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Lunatic Mode - Fighter MU (Redux)

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I feel like Marth is a lost cause and not even the drops will stop his decay into a rotten, miserable pile of failure. I would rather increase the reliability of someone who actually has good combat potential. This playthrough will allow the prep shop stat-boosters, so we can just throw money at endgame Marth to make him perform better - like a stripper. I mean, at the final battle almost every single item in our possession can be liquidated for cash. Hell, Nagi's Divinestone is almost a free booster by itself.

marth has more level ups than sirius so he gets slightly more benefit out of the maturity drop in the long run

i could just as easily say that one should use the stat boosters on sirius instead. in fact that is a better idea because sirius gets the benefit immediately whereas the maturity drop's effects will only be noticeable after a few level ups, and in marth's case, his combat prowess doesn't matter at all until medeus.

the extra 10% growth also reduces the variance in marth's stats (e.g. a 65% spd growth goes from s^2 = 0.2275*n to s^2 = 0.1875*n), so you can say that he's approximately 18% less likely (too lazy to calculate the actual value but it can't be that far off) to get screwed to a significant extent. he's also equally less likely to get blessed, but his average is higher and he doesn't need to be blessed if he can be expected to cap spd on average.

anyway i'm missing the joke yadda yadda go away

Edited by dondon151
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Right. His Marth is on level 7 currently - so it's Marth's 23 potential level-ups vs Sirius's 19 levels. Well, Marth will actually only gain more levels than Sirius once his level goes above 26, but I think that should be doable... yes? Maybe?

Anyways, I am not super dead set on Sirius, he just stood out particularly to me because unlike other combat units (like Catria and Palla) he seems to struggle the most at hitting any caps so I suppose the extra growths on him won't be "wasted" on already capped stats. For example, Palla could potentially get 2.9 more strength in total, but it's likely the end net result will be +0 since she is very likely to max strength with little effort. But then on the other hand, people like Palla can see benefits sooner due to faster leveling speed, so blah. So yeah, other characters make sense too.

i could just as easily say that one should use the stat boosters on sirius instead.

Hey, I am not gonna argue against using some earlier boosters on Sirius and giving him more wuv. For Marth, the boosters I am referring to are the late-game ones in the chapter 21 secret shop and whatever is still in stock in the prep shop at the final battle. Basically, patch up the holes in the sinking S.S. Marth right before we all drown in the frigid endgame ocean.

Like, lets say Marth is doing stinky in speed and has only 17 speed (before factoring in the Shield) at chapter 21. If we save at least 1 Rainbow Potion use for him we can bump it up to 19. Then splurging on 3 Speedwings at the secret shop we just barely reach the magical 25 speed. However! That's a hefty 7500G. Additionally! It might not be out of the question for Marth to need a Seraph Robe as well so the damn prince can actually survive a smack from Medeus. 10000G. My wallet... ouch, dammit. But we do get a 10000G bullion in chapter 20! Yay! ... ... ... But it's not actually fair to assume that money can just be all be freely used on a crazy stat-booster shopping spree since the opportunity cost will be going hyper-shit on forges. Boo. But the secret shop option is still there, and seems reliable enough to prevent a complete Medeus meltdown providing Marth's level-ups don't get completely and brutally ravaged by the RNG.

But yeah, I can totally see where you're coming from on the increased screwage protection thing on Marth with the drops. With both the drops and the potential shopping spree I think we have an near-ironclad super failsafe combo for Marth!!!!!!!! ... Of course, that's kinda going overboard, heh.

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I say give it to marth. Its the most logical thing to do since you need him to beat the game and having a good marth is always good. Its not like any other of the units can put it to as much use as marth...fighter MU doesnt need the help, palla is already broke as it is, sirius has very few levels to use it and his low exp gain will make it suck even more, catria already has hax growths, est should be benched, etc. My bias says give it to ryan and start using him though :awesome:

Edited by PKL
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After further thinking, I decided to ignore everything dondon and everyone else says and just put the maturity drops on Vergil. Because, seriously. No one has a more (bad)(ass)* name than Vergil.

* - either option can be used. Cannot combine the words because Vergil is either a bad or an ass name for Belf.

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Caps HP @ level 20/17

Caps Strength (25) @ level 20/10

1 Magic @ level 20/20

Caps Skill (28) @ level 20/12

Caps Speed (25) @ level 20/20

20 Luck @ level 20/20

21.4 Defense @ level 20/20

7.2 Resistance @ level 20/20

Awesomeness capped at base level.

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Y u no use the Drop on The (B)Est Colonel M?



Anyway, here's the main reason why I questioned Maturity Drops on Marth. Obviously my run was a little wonky with LTCing and the like, but this was Marth right before I went in the tower:

Marth (25.17)

On the average, I would only need another level before he caps Spd with Rainbow Potion.

Still, I can see that keeping him as far as being screwed as possible is a legitimate enough argument to put them on him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Colonel M, did you know that there's apparently a way to recover deleted Youtube videos as long as they weren't over 2 and a half years old? I haven't really looked into it, but I heard it from a guy called UnderLordTico. If it's true, are you interested in reuploading some of your old videos?

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Um wow, so a bunch of arrogant elitists mocking people who rely on long term growths counts as "a joke" around here. And spiteful and insulting remarks about other people's playthroughs also count as "jokes" here as well. Yet more proof that the elitists in this community are an insular social abberation and seem like the cast off bitter leftovers of the Smash Bros community.

Your topic got hijacked, man.
He keeps mentioning me and bringing the subject up. They started insulting that other guy who recently posted a low turn count run, and turned around and started insulting mine, and they keep at it.
you are more guilty of this than i am

minus the all caps - but seriously, dude, that was part of one sentence that you brought upon yourself because you refused to listen to anything even remotely nice that i had to say. instead you bring your victim complex to a whole new level, disregarding all subtleties in my statements and preferring just to portray them with a blanket characterization.

Prove it. Show me some kind of important post I ignored. Oh wait, in almost every post of yours you make yet another false accusation that you back up with 0 quotes, proof, or evidence. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

Once again, you cannot read people's minds. You cannot tell them what they're thinking or what motivations they had. All of the "nice" things you had to say were passive-agressive insults in disguise. Like it's ok that my run is "mediocre" because "98%" of players are also bad, even though I already proved my lunatic' run was nearly perfect given its challenge conditions, nowhere near "mediocre". Not only that, but you consistently accuse me of things I've never even said or done. Yes, keep acting like an asshole to people over how they choose to play a game, then blame them for having a "victim complex" when they prove that you're full of it. You're the last person to be preaching about English, given how you've used words to justify your behavior in a manner so inappropriate that it would melt a dictionary.

Fucking stop right here. What the fuck gives you the nerve or the balls to complain about being insulted and harassed when you go out and do the same thing yourself to every single person who has addressed you? You've yet to answer me without resorting to call me a troll, by the way. Nobody in these past two threads have said shit intended to rile you up, mjemirzian, and it's no wonder anyone treats you how they do.
Hyperbole, exaggeration, false. I never go out and aggressively andinsult or deride people's playthroughs unprovoked - that's what the elitists here do, not me. You are lying or ignorant, considering people here have literally admitted they're trying to troll.
@MJE: anyone who posts a link to an article he's written when he's correcting someone on how to use a term has no room to talk about elitism. Well he does, but doing it makes said person a hypocrite.
Please point to a better article that explains similar concepts. I'll be waiting. This ad hominem claim is about as absurd as when I link to one of my guides as an example of its difficulty or depth and they make the same accusation. So sorry that video game writing is almost never peer reviewed and referenced with footnotes. If you don't like it, do better, or find something else that is.
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and turned around and started insulting mine, and they keep at it.

well, no shit - you run around with guns out, ready to throw down the glove at any provocation, so of course we "keep at it" given the amount of provocation.

hey, you know what? before you came in here just now and tried to start up this shitstorm again, this topic went 36 days without an underhanded insult, much less one directed at you. did you ever wonder why nearly every topic that you post in here at SF degenerates into a shouting match? certainly it's not because each and every vocal user here is an elitist - it is at least as likely that you're more elitist than all of us put together (but for some reason you don't even consider that possiblity; i wonder why). you've given us plenty of opportunity to characterize you however we do now, and the crux of the matter is that it's your fault that everyone thinks you're a tool.

Hyperbole, exaggeration, false. I never go out and aggressively andinsult or deride people's playthroughs unprovoked - that's what the elitists here do, not me. You are lying or ignorant, considering people here have literally admitted they're trying to troll.

you're missing the context as to why i was "deriding" KoT's playthrough; furthermore, your hilariously caustic and stubborn antics have really sort of become something else on their own, so right now it's gotten to the point where we ridicule the things that you've said more than the things that you've done.

Edited by dondon151
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Please point to a better article that explains similar concepts. I'll be waiting. This ad hominem claim is about as absurd as when I link to one of my guides as an example of its difficulty or depth and they make the same accusation. So sorry that video game writing is almost never peer reviewed and referenced with footnotes. If you don't like it, do better, or find something else that is.

How about one written by someone actually qualified to speak on the subject instead of internet dweller who has nothing better to do? And if you are somehow qualified, please enlighten us.

Actually, this just proves how arrogant you are. You automatically assume that your article is the best one out there.

As for your "challenge," provide me with a topic and I'll do so.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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How about one written by someone actually qualified to speak on the subject instead of internet dweller who has nothing better to do? And, please, if you are somehow qualified, please enlighten us.

Actually, this just proves how arrogant you are. You automatically assume that your article is the best one out there.

As for your "challenge," provide me with a topic and I'll do so.

Yes, keep up the ad hominem instead of reading or critiquing what I wrote, or finding a better reference on the subject. Top that with some more typical "you assumed this" mind reading as a guise for your insults. I didn't realize so many FE elitists were psychic mind readers and could tell me exactly what I was thinking, assuming, and what motivated me! Amazing! Tell me more!
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Yes, keep up the ad hominem instead of reading or critiquing what I wrote, or finding a better reference on the subject. Top that with some more typical "you assumed this" mind reading as a guise for your insults. I didn't realize so many FE elitists were psychic mind readers and could tell me exactly what I was thinking, assuming, and what motivated me! Amazing! Tell me more!

You're a random nobody with a huge ego and a victim complex who likes to be a massive hypocritical crybaby. How's that for ad hominem attack?

Also, nice way to address any of my points. You've yet to show how you're more qualified than anyone else who's written such an article, why your articles are the best (if you have a reason, you have no reason for not sharing it, as per my request, and it's a safe bet you're assuming), and you've yet to give me a subject to find a superior article on.

I never said your articles aren't good. I only said you're assuming they're the best ones out there, and unless you have an actual reason for thinking so, you're doing nothing more than assuming.

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You're a random nobody with a huge ego and a victim complex who likes to be a massive hypocritical crybaby. How's that for ad hominem attack?

Also, nice way to address any of my points. You've yet to show how you're more qualified than anyone else who's written such an article, why your articles are the best (if you have a reason, you have no reason for not sharing it, as per my request, and it's a safe bet you're assuming), and you've yet to give me a subject to find a superior article on.

I never said your articles aren't good. I only said you're assuming they're the best ones out there, and unless you have an actual reason for thinking so, you're doing nothing more than assuming.

Yes, you've exposed yourself for what you are, good job. Nobody who reads the trash coming from your fingers will take you seriously when you type like that.

You have no points. Once you attempt to discuss or critique my writing or any of its subjects, or find some other quality resources on it, you might have some points. Until then, empty insults and mind reading attempts are not worth discussing.

I never accused you of rating the quality of my writing as good or bad, I suggested you discuss and critique it, which does not imply a predefined evaluation of quality or merit. Can you keep a single conversation straight without making a false accusation?

Edited by mjemirzian
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Yes, you've exposed yourself for what you are, good job. Nobody who reads the trash coming from your fingers will take you seriously when you type like that.

You wanted me to "keep up the ad hominem," so I'm just doing what you wanted.

You have no points. Once you attempt to discuss or critique my writing or any of its subjects, or find some other quality resources on it, you might have some points. Until then, empty insults and mind reading attempts are not worth discussing.

First off, how is questioning your qualifications not a valid point? You play video games, how does that make you qualified to talk about the definitions of strategic terms? If I wrote up a paper on astrophysics, people would question my credentials, of which I have none, especially if I referred someone to an article I wrote correcting them on something. Again provide me with a topic, or even better one of your articles, so I can do exactly what you've asked. I need some way of getting your articles (can't pull them out of my ass), to do what you've specifically suggested I do.

I never accused you of rating the quality of my writing as good or bad, I suggested you discuss and critique it, which does not imply a predefined evaluation of quality or merit. Can you keep a single conversation straight without making a false accusation?

Again, a link to one so I could do what you've suggested would be nice. Though fair enough. And nice ad hominem there ;):

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Yet more proof that the elitists in this community are an insular social abberation and seem like the cast off bitter leftovers of the Smash Bros community.
You have no clue who the hell I am and you have no right to say that I am a basement dwelling socially inept elitist, when I do a shitload of things that would definitely prove that I am not one. But I've got nothing to prove to you.

In other words, shut the hell up and stop, I'm not sure where you get off insulting our character to the degree you do then whining that we are insulting your character by making a rig Res level-ups joke!

Hyperbole, exaggeration, false. I never go out and aggressively andinsult or deride people's playthroughs unprovoked - that's what the elitists here do, not me.
No one gives a fuck about playthroughs. You go out and insult the people, arguably way worse, whereas we just critique your playthroughs and make satirical references to your advice which in no way means we are out to get you or that your playthrough is shit. You accuse many people of ad hominem when you yourself do the same to everyone, and you place yourself on a pedestal despite stooping down to the level we are supposedly at. This is smugness mixed with hypocrisy at its finest.
You are lying or ignorant, considering people here have literally admitted they're trying to troll.

Hmm... even though I've done so myself, I'm curious why we even respond to trolls like mjemerizian. Maybe it's because we're all insecure and probably actually basement dwellers trying to deny that fact to the internet. Maybe.

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hey, you know what? before you came in here just now and tried to start up this shitstorm again, this topic went 36 days without an underhanded insult,

so how about this, hmm? surely this isn't just a strange coincidence?

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