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So I'm watching Full Metal Alchemist on netflix all the way through again


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Got to the episode where Hughes dies.

Oh God. don't fucking cry, don't fucking cry.

I cried.

Edited by Sirius
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The original? Or Brohood?

Original. His death in brohood didn't hit me as hard because it was much earlier on, not as much time to get to know the character.

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Why is it referred to as the "original" when Brotherhood is the one based on the original manga? In any case, I prefer the 2003-2004 anime over Brotherhood, and Hughes death was one of the saddest moments...

btw I think there's a rule about not being allowed to put spoilers in the topic title or subtitle.

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I actually just finished watching and reviewed the original series. I gave it a high score, and said Brotherhood didn't look interesting. After many people convinced me, I toprrented and watched Brotherhood, and I think Hughes' death is much sadder in Brotherhood.

Why? Because he's not as over the top stupid as in the original anime. I didn't cry on the original anime, it was sorta sad but meh, and yet in brotherhood he is more of a loving father and less of an annoying character, so I was sadder to see him go. I thought the sad part wasn't even his death, it was his daughters' disbelief at why they were burying daddy... that's so terrible.

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I haven't even watched either anime. I read the manga, and I thought it was sublime. Sublima beans. Sublemon-lime.

Since the first anime went was different, it must suck, RIGHT


also kyrin i am flattered you ever considered me a friend

alchemy is powered by the souls of dead people from an alternate timeline

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