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Dark Magic Usage

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This is a little random, but I was thinking about how only dark mages and sorcerers can use dark magic.

What if it's a skill, like light magic in FE9? They would probably make it class-specific so you can't just use a change seal, get it, then end up being able to use dark magic as a mage or dark pegasus.

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Actually, I thought the "Dark" Mages in this game had an actual Tome (:sob:) rank too.

This is correct. Both Mage and Dark Mage have Dark Knight as a promotion, which uses swords and tomes; this would make no sense if Dark Mages did not have access to the general tomes category in the first place.

As for skills: it's my understanding that all skills are retained when changing classes, which is why it's possibly to carry over skills like Lockpick into different classes. And Dark Mages lose dark magic when promoting to Dark Knight, which then indicates that it's not a skill. It's probably just that spells like Flux and Nosferatu have an ingame tag restricting them to the Dark Mage and Sorcerer classes, similar to Longbows in recent games being restricted to Archers and Snipers.

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Thats lame I thought any magic used could use dark magic in this game . Also does anyone else find it weird that DARK knights can't even use dark magic .

I would blame it on whoever thought "Dark" would make a nice short for "Yes, this unit can also cast magic". I won't be surprised if Dark Knights/Pegasi end up localized as Mage Knights and Pegasus Mages respectively in the European version...

You know, though, there's really nothing that could stop a Sorcerer from being able to transfer his/her Dark Magic capabilities to other Tome-wielding classes through a (High-level) Skill unless the Devs hadn't thought of it...

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Both classes still have dark appearances and black mounts, and Dark Knights have rather unusual stats. So while the names may not describe the classes' core gameplay abilities, they're still relevant enough that the developers wouldn't be able to get away with just calling them regular mage classes with no explanation for why your pegasus just changed color or why you gained a dark horse and half your promotion gains went into Defense.

FE13's stills seem to be designed as upgrades to the classes' own characteristics, rather than being made with reclassing in mind. So while they could add a skill learned by Sorcerer at high levels to gain the ability again so it could be then carried over, and it could be interesting to see an FFV-style take on all this, I don't think it's likely.

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While we can't tell right now. I'd think due to the higher defense and/or speed stats Dark Knights and Dark Pegasus would use Nosferatu a bit too well if they were allowed to use Dark Magic.

When it doesn't have backbreaking weight in a system using constitution, Nosferatu turns characters like Mallaesia into your best tanks in Lunatic or Lunatic reverse in FE12.

Edited by arvilino
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When it doesn't have backbreaking weight in a system using constitution

Con isn't a necessary part of that sort of system. In fact, I'd argue that it's a detriment.

TRS handled Wt best, I'd say. It gave characters the full penalty from weapon Wt, while having Wt vary dramatically even within weapon types. Having to give up Avo and often doubling ability, and sometimes even risking getting doubled added a lot more to consider with weapons that would otherwise be optimal. Replaying TRS and seeing how well the system works there, it's a real shame to see Wt still entirely absent in FE13. But with all the ways IS seems to be wising up and trying new spins on concepts they haven't been touching, perhaps they'll notice this to fix it, as well.

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I highly doubt that. Light skill in FE9 was matched with Bishop's staves. But Dark Mages can only use dark magic, so it's related to nothing, in that case.

False, Dark Mages can use normal tomes in addition to Dark Magic. In one of the videos, Sariya attacks with what looks like an Arcfire spell.

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