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How do I get a boyfriend?


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I know I said I wasn't going to post here because I had nothing to contribute, but on the self-confidence thing ...

People with low self-confidence are ... annoying, which I'm sorry to say but it's true. I don't want to hear you put yourself down every other minute. I don't want to hear you asking me why I'm still your friend or whatever. I don't want to hear you say that you suck at everything. EVERY. FREAKING. MOMENT. I know that everyone has self-confidence issues and we all need reassurance. But if you're the type of person who just has no confidence at anything and is always doubting yourself ... urgh. That's just annoying, you know?

On the flip side, I don't like people who are so full of themselves that they think the universe orbits around them and that everyone secretly wants them or is envious of them. People who are confident enough to like who they are, but are able to listen to others and know that they are far from perfect have it right.

As for physical strength ... I don't really care. As long as the guy doesn't try to push me around with his "physical strength" or acts as if I can't do anything because he's "sooo much stronger than me, I don't care." :/:

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I know I said I wasn't going to post here because I had nothing to contribute, but on the self-confidence thing ...

People with low self-confidence are ... annoying, which I'm sorry to say but it's true. I don't want to hear you put yourself down every other minute. I don't want to hear you asking me why I'm still your friend or whatever. I don't want to hear you say that you suck at everything. EVERY. FREAKING. MOMENT. I know that everyone has self-confidence issues and we all need reassurance. But if you're the type of person who just has no confidence at anything and is always doubting yourself ... urgh. That's just annoying, you know?

You seem to be describing someone who suffers from a bit more than low self-confidence

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I will never understand what people find so bad about people who are unbelievably smug/arrogant/whatever, especially when I am that, and I am super gr9. :smug:

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Personally, I would suggest openly challenging random passersby to feats of physical strength and endurance to find one worthy of claiming you for their wife.

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I don't know who wouldn't want food

it's essential for survival and tastes so good aaaaah

Why care so much about image (as long as within healthy range) when you can just eat

But then again I'm apparently gluttony incarnate so :B

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Eh it's just a personal choice for them no need to judge

Biologically genitals exist for a reason and it's not like they're hurting anyone, most humans are sexual beings after all and if we're just looking at the evolutionary aspect you kinda need it for the species to continue

I don't like the overemphasis of it in media but fuck the media anyway they make a big deal out of everything >|

I'd have a good meal over...just about anything any day though

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What the hell are you trying to get at? If someone wants to do it and it's an essential part for their relationship, they'll find someone who shares that mentality and you don't even have to care about them. It only starts to concern you if your significant other and you disagree on that aspect. If you don't want as a part of your relationship, then don't. Nobody's forcing you to. Of course, I don't think people should shun those who just chooses not to have sex and view them as puritanical or something. It's a personal choice and no more than that.

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Oh, nothing. It's just that "If ain't hurting anybody it's okay" thing...:smug:

Drugs are okay kids. They ain't hurting anybody.

It's also okay to complain about things you don't like even if they don't affect you at all. Like, for example, lots of people hate Hitler for what he did, and yet, what he did doesn't even affact their lives at all! :awesome:

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I don't even on your logic

fucking suddenly is Hitler now

Stop making a big deal out of something that isn't a big deal

Just go eat a burger or something and stop talking

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I don't even on your logic

fucking suddenly is Hitler now

Stop making a big deal out of something that isn't a big deal

Just go eat a burger or something and stop talking

But I'm not hungry right now. :c

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I dunno. Go drink something. Water, soda, Monster, whatever.


What is Monster?

Also sex is pretty nice, too.

Even with an old lady?

mang people should be more specific

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