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Her Grace says," Hullo".


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Hullo everyone! I am a newcomer to these parts. I am the Queen of the Wolf Laguz. I have wandered for ages through the sands until I chanced upon this mythical forest just now. ^_^ I am most honored to join the ranks here and will most certainly enjoy eati- ahem conversing with you Beorc and Laguz alike. ^_^

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I am most honored to join the ranks here and will most certainly enjoy eati- ahem conversing with you Beorc and Laguz alike. ^_^


Welcome. Please refrain from eating the people here, but feel free to eat all the fruit you can stomach.

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Hmm... I ever do wonder how long the In-Character posts will last... will'st thou persevere, oh Queen of the Northern Sands? I suppose only time shall tell, welcome, regardless.

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Welcome. Please refrain from eating the people here, but feel free to eat all the fruit you can stomach.

Many thanks, handsome Beorc. I love the Fire Emblem universe for its memorable characters and plot and am happy to be around others with whom I can relate. It is an honor to be here and I shall do my best to restrain my silly cravings for strong and handsomely muscled fellows... such as that companion canine of yours (woof). Fruit... coconuts would probably best suit my desert/tropical fruit needs, need I resort to civility or anything. ;)

Edited by Nailah
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Hmm... I ever do wonder how long the In-Character posts will last... will'st thou persevere, oh Queen of the Northern Sands? I suppose only time shall tell, welcome, regardless.

Like the endearing desert bloom amid the raging sandstorm, my purpose will not wither so verily. Thank you for the welcome. ^^

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Hello and welcome to the Forest! I'm a replica model of Holsety so ya better watch out! Its all thanks to Jade Curtiss who invented Fomicry.

Heh, well noted and well appreciated. ^^

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Heh, well noted and well appreciated. ^^

heheh, I'm no evil replica, I'm kindhearted and don't talk all that much unless you find a certain sudject then I may be all over it. Anyways, enjoy your stay in the FE comunity!

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heheh, I'm no evil replica, I'm kindhearted and don't talk all that much unless you find a certain sudject then I may be all over it. Anyways, enjoy your stay in the FE comunity!

Your words make a laguz even of my stature smile. :) This forest is that of an oasis and I thirst for Fire Emblem. ^_^ *howl*

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Oh god a furry


So, welcome to SF and stuff. I second the above, drafts are indeed awesome.

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