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Fabulous FE8 Draft

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it's also your pick!

Also, Colm is a portable Torch anyway

I was thinking that I could get a possible 3 turn clear with Vanessa with Torch, although Colm might be able to get in place in time.

Anyways, I was torn about the remaining since they're all...meh, but...Ewan. Late join time, but I like his growths and the summoner class in general (although his phantoms do suck).

Also, I was about to pick Knoll for superior summoner and then I found out you just did. STOP READING MY MIND YOU CANADIAN MIND READER.

EDIT: Easter dinner for me is soon, so the order of preference for my last pick (just go to the first unchosen option):

Rennac > Dozla > Marisa > Amelia > L'Arachel

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Prologue: 2/2

Had to learn how to burn RNs with Seth. Otherwise, meh.

Eirika   	2.55	17  05  09  09  06  03  01   E Swords                              	

Chapter 1: 5/7

In prologue: Oh, hey, Eirika got a decent level up, but no SPD. Oh well, her SPD base is decent, it won't matter much.

In C1: I'm one SPD away from doubling and ORKO'ing the fighters. FUUUU~

Oh well, she got really nice level ups (STR/SPD on every one), including a DEF level and a couple RES levels.

UNIT 		LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL       				
Eirika   	5.05	18  08  12  12  08  04  03   D Swords                              	

Chapter 2: 5/12

Well, I found it hard to swing this, and a rogue slim lance crit helped, but was not necessary (Vanessa needed to whittle down 16 HP in 2 rounds, and hit for 4x2 each round). Unfortunately, I couldn't get the Pure Water village, but that's fine, as I managed to get the Red Gem and Elixir.

Yes, I know I'm going slow. Sue me.

UNIT 		LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL           			
Eirika   	7.16	19  10  14  13  10  04  04   C Swords
Vanessa  	1.59	17  05  07  11  04  06  05   D Lances                              	

Chapter 3: 6/18

This chapter...took way too long to make work. Since Eirika was 1 fucking SPD away from doubling the thief, I had to rapier crit. Then I had to force a slim lance crit later on. I really don't want to rely on RNG in this draft; this was really the first time -- let's hope it's also the last, at least for a while.

UNIT 		LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL               		
Eirika   	9.27	21  11  16  15  11  04  04   C Swords
Vanessa  	2.87	18  05  08  12  04  06  05   D Lances 
Neimi    	1.35	17  04  05  06  04  03  02   D Bows
Colm 		2.00	18  04  04  10  08  03  01   E Swords                          	

Chapter 4: 4/22

VAAAAAAANNNEEEESSSSSSAAAAAAAAAA. Flying unit + good level ups + luck with avoiding attacks = DESTROY ALL DESTROY IT ALL NOOOWWWW

UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	
Eirika   	10.57   22  12  17  16  12  04  04   B Swords
Vanessa  	6.29	21  09  10  14  05  07  05   C Lances 
Neimi    	2.05	18  05  06  07  05  03  03   D Bows
Colm     	2.68	18  04  04  10  08  03  01   E Swords   	
Artur    	3.79	20  07  07  09  03  03  06   E Light                 	

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Prologue - 2/2 turns


Chapter 1 - 5/7 turns

also standard

Chapter 2 - 6/13 turns

i wanted gilliammmm

Chapter 3 - 7/20 turns

i still wanted gilliammmmm

Chapter 4 - 5/25

thankfully I have Garcia and he ORKO's everything on the map and my Eirika is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen (at this point)

Chapter 5 - 6/31 turns

got the guiding ring

Chapter 5x - 7/38 turns


UNIT      LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
EIRIKA    13.50   23 10 15 16 13 09 07 B SWORD
MOULDA    05.04   22 04 08 11 01 03 05 C STAVES
GARCIA    10.92   33 10 11 08 06 09 01 B AXES
LUTE      03.02   17 07 06 09 08 03 07 C ANIMA

Chapter 6 - 4/42 turns


Chapter 7 - 6/48 turns

Eirika goes over the river

Chapter 8 - 8/56 turns

Tirado is a dick and I have a bunch of 5 move units.

Also, Lute is severly speed blessed, and severely magic screwed.

UNIT      LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  WP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
EPHRAIM   09.74   27 11 13 12 09 09 02  C LANCE
EIRIKA    15?     unknown but very good A SWORDS
MOULDA    06.55   23 04 08 11 01 03 05  B STAVES
GARCIA    17.05   39 16 15 10 07 11 03  A AXES
LUTE      10.39   22 08 08 15 09 04 10  B ANIMA

Edited by General Horace
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Prologue- 2/2 turns

Eirika destroyed this chapter as usual with the power of love!

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      02.45    16 05 08 10 06 03 01  E Swords

Chapter 1- 5/7 turns

It's even easier to Eirika solo when Gilliam's there! Wait a second...something in that sentence wasn't right.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      04.46    18 06 09 10 07 03 03  D Swords
Gilliam     05.29    26 09 06 03 03 10 03  C Lances

Chapter 2- 5/12 turns

Eirika took care of everything that wasn't near NPC Garcia, and Gilliam finished off the reinforcements....OK, Actually Eirika took care of those guys too.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      06.90    20 07 10 12 09 03 04  D Swords

Gilliam     05.65    26 09 06 03 03 10 03  C Lances

Chapter 3- 8/20 turns

Gilliam broke some walls and helped Eirika along her way, Eirika had to solo bossman.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      09.12    21 09 11 15 12 03 05  C Swords
Gilliam     07.05    27 09 07 03 04 11 03  C Lances

Gilliam stop being a lil' bitch.

Chapter 4- 8/28 turns

Gilliam took the left side and Eirika took the right. Too bad Gilliam was being an uncooperative lil' bitch.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      11.27    22 09 11 16 12 03 06  B Swords
Gilliam     11.34    31 12 09 04 04 15 04  B Lances

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Chapter 5- 6/34 turns

Eirika and Gilliam rush, thank god I get another unit here. Eirika rushes to the boss and Rapiers him in the face. I also get the Armorslayer, but the Dracoshield is a lost cause. Shame, my units could really use the DEF.

Chapter 5x- 7/41 turns


Chapter 6- 5/46 turns

Eirika, Gilliam, and Joshua rush to the boss, no problems arise other than Eirika being particularly dodgy today. And not wishy washy, I mean she was a dodge tank. Also 1RKOed the boss with a KE yay.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      15.65    23 12 13 17 13 05 08  A Swords
Gilliam     13.07    33 12 09 05 05 16 05  B Lances
Joshua      07.60    25 09 14 14 07 06 02  C Swords

Gilliam stop being worse than Eirika in practically every way besides HP and DEF.

Chapter 7- 6/52 turns

Dump Eirika over the river, and let her take the boss.Gilliam went right for easy EXP, and Joshua went up.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      17.61    24 12 13 18 14 05 10  A Swords
Gilliam     01.00    38 16 10 07 06 20 06  B Lances D Axes E Swords
Joshua      08.51    26 10 14 14 07 06 02  C Swords

Chapter 8- 8/60 turns

Eirika and Gilliam took north, whilst Joshua went left, racked up some kills, and more importantly, received the Chest Key so he could get the Angelic Robe. Yay, Eirika could really use the added durability.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      18.76    25 12 13 19 15 05 11  A Swords
Gilliam     03.09    39 18 11 08 07 21 06  A Lances D Axes E Swords
Joshua      10.49    28 10 16 15 08 08 02  B Swords

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Obligatory team Review.


Lord, is Lyn 2.0, and can hold her own early on.


So good, he's almost banned!

Paladin no.1


Fe7 Kent clone, mount, and is good overall. Paladin no.2


Mount, 10 con, 50% str growth and 40% spd. Paladin no.3.


Better get some fucking spd kid....

Zerker!Ross, and pray he gets spd.

Natasha-60% mgc growth+Slayer.

Oh and staffbot.


I got nothing.

Passable bases, terrainwalk, and decent growths?

Garm or Brave axe for him.


Even worse Cannon fodder than Knight!Amelia.

Save for CC part and go SM?.

So basically, I'm hoping that Natasha+Berserker guys will make up for no drafted flier..-_-.

If this was any other GBA FE, getting 3 cavs would be Ridiculous OP. But here, Franz is mini Seth, and Kyle/Forde are quite decent.

Oh and.


Lategame Nuke


Ferry guy who one shots, then leaves.


So good he's relegated to just having sex with Eirika offscreen during the game. Come CC, he should be OP'd!



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Also guys, I forgot to mention it in the OP, but buying statboosters on the map shops in the creature campaign is banned!

Chapter 9 - 14/70 turns

Promoted Lute, and gave her an angelic robe, and managed to save both villages, netting me a shield and another robe! Awesome.

Edited by General Horace
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Looks like its time for rng abuse to the max! Let's push it to the INSANE!

Oh, and I'm beginning to think tha getting Marisa to lvl 10 by tower should be allowed....

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Looks like its time for rng abuse to the max! Let's push it to the INSANE!

Oh, and I'm beginning to think tha getting Marisa to lvl 10 by tower should be allowed....


Chapter 10 - 7/77 turns

had to go the long way around with Lute carrying Eirika.

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:facepalm: 8 spd in tier 2.

Can't be as bad as the base spd+promo gain Gilliam I got once.

Of course, Getting uber str/skl/def/res made up for it.

I just realized, Ephraim route offers easier to aquire KCrests, but Eirika route is easier and Eirika Route desert starting position might be easier to deal with-since I have no fliers...

So it's Earlier crest vs easier route..........

Oh jeez.

Can someone post that 2 turn rng burn video again?

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Chapter 9- 15/75 turns

Oh god what a baddy strategy. So Eirika and Joshua lure the pirates on turn 1 (I need to patent this strategy), Gilliam rushed ahead, then I rescue dropped Eirika so she could create a dent in the enemy forces before getting to the village, getting rescue dropped again for Amelia, and then everyone rushed to the boss. Good times. I fed Amelia the Dracoshield and the Angelic Robe and I'm sure it'll be well worth the effort.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      19.86    26 12 13 19 16 05 11  A Swords
Gilliam     05.48    40 18 12 10 08 23 07  S Lances D Axes E Swords
Joshua      11.75    28 10 17 15 08 09 02  B Swords
Tana        08.11    28 09 11 14 11 07 09  D Lances
Amelia      01.00    29 08 10 10 10 08 06  C Lances E Swords

Chapter 10- 4/79 turns

Robbed Tana can make an easy rescue drop. Eirika ORKOed the boss with a KE but Tana could not do the same with the archer and I know that Longbow will save turns so I waited an extra turn for her to cool it. Gilliam owned the enemies, he's really turning out godly, with Amelia and Joshua getting some nice EXP. Also I decided to give the Speedwings to Gilliam because he's being SO FUCKING GOOD right now.

Unit        Level    HP ST SK SP LC DF RS  Weapon Level
Eirika      20.00    27 13 14 19 17 05 11  A Swords
Gilliam     06.30    41 19 13 13 08 24 07  S Lances D Axes E Swords
Joshua      12.11    29 10 17 16 09 10 03  B Swords
Tana        09.12    29 10 11 14 12 07 10  D Lances
Amelia      02.48    29 09 10 11 11 08 06  C Lances E Swords
Innes       01.00    31 14 13 15 14 10 09  A Bows
Tethys      01.00    18 01 02 12 10 05 04  -

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Chapter 5 - 4/26


Vanessa ferried Artur to the boss, allowing him to attack the armor by turn 4 and rape him in two rounds (PP/EP).

No Guiding Ring, though. Hey, Horace, will that end up biting me in the ass, considering Artur gets C staves on promotion and I'll get another chance at one in C10?

UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	
Eirika   	11.39   23  13  17  17  13  04  04   B Swords
Vanessa  	7.44	21  10  10  15  06  07  05   C Lances 
Neimi    	2.42	18  05  06  07  05  03  03   D Bows
Colm     	3.00	19  04  05  11  09  03  02   E Swords   	
Artur    	5.10	20  09  08  10  04  03  07   E Light                 	

Chapter 5x - 7/33

Standard. The Ephster got some nice levels, though.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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