, Ike chats with the BK, then is rescued by Janaff and cantos away.

3-8 - 7 turns

Titania is a bro. Janaff and Gatrie take a side, Boyd and Ike take the other side, Titania kills things in her way.

3-9 - 6 turns

geoffrey i was on a roll there without having to reset for either of those two chapters and now you ruined it i hate you. this sucks, i hate the npcs who decide to heal like 8 hp when they could put out a fire. srsly if you had a choice between saving a life in a goddamn fire or using a vulnerary to heal a scratch what would you do. damn it, you retarded npcs. nearly broke the brave lance, wasted a crown

3-10 - 6 turns

Gogogo Titania~ The NPC!CRKs are retarded fucks and make futile potshots at stupid shit that they can't even kill. Reyson is a boss.

3-11 - 6 turns


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3-12 - 8 turns

I don't really know, but I turned the NPC allies on because I kind of need them. By themselves, they can get like half the kills needed to beat this. Edward and Sothe with forges took on the other half, basically. Miccy got in potshots and occasionally killed armors here and there via thanibomb. Laura physiced and kept Edward and Sothe alive.

3-13 - 4 turns

This is like the only chapter in this entire damn game that has good NPC AI. No Soren made this easier. Eddy was given my last drops of BEXP again, then is crowned. He procs adept on Ike and he doubles him anyway, then he got in an astra on the second hit. Caladbolg <3

3-E - 5 turns

I don't know. Mordy hits S strike, it's kind of late but whatever works. Janaff is also pretty close. Titania goes up with forged hand axes, Ike stays behind as backup. Boyd colossuses Edward, which made me lol because Eddy doubles Boyd and also has a decent amount of crit on him. Gatrie picks up the rescue staff.


Part 3 Total Turns: 98 turns (I think, I might've derped again)

edit: lol quadruple post

Team Split:

Silver: Micaiah, Sothe, Laura, Naesala, Mordecai, Leanne

Greil: Ike, Titania, Edward, Boyd, Vika, Muarim, Oliver, Rafiel

Hawk: Tibarn, Gatrie, Janaff, Reyson

okay my hawk sucks I need to redistribute. meh, I guess Janaff can go to Hawk. 4-4 should be okay since I get Vika and Muarim back

4-P - 8 turns

This took longer than it usually does and Micaiah sucks too much to even take a hit. |:< I'm reasonably sure I could've done this faster, but Naesala did mostly everything, and Naesala can't be everywhere at once so this took a while.

4-1 - 5 turns

Titania and Boyd with forged hand axes, Ike torches, kills things, profit. Edward tags along with Ike. also Boyd don't stop doubling I like it

4-2 - 9 turns

The almighty Tibarn kills things and doesn't afraid of anything. I hate reinforcements in this chapter :facepalm: Janaff manages to kill a lot of things though, but I forgot to pack him with more olivi grasses. He ran out. :dry:

4-3 - 12 turns

This is the best I can do with only 3 combat units (and only one of which has 2 range!) and one non-combat unit that's actually useful (Leanne). Miccy and Laura's physicing helped a little and Laura also tanked the elstaffers with a restore staff. I hate those bitchops.

4-4 - 12 turns

Had a close call with this one, on the last turn, Titania had to kill all of the reinforcements that spawn at the bottom. Sleep staffer was a dick. :facepalm: and no, I didn't get Oliver because Ike ate Oliver. nomnom. but ugh, this chapter.

4-5 - 2 turns

I gave Janaff beastfoe so he could clear Tibarn's way using halfshift, then Gatrie killed some other things in the way and Reyson vigored. Tibarn eats Izuka. nomnom

Total so far: 48 turns

4-E-1 - 4 turns

Bought 3 arm scrolls before going in the tower. Also brought Stefan so he can bless the wyrmslayer, because wynaut, which means no slot for Vika but idc. Tibarn and Naesala relied on tear procs, while Titania and Boyd and Gatrie just murderized things. Janaff and Mordy's S strike helped out, and I managed to get Mordy to Roar for more killing fun. Miccy gets Stillness, and then I put up shine barriers for more protection.

4-E-2 - 1 turn

ORKO'd the BK with a hammer, hell yeah for no weapon triangle. Tibarn got the wishblade for Gatrie. :newyears:

4-E-3 - 1 turn

Laura eats an arm scroll for A staves so she can rescue chain with Micaiah. Eddy blesses Vague Katti. Ike wyrmslayers, Tibarn and Naesala eat chunks out of Dheggy's HP. Other people chipped in.

4-E-4 - 1 turns


4-E-5 - 4 turns

lol sothe rescued rafiel and then on EP all these spirits attacked him and then he died

Part 4 Total Turns: 59


Overall Total turns: 74+42+98+59, which makes for a total of 273 turns

fuck yeah

Unit records:

1. Titania - expected/10

2. Ike

3. Boyd

4. Sothe

5. Edward

ok why is gatrie not on this list :<

Edited by CR-S01
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Overall Total turns: 74+42+98+59, which makes for a total of 273 turns

I remember when that was the NM norm and i had a chance of ketching up....

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  • 5 months later...

Mia, Nailah, Ulki, Lucia, Skrimir, Rolf, Tauroneo, Ranulf, Danved, Ena

Part 1 Team: Micaiah, Edward, Nailah, Rafiel, Sothe, Black Knight, Laura

[spoiler=Part 1]

1-P 8/8

Edward wraths shit and clever use of healing items. 2 enemies are douchebags and I had to reset so at least one of them could be doubled by base Eddie.

1-1 6/14

Nolan and Eddie lead the charge. Protecting Miccy from danger.

1-2 7/21

Got the Thani and Drop.

1-3 6/27

Much easier. Usual right side strat. Miccy saw no combat except nuking something with Thani due to clever positioning.

1-4 7/34

Eddie is way too frail in HM to do the 4 turn strat. Oh well, got the Robe and Beastfoe.

1-5 6/40

Training a bit.

1-6-1 4/44

FML this is dumb. Sothe kept dying.

1-6-2 2/46

Shoved Sothe and he did his usual thing. Except he almost died.

1-7 5/51

Snipe those damn ledge mages and make a run for it.

1-8 6/57

Stupid dracoknight I haaaate youuuu. Also, Eddie was sealed and Brave Sword'd stuff. Nailah was a big help here. Sothe almost died on the east side lol.

1-9 8/65

BK protects Micaiah from certain doom.

1-E 7/72

Having Nailah here helps immensely. Got the Speedwing.

[spoiler=Part 2 FML]

2-P 8/8

Darn it.

2-1 8/16

Cant count how many attempts this took, most painful map ever.

2-2 6/22


2-3 5/27

Danved ftw. (Got the Speedwing and sent it to Convoy)

2-E 1+4/32

Haar Hammered Ludveck and yes I fed undrafted Haar the Wing lulz.

[spoiler=Part 3 isnt as dumb thanks to Brotania]

3-P 7/7

Titania ftw. Skrimir's AI almost costed me a turn AS USUAL.

3-1 7/14

Mia is so freaking good in HM.

3-2 3/17

Titania destroys the boss.

3-3 8/25

Woop woop. Titania charged ahead. Gatrie took the south. Everyone else took some other crates.

3-4 7/32


3-5 1/33

Titania ftw.

3-6 9/42

I fucking hate everything.

3-7 12/54

Stupid boring map :/

3-8 5/59

Celerity Titania with Hand Axe forges goes down. Septimus was a PITA which basically didnt allow me to 4 turn.

3-9 5/64


3-10 5/69

Titania murders everything in the boss area. The others handle the enemies on the south as usual. My run almost got crapped on due to Eli's group heading right and a random enemy going for them >_> but they managed to kill it off lol.

3-11 6/75


3-12 3/78

Tauroneo on one side and Eddie on the other <3

3-13 3/81

Tauroneeeeo and Eddddiiieee

3-E 5/86

Titania was like the only competent unit here >_>

[spoiler=Part 4 Progress]


Silver- Micaiah Sothe Leanne Skrimir Ulki

Greil- Ike Rafiel Nailah Mia Danved Edward

Hawk- Ranulf Reyson Tauroneo Lucia Rolf

4-P 4/4

Lack of 2 range hurts and Micaiah sure isnt cooperating >_<

4-1 5/9

Ike basically roflstomps everything in the south. Nailah and Danved take the right. Mia and Eddie take other side.

4-2 9/18


4-3 8/26

FML some more.

Now I'm stuck in 4-4.

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Any more spots? I don't care what team I get as long as it's manageable.

Feel free to take my spot. This draft is almost last on my list of priorities due to lack of time :S

My team is:

Quintessence - Nolan, Marcia, Nephenee, Makalov, Ilyana, Sanaki, Nasir, Bastian, Renning, Gareth

Free units: Edward, Laura and Titania...and the rest of freebies.

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4-4 9/35

T' was painful. Cuz of sleep insisting on hitting Ike. Managed to rout the map just barely before too many reinforcements showed up.

4-5 2/37

Goodbye Izuka.

4-E-1 3/40


4-E-2 1/41


4-E-3 1/42

Goodbye Derpginsea

4-E-4 1/43

Goodbye Lehran. Oh, nvm, you're joining me

4-E-5 3/46

Ike didnt miss Ashera. Life is good.

Final TC: 236? If I counted right

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