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Uhai's AI Behavior


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I was always under the impression that Uhai's behavior was similar to other bosses that were on thrones. However, in my current HHM draft run, Marcus crit Uhai with a javelin (from 2 range,) leaving him with 3/36 health. On enemy phase, I anticipated Uhai using his longbow and doubling Hector, who was 3 spaces away. Instead, he retreated 4 spaces to the left.

Has anyone seen this happen before? I've played through this game plenty of times and I've never seen this happen.

Edited by chococoke
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Uhai moves?

Well, fuck me sideways.

Never happened to me. I always have him attack first during EP, then finish him in the next PP. So, he's never been given a chance to retreat against me.

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This happened to me once...

I managed to kill him before he got too far. Quite Lucky too (43 Hit w/Hand Axe, IIRC)

Edited by *Narshen*
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Some bosses want to heal when low on HP. Wire and Bool are two examples of bosses that always stand still, until they're low on HP, and then they run for a little and heal themselves with their vulneraries. Uhai must be another, but he simply doesn't have any healing items, so he just runs to the forts. There's probably more of these.

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Some bosses want to heal when low on HP. Wire and Bool are two examples of bosses that always stand still, until they're low on HP, and then they run for a little and heal themselves with their vulneraries. Uhai must be another, but he simply doesn't have any healing items, so he just runs to the forts. There's probably more of these.

Bool doesn't pack vulneraries. At any rate, I've seen this happen with Heintz - instead of suiciding on E. Phase, he runs off, leaving me to finish the job.

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I know for a fact that uhai wont move or 2 range you, if you attacked him in PP with a horseslayer. Ive had marcus/sain horseslayer him in PP and then he SDs like a noob in EP. He seems to forget he has a bow with him. But thats probably due to his health being at about 50%.

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